
Chapter 114 The World's Number One, It's Time For Someone Else To Take The Seat!

Time passed by little by little.

In the blink of an eye, a year had passed.

During this year, the strength of Luo and others was greatly improved.

The original members had already mastered the Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki.

After a year of hellish training, Luo, Wapa and others had practiced the Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki to the level of Grandmaster.

With the addition of physical skills and fruit abilities, it was not a problem to fight against the Marine Vice Admiral.

During this period, Sander also gave the fruit obtained from the Donquixote family to the crew members with outstanding performance.

Bepo was a polar bear fur tribe and was afraid of heat.

So Sander gave Monet's Snow-snow Fruit to him.

Pekin and Xiaqi also obtained the Stone-Stone Fruit and the Sticky Fruit respectively.

Six Devil Fruits, except for the Childish Fruit of Sugar, Sander distributed them all.

The ability of the Sugar Fruit was too buggy, and Sander had not found a suitable candidate for the time being.

This day.

Sander gathered Luo and others.

"Now, your strength has been cultivated to a certain extent."

"It's time to leave the Sky City and go to the sea for training!"

Sander told the crew the news.

"Is the hell training finally over?"


Xia Qi clenched his fists and cried with joy.

This year, he was almost driven crazy by the hell training.

Every day, he trained.

The physical torture was okay, after all, there was the power of the healing fruit.

No matter how hard you trained, you wouldn't get hurt.

The key is the mental torture.

It was too painful!

Not only that.

Every once in a while, you have to endure the blows from Captain Sander.

More than a dozen people surrounded Sander, but were easily defeated, which hit them hard.

"Great, I finally got the captain's recognition!"

"Finally, I don't have to be a fool and watch the captain and the vice captain fight!"

Pekin raised his fist and shouted loudly.

Luo carried Gui Ku, and a smile appeared on his cold face.

This year, he was the one who trained the hardest.

He trained to death.

The results are also gratifying.

Sander thought that Law's strength was enough to defeat most Marine Vice Admirals.

Well, it was about the same as when Sander was imprisoned in Impel down.

Sander smiled and watched the crowd cheering, with a satisfied look on his face.

The crew now barely had the configuration of a large pirate group.

The only thing missing might be the experience of life and death.

When he and Yixiao were training, they couldn't kill them like the enemy.

After a long time, Sander pressed his hands, and everyone suddenly quieted down.

"Then now, it's time to carry my name and declare your existence to the sea!"

Sander said loudly.

One year.

The 807 Thunder God Pirates didn't make any moves.

This caused a lot of discussion on the sea.

Some people thought that the Thunder God Pirates were afraid and didn't dare to compete with the four sea emperors in the New World.

Some said that Sander was defeated in the last battle with Kaido.

Or that he was seriously injured by Kaido of the Beasts and was hiding on an island to survive.

Sander ignored all these.

At that time, the Thunder God Pirates were indeed weaker than the Four Emperors in terms of overall strength, and the crew members needed to practice next year.

Now a year has passed.

The overall strength of the crew has greatly improved.

It's time to stir up the sea!

"Yes, Captain!"

"The title of the fifth sea emperor of the sea is secured by the Thunder God Pirates!!"

Everyone cheered and was excited.

They also knew the discussions on the sea.

Knowing that they were the ones who dragged down the Thunder God Pirates, everyone was training hard to restore their reputation.

"Then let's go. Dressrosa Port has prepared a ship for you. Go to the sea and brave the wind and waves!"

Sander waved his hand and asked everyone to leave.

Law took Xia Qipei Jin and Bepo and walked out of the training ground first.

They left the Sky City on the airship.

Strictly speaking, Bepo belongs to Nami's navigator team, but because Nami is still studying in the small Sky Island, she will leave with Law's team for the time being.

Mo Xueli belongs to Law's medical team, but usually does not act with Law.

Instead, she follows the little human team who also joined the Thunder God Pirates.

The captain of the little human team is Leo, the user of the Seam Seam Fruit.

The captain of the God's Guard is War Demon Walpa, the user of the Target Target Fruit.

Under his command is Mantis Kamaqili, who has the ability of the Floating Fruit and uses a burning sword.

And the female Sandia warrior who has the ability of the Rotate-Trend Fruit, Laki, uses a long gun.


The Thunder God Pirates have the Navigator Team led by Nami, the Medical Team led by Law, the God's Guard Team led by Walpa, the Dwarf Team led by Leo, and the Intelligence Team of Robin and Violet.

The power has been initially formed.

Next, more manpower needs to be absorbed.

After Law left, Walpa also left with the team and went to the sea for training.

The two met at the port of Dressrosa.

"Law, are you going to hunt Doflamingo?"

Walpa asked.

