
Chapter 102 Nami Training Program And Protection Of The Fish Men Island.

The headquarters of the Thunder God Pirates.

Sky Castle.

The original Golden Lion island was officially renamed Sky Castle.

Most of the Thunder God Pirates moved here again.

Originally, they lived well in Dressrosa.

Dressrosa has a suitable climate and is very suitable for vacation.

But as the news of the battle between Sander and Kaido spread.

More and more pirates rushed here, wanting to challenge Sander, which made Sander very annoyed.

So he simply took the Thunder God Pirates back to the island of Revolving Heaven.

More than half a month has passed since the battle with Kaido.

Sander's injuries have long recovered.

In the Sky City training square.

The members of the Thunder God Pirates are training in full swing.

Among them, Law and Wapa are the most hardworking.

After seeing the power of New World, the two of them practiced with all their strength.

Others practiced equally hard.

On the beach of Sky City.

Sander lay on a lounge chair basking in the sun.

In the sea in the distance, Shirahoshi was swimming happily in the sea.

"Baby-5, I need you to get me a bottle of cold beer." Sander said softly, with his hands resting on his head and wearing sunglasses. "Okay!" Baby-5, dressed in a maid outfit, happily brought bottles of beer to Sander. "Thank you. "

After saying thank you, Sander bit off the bottle cap and drank it all.

" Sander, why didn't you kill baby-5 and that pervert?"

Nami, wearing a short-sleeved shirt, sat down on the recliner next to Sander and asked in a low voice.

Sander even killed the 10-year-old Sugar, but only left a maid and a pervert.

"I'm a pirate, isn't it normal to do whatever I want?"

Sander said lightly.

Most of Doflamingo's subordinates are loyal.

Leaving them will only add to the trouble.

Especially Sugar.

The power of the Childlike Fruit is too pervert.

In the entire Thunder God Pirates, only Sander and Yixiao are capable of resisting the power of the Childlike Fruit.

If you leave Sugar, there might be trouble, so it's better to kill him.

"How is your training going?"

"Law and Wapa's Haki training has begun to show results, and it won't take long to master it. "

Sander asked softly.

He thinks highly of Nami.

Even a powerful ability like Thunder Fruit was given to her at level 30.

With Nami's talent in meteorology, Thunder Fruit can be said to be even more powerful.

With a little practice, she will not be worse than a general star or a captain of a squad.

If she works harder.

It is not impossible to reach the level of Vice Admiral or Admiral.

After all, a Thunder Fruit alone can easily match the Marine Vice Admiral.

"Observation Haki is okay, but Armament Haki feels a bit far behind."

Nami said with a smile.

Sander was not surprised by this.

Nami is not like King Luffy, who has a solid foundation.


Nami is still too young now, and her body is still developing. It is not good to practice physical skills too much.

Armament Haki is closely related to physical fitness.

Observation Haki is different. It is a kind of perception power.

Nami has the help of Thunder Fruit, so it is natural for her to practice this power.

" Don't rush Armament Haki. "

"First practice Marine Six Styles, then develop your observation Haki, and then you will be able to fight against the pirates of the New World."

Sander said softly.

"I will work hard."

Nami nodded seriously.

"I will send you to a place to study in a few days."

"Study? What to study? Can't you and Uncle Yixiao teach me?"

Nami thought Sander was talking about learning to improve combat effectiveness.

"It's learning meteorological science."

"You are very talented in this area, but you haven't received systematic training. Whether it's sailing or other things, it's all supported by talent."

"There is a small country with meteorological scientists on it. I plan to send you there to study."

Sander said lightly.

He was talking about the small Sky Island that Nami went to in the original book.

I believe that after learning from those old men, Nami will be better in meteorology.

Maybe it will also be helpful for the development of Thunder Fruit.



Nami's eyes lit up.

Compared to practicing to improve combat effectiveness, she is undoubtedly more interested in meteorology.

Hearing that she can study meteorology and the teachers are all meteorological scientists, Nami is full of expectations.

"Little Sky Island, a place called Visalia."

"When are we going?"

"Tomorrow, you say goodbye to others today, and I'll take you there tomorrow."

"It just so happens that I have to practice too. "

Sander thought for a moment and said.

It's been more than half a month, Kaido's injury is estimated to be healed, he has to get Kaido's indestructible physique and Qinglong fruit as soon as possible.

"Okay, I'll go prepare."

Nami jumped up from the recliner and happily prepared.

And Sander asked BABY-5 to call the second prince of the Royal Star over.

"Sir Sander, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Soon, the second prince of the Royal Star came to Sander.

He was very respectful to Sander.

On the one hand, because now he and his sister Shirahoshi are in the sky city.

