
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Chapter 175 Doflamingo Is A Good King?

After playing in the forest for a while, Luffy and his party went to the city of Dressrosa

The most famous slogan of Dressrosa can be seen everywhere in the city: the land of love, passion and toys!!

"This country looks very rich, the buildings are tall and prosperous, and people's faces are full of smiles!!"

Nami bought a few special snacks from the roadside stalls and shared them with everyone

"Indeed!! This country is so rich!! Compared to Alabasta, the happiness of people in this country is much higher!!"

Luffy nodded, really surprised by this scene

According to Trafalgar Law, Doflamingo should be a full-fledged criminal!!

However, in the country under his rule, the life of common people is so rich

This... is unreasonable!!

"From the perspective of state governance, this Doflamingo seems to be a very capable person...!!

Robin can't help but marvel at the prosperity of this country

Since she was 8 years old, she has been living in exile and has been to countless places...!!

Just by comparing them, Robin can judge the degree of economic development of Dressrosa

It is no exaggeration to say that this country is the richest existence among all the countries she has ever seen!!

Luffy suggested that everyone find delicious food by themselves, and he pointed to a one-meter-high barbecue in front of a barbecue shop and said, "Boss, give me five skewers!!"

"Okay, distinguished guest, just wait a moment, I'll heat it up for you"

The store owner brought five one-meter-long meat skewers over, put them in a large oven and started heating them.

"Boss, are people in your country so rich?" Luffy chatted with the owner of the barbecue shop while the barbecue was heating up...

From the shop owner's attitude towards customers, Luffy can feel that the shop owner's happiness is not fake...

"Ai! Guest, you are right!! In our Dressrosa..., everyone has no pressure in life! The king will carry out large-scale construction of the city every year, and the local people participate in the work, and they can get very high rewards. Everyone lives without worries!"

"By the way, all the basic public facilities and services in Dressrosa will not charge any fees to civilians, but will also give expensive commissions to those who participate in voluntary labor."

The boss is obviously also a warm-hearted person, chatting with Luffy,

Gion: "Is the country under the rule of the clown actually living such a wealthy life?"

Tsuru: "Indeed..... Judging by the appearance of the owner of this barbecue shop, it really doesn't seem like he's pretending"

Crocodile: "That clown, is he so loved by commoners??"

Gekko Moria: "Stop praising him!! It's not like I haven't seen the white border video just now. When that guy was finally beaten by Luffy, people all over the country applauded"

Capone‧ Bege: "To be honest, if Doflamingo hadn't released Birdcage in the end to kill everyone, the public might not have hoped that Straw Hat Luffy would defeat him"

Basil Hawkins: "Yeah!! All the people in Dressrosa are crazy for Doflamingo, especially before he gets knocked out!"

The boss peeled an orange and gave half to Luffy.

Luffy stuffed a handful of oranges into his mouth, leaned against the counter, and then asked: "By the way, I heard that your current king is the Shichibukai, how many year has he been a King ...??"

"10 years! His Majesty the Heavenly Yaksha has been here in our Dressrosa for 10 years!!" The owner of the barbecue restaurant had a light in his eyes.

"What about your previous king? What kind of person is he?" Luffy continued to ask.

The owner of the barbecue shop said: "Our original king was Riku III..., but he led the king's army to kill the civilians 10 years ago, and was kicked out by Doflamingo."

"Kill civilians indiscriminately?"

Hearing this, Luffy frowned slightly, "He is a cruel person...??"

The owner of the barbecue shop shook his head: "No, no, no...!!! This matter is actually quite strange, King Riku has been in power for so many years, and he has always been a good person!! I don't know that time, he suddenly ask for 10 billion Belly from us, and the civilians couldn't afford it, so they started killing civilians. That was the only time he did bad things for so many years in power

Hearing this, Luffy thought for a while, and almost understood what was going on.

Obviously, King Riku's abnormal behavior is caused by Doflamingo!!

"Guest, your barbecue is ready!!"

The owner of the barbecue shop opened the grill and handed five skewer of one-meter-long barbecue to Luffy

Luffy took it, and carried the five skewers like a flagpole, took out one of them and ate it

While eating, I asked: "Although 10 Billion are a lot, but your country is so rich Can't you come up with the 10 billion Belly?"

The owner of the barbecue shop laughed and said: "Guest, you are joking...!! In the era of King Riku's rule, our country was very poor, let alone 10 billion Berries, even if it is 5 billion Belly, it will be difficult for the people of the whole country to get together in a short period of time!! Unlike now, His Majesty can casually come up with 10 billion Belly"

"Why is it so poor? Didn't the economy develop when King Riku was in power?" Luffy asked curiously.

The owner of the barbecue restaurant spread his hands: "That His Majesty King Riku is a good man, he is kind and charitable!! Many countries in war have come to him for help, and he will organize national donations to help those countries in war...."

