
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Naval Battle

(A/N: Yea last chapter of the day. Kinda went crazy today. I will drop at least 3 more chapters by the end of the week. Then I'll keep trying to keep it steady.

I'll try to hit at least 60 chapters this month.

Thanks for reading)

(3rd Person View)

"Defensive formation!" Starrk ordered his men as they all assumed their positions, "Lets try to get the hell outta here without taking much damage!"

"Oi Starrk!" One of his men said, "Perospero and Katakuri's ships are trying to escape! But they've been intercepted by another group of marine warships!"

"What?!" Starrk exclaimed, "Who?!"

The men looked through their telescopes as cannonfire started to erupt.

"Oh shit." One of then said, "Its Momonga and Borsalino!"

"Fuck." Starrk growled

Meanwhile, on Garp's ship, a marine approached the Vice-Admiral and saluted.

"Vice-Admiral Garp!" He said, "We've sent a ship to retrieve Rear-Admiral Anne and any survivors of her crew!"

Garp tossed a rice cracker into his mouth.

"Good." He said, "Make sure to tell Kuzan not to let the Dragon Knight escape."

As this was said, the Navy Warships had assumed offensive positions and started firing at the Dragon Knight's ship from a distance. The Massive Black Galleon was also returning fire as it slowly sailed in the direction of Starrk's ship.

Garp's ship stayed in the middle of the two Warships as one of them went to the aid of Anne and the other, Kuzan's, slowly advanced towards the Dragon Knight.

As this was happening, Perospero and Katakuri's ships were being intercepted by three Navy Warships manned by Borsalino and Momonga who had another Rear Admiral in charge of the third ship.

"Fuck!" Perospero exclaimed as his men were tending to the damage suffered by his ship, "Just what we need!! Perorin!"

He grabbed a snail and called Katakuri.

On his ship, Katakuri answered his snail, "Yes, brother?"

"Katakuri!" Perospero, "This is utter humiliation! To think we were duped by that brat! Perorin! Call Daifuku and Oven!! Hell, even Snack!! Lets crush these Marine assholes and get the Dragon Knight's head on a pike! Perorin!!! We must not allow Mama's name as a Yonko be dragged through the mud!! Perorin! I've lost all patience!!"

"Calm yourself brother!" Katakuri said, "We cannot afford to get into a naval battle with your ship in its condition. Enter defensive formation and retreat! We'll regroup with Daifuku and Oven. If these Marines do follow us, then we'll be sure to crush them!"

As this was said, Katakuri's ship was already assuming a defensive formation as it returned fire at the Navy ships, it got in front of Perospero's in order to prevent any more damage to it.

Borsalino's ship was making its way to them as it relentlessly fired.

"Ho…" Borsalino mused as he looked at the ships, "As expected of Big Mom's crew. They sure do know how to avoid a defeat. We have the advantage, continue attacking them."

"Sir!" His men replied

Meanwhile, at Marine HQ, Sengoku sat at his desk.

He had his arms placed on it while he gave a serious look at someone who was sitting in front of him.

"Hm…" he said, "I've sent six warships to intercept the Dragon Knight, just as your intel suggested. What makes you think this plan won't fail?"

The man he was talking about was a Cipher Pol agent. They had gathered information on the Dragon Knight and managed to send enough forces to try to capture him.

The Cipher Pol agent cleared his throat, "According to my higher ups, we must capture that man by any means necessary." He said, "Sending six warships and multiple high ranking officers should be more than enough."

"That Dragon Knight has managed to evade us in the past." Sengoku stated, "I wouldn't be surprised if he does so now."

As he said this, a Marine rushed into the office.

"Sir!" He said, "I received a report from Vice-Admiral Garp!"

"What is it?" Sengoku said

"They intercepted The Dragon Knight!" He said, "But there was an issue! A Whitebeard ship and two Big Mom ships were on the scene!"

Sengoku widened his eyes, "What?!"

"Yes! Borsalino and Momonga are in pursuit of the Big Mom ships!" The marine reported

Sengoku slammed his hands on the desk, "No!" He exclaimed, "He'll use that to his advantage! He'll escape! Tell Borsalino and Momonga to call of that pursuit! We can't afford to get in a quarrel with a Yonko, much less two! Let the Whitebeard ship and Big Mom's ships go!"

"Its only the Dragon Knight we want!"