On the other hand, after he woke up that day, he really saw how powerful Sander was.

"Sit down, are you and Shirahoshi used to living in the Thunder God Pirates?"

Sander smiled.

"It's quite used to it, Shirahoshi is very happy during this period. "

The second prince of Huangxing said.

It has been nearly a month since he left The fish men island, and Xing has gradually adapted to life in the Thunder God Pirates.

During this period of time, he has also figured out the temperament of the members of the Thunder God Pirates.

Most of the original worries have long gone.

"That's good."

"I asked you to come to protect The fish men island."

Sander nodded and said.

He promised to protect The fish men island.

But there have been many things since he came out, and he hasn't had time to announce it to the world.

"You can find a fishman from your fishman guards and take a photo with me. I will say that the man is now a member of the Thunder God Pirates and my friend.

"Then announce to the world that the entire The fish men island is my friend, and hurting the residents of The fish men island is against me."

Sander said his thoughts.

Just announcing to the world that the reason for protecting The fish men island is not very sufficient.

So Sander plans to fabricate a fishman crew member of the Thunder God Pirates.

This can not only cover up the fact that Shirahoshi and Huangxing are on board.

There is also a good reason to protect The fish men island.

By then, The fish men island will be protected by the Whitebeard Pirates and the Thunder God Pirates.

There should be very few pirates or slave traders who dare to arrest fish men.

After all, Sander is now famous. He dared to kill even Celestial Dragons. He didn't believe that there were so many ignorant guys who dared to touch his tiger whiskers.

Huang Xing's face lit up when he heard this.

Of course he knew why Sander did this.

He hurriedly thanked Sander:

"Thank you, Mr. Sander, I will go find someone now."

Soon, a hideous and burly fish man came to Sander.

"Mr. Sander."

The fish man was a little restrained.

Sander put his arm around the fish man's shoulder and took a photo.

Then he asked Violet to contact the newspaper.

Spread the news that The fish men island was protected by the Thunder God Pirates.


The news that the Thunder God Pirates had a fish man crew member spread all over the world with the sale of newspapers.

[ The fish men island has a powerful protector!]

"Sander, the captain of the Thunder God Pirates, announced that The fish men island is his friend, and anyone who dares to buy or sell mermaids will be retaliated by the Thunder God Pirates!"

[The end of the mermaid dealers!]

[ The real reason for the demise of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Doflamingo was that one of their companies had captured a mermaid!]

" The fish men island is so lucky!"

"Not only did they have the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, they also gained the friendship of the Thunder God Pirates."

"Now those mermaid dealers probably don't even dare to arrest mermaids in secret!"

"That's right, with Whitebeard and Sander, even the other Four Emperors wouldn't dare to do that."

"If they anger Whitebeard and Sander, even the Four Emperors will be in danger of destruction."

"No wonder Doflamingo was defeated and captured. It turned out that he provoked the Thunder God Pirates. I was wondering how those Marine rubbish could possibly expose the conspiracy of the Donquixote family and capture Doflamingo. "

" I know about the slave auction in Sabaody Archipelago. A mermaid ran away and the person in charge of the auction was fed to the fish. '

" I also know about this. The auction was Doflamingo's business. There were advertisements for several days, saying that there was a mermaid auction. [At that time, Doflamingo was completely embarrassed. "

In order to make his protection more effective.

Sander had people spread the news that he came to trouble Doflamingo because he wanted to auction the mermaid.

There was a Seven Warlords of the Sea as a sacrifice.

It must have made some hot-headed guys sober up.

The effect was quite good.

Once the news spread, many slave traders who caught mermaids and fishmen changed their business.

The fish men island was much quieter for a while.

The pirate merchants who came to the fish men island had a much better temper.

It's not that Sander's reputation is better than Whitebeard.

It's because of the precedent of Doflamingo.

And Sander dared to kill Celestial Dragons, and his revenge seems to be stronger than Whitebeard.

The most important thing is.

Whitebeard has been wandering around the New World. Even if they caught the mermaid, they couldn't reach the first half of the Grand Line. Even if Whitebeard comes, they can also escape by boat.

The Moby Dick is not necessarily faster than their ship.

But how can they escape from the Thunder God Pirates?

Their ship can fly, and it is fast.

If they are really targeted, there is only one way to go.

What Sander announced in the newspaper quickly spread to The fish men island.

Neptune held the newspaper with a complicated expression.

"Your Majesty, there are very few pirates who capture mermaids and fishmen in this period of time."

"The Poseidon Army is also much more relaxed."

The left minister said softly.

"Well, I didn't expect the Thunder God Pirates' protection effect to be so good. "

"Sacrificing a Seven Warlords of the Sea, Des is really brave!"

Neptune put down the newspaper and said softly.