Speaking of which, the owner of the barbecue shop pouted: "He is a good man, but I don't think he is a good king!"

Luffy thought for a while, and understood what the owner of the barbecue shop wanted to express


There is no doubt that King Riku is a kind person

The financial and material resources of one's own country are used to help other countries, and then the people of one's own country can only live in suffering and poverty...

And now Doflamingo, let everyone live a good life!!

No matter what kind of person Doflamingo is, he is a good king to people like Dressrosa.

A king who is so good that the people of the whole country support him!!

"Okay, thank you boss for the barbecue" Luffy paid the money, exchanged some pleasantries with the boss, and then left

Afterwards, he inquired King Riku and Doflamingo from other people

Everyone expresses the same though

Everyone thinks that King Riku is a good man, but they don't think that King Riku is a good king...

On the contrary, a king like Doflamingo, even if he scolds the common people in front of the common people, the common people still think he is a good king

You let me live a good life, even if you curse at me, I still support you!!

And Luffy also discovered a very cryptic thing from the information he inquired...

That is, judging from the performance of these people, it seems that they can more or less guess the reason for the change of Dressrosa's imperial power 10 years ago...

Although in the beginning, there were a lot of people complaining about King Riku replacement

However, as everyone's life gets better and better, the number of people speaking out for King Riku among the common people has become less and less, and finally almost disappeared...!!

Charlotte Cracker: "It's outrageous...!!! to think someone like Doflamingo is this good being a king?"

Charlotte Daifuku: "You can't say that. I watched the white border video just now. After the sugar passed out, the toys all returned to human. Aren't there many guys who originally opposed Doflamingo? This shows that people who opposed Doflamingo They have all been turned into toys, so of course all the ones left in the end are those who support him"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Are you stupid? Can't you understand from the comparison of the white border video and the red border video? The number of people who oppose me is just that small, but I only spent three to five years, then more than 90% of the people in Dressrosa have fully supported me!! This is prove of my leadership"

Riku III: "This is impossible! The video must be fake! How can the people of Dressrosa support such an evil person as Doflamingo??"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Fufurfur...!!! You can't accept it, there's nothing you can do it, the truth is in front of you!"

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Monkey D. Luffy?"

A delicate-looking woman appeared in front of Luffy and asked politely...

"Yes. Is there something??" Luffy frowned

"Hello, this is an invitation letter from our king. We invite you and your friends to attend the royal palace dinner tonight. Our king wants to clean up the misunderstanding for everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates. Welcome to our country. …"

The woman took out an invitation card and handed it to Luffy respectfully.

"oh??" Hearing this, Luffy is a little surprised!!

He didn't expect that the invitation letter from Doflamingo had already been sent to him after he arrived in Dressrosa for more than half a day...

This intelligence work is done well!!!

Crocodile: "Doflamingo, how can you be stupid! The cadre Monet just died trying to kill the Straw Hat Pirates, and here he directly entertained the Straw Hat Pirates!!"

Gekko Moria: "And this guy found out the whereabouts of the Straw Hats so quickly, how many spy did he have"

Crocodile: "Stupid, didn't you see the white border video just now, there is a woman under Doflamingo who has the ability of a glare glare fruit? It must be that woman watching them"

That night, Luffy really came to the appointment!!

However, not everyone in the group came together, only Luffy, Nami, Buggy, Sanji and Chopper

As for the others, they stayed on the ship...

After all, no matter how strong Luffy is, he will never do anything to "put all eggs in one basket"...!!

Seeing the appearance of the five of them Luffys, Doflamingo, who had been waiting here for a long time, took the initiative meet them

"Fufurfurfur!!! Captain Luffy, for a big man like you to come here to see me is a honor"

Doflamingo's face is full of smiles, welcoming them

For Doflamingo's attitude, Luffy is not too surprised

After all, this is a world where strength speaks!!!

The Straw Hat Pirates have demonstrated their strength during the Summit War...

In terms of strength, the top combat power of the Straw Hat Pirates is no less than that of a Four Emperors Pirates!!

And Doflamingo fought against Straw Hat Luffy during the Summit War, of course..., if it counts as a fight

As long as he is not a fool, he will not confront the Strawhat pirates

Looking at Doflamingo's obsequious look, Luffy deliberately said: "Monet, your cadre, must have told you about us in Punk Hazard??"

As soon as these words came out, Doflamingo's face changed drastically!!!

However, after a short moment, he quickly put on a smiling face again: "Fufurfur...!!! Your Excellency Luffy, please don't get me wrong, it's Monet's own action, I did not order her to do it."

Gekko Moria: "Pfft! Hehehehe...!!! Clown, you look so humble"

Crocodile: "What a shame!!"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Don't underestimate me..., I am not the kind of person who gives in easily….Fufurfurfur...!!!"


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
