
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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224 Chs

Chapter 209 Princess Vivi Is Also A Once-In-800-Year Bloodline!

With the activation of the Pluton cannon, Franky's whole body is filled with the brilliant light, as if some kind of high-tech facility has been activated...

"This thing...can really blow up an island..."

Buggy's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief.

"I do not know...."

Franky shook his head, and continued, "The size of the Pluton guns I have produced now is one-fifth of the Pluton guns on the Pluton battleship... I guess even if one shot can't destroy the island, four or five shot should be able to..."

"However..., there is a problem!!" Franky said.

"What's the problem?" Vegapunk wondered.

Franky replied: "I activated the Pluton cannon just now, and I have a thorough understanding of the Pluton cannon. Its launch system not only requires a powerful energy source like the 'mother flame, but you may not believe it, but to fire Pluton cannon ...…, biometric identification is needed!"

"Biometrics? What do you mean?"

Luffy tilted his head, many question marks appeared on his face

Franky didn't need to say anything, Vegapunk explained: "It needs specific biometric authentication to enable it. Since it's Ancient Weapon, then this biometric should be a certain person, or a certain type of person"

Franky said: "Yes, Pluton Cannon's biological authentication is a bloodline called Nefertari family, and it must be the bloodline of a princess"

Nefertari Cobra: "WHAT!!! Is it the blood of our family? Princess? Isn't that Vivi?"

Hearing what Franky said in the red border video, Cobra couldn't sit still!

If the bloodline of the princess of the Nefertari family is so important, it will definitely be targeted by the World Government!

Monkey D. Luffy: "Does Pluton need Vivi to attack?"

Nami: "Oops!! In the white-framed video just now, Princess Vivi was capture by the cp, that's probably why!!"

Nico Robin: "Yes! Later, Princess Vivi was taken away by Wapol, but Im specially ordered Five Elders, saying that she wanted Vivi..., when I watched the video, I thought that Im wanted to do it because of what happened with Queen Lily 800 years ago, and he wanted to vent his grievances on Vivi, but I didn't expect this to be the reason!!"

Edward Newgate: "How can a guy who can be above the Five Elders be stupid? Whoever he wants to catch and kill must have clear intentions!"

Silver Rayleigh: "Indeed...!! Even if the Lulusia Kingdom was destroyed with a weapon suspected to be Uranus, I'm afraid it's not because of the it near reason, there must be another ulterior motive! !"

Nefertari Cobra: "Im!!! There is no way I will let you get your hands on Vivi!!"

Nefertari Vivi: "Even if I die, I will never fall into the hands of the world government!!"

Monkey D. Luffy: "Vivi, you wait!!! When the Summit War is over, I will pick you up!! No one can take you away!!"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "Little Vivi! We'll definitely pick you up!!"

Nami: "Yes, Vivi, don't be afraid, we didn't have the ability to protect you before, but now...we have it!"

Nefertari Vivi: "Well, I'll wait for you to pick me up, guys!!"

Zoro frowned suddenly: "Nefertari? Why is this surname so familiar??"

"You idiot..., that's little Vivi's last name!"

Hearing that Zoro actually forgot all it, Sanji flew into a rage

"Princess Vivi's bloodline is so special?" Hearing this, Luffy gently rubbed his chin

He looks at Vegapunk and Franky: "That is to say, if we find Vivi now, we can fire the cannon?"

Franky nodded and said: "In theory, this is the case, but here is a problem!! The launch of the Pluton cannon not only requires energy, but also consumes the soul force of the launcher!! That is the..., lifespan! !"


Hearing what Franky said, the face of the black question mark appeared on everyone's face...

Usopp opened his mouth wide: "How long does it take? How long does it take for one shot?"

Franky shook his head: "I don't know exactly how much, but it's conservatively estimated that it won't be less than 20 years..."

"so much!!"

Everyone grows their mouths in shock

This is still a conservative estimate...

