
Chapter 115 Whitebeard Pirates, Phoenix Marco!

More than a dozen guns were pointed at Sander's boat, roaring.

The shells shot out and hit the pirate ship.

In a room on the ship.

Sander was sleeping on the ship.

When the shells shot out, Sander's eyes suddenly opened.

His vision instantly sensed the surroundings, and then his face turned cold, and a blue electric light flashed in his eyes.

The shells fired by the Sword Pirates exploded in the air before they reached Sander's ship.

A violent explosion sounded on the sea.

The fragments of the shells fell on the sea.

Sander walked out of the room with a gloomy face and came to the stern of the ship.

Just as he saw the pirate ship behind him, more than a dozen shells attacked.

Sander waved his right hand.

Invisible energy fell on the shells.

These shells fell directly into the sea from the air, exploded in the sea, and set off layers of waves.

"Keep firing!"

"Speed ​​up, everyone get ready for battle!"

A roar of Zen entered Sander's ears.

He tickled his ear with his little finger, and a bit of impatience appeared on his face.

In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived above the Ward Pirates.

He glanced at the pirate flag on it.

He didn't recognize it.

Then he looked at the people on the ship.

He didn't recognize it either.

The sudden appearance of Sander scared the people on the Sword Pirates.

Sword was not afraid at all.

He pointed the tip of the knife at Sander with a look of disdain.

"You are the one called Sander, right?"

"Thor? The one who was beaten down by Kaido dares to call himself a god?"

Sander looked strange when he heard this.

When was he beaten down by Kaido?

Didn't the two battles end in a draw?

He hadn't shown up for a year, what was being spread about him on the sea?

Before he could react, a flying slash attacked him.

There were also more than a dozen bullets.

Sander's armed color instantly covered his clothes, not because he was afraid of these attacks, but because he was afraid of destroying his clothes.

The clothes on his body were picked by Robin himself.

He was also very distressed when he was injured.

The sound of metal colliding sounded around Sander.

Whether it was flying slashes or bullets, they all hit Sander without reservation, but he was not hurt at all.

More than a dozen bullets were all seastone bullets.

I think it was because he was a Logia Demon fruit power.

If he was not afraid of damaging his clothes and not using Armament Haki, these attacks would not hurt him at all.

"Is this guy a monster?"

" Are seastone bullets completely useless?"

" Armament Haki, the power that New World pirates all have, we have also learned it, but we don't have such defensive power at all!"

Sander's action of resisting the attack without injury.

It shocked the crew of Sword.

Sword and the cadres on the ship were not much shocked.

After all, he was also a man who made a name for himself on the sea. If he was injured so easily, then the 3 billion bounty of Marine would really become a joke.

"You're quite capable!"

"But that's all, Sander!"

"I'll take off your head, and then I'll use it to challenge Whitebeard and become the king of the sea!"

Sward had a serious look on his face.

His sturdy legs slightly bent at the knees, and he suddenly jumped into the air and rushed towards Sander.

He was extremely fast, and appeared in front of Sander in the blink of an eye.

"One-sword style·Giant Slash!"

The rapier wrapped with Armament Haki slashed at Sander.

Carrying a terrifying momentum, with great power and momentum, it was unstoppable.

"It appeared!"

"Captain Sword's Giant Slash!"

"With the power comparable to that of a giant, plus the powerful Armament Haki, countless sea car captains can't stop it with a single sword.

Sander had a blank expression.

He stretched out his palm and held the rapier steadily in the surprised eyes of Sword's crew.

"The power is good, and the Armament Haki is not good.

Sander commented lightly.

The chubby guy in front of him has decent strength.

If he were in the Four Emperors Pirates, he could be a cadre or something.

He just wanted to challenge the Four Emperors.

He's still a long way off!

A chilling cold air erupted from his palm, and ice appeared on the rapier, spreading towards Sword's arm.

Sword's eyes changed.

He was about to draw out the rapier, but found no reaction.

The rapier was like being inserted into a stone, and it didn't move.

He stepped on the Moonwalk and wrestled with Sander in the air. "Tsk, you can also do Moonwalk?" "It seems that Marine Six Styles is really common."

Sander said with a sigh.

I was not surprised.

Marine Six Styles is indeed amazing.

It can help master these two powers before learning Armament Haki and Observation Haki.

For example, learning Paper Arts can lay the foundation for learning Observation Haki.

But for a strong physical warrior.

Just watch it twice and practice it, you can use it easily.

So this thing is not rare in the New World.

Especially for people who don't have the ability to fight in the air, and the steps are not very useful.