Law nodded gently, "Let's go find the Zou Country first, and then find Doflamingo!"

Finding the Zou Country is Bepo's dream.

Now they are in the New World, of course they have to find a way to go there.

"Then let's see who has a higher bounty!" (dacd) "As the captain of the Thunder God Pirates, I don't even have a bounty of one Bailey!"

"Okay, let's compete!"

Law said fearlessly.

In the one-year training, he and Wapa were the most hardworking.

The two often fought against each other.

His Op-Op Fruit can teleport in a certain space, but the Target Fruit can also track the target.

In addition, Wapa has some talent in physical skills.

The use of Marine Six Styles is very grandmaster.

So the two of them have their own wins and losses in the competition.

After the agreement, the two immediately left with their own people.

Wawapa is an ordinary ship, and Law is their original submarine.

After seeing off Law and Wapa, Sander returned to his room.

Robin sat on the sofa.

Sander lay on Robin's thighs, closing his eyes and dozing.

"Are they all gone?"

Robin held a book in both hands.

Two hands appeared beside Sander's head and massaged his head. Flower-Flower Fruit was convenient in this regard, and there was no need to worry about not having enough hands and feet.

After a year, Robin's strength also increased rapidly.

It also proved that wearing pure gold would not affect cultivation.

"Do I need to take a team out to practice?"

Robin asked while looking down at the book.

After more than a year of practice, her Flower-Flower Fruit is about to awaken [greatly increased in strength.

She is no longer the girl who will run away when she sees Marine.

"No need, you have experienced more life and death escapes than them."

Sander said softly.

Since she was eight years old, Robin has been avoiding the pursuit of the World government and Marine. She has experienced more things than Luo and Wapa combined, so there is no need to take it out for training.

"You should leave for a while, right?"

"I see you care a lot about the discussions on the sea."

Robin put down the book and gently massaged Sander.

"I have to show up, or they will really think I'm dead."

"Besides, Whitebeard is getting older. If we don't fight him now, it will be meaningless to fight him later."

Sander opened his eyes, sat on the sofa, hugged Robin in his arms, and gently rubbed Robin's smooth skin.

The position of the world's strongest man.

Whitebeard has sat for long enough, it's time to give it up.

He has not been idle for this year.

All the abilities of the fruits are now proficiently applied. While consolidating his strength, he has developed many moves.

The ability of the healing fruit has long been obtained.

Even with the help of Mansherry, it has been developed to the level of awakening.

At the same time, Sander discovered.

The Ultimate ability of the healing fruit, that is, the ability to restore everything to its original state, consumes lifespan, in one aspect, because the healing fruit has not been developed to awakening.

On the other hand, it is because Mansherry is small in size and has a low level of vitality.

With Sander's strong physique and awakening level.

Using this ability does not consume lifespan at all.

The price is that Sander will only be weak for a period of time.

It will take about three days to fully recover.


Robin couldn't help but groan in his nose, and slapped Sander's dishonest hand away in annoyance.

Sander rolled his eyes and warned:

"Be careful, after all, it's a rope from Roger's time."

"Whitebeard is still firmly sitting on the throne of the world's number one."

"Don't you know my strength?"

"After a while, the world's number one position will be replaced.

"From now on, your man will be the world's number one!"

Sander smirked, picked up Robin and walked towards the room.

"What are you doing in broad daylight?"

"What else can I do? I'm going to be away for a while tomorrow, and I'll make up for the time I'm away!"

Closing the door, Sander put Robin on the bed and said with a chuckle.

After a while, Robin's low and gentle voice was heard in the room.

After a long time, the battle ended with Robin begging for mercy.

The next day.

After saying hello to Shirahoshi, Des left the ship.

In a year, Shirahoshi once went back to The fish men island and came back soon.

Neptune also came to the sky city twice.

After finding that his daughter was living well in the sky city, Neptune was originally interested in her. Sander's complaints disappeared without a trace.

After that, the connection between The fish men island and the sky city was strengthened.

Often let the fish men who want to see the outside world come to the sky city for tourism.

Many fish men or mermaids are ready to live in the sky city for a long time.

Sander also thinks this is good.

With a wave of his hand, he created another small island, floating in the sky for the fish men and mermaids who want to stay to live.

Go down to the sea.

Sander let the boat float on the sea.

Compared with floating in the sky and blowing the wind, Sander enjoys the feeling of sailing on the sea more.

On the one hand, you can feel the waves of the sea.

On the other hand, the wind is not so strong.

When the ship is hundreds of meters in the sky, if there is any wind, the things on the deck will be blown away, and you can only stay in the room or cabin, which is a bit depressing.

After sailing on the sea for two days, Guo Dezhu gradually approached Whitebeard's Moby Dick.

On the sea.

