
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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219 Chs

Chapter 207 If An Apology Is Useful, Then Why Use Fists!

Luffy turned on his Nika form in an instant!!!

Not only rubberized the surrounding partners together with Vegapunk, but also enlarged the hands immediately and turned them into rubber barriers, blocking the front!!





Four terrifying laser beams suddenly landed on Luffy's palm, setting off terrifying mushrooms cloud!!


Zoro unsheathe all of his sword, and try to counter attack

"what's the situation???" He saw that the four figures rushing over were actually children, but their appearance was very familiar...

To be precise, they are the child's version of Hancock, Mihawk, Bartholemew Kuma and Jinbei!!!

all original Shichibukai!!

However, according to the news they saw in the newspapers some time ago..., the World Government has now abolished the Shichibukai system

And 4 mini versions of the original Shichibukai suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, which really surprised everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates!!

However, after a brief shock, Zoro attack it without hesitation.


Zoro's sword slashed on S-Eagle's body, instantly blasting him

However, when the sword went down, Zoro looked at Eagle S in disbelief, and exclaimed: "What's going on? He's not human!!?"

Even if this powerful slash falls on Kaido, it will leave a wound on the opponent

But the kid in front of him doesn't have any traces on his body, this is too outrageous!!!

At the same time

Sanji and the S Shark fight!!

Buggy and S Bear are fighting!

Luffy and S Snake are fighting!!

"What's going on??? Why did Seraphim suddenly attack??"

Vegapunk on the side saw this scene, and the whole person immediately turned pale with fright

"What do you mean? What is an seraphim? Isn't this your enemy?"

Nami asked loudly, while quickly activating the Smooth-Smooth Fruit ability, putting slippery protective films on all the partners

Vegapunk quickly explained: "These are all war weapons invented by me, but in the highest command authority is in my and the six clones of me. Just now I tried to order them to stop attacking, but my order could not Overwrite the order they received before, which means that the authority of the person who issued the order is no lower than mine!"

Usopp yelled: "Hey hey hey!! What the hell are you trying to say? You invented these things? Is there anyone else with higher authority than you?? "

"On the surface, the authority of Five Elders is first, and I am only in second But in fact, I still have a backup. But I tried it just now, and I still can't override the order! !" Vegapunk said.

Sanji then said "To put it simply, the seraphim order to attack can only come from your six clones, isn't it?

Since the Five Elders are excluded, only his six clone have authority that are equal to Vegapunk himself, and Sanji quickly analyzed it.

"That's right, but my six clone will not betray me!! And..., if they have the idea of betraying me in their hearts, I should have known it!!!"

Vegapunk scratched his head, his face was full of confusion

"Don't think it too much!! Since you can have backdoor against the world's government seraphim, how can the world's government don't have away to control you, tell me, how can we re-order these seraphs? Or destroy them?"

Luffy asked while fighting S Snake.

"Mero Mero Mellow!!—"

S snake girl suddenly released her ability

The pink light wave fell on Luffy's body, and was directly slipped away by the slippery protective film!!

"Gomu Gomu no‧King Kong Gun!!——"

Luffy's fist magnified loudly, ignoring any sympathy, and punched Snake Girl against the wall...

Boa·Hancock: "Ah...! Mr. Luffy..., he... he... beat me..."."

Vinsmoke Sanji: "Hey! Luffy, can't you fight softer!!"

Capone Bege: "No matter which side of the straw hat Luffy treats women, they are really the same"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Fufurfur...!!! Women only affect the punching speed of Straw Hat Boy"

Gol D Roger: "Hahaha!!"

"Don't think about destroying them, the flames on their backs will not disappear until their energy is exhausted, and their defense is very strong!"

Vegapunk shook his head, and then said: "If the person who issued the order can be made unconscious, then the orders of me and other clones will be effective."

However, he said with a sad face: "But I can't guess which clones betrayed me, and they have no reason to betray me! You can't let the innocent clones suffer because of the traitor..."

While fighting, Luffy asked: "What are your clone??"

Vegapunk then said: "The No. 1 clone, Shaka, represents goof. The No. 2 clone, Lilith, represents evil. The No. 3 clone, Edison, represents thought. The No. 4 clone, Pythagoras, represents wisdom. The No. 5 clone, Atlas represents violance. No. 6 clone, York, represents desire/greed.

After listening to Vegapunk's introduction, Luffy said without hesitation: "It's because of greed!"

Gion: "Fortunately, it's Red Border Luffy... who can guessed the correct answer right away!"

Kuzan: "Guess? It should be said to be an accurate judgment!"

York: "Ahhs that red-border Luffy over there!!!"

Vegapunk: "York, you idiot!! I won't give you a chance to betray me!"

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn: "THIS f**kING VIEWING SYSTEM...!!!"

In the white border video just now, Five Elders and Im have seen the power of the "Mother Flame"!!!

But the problem is..., this is what happened in the future two years later

At this point in time, the mother flame has not been made yet!!!

However, due to the early exposure of the viewing system, all the trick of the world government have been exposed...

It made Vegapunk rebel ahead of time, and did not plan to research the mother flame!!!

This is an absolutely unforgivable crime for the World Government!!!

"Nami, please support Buggy!"

"Buggy, go find York and make her lose consciousness in the shortest possible time!!"

Luffy ordered immediately.

Although Nami is a girl, but Nami has now awakened her devil fruit, and Armament Haki has entered the threshold of advanced while Observation Haki is also a short distance away from advanced


She can handle them!!