Although he knew from his daily calls with Shirahoshi that the Thunder God Pirates were looking for trouble with Doflamingo because their ship doctor had a grudge against Doflamingo.

But people outside didn't know.

Others saw that the Thunder God Pirates had directly wiped out a Seven Warlords of the Sea for The Fish Men Island, and naturally they didn't dare to covet the residents of The Fish Men Island anymore.

"Is Princess Shirahoshi doing well recently?"

The Right Minister asked.

"Very well, eating, drinking and having fun at Sander's base every day, and she looks very happy."

"The Emperor also told me that Sander really didn't do anything to Shirahoshi."

"And he took good care of Shirahoshi. It's almost the same, if not that he would respond to every request.

When talking about his daughter, Neptune smiled.

During this period, he kept talking to Shirahoshi.

Shirahoshi also told her what she saw and heard during the chat.

It was obvious that his beloved daughter was very happy in the Thunder God Pirates.

This made Neptune feel guilty.

He felt guilty for not protecting Shirahoshi well before.

He had to stay in the hard shell tower.

"That's good."

Hearing that Shirahoshi was fine, the ministers on both sides breathed a sigh of relief.

Shirahoshi was fine and happy, and they, The fish men island, also benefited.

If Shirahoshi was fine, then they, The fish men island, really made a lot of money this time.

On the Moby Dick.

Marco put his arm around Jinbei's shoulders, holding a newspaper in his hand.

"Jinbei, is this fish man very powerful? He was actually recruited as a crew member by Sander?"

That's right, Jinbei secretly came to Whitebeard's ship again.

Although he did not join the Whitebeard Pirates, he had a good relationship with Whitebeard and the members on the ship.

He often came here secretly to drink and have parties.

"Fortunately, his strength is still very good."

Jinbei blinked and said somewhat unwillingly.

He knew this fish man.

A member of Neptune's army.

As for his strength, it was still good in The fish men island.

But in the New World, he might not even be as good as a minion.

Woods would never look at such a person as a crew member.

Jinbei could guess Sander's intention.

Find a reason to protect The fish men island.

Cover up the fact that Shirahoshi was on the ship.

And, to a certain extent, it also gave Whitebeard face. 587

Because Sander said that The fish men island was his friend and was protected by him.

Instead of saying that The fish men island was his territory and was protected by him.

Sander helped The fish men island because of friendship, which did not conflict with Whitebeard, and it was considered to avoid stirring up discussions on the sea.

Jinbei did not tell Whitebeard, Marco and others about Shirahoshi's arrival on the ship.

It was not because of distrust.

But this matter was too important to The fish men island.

There were many people in the Whitebeard Pirates. If one day he got drunk and told others about it, it would be a big trouble for The fish men island.

"That's great."

"Your The fish men island will be safer with Sander's protection."

Marco said with a smile.

"Indeed, the pirates who came to The fish men island have become more tolerant recently."

Jinbei said honestly.

In his heart, he was still very grateful to Sander.

After all, the other party really made The fish men island safer.

"Have you met Sander? What kind of person is he?"

Marco asked curiously.

In the past year, he had heard Sander's name so many times that his ears were almost calloused.

Marco was still very curious about this rising super star on the sea.

"Well, he is a very kind person. "

Apart from the fact that the other party insisted on taking Princess Shirahoshi on board.

In Jinbei's eyes, Sander is usually very kind.

He doesn't have the arrogance of those young and famous pirates.

"Kind? Then I really want to meet him."

Marco became interested after hearing this.

A young guy who can tie with Kaido is actually very kind?

If it were other pirates, they would have been crazy at this age with such strength.

Marco has been sailing for decades and has seen many guys who are obviously weak but clamoring to take this person's head and that person's head.

"Gulala, Marco [Do you want to fight ten games with that little guy Teds?"

Whitebeard, who was sitting on the deck, laughed and asked after hearing this.

"Hehe, a guy who can fight Kaido and beat Aokiji, of course I want to fight him. "

Marco made no secret of his thoughts.

All the guys who can go out to sea as pirates are the captain's second.

As the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco is not afraid even when facing other Four Emperors.

Whether he can win or not is one thing.

Anyway, he is not afraid of you.


"Then you have to practice hard."

"The guy who can make Kaido admit a tie and leave must be very strong."

Whitebeard said with a smile.

If Sander exists, his sons will practice more seriously.

That is a good thing for his sons.

He also realized that because of his protection, his sons were a little slack.

This is not a good atmosphere.

He is old, and he doesn't know how many years he can protect his sons in the future.

In the future, they have to rely on themselves.

"Don't worry, Dad."

"If Sander wants to challenge you, he must at least pass me!"

Marco said, patting his chest..