
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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218 Chs

Chapter 21 The Strongest Person In The Nearby Islands Is Called Zoro!

Sabaody Archipelago

"Can... can it still be like this...?" Kid looked at the small boat and the red-border Luffy in the video, completely stunned.

Capone Bege took a puff of his cigarette, his expression filled with astonishment. "That straw hat kid over there... he's really a genius at developing his Devil Fruit abilities..."

A perfectly good Devil Fruit, and yet he can develop such outrageous moves...

Scratchmen Apoo said, "I have to admit, this move is really effective! With this move, even if you encounter a storm at sea, you can quickly escape to a safe area..."

Trafalgar Law said, "Indeed, he's worthy of being the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates... Both captains of the Straw Hat Pirates are very formidable..."

Marine Headquarters

Donquixote Doflamingo grinned widely. "Hahaha! This red-border straw hat kid is really interesting!"

Kuzan, standing below the high platform behind him, scratched his head. "This guy's development of his Devil Fruit ability is really out of the box..."

Kizaru, with his thick lips pouted, said, "Hmm... it's really unexpected! If I had eaten this Devil Fruit, I wouldn't have thought of developing it in this direction..."

Boa Hancock lightly poijnting the red borderwith her finger and murmured, "That Luffy over there seems even cuter..."

In the chat room

Usopp exclaimed, "Wow! This... this... this is just like a Rubber Rubber Fruit version of the Coup de Burst"

Franky said, "This is even more practical than the Coup de Burst! The Coup de Burst consumes 10 liters of cola per 100 kilometers! Luffy's propulsion system doesn't consume anything at all!"

Roronoa Zoro said, "No, Luffy's move probably consumes even more! I estimate it would consume ten tons of food per 100 kilometers..."

Brook said, "But our Luffy has to learn this skill! If we run out of cola fuel, this skill will be a life-saving ability!"

Monkey D. Luffy said, "Makes sense, I'll try my best..."


Saint Shepherd Ju Peter squinted his eyes. "The power of that fruit is known as the most absurd and ridiculous power in the world..."

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn put his hands on his cane and said in a deep voice, "Yes... judging from the situation of that red-border Luffy over there, his fruit hasn't even awakened yet, but the development is already heading towards absurdity."

After pondering for a moment, he continued, "Now I understand why this Devil Fruit chose him voluntarily!"

"It's obvious that this Monkey D. Luffy is almost certainly the most important spark of revolution!!"

Saint Marcus Mars said with a serious expression, stroking his long beard. "As soon as this screen is over, immediately notify the CP0 agents and make Monkey D. Luffy the number one wanted criminal!"

After leaving the storm area, Luffy opened a wax paper package and took out the preserved meat that Dadan had prepared for him. He ate it with pancakes.

Perhaps because the technique he just used consumed too much energy, Luffy had a big appetite. Without realizing it, he ate everything he had brought.

"Looks like I didn't bring enough meat, I'm only half full..." Luffy patted his stomach and could only stare blankly at the sea

Time flew by, two days passed, and Luffy was starving

But luckily, he arrived at an island, Kotō Island.

Luffy docked the ship at the shore and entered the town, heading straight for the restaurant.

"Boss! Hurry up and bring me some meat, I'm starving!" Luffy exclaimed weakly, slamming his money bag on the table.

Seeing Luffy's bulging money bag, the boss's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, we've got a big spender here..." the boss thought to himself.

"Alright! Young man, we have top-quality mountain beef in our shop. Would you like to try it?" the boss asked without hesitation, immediately promoting the most expensive meat.

"Sure, as long as it fills my stomach," Luffy replied.

Luffy had rarely spent money since he was a child, so he had no concept of good or bad meat. All he knew was that he had money in his hands and he could buy meat to eat. That was all...

Soon, a fragrant and delicious secret braised mountain beef was brought to Luffy's table, and Luffy enjoyed it heartily.

"By the way, boss, are there any strong people on this island?" Luffy asked while devouring the mountain beef.

On this journey, Luffy wanted to see the world and improve his strength through battles.

"Yes, there are!" the boss replied.

Rarely did he have a big spender like Luffy who consumed mountain beef, so the boss naturally provided him with information.

"If you're talking about strong fighters, then Roronoa Zoro, the pirate hunter, is a must on the nearby islands!" the boss said.

"It is said that he often roams the sea like a ghost, specifically targeting pirates with decent strength and capturing them for bounties."

"He is strong..." the boss said vividly, even raising a thumbs-up to show his recognition of Zoro's strength.

"That's great! Where is he?" Luffy asked with a smile on his face after taking a bite of meat.

"Huh? You want to find him?" the boss's expression suddenly changed, and he earnestly advised, "Young man, I thought you were just asking casually. If you really want to find him, I strongly advise against it!"

"Why?" Luffy asked.

A hint of panic appeared on the boss's face. He instinctively looked outside the door before whispering in Luffy's ear, "Because it is said that that guy is like a devil, killing without blinking!"

"That's so scary..." Luffy's face also became serious.

He secretly thought that when he faced such a strong opponent, he must not be careless!

Well, when the time comes, he would go all out from the start. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes...