
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs

Chapter 22 Is That... Conqueror's Entanglement? ?

Nami: "Ahahaha! Luffy's expression is hilarious! He actually believed the boss's words..."

Usopp: "Actually, the boss wasn't wrong. Zoro is probably the strongest among the nearby islands. It's just that compared to Luffy, he's far behind."

Vinsmoke Sanji: "That green seaweed head over there is probably no match for Luffy..."

Roronoa Zoro: "Didn't you hear his thoughts? He plans to go all out from the start. I'm really worried about the Zoro over there!! Don't let the other Luffy kill him in one shot..."

Eustass Kid: "Hahaha! That's hilarious!"

Capone Bege: "Based on the situation, it's very likely to happen!"

Tony Tony Chopper: "Zoro over there is in a tough spot..."

Luffy is eating voraciously, sweeping through the food

On his table, Food had been stock again and again


When Luffy finally finishes eating, he pushes the money bag forward and says, "Boss, the bill!!"

"Alright! Wait a moment, young man!" The boss eagerly takes the money bag and goes to the counter to calculate the bill.

Luffy lazily eats the remaining shreds of meat from his bones

Suddenly, a shadow from behind covers him.

Luffy immediately senses that the person behind him is hostile, but he doesn't react too much because his Observation Haki has locked onto the person behind him and hasn't detected any signs of him making a move

Luffy turns his head and sees a young man with three swords tied around his waist and a green headband on his left shoulder, staring at him with a cold and fierce expression!!!

Because of the backlight, from Luffy's perspective, it's an upward angle

There's a strong sense of looking at a Devil from hell...

"Kid! I heard you were asking about me?" Zoro stares at Luffy with a fierce expression. He just passed by outside and a bounty hunter traveling with him told him that someone in the restaurant was asking about him.

In this sea, Zoro is notorious!!

Ordinary people don't even have time to avoid him, so how dare they ask about him?

Those who dare to actively inquire about him are most likely assassins hired by his enemies!!

Zoro himself is also a tough character, so when he heard about this, of course, he came over on his own.

Kaido: "This kid is quite arrogant"

Marshall D Teach: "He hasn't realized the seriousness of the situation yet Zehahaha!"

Shiki: "Saying the most arrogant words and receiving the most vicious beating, we've seen this kind of thing too many times!"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "Green seaweed head, you're in for a bad time"

Roronoa Zoro: "Dumb curly brow, that's the Zoro over there!"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "That's still you!"

Luffy is momentarily stunned, then he realizes and asks, "You're the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro?"

"That's me! What do you want with me?" Zoro's tone is very impolite.

Luffy also gets straight to the point and says, "I want to fight you!"

As expected,!!

Zoro sneers, "You mean the kind of fight that determines superiority and life or death?"

Luffy is taken aback!

Is that how it is when fighting strong opponents...

No wonder Dadan told me that strong people grow through battles...

"Uh, no problem." Luffy nods solemnly.

Seeing Luffy's response, Zoro glances at him.

For such a young age, he does have some courage!

"It's not convenient to fight here," Zoro looks at the restaurant, then points his right thumb behind him, "Let's fight outside!"

"Boss, you calculate the bill first. I'll come back to collect the remaining money later." Luffy says and follows Zoro outside.

The shop owner was busy counting money and didn't notice Zoro's arrival. He continued happily tapping on the abacus.

The two of them went outside.

People on the street quickly recognized Zoro.

"Wow! That's...! That's the pirate hunter!"

"Roronoa Zoro! That's right, it's him! How could such a terrifying strongman appear here..."

"No way! They look like they're going to duel?"

"Oh my god! Dueling with the pirate hunter Zoro, is that brat looking for death?"


Among the crowd, some knowledgeable people immediately recognized Zoro!

At the same time, they were shocked that someone would challenge Zoro without knowing any better.

Borsalino: "Wow, these onlookers... the atmosphere is really intense!"

Kuzan: "... Yeah, you're right."

Donquixote Doflamingo: "This is so interesting! I can't wait to see the shocked expressions on those people's faces, hehehe!"

Gekko Moria: "Hehehe! I'm already rubbing my hands in anticipation!"

Roronoa Zoro: "..."

Amidst the amazed exclamations of the onlookers, Zoro swiftly drew his Wado Ichimonji and bit it with his mouth!

Then, with two more swift movements, he instantly drew two more swords, one in each hand!

In the moment he had complete control over the three swords, Zoro moved!

His figure was as agile as a cheetah!

With incredible speed, he instantly lunged towards Luffy!

So direct!

Indeed, there can be no slack in the battle of strong warriors!

This is Luffy first fight, he must give it his all, he cannot afford to be careless!

Seeing Zoro's imposing momentum, Luffy immediately entered battle mode!

"Bone Muscle!!" As Luffy activated his Rubber Rubber Fruit ability, his biceps swelled up instantly!

Then, a pitch-black substance quietly covered his arms, like ink!

It was an incredibly dense and dark black!

Kozuki Oden: "Wow! This Armament Haki... it's at least reached the level of Emission!"

Tsuru: "Luffy's talent is really amazing... compared to seven years ago, his Haki has improved so much!"

Edward Newgate: "I feel... even my Armament Haki level might not necessarily be stronger than his. But he's only 14 years old..."

Momonga: "You just have a feeling, but I'm certain! My Haki definitely can't reach that level...! Mr. Garp's genes are just too strong!"

Marshall D. Teach: "Hey! This kid is too perverted!"

Monkey D. Garp: "Damn it! Why didn't I think of teaching Luffy Haki...!!"

Garp felt regretful to the core!

Just then, the live chat room suddenly exploded with cries of astonishment!

In the video footage, on top of Luffy's black-covered arm, sudden ripples of Haki, resembling lightning, emerged!

Those lightning-like Haki ripples seemed both tangible and intangible!

If they didn't pay close attention, they definitely wouldn't notice!

But the strong figure watching was instantly shocked with just one glance!

Because that was...

Conqueror's Haki!