
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

The Troublemaker Appears

(Starrk's POV)

"The Dragon Knight is the cause of this?" Anne asked, "Why would he do this?!"

Katakuri shook his head, "Like hell if I know."

"You stupid little girl!" Perospero snapped, "How dare you ask us shit questions like that?! It's obvious that bastard wants to humiliate our crew like he's done for almost 2 years!!!"

"Focus, brother!" Katakuri told him, "We are under attack!"

"Shut up, both of you." I said, "Do you hear that?"

They both stopped as a loud horn was heard.

We all looked to the side of the ship as the fog on that side slowly dispersed away.

We saw as a massive black galleon slowly pulled up the ship. It was huge, as massive as the battleship we were on. It had a large dragon's head as its figurehead. The horn's blaring was coming from there.

"Its him." Katakuri said seriously, "That's his ship."

As the ship pulled up next to the war torn battleship, a figure was visible through the faint fog.

I watched as a tall man was clad in obsidian black steel armor. His helmet resembled that of a certain video game's. Couldn't remember the name. Its on the tip of my tongue….

Started with an S…..I don't know…but the helmet looked similar to the game's black armor. Think it was an ebony helmet from it…

What the hell? Can't remember much about that game. Swore i knew it…

I then snapped out of it as I saw that the armored man was more visible. I then noticed that on his armor's chest plate, a dark and crimson symbol of a three headed dragon was on it.

That symbol looked eerily familiar.

Again, I know the symbol…and what it referenced..I just can't put my finger on it…A show…starts with Game…

Why can't I remember?

"Starrk?" I heard Anne call

I snapped out of it again and looked at her.

"Its him." She said with an ominous tone to her voice, "The Dragon Knight."

I watched as the ship pulled to a stop. The Dragon Knight merely stood there on the side of his ship. It seemed as if he was watching us. I couldn't make out his eyes, since the eye-slits of his helm were pitch black.

I then noticed that Anne was trembling.

I looked at her, "Anne?" I asked

She gave the Knight a vicious glare, "Its you." She said with venom, "You bastard! I'll kill you!"

She pulled her guns up and ran towards the railings.

"Anne no!" I said reaching out to her

Without skipping a beat, I noticed as the Dragon Knight raised his arm up, and he then lowered it quickly.

I heard as cannons opened fired.

"Anne!!" I lunged at her

I grabbed her by the waist and jumped away as three cannonballs exploded the floor where she stood. The impact of the cannonballs blew us away. I felt as I crashed through the top of the floor, holding Anne in my arms.

"Gaahh!!" I shouted as debris bursted all around us, "What's your deal?!"

Anne pulled herself off of me, "Let go of me!!" She growled, "I have to do something!!"

I stood up and saw as she glared over at the other ship.

"What is with you!?" I asked

"He killed them!" She said as tears formed in her eyes, "That bastard killed Liam and Ricky!"

"What?" I said

Before anything, I heard as Perospero shouted at the Dragon Knight.

"You bastard!!" He exclaimed, "How dare you shoot at my ship!! Hand over our treasure!! Nobody fucks with the Big Mom Pirates and lives to tell the tale!!"

"Calm yourself, brother!" Katakuri said, "Abort the ship, another volley of cannon-fire is incoming!"

I grabbed Anne's shoulder, "We got to go!" I said, "Now!"

She shook my hand away, "Screw you!" She said as she ran toward the side of the ship and jumped to her burning battleship

I noticed that half of her crew were working on putting out the fires caused by cannonfire.

I then saw as the Dragon Knight raised his arm again. Without saying a word, he lowered it again.

I watched as Katakuri and Perospero jumped away and towards their ships. As soon as they did, the deck was bombarded by cannonballs again.

I ran away from the explosions and jumped overboard and towards the water.

I hit the water hard as i heard loud explosions above me. Diving under the surface, i held my breath while I swam away to safety.

Firsts things first, I had to get to my ship.

After swimming for a couple hundred meters, I resurfaced back up.

After gasping for air, I noticed that the fog was slowly dispersing away. I saw as the the empty battleship was being engulfed in flames. The massive black galleon was next to us.

I then watched as it slowly turned towards my direction.

"What the hell?" I said as I floated in the water

I the sensed something behind me.

I turned to see my ship sailing towards me. I watched as my men looked over the side and down at me.

"Starrk!!!" They shouted

They tossed a rope down to me so I can climb up.

After climbing up to the ship, one of my guys walked up to me.

"Yo Starrk!!" He said, "That massive galleon is heading for us!"

I raised an eyebrow, "Is that so?"

I watched as the Dragon Knight's ship slowly sailed towards us.

I gritted my teeth, "Defensive formation!" I ordered, "Be prepared to return fire!! That ship's weaponry doesn't fuck around!!"

"Aye!" They responded

"Starrk!!" I heard the lookout call out

"What is it?" I asked

"We got Three Navy Warships incoming!!" He said as he looked through the telescope

"Just what we need!" I muttered, "Who is it?!"

"Aw shit!" He said,

"Its Garp and Kuzan!!"