
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


(A/N: This message is for those interested in my novel: In case you guys didn't know, the story can now be seen in my account now. It needed to be vetted first. Now you can see it and read it if you want.

Apologies for another short chapter. Trying to settle on a schedule.)

(3rd Person POV)

Whitebeard looked down at Garp who stood a couple of meters in front of him. He gave him a smirk.

"How long has it been since we last saw each other, Garp?" Whitebeard said, "This takes me back. Back to the days you used to chase Roger and me. Gurarara.....You look well despite your age."

Garp raised an eyebrow, "I can say the same to you, Newgate." He said, "Last I heard, you were drowning yourself in booze as usual. Sooner or later, that'll catch up to you."

"Gurara! You can say that again!" Whitebeard laughs, "Ah, what do you have here though? A peculiar individual."

Both of them looked down at Starrk was still coughing and wasn't paying much attention to the arrival of the Yonko. After a few seconds, he calmed down and widened his eyes and shot his head up, and looked at Whitebeard.

"W-Whitebeard?!!" He exclaimed in utter disbelief

"Gurarara, that's what they call me." The old pirate laughed, "And what do they call you, brat?"

He gulped as he struggled to stand up, "Uhm, Starrk..."

Whitebeard raised his eyebrow, "Oh so you're the one, eh?" He said, "The one who knows the future, to put it bluntly. There have been some rumors surfacing about you and me. Care to tell me what all that is about?"

Starrk stood up and looked at him, "What rumor?" He said, "I don't know anything about that."

"Hmm, my sources tell me you might know something," Whitebeard said seriously, "And you will tell me."

Starrk gave him an annoyed look, "I told you I don't know anything-"

Whitebeard raised his naginata and slammed the bottom of the pole on the ground, causing a shockwave. The entirety of the marines that were present, felt the shockwave and couldn't help but flinch in fear. All of them felt uneasy at this and that included Garp, who didn't know what to do in this situation. He didn't want to pick a fight with Whitebeard unprovoked.

"You little brat." Newgate growled, "You will speak the truth."

"Oi, old man!" Cregan called over as he walked towards them, "It's true. Starrk doesn't know much about that rumor. He for sure didn't start it."

Whitebeard looked at him, "Cregan." He said, "You're still here?"

Cregan gave him a weak smirk, "Oh come on, don't be like that." He said, "I told you I will bring him to you. But trust me on this, it's not like that. He really doesn't know."

"If he didn't start it, then who did? And why?" Whitebeard asked

"Beats me." Cregan replied

The Yonko looked down at Starrk who merely looked at him seriously. He noticed there was a flame in his eyes that he did not expect to see.

"Hm...." He said

Before he could say anything else, Garp spoke up.

"Ahem." He said, "Did you forget we were here, Newgate?"

Whitebeard looked at him, "Oh, you're still here, Garp?" He said, "I just gave you and your little shitheads a chance to retreat."

He gave him a serious glare,

"Seems you didn't capitalize on it."