Might actually need more!

In other words...

A beautiful girl like Princess Vivi, after firing a Pluton, will she become an old hag

It may even be an old woman in her sixties or seventies...

This side effect is too scary!

Kaido: "Wait!! The Pluton battleship not only needs to be certified by the bloodline of the Princess of Nefertari, but also consumes her life? Then what's the use of this? Even if we find that princess, we can only fire two or three shots "

Charlotte Linlin: "Idiot Kaido!! Do you have any misunderstanding the two or three shots of the Pluton battleship!!! One shot can destroy an island, just like the scene where the Lulusia Kingdom was destroyed just now!!! If you put this kind of thing in your hand, even if it only one shot, it is definitely a terrible thing that can damage everyone!!!"

Kaido: "Huh??? Old woman, what you said really woke me up!! Hahaha!!!"

Vegapunk: "Since the Pluton battleship needs biometric authentication and lifespan consumption, Uranus, which is also an Ancient Weapon, may also need it!!"

Monkey·D·Dragon: "It's very possible!!! Im wants Princess Vivi, probably because of Princess Vivi's blood certification!! And Im should have Uranus in his hand, although I don't know why Im can launch Uranus with out Nefertari bloodline!"

Marshal D Teach: "Here is my bold guess, could Im be the Queen Lily of Alabasta 800 years ago? Zehahaha!!

Benn Beckman: "From the conversation between Im and Cobra in the video just now, it is unlikely that Im is Queen Lily from 800 years ago! But judging from what has been done now, it is really necessary to launch Uranus If the bloodline of the Princess of the Nefertari family is certified, then this Im may have used some method to take away the body of Queen Lily from 800 years ago"

Yasopp: "Hey, hey, hey, hey!!! Your guess is too crazy!! But that person was 800 years ago!! Even if he took it, he took it 800 years ago! How did she survive until now??"

Benn Beckman: "I'm just guessing! Who knows what kind of fruit power Im has? As for life, if he is really a person from 800 years ago, maybe he did another eternal life surgery to preserve Queen Lily or just take Queen lily body"

Monkey D Dragon: "The analysis is very reasonable! And..., as we saw in the video just now, Im is covered in a black robe. It stands to reason that only the Five Elders know his identity. and when the Five Elders met him, he shouldn't hide himself and show his tail. But he still did it..."

Charlotte Katakuri: "That's right!! The reason for doing this can only be..., even for the Five Elders, He has something to hide!!"

Monkey D Dragon: "Yes, based on the information we know now, there is a high probability that his appearance has changed a lot! He doesn't want the Five Elders to see it. Then can we boldly assume his body is getting very old, or starting to rot???"

Benn Beckman: "So...the reason Im wants Vivi is..."

Monkey D Dragon: "Yes, the truth is very likely that..., He wants to replace his body with the body of Princess Vivi!!"

During the analysis process of these few people, the entire chat room was extremely silent

When the result of the last hypothesis was analyzed, everyone didn't think this conclusion was absurd

From the situation seen in the previous white border video, plus the information from the red border video...

With the combination of the two, everything really seems to be like this!!!

Gol·D·Roger: "So..., the body of Queen Lily from 800 years ago was used by Im for 800 years?"

Edward Newgate: "Very likely!!!"

Kong: "Nonsense!! In the past 800 years, there have been countless princesses in Alabasta, why didn't Im catch them??"

Shiki: "Yo You are really a good dog in the World Government!! Knowing who your master is, you started licking it right away!!"

Kong: "Get out!! This old man is just being reasonable!! If you can refute me, I won't say anything!!!"

Monkey D Dragon: "It's been so long since I've watched the screen, but many things have become very clear!! The Mermaid Princess 800 years ago corresponds to the Mermaid Princess today, and the Joy Boy 800 years ago corresponds to the Joy Boy today! !So... who is Princess Vivi corresponds to 800 years ago...?"