The Frozen Fruit ability is activated, and infinite ice cubes quickly spread to Sword's arm.

After trying to draw his weapon for a long time without success, Sword had to let go.

After pulling away for a while, he looked at Sander with a gloomy face.

The battle happened in a flash.

Before Sword's crew could react, their captain had already abandoned his sword and retreated.


"Isn't it wrong? That guy caught the captain's sword with his bare palm, and there was no Armament Haki wrapped around his front!"

"What was that freezing just now? Isn't Sander from the Thunder God Pirates a Thunder Fruit user?"

"Did we recognize the wrong person?"

There was a lot of discussion on the pirate ship.

The blond deputy captain held a knife and looked at Sander with a vigilant face.

They didn't have a special ability in the Sword Pirates.

Because the captain has been imitating the Roger Pirates.

Whether it's dressing or recruiting crew members.

And he was the "Pluton Rayleigh" recruited by the captain.

Like Sword, he was also a swordsman!

"You want to challenge the Four Emperors?"

Sander did not stop Sword from dodging.

He exerted force on the hand holding the rapier, and the rapier broke into countless pieces.

"Too weak!"

Sander patted the residue on his hand and said casually.

Sword's eyes were gloomy as his beloved sword was destroyed.

"I will beat you to death with one punch, and then kill your crew!"

"I heard that Nico Robin is also on your ship. I will make him my slave, and I..."

Sword had a cruel smile on his face.

Before he could speak, Sander disappeared in front of him.

He widened his eyes, and used Observation Haki to Ultimate, trying to capture the existence of the element.

Before he could capture it, a big foot had already arrived in front of him.

"So fast!"

Sword was shocked.

This year had just been born, and his fat face was already Sander's big foot made close contact.

The chubby face was visibly deformed.

Blood gushed out of his mouth instantly, and several teeth fell out.

He himself was thrown towards the ship at a very fast speed.

"Be careful!"

The blond deputy captain took a step forward and tried to catch the deputy captain who was knocked away.

But someone was faster than him.

When Sward was still in the air, Sander had already come under him.

He raised his leg and kicked him.

Sward was kicked into the air again.

A flash of lightning flashed, and Sander appeared above Sward with an expressionless face, and stepped down with his big foot without hesitation.

Just like that, up and down, left and right.

Sward's round body kept flying in the air, like a ball being kicked around by Sander.

Although in the second time, Sward had Armament Haki wrapped all over his body.

Still couldn't stop Sander's attack.

Every time he was kicked, a lot of blood would spurt out of his mouth.

"Deputy Captain, go help the captain!"

"He'll die if he continues like this!"

An officer reacted and quickly called on the blond deputy captain to rescue Sword.

The deputy captain's face was covered with cold sweat.

His eyes were fixed on the figure that kept flashing in the air.

"I... I can't catch his figure!"

It was too fast!

He still couldn't catch Sander's figure with his naked eyes and Observation Haki.

He only saw countless lightning and the appearance of seven or eight Sanders.

The opponent's speed was so fast that afterimages appeared!

"Never mind!"

Gritting his teeth, the blond vice-captain jumped up and drew his sword to fight against one of the shadows.


The ball in the sky turned from one to two.

Screams came from the sky.

"What... what should we do?"

"The captain and the vice-captain will be kicked to death!"

A cadre said with wide eyes and trembling all over.

The gap was too big. The two major forces of their Sword Pirates did not even have the power to resist.

He was kicked around by that person like a toy.

"Monster! Monster!"

"You should listen to the vice-captain and don't provoke the emperor of the sea!"

"Run! Run!"

Seeing that the captain and vice-captain, who were extremely powerful on weekdays, were now being played like toys.

Many crew members of the Sword Pirates collapsed directly.

They dropped their weapons and ran from the front deck to the back.

They wanted to stay away from the monster in the sky.

After kicking for an unknown number of times, Sander finally stopped.

Sword and his deputy fell from the sky like rag bags and hit the deck heavily.

The pirates who were still on the deck looked at their two captains in horror.

The two men's bodies were twisted and looked like humans. They had countless broken bones, blood all over their bodies, and their eyes were white.

Someone who knew Observation Haki sensed it.

They found that they could not feel the breath of the captain and the deputy captain.

"Dead, dead?!!"

Someone shouted in horror, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Sander slowly landed on the deck from the air with his hands behind his back.

The pirates on the ship retreated in fear.

Some people had already thrown down their weapons and begged Sander for mercy.

"Spare me!"

"It was Sword who wanted to provoke you. We were just following orders!"

"Spare my life!"

No one wanted to resist.

The captain and the deputy captain were kicked to death like toys, and their resistance was in vain!