A large ship several dozen meters long sailed on the sea, looking at the direction and Sander's boat was very close.

On the mast, a black flag with a skeleton wearing a pirate hat fluttered in the wind.

"Captain, are we really going to trouble Whitebeard?"

"That's a powerful existence that can compete with Roger, the Pirate King."

"Or should we wait for a while?"

On the deck, a tall and thin man with golden hair persuaded earnestly.

In front of him stood a man with a round figure.

He wore a black coat with a high collar, a black pirate hat on his head, and a Western sword on his waist.

"Don't be so scared, my deputy captain.

"Laozi is Sword, the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

"Just an old thing.

"We have gone through countless dangers to come to the New World. If we want to gain a foothold in the New World, we can only challenge the Four Emperors and obtain the throne of the Sea Emperor!"

The captain laughed carelessly, holding a cigar in his mouth.

He came to the New World for the throne of the Pirate King and to find the secret treasure of the sea.

Challenging Whitebeard is just his first step.

He wants to knock down all those sea emperors, and then sit on the throne of the Pirate King step by step!

No one can stop him!

"But Whitebeard is a well-known strong man after all. Why don't we try our hand with other pirate groups and gain some experience?"

The blond deputy captain continued with a bitter face.

How can you challenge the Four Emperors shortly after arriving in the New World?

You can even try it with a strong man under the Four Emperors.

"It's all bragging!"

"They all brag so much, but in the end they still have to die under my sword!"

"I will definitely get Whitebeard's head and let the whole world know how powerful I am!"

"Four hundred million berries is too little for me!"

"My strength is at least four hundred million!"

Sword was unmoved and decided to challenge the Four Emperors.

The deputy captain wanted to say something, but a shout interrupted him.

"Report to the captain, a pirate ship was found in the right front!"

"It looks like the direction we are going!"


Sword's eyes turned cold, and a cruel expression appeared on his face.

"Are you also a pirate who wants to challenge Whitebeard?"

"Men, turn around, push out all the cannons, and sink this pirate ship!"

"Whitebeard is my prey, and only I can take his head!"

"Yes, because!"

Under the order of Captain Sword.

The Sword Pirates quickly turned around and aimed all their guns at the pirate ship ahead.

The blond vice-captain breathed a sigh of relief.

He hoped that the pirate group ahead would be stronger.

It would be best if they could fight them on equal terms, so that the captain would realize that there are many strong men on the sea.

Then maybe he wouldn't have to challenge Whitebeard.

Although the blond vice-captain also thought that the captain was very strong.

But he was probably still far behind Whitebeard.

He was a strong man who had roamed the sea for decades.

If they challenged him so rashly, they would definitely get nothing.

"Which pirate group is this? Why haven't we seen it before?"

The captain looked at the flag on the pirate ship in the distance with a monocular telescope and asked in confusion.

"With such a small ship, have these pirates been here before?"

A cadre of the Sword Pirates said sarcastically without hesitation.

The pirate ship in the distance was much smaller than theirs, and it was estimated that it could fit on the cabinet.

"This flag seems a little familiar."

The blond vice-captain looked at the pirate flag in the distance and said with a frown.

"Deputy Captain, do you know them? It seems to be a pretty good pirate group."

Sword laughed.

A pirate flag that his deputy captain felt familiar with.

It should be quite famous.

After carefully observing the pirate flag, the blond deputy captain looked a little solemn: "This seems to be the pirate flag of the Thunder God Pirates!" "The Thunder God Pirates?"

Sword's eyes were confused for a moment, and then he remembered which pirate group it was. "Is it the useless pirate group that was scared by the Four Emperors Kaido and has not appeared for more than a year?" "It seems so.

I have a deep impression of the flag with the lightning symbol.

The blond deputy captain said. "Let's not provoke the Thunder God Pirates.

I heard that their captain is very strong!" "He is called the fifth sea emperor on the sea!"

The blond deputy captain persuaded quickly. "Hahaha, what fifth emperor of the sea!"

"It's all bullshit!"

"Is their captain called Sander?"

"If Sander is really that strong, why hasn't he shown up for a year?"

"I guess he was crippled by Kaido of the Beasts, and I don't know where he hid for a year to recover from his injuries."But it's okay this way, the fifth emperor of the sea, first take his head to sacrifice, and then challenge Whitebeard, take Whitebeard's head to become Four Emperors!"

Sward laughed and drew the rapier from his waist.

"Little guys, speed up and destroy the Thunder God Pirates for me, let Tianhai know our name!"

"Fame, wealth, we want them all!"

"Yes! Captain!"

The pirates on the ship looked fanatical and shouted loudly!


"Sink the pirate ship in front for me!"

A trace of helplessness flashed across the face of the blond deputy captain, and he surrounded his soldiers to prepare for battle.