When Monkey D Dragon said this, everyone gasped in their hearts

In an instant, the hairs stood on end!!!

The answer..., is obvious!!!

Benn Beckman: "Dragon!!! He pointed out the key point!! Maybe..... Franky on the red border video side misunderstood, Pluton and Uranus does not need an ordinary Nefertari family's princess bloodline, but a special princess bloodline that only appears once every 800 years, just like the Poseidon bloodline, and Joyboy!!!"

Sengoku: "Wait! Why do those special bloodlines all appear in this era? How could it be such a coincidence??"

Gol·D·Roger: "No, Sengoku, you are thinking wrong! Not all those special bloodlines are concentrated at this time.but because...'The blood of the king will awaken each other!! Don't doubt it..., this is the information I got from Raftel!!

Shiki: "Understood!! I'm afraid that Im's body under the black robe is already rotten? But he didn't want to give up the privilege of activating Uranus, so he kept going.

After struggling to support this remnant body, now he finds that Princess Vivi has the same physique as the original Queen Lily, so he wants to take away Princess Vivi's body, isn't that right?

Edward Newgate: "It seems so!! It's just that the only thing that can't be sure is whether this Im is a person who has lived for more than 800 years..."

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Fufurfur...!!!! I can tell you clearly that Im is a person from 800 years ago! And.... ..., there is indeed a 'National Treasure' in the Holy Land, and it takes lifespan to activate it!!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "C ven if you were a Tenryuubito when you were young, you haven't been in Mariejois for a few years, have you? How can you know this??"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Fufurfur...!! Because when I was three or four years old, I happened to see that "National Treasure" being activated"

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn: "Doflamingo, you're playing with fire!!!"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Now the whole world wants my life! What else do I have to be afraid of? Playing with fire or water, no one can control my thoughts furofurafur...!!"

Edward Newgate: "Wait! When you were three or four years old, wasn't that when... the Valley of the Gods incident happened???"

Gol·D·Roger: "Hey hey hey! This way everything is right!! After the Valley of Gods incident, the Valley of Gods disappeared! Thinking it now, isn't it the same as the video just now, Is it the same as the disappearance of the Lulusia Kingdom???"

Shiki: "Jie hahahaha!!! Where's the old dog? Get out!!! Now I can refute you, you should come here!!!"

Kong: "F*** you!!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Yo The old dog is angry...."

Gol·D·Roger: "Yo The old dog is angry....

Shiki: "Yo The old dog is angry..."

"Looks like..., this Pluton cannon is useless..."

Luffy sighs slightly

If they just need the blood of Princess Vivi, then he definitely doesn't mind letting Princess Vivi help, but if they want Princess Vivi to consume a huge amount of life, Luffy never do this.

After all...it's not to the point where you have to use Pluton to save the world...

As long as this thing doesn't fall into the hands of "bad guys", then it's fine!!!

"By the way, didn't you still integrate that ancient robot soldier? Can that work?" Luffy remembered the robot soldier, so he asked again.

"Let me give it a try!!"

Hearing this, Franky's tongue showed the function of a spring, which flicked out the mother Flame, and then turned back into a human form

The next moment, he began to transform into a robot soldier again

Click, click, click...

After a clanging sound, a large Mecha appeared in front of everyone...

Chopper's eyes light up: "Wow!! This robot form is so perfect!!"

Usopp opened his mouth wide: "This is exactly the same as that ancient machine!"

"That's true..."

Even Zoro couldn't help but sigh.

"Put the mother flame in the energy chamber of my mouth." Franky controlled himself in robot form and opened the chamber.

"it hasn't changed that much..."

Luffy complained, then stretched out his arms, and put the female flame in.

The Robot form successfully activated!!

The next moment, Franky said " it works!!"

But at this moment, Lilith, the clone of Vegapunk No. 2, said loudly: "The warship from the World Government is coming!! The mechanical sea beast is under attack!"


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
