
Chapter 103 Visalia And Kaido Fight Again!

The main hall of Sky City.

Sander called the members of the Thunder God Pirates over.

He said that he would be away for a while.

He asked Luo and others to practice well, and Des and Nami drove a flying ship to leave Sky City.

After a few days of sailing.

Sander and Nami finally found this small Sky Island.

"Is this Visalia?"

"It has been flying all the time, which is completely different from the Sky Island in the Kingdom of God."

Nami looked at the small island that kept moving in the sky with a surprised look on her face.

"Well, this island is always moving, and the speed and direction are determined by the wind, and the climate changes very quickly.

"So it is very suitable for meteorological research, and the residents on the island are all meteorologists, which is the best place for you to learn. "

Sander nodded and landed on the island with Nami.

When they arrived at the small Sky Island, Nami looked at everything here curiously.

Someone suddenly came to the small Sky Island, and the residents of the island quickly surrounded them, looking at Sander and Nami with a wary look.

Most of the residents on the island looked like scholars.

Wearing Western wizard robes and pointed hats.

"Guests from afar, I wonder why you are here?"

An old man with gray hair walked out of the crowd.

He had a snow-white beard that was waist-length and divided into two fishtails.


"My name is Sander."

Sander had a kind smile on his face.

"This is my partner Nami."

"I heard that people here are very good at meteorology, so my partner came here specially and wanted to study with you for a while."

Sander pointed at Nami and said.

"So you are here to study meteorology, is this little girl studying? You are very welcome."

"My name is Hareda."

Hareda said with a kind smile on his face.

Hearing that they were here to learn, the residents who were watching also breathed a sigh of relief. The alertness on their faces disappeared immediately, and they all looked at Nami with a friendly smile.

Compared with Sander, who was more than two meters tall and looked difficult to deal with, Nami undoubtedly made them feel much more friendly.

After all, she was a beautiful little girl in her teens.

Nami smiled and greeted many Whitebeard old men.

"But meteorology is not so easy to learn. It requires a lot of hardship."

Whitebeard old man said with a smile.

"No problem, I'm not afraid of hardship."

Nami said with a smile.

She can learn something she is interested in, so why would she care about that little bit of hardship.

"Really? Then you can study with us in the future." Hareda said with a smile.

It can be regarded as agreeing to Nami's request to study here.

Hearing this, Sander opened the box in his hand.

"Thank you for helping me take care of my partner for a while. This is Nami's tuition for studying on the island. "

There are some Baileys in the box.

Sander brought them here specially.

We can't let Nami learn in vain.

Of course, Nami also brought a lot of money, but it was her own.

As the captain, Sander naturally had to pay for the crew's tuition.

Although Nami felt sad to give away so much money, she didn't say anything to stop him.

"It doesn't have to be free. We are already very happy that someone is willing to learn our knowledge."

Hareda looked at the money in the box and waved his hand.

The island often helps others to make money by bringing rain, and they don't value money that much.

"Of course not, we can't let you work in vain." Sander said with a smile.

"Grandpa, just accept it. Sander is very rich. This money is a drop in the bucket for him."

Nami forced a smile and said.

No matter how greedy she was, she knew that the money should be paid.

Seeing the two people insisting, Hareda thought for a moment and said:

"Okay, we will accept this money, and use it to provide food and shelter for little Nami.

"In that case, Nami will be left to you to take care of."

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Sander said with a smile.

Then he looked at Nami: "I'm leaving first, take care of yourself, and you can go to Revolving Heaven when you have nothing to do, anyway, you have a boat.

"Okay Sander."

Nami pursed her lips and said.

"You should be careful too."

She knew that Sander was going to challenge the strong man on the sea, so she specifically reminded him.

"I know, don't you know my strength?"

"Maybe next time we meet, I will be the world's number one."

Sander rubbed Nami's hair and said with a smile.

"By the way, if you study hard, I will bring you wealth that can buy the whole world."

"I'm not just talking about meteorology, but also physical skills, Haki, and fruit development."

Sander skillfully painted a big picture.

Want Nami to do something seriously.

Nothing can give her more motivation to move forward than treasure.

"Buy the wealth of the whole world?!!"

Nami's eyes instantly turned into Bailey's, and Lingbling flashed with golden light.

"Yes, you know me, I never lie. "

Sander laughed.

The wealth he was talking about was enough to buy the whole world.

Of course it was pure gold.

This thing can bring people infinitely close to immortality. It's a bit exaggerated to buy the whole world, but the value is amazing.