Sander did not speak.

Ice began to appear at the feet that fell on the deck.

The ice spread very quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it covered the two bodies in front of it, and then rushed to the others.

The others turned around and ran.


But their speed was not as fast as the speed of the frost spreading.

They were frozen into ice sculptures while running.


Everyone on the ship became ice sculptures.

They still maintained their appearance before death, with panic expressions, standing or running, lifelike.

The entire pirate ship turned into a frozen ship, floating on the sea.

Sander didn't even look at them.

He turned and left directly.

He landed on the deck and took a bottle of beer from under the table on the deck.

He bit off the bottle cap and took a big sip.

"The morning grumpiness is finally gone."

"Just think of it as a warm-up before the battle with Whitebeard."

Lying comfortably in the chair, Sander murmured in a low voice.

After identifying the direction, the boat under his feet suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the direction of Whitebeard.

The ice sculpture ship not far away was left floating alone on the sea.

A certain sea area. An extremely huge white whale-shaped pirate ship sailed on the sea.

It was surrounded by several smaller ships.

On the ship.

Pirates gathered in groups of three or four.

They drank and sang, so happy.

On the deck, the huge figure of Whitebeard sat there, with more than a dozen IV tubes on his body.

He held a barrel in his hand and looked at his sons on the ship with a smile on his face.

The same was true on the other pirate ships guarding the Moby Dick.

Good food, good wine, and singing loudly were the daily routines of these people.

No one from the New World came back to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even the other Four Emperors were rare.

Because their captain is named Whitebeard!

The strongest man in the world, there is no trouble that Daddy can't solve.

Of course.

Necessary vigilance is still there.

On a pirate ship.

A pirate holds a bottle of wine in one hand and a telescope in the other.

He leans on the side of the ship, raising the telescope from time to time to look into the distance.

Just when he was observing again, a very small ship appeared in his field of vision.


"Is there any guy who wants to challenge Daddy?"

He stood up straight to observe.

The fluttering black pirate flag appeared in his eyes.

"Which one is this?"

Looking at the lightning symbol on it, he was stunned at first, and then his eyes widened.

"No way, the Thunder God Pirates?"

"Haven't those guys disappeared for almost a year?"

He took a closer look, and after confirming that it was the Thunder God Pirates, he immediately trotted forward to report.

As a member of the Four Emperors.

He didn't think that the Thunder God Pirates were beaten and humiliated by Kaido as they said on the sea.

The news they got was that the two of them left in a tie.

After that, Kaido's Beasts Pirates didn't bother the Thunder God Pirates, and didn't even help Doflamingo take back Dressrosa.


The news that the ship with the Thunder God Pirates' flag was heading towards them was sent to Biyouke E.

"Dad, someone has found the Thunder God Pirates and is heading towards us."

Marco came to Whitebeard with a serious face.

Whitebeard was stunned for a moment, then laughed:


"Is it finally here?"

"I've been waiting for a year!"

After Sander and Kaido fought twice, Whitebeard had been waiting for Sander to come.

He believed that the other party would definitely come back to challenge him.

But he didn't expect that the other party didn't come after waiting for a year.

Not only that.

He also disappeared without a trace on the sea.

If Dressrosa hadn't occasionally seen members of the Thunder God Pirates, he would have thought that Sander had died in a storm. "Tell the ship outside to let that ship approach!"

Whitebeard said. "Understood!"

Marco responded and turned away, with an eager look on his face.

Sander, who could fight Admiral and Kaido, he also wanted to see.

The other captains of the squads all came out when they heard that Sander might come.

Like Marco, they also wanted to see the Thunder God who had caused countless storms on the sea before and disappeared.

They wanted to challenge their father.

They had to get past them anyway.

Sander took off his coat and stood on the deck, looking at the Moby Dick in front of him.

From a distance, he saw the captains of the [Mustache Pirates squads standing on the side of the ship.

Pineapple-headed Phoenix Marco.

Diamond Joz, Flower Sword Vista...

Each of them was a powerful man who was famous on the sea.

Before Sander came close.

A voice reached his ears.

"Thor Sander?"

Marco asked uncertainly.

He had never seen Sander.

He had only seen Sander's photo.

There was a slight difference between the photo and the real person.

"It's me!"

Sander nodded and said lightly.

"What are you doing here?"

Although he was a little eager to try, Marco still asked politely.

After all, what if he didn't come to fight.

"Ask for a drink."

Marco's expression relaxed, and then he heard Sander say:

"By the way, find Whitebeard to fight!"

At the same time.

Sander's violent Conqueror's exuded without hesitation. .