Buggy saw Nami coming to fill his spot, and immediately flew over in the direction of the dome

At this moment, in front of the spherical portal above the dome, York's figure appeared

Through the glass portal, she stuck out her tongue at the Vegapunk below: "So sorry, but they promise to make me a Tenryuubito, and there can only be one Vegapunk in this world, the other should be kill too"


Buggy punched the glass door, making a loud noise!!!

However, this glass door guard is made of unknown material, and its defense power is extremely strong

Even under the bombardment of Buggy's advanced Armament Haki, there is no crack at all

"It's useless, that material can't be destroyed even if Buster Call's artillery hits it..." Vegapunk sighed, his face full of worry

Thousands of calculations, and he never though of this outcome

If they cant enters the dome, then they can't take "Punk Records" with him, and they can't bring the fusion furnace that made the mother flame...

In that case, as long as York is willing to obey the world government, with the punk record and the fusion furnace, she will be able to create the mother flame sooner or later!!

"Whahahaha!!! You red-nosed idiot, this is a super polymer material made by Vegapunk with the technology from 800 years ago, if you want to destroy it, go practice for another 500 years!!! "

Through a glass door, York taunted Buggy mercilessly

Red Nose...!!!

Hearing this iconic ridicule, Buggy's blood pressure instantly shot up

Just now he didn't know that the glass was so strong, so he planned to use a punch to shatter the glass and York unconscious!!!

If he knew, he wouldn't use that kind of attack

"You are courting death!!"

Buggy's eyes turned cold instantly, and he stretched his right hand towards York's neck!!!

York seems to like to mock others, and deliberately raised her neck towards Buggy

However, the next moment, the moment Buggy's hand touched the glass, the glass was blurred and instantly shattered into countless particles like fine sand


York was stunned for a moment, and then the proud expression on her face suddenly froze


During York's horrified screams, Buggy strangled her neck directly!!!

"Red? Nose? Idiot!!?"

Buggy pulls York close to him, and the two look at each other, Buggy's eyes almost burst into flames

"Ah!! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. …."

Suddenly being controlled by the other party, York can no longer maintain the complacent look just now, and suddenly turned into a crying "little fairy"...

"Apologize? Hehe... If an apology is useful, then why do you need fists!!!"

Speaking, Buggy's left hand covered the rich Armament Haki, and then a fierce punch landed on York's face!!!


The sandbag-sized fist directly covered York's face

At this moment, York only felt that his brain was to splash out, and then the world was pitch black...

"Stop attacking!"

Vegapunk immediately issued an order to Seraphim

Sure enough..., the four blazing angels all stopped in an instant!!!

"Damn it!!"

Sanji was very upset and kicked the S shark again, just now this guy's with swim fruit made him a little uncomfortable

"What's the matter with these guys? It looks like they're just human beings, why are their defenses so strong?" Luffy asked with some doubts.

Vegapunk explained: "That's the bloodline factor I extracted from the body of the Lunaria tribe, so that they have the talent of the Lunaria tribe!! See the flames behind them, when the flames are burning at that time, their defense power was almost invincible"

"Amount......, it's really pervert!!!" Zoro said

When he was fighting S Eagle just now, although he felt that the flame looked familiar, he couldn't remember it for a while.

However, the powerful defense of these Seraphim gave Zoro a headache too!!!

"Let's go up quickly!!! Since York has made her move it means that the world government is very close! We must hurry!" Vegapunk knows that time is running out

So he hurriedly urged.

Come to the dome, Vegapunk's other clone don't know York's betrayal yet, they are still busy with their own thing.

Strawhat pirates came to the Fusion Furnace and asked Franky to eat the Fusion Furnace.

And Vegapunk himself just brought Jewelry Bonney to the place where Bartholemew Kuma's memory is stored

Warning Jewelry Bonney again, this memory is very painful, but she insist on knowing

Vegapunk is no longer deny her!

When Jewelry Bonney exit Bartholemew Kuma's memory covered in sweat, she was numb

She couldn't imagine how painful it was!!!

She also understood why Bartholemew Kuma would voluntarily let Vegapunk seal his consciousness

"Little Bonney, now you understand, that I'm not lying?" Vegapunk handed Jewelry Bonney a tissue


Jewelry Bonney bit her lip tightly, trying hard to cry softly

And at this time, the Straw Hat Pirates and their party also came to this room

"Did you manage to eat the fusion furnace?" Seeing them coming, Vegapunk looked up and asked.

"That's right!!! Now I'm a fusion furnace!! Hmmsuper!!——"

Franky immediately turned on the fusion furnace transformation...

they saw Franky body become the Furnace, and the head became the lid of the furnace...

He looked at Vegapunk excitedly, and said: " Vegapunk, now I only need enough raw materials, and I can make the Mother Flame"

"This fruit is really convenient. If I met you earlier, many of my researches can be finished early!"

Looking at Franky's form, Vegapunk sighed

"Then, without further ado... let's go to Punk Records now!" Luffy looked at Vegapunk with a questioning look on his face.

"good!" Vegapunk didn't hesitate, and immediately agreed.

Come to the place where Punk records, Vegapunk took out a small part first, and handed it to Franky: "This is my knowledge and memory of pirate games, you can swallow it, I will try it Continue to receive this part of knowledge"


Franky took it and swallowed it in one gulp!!


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