This time, after successfully deducing Kaido's physique and ability, Wu Decai planned to find it.

The anglerfish called "Lantern Master" is difficult for others to find.

But for Sander who can deduce the location, it is still easy.

Nami nodded vigorously, clenched her fists and looked determined.

In order to buy the wealth of the world, she has studied and practiced hard!

Hareda looked at Sander in surprise.

Wow, this young man is really bold.

Buy the wealth of the world, World The government didn't dare to say that.

The most important thing is that this little girl actually looked convinced.

Isn't she a fool?

Hareda complained in his heart.

Moreover, you put a little girl of ten in a strange place, and you are so relieved?

Although they Visalia will not bully a little girl.

But you are too unreliable, right?

Hareda hesitated for a while, but still said:

"Why don't you visit the island for a few days to see if your companions can adapt to the new life?"

"At least you should see where little Nami lives, right?"

Sander was stunned for a moment, then smiled:

"No need, Nami will take good care of herself."

Not to mention that the original Visalia people are very kind.

Even if these people are not kind, Nami is fully capable of protecting herself.

Do you really think Thunder Fruit is just eating dry food?

Nami alone can probably defeat everyone on the island.


Nami, who has endured humiliation and joined Arlong's group since she was a child, is not a little girl who knows nothing.

"Okay, I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

"Remember to go back often, and I will come to see you if I have time. "

Sander smiled at Nami, then leaped into the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

"Oh? This guy can actually fly!"

A resident said in surprise.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"How can he come here if he can't fly?"

"It should be Demon fruit power, but I don't know what kind of ability it is.

Nami looked at Sander's back reluctantly.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Hareda's old face in front of her.

"Little Nami, who is that Sander to you? Why doesn't your partner seem to be reliable at all? He just doesn't worry about your safety?"

" Sander is my captain!"

"Captain? Are you pirates?!!"

Hareda was surprised.

Others were the same.

"Yes, we are the Thunder God Pirates, I am the navigator, and the bounty is more than 30 million Baileys!"

Speaking of the Thunder God Pirates, Nami's face was proud.

Being able to join the Thunder God Pirates is the luckiest thing in her life.

Sander not only helped her to defeat Arlong and his gang, but also gave her a powerful Devil Fruit.

It was also very fun to go on adventures with her friends.

There were more interesting things in the past few months than in many years.

"More than 30 million? Then Sander must be worth hundreds of millions."

Some residents exclaimed.

"It's more than that, Sander's bounty is 3 billion berries!"

"A powerful pirate with a bounty of 3 billion berries!!"

"Looks kind!"

"And Sander is not worried about me, but he knows that I can take care of myself and I am also very capable."

"He is a very reliable captain!"

Nami smiled, and thunder began to appear in the country.

"Is this thunder?"

"Well, I am a Logia Thunder Fruit user."

Nami did not hide her identity as a user.

Appropriate display of strength can also avoid a lot of trouble.

"Thunder Fruit?!"

All the meteorologists watching were all brightened.

Meteorology and Thunder Fruit are a good match!

After learning that Nami is a Thunder Fruit user, the scholars all gathered around. Looking at Nami with curiosity.

Some scholars are already thinking about what kind of sparks meteorology and Thunder Fruit can wipe out.

Leaving the small Sky Island, Sander drove the ship all the way to the Onigashima where Kaido was.

After more than ten days of full-speed sailing.

Sander finally arrived at the base camp of Kaido of the Beasts, the enclosure.

After hiding the ship, Sander entered the Onigashima.

Arrived above the Onigashima.

Sander used his ability.

The clear sky suddenly became overcast with thunder and lightning.

The pirates on Onigashima looked at the sky in bewilderment.

They didn't understand why the weather had changed so quickly when it was fine just now.

"What is that? A person?"

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed pirate spoke up.

"A person, flying in the sky, is he here to challenge Captain Kaido? Another guy who doesn't know how to live or die, who will kill him this time, or will he be caught and forced to do hard labor?

Another pirate said easily.

Although the pirates who can reach Onigashima are all capable.

But they are still far from challenging the Four Emperors.

Those who are lucky will be defeated and caught, and those who are unlucky may die directly.

It is even possible that they will not even see Kaido of the Beasts.

"No, this guy is a little different."

A pirate who was observing with a telescope said in a trembling voice. "He seems to be Sander!" "Sander? That Sander? Is he the one I think he is?" "It's really Thunder God Sander, go report, Thunder God Sander has invaded Onigashima!"

After seeing the person in the sky clearly.

Many pirates changed their faces and ran to report.

At this moment, Sander's voice sounded in Onigashima. "Kaido, come out to fight!"

The voice was like thunder, spreading throughout Onigashima, deafening.

The huge sound startled many pirates of Beasts Pirates.

They walked out of the room without knowing why.

They wanted to see who it was, who dared to be so presumptuous in Onigashima.

In the hall, the drunk Kaido opened his eyes in confusion. "It seems someone is calling me?"

Kaido said drunkenly.

"Who is disturbing my sleep!"

Then, his face was full of anger, and Yin Xi's aura emanated from him.

Just then, Yan Zai Jin walked in with a mask.

"Oh, it's Jin, were you calling me just now?"

Seeing Jin, the anger on Kaido's face dissipated a lot, and he restrained the terrifying aura on his body.

"Mr. Kaido, Sander is here."

"He said he came to fight you. "

Yan Zai Jin said in a deep voice.

"Who? Sander?"

Kaido's eyes lit up.

"His injury healed so quickly?"

Kaido's expression was a little surprised.

He knew how badly Sander was injured.

He himself was not feeling well in that battle, and he took ten days to recover.

Sander's defense was weaker than his, so his injuries would be more serious than his.

It took him so long to recover.

He is worthy of being the opponent Kaido favored.

"Are you going, Mr. Kaido?"

"Sander doesn't look like he is here to invade Onigashima. He came here on his own, as if he is here to fight you."

Jin said calmly.

He was not surprised at all that Sander came alone to fight Kaido.

After all, his captain often went out alone, committing suicide or looking for trouble with other Four Emperors.

"Come alone?"

Kaido raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of admiration.

Going to the Four Emperors' territory to fight by himself was very much to his liking!

"Go, why not?"

"I didn't have enough fun in that fight, so this time I can have a good fight!"

"Maybe he can give me another surprise!"

Kaido laughed, stood up from the ground, and walked out with the mace.

He didn't forget that when he fought with Sander, Sander learned the ability to foresee the future with his observation Haki.

Another fight, maybe Sander can give him another surprise.

Sander floated in the sky, waiting for Kaido's arrival.

Not long after, Kaido appeared in his sight.

"Oh, hehe, Sander, you came to me so soon!"

Kaido looked up at Sander and smiled.

"After all, we have agreed to fight again, I can't go back on my word."

Sander said with a smile. "Where are we going to fight?" "If we fight here, we might sink your base camp."

Kaido wanted to start fighting right here.

But he glanced at his subordinates on Onigashima.

He decided not to fight here.

Sander's strength had been seen last time.

If the two of them really fought here, it would be possible to turn (Li Ji's) Onigashima into ruins.

Weaker subordinates would also be affected. "Follow me!"

Kaido turned into a dragon and flew in one direction on the flame cloud.

Sander followed closely behind. "Brother Jin, should we follow him?"

Jack the Drough came to the front of Jin, the Flame Disaster, and spoke.

Jin glanced at him. "Why follow him?"


Kaido didn't like others to interfere in his battle."

After saying that, he turned and left.

He was very confident in Kaido's strength.

He firmly believed that Kaido would become the Pirate King.

Sander alone couldn't do anything to Mr.


Jack touched the back of his head and looked at the direction Kaido and Sander left, and followed Jin.

On the other side.

Sander and Kaido came to a small island.

Kaido turned into a half-beast and stood on the island, looking at Sander with a fighting look.

He took a huge wine gourd and took a big gulp.

He was already drunk and even more drunk.

He was a little confused.

"Come on, Sander!" Kaido shouted.

Sander also looked at Kaido with burning eyes.

Change the promotion of physical fitness to Kaido's special physical fitness of diamond indestructibility.

Change the derivation of fruit ability to Zoan Fish Fruit Fantasy Beast Blue Dragon Form.

This time.

He wants to derive both abilities.

By then, his defense and vitality will be greatly improved.

The title of the strongest creature on land, sea and air is his!

"500 million volts Thunder God is coming!"

Sander did not hesitate and directly turned on the state of Thunder Mail.

Drops of liquid thunder dripped from him.

It fell on the ground and turned into a charred pit.

The electric charge on the island roared.

Sander mobilized endless lightning.

" Kaido!"

He wrapped his fists with Armament Haki and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Kaido.

"Thunder Fist!"

"Come on!"

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

Kaido was not afraid at all and swung the big stick to hit Sander.

The second fierce battle between the two began again. .