
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Chapter 154 The Sword Intent Collided, And The Sky Split!

Shanks: "Exiting time is coming!!"

Dracule Mihawk: "Sure enough..., Zoro's talent is visible to the naked eye!!"

In East Blue back then, based on Zoro's words, Mihawk concluded that Zoro would have a bright future!!!

Judging from the red border video now, His judgement is true

Killer: "Is Zoro over there already this strong!!"

Gion: "Even Mihawk going to attack with all his strength, that must be a full recognition of his swordsmanship..."

Vista: "Yeah..., that kid is still so young, his achievements in the future must be even more exaggerated!!

Kuraigana Island

"The me over there not only made Mihawk take the initiative to fight, but also forced Mihawk to go all out..."

Zoro looked at the red border screen excitedly at this time-!!

He stared intently, for fear of missing any detail!!

For others, this battle may just be a fun to watch

But for Zoro himself, this is definitely a teaching moment not to be missed!!

Is there anything more suitable than learning your own swordsmanship...

Back to the red border screen

"Okay! Since the world's number one swordsman, has spoken, then I too will use all my strength to fight to the fullest!!"

Zoro swordsmanship has been greatly improved in sparring with Luffy again and again.

Combined with Armament Haki and Observation Haki, this forces his sword skills to become even stronger!!

Actually, in the battle just now, Zoro didn't have any advantage, but he didn't feel discouraged at all!!

Fighting with this kind of real swordsman is the most helpful for his swordsmanship growth!!

Mihawk opened his mouth in a deep voice: "The title is just an honor temporarily placed to me. I am looking forward to someone coming to take it away!! But you, who have already achieved such a powerful swordsmanship at such an age, if you compared it to me at the same age, you are indeed the stronger one!!"


When Mihawk said such words, the entire chat room was filled with gasps

X Drake: "Stronger than Mihawk at the same age...??"

Charlotte Smoothie: "It's an outrageously high evaluation from the world strongest swordman"

Gion: "Stronger then Mihawk...!!"

Shanks: "Hey, hey!! Mihawk, are you kidding me? You never said that to me before"

Dracule Mihawk: "In the duel with the swordsman, if I say that, it must be what I really think!"

Hearing Mihawk's personal assessment, the hearts of viewers were shocked again!!!

The talent of that green algae-headed young man is really no less than Mihawk...!!!

"Young man, I haven't asked you for your name yet!" Mihawk holds the sword with one hand, taking his stance

"Roronoa Zoro!"

Zoro said real name loudly!

It's strange to see that when Zoro was talking, the hilt of the Wado Ichimonji seemed to be embedded in his teeth, and it didn't move at all, without any signs of falling

"Dracule Mihawk!!"

Although his name is well known in the world of swordsmen, Mihawk still announced his name!!

This is recognition, this is also respect!!!

The moment the voice fell, Mihawk pulled his right hand back, and at the same time held his left hand on the handle of the sword!

He holds the sword with both hands at the same time, and pulls the handle to the right side of his cheek

He thought to himself, this trip to Marine Headquarters..., came at the right time!!

For a great swordsman like him, winning or losing a battle is no longer what he pursues

What he pursues...is to explore the way of swordsmanship

Everyone knows that Mihawk's swordsmanship is already the pinnacle of this world!!

But only when standing on top of the peak, can you experience the loneliness

One's own swordmanship has been honed to Ultimate, and it is impossible to continue to improve, and it is also a pain that cannot be healed!!

Only in the collision with the real swordsman, can you break through the shackles of your own swordsmanship, break through yourself, and have the opportunity to go further in the way of swordsmanship.!!!

Before that, Mihawk went to Shanks to learn swordsmanship for the purpose of breaking through!!

It's just..., although Shanks' swordsmanship is strong, but the focus is not on swordsmanship

And Zoro is just the opposite of it

This is Mihawk's ideal opponent!!!

Facing such an opponent, Mihawk can no longer hold back his excitement

His pupils froze!!

The aura that had continued to climb before suddenly exploded at this moment!!

The sword intent surged, like a torrential river, rising into the sky

On the high sky, the clouds rolled like waves in an instant, and the entire sky was trembling, as if it might collapse at any time!!

The wind rises

Sweeping the entire Marine Headquarters!!

But everyone present understands that this is not a real wind, but a wave of air stirred by sword intent...

If there is no scene where Luffy releases Conqueror's Haki before, then there must be many weak Marines and pirates who are knocked to the ground by this sword intent.

When this sword intent was condensed to the max, Mihawk slashed out, and the sword intent surged towards Zoro like a vast river!!

The air was split at this moment, and there were countless sword marks

Killer: "Nani!!! What's that?? How did he cut the air??"

Momonga: "He didn't use Armament Haki!!! He reached this level with just his swordsmanship, is it really possible???"

Gion: "Mihawk's swordsmanship are beyond the comprehension of ordinary swordsmen. I'm afraid it's hard to find anyone else in this world who can do that"

Shanks: "This guy can produce more exaggerated effects, which can't be trained by just working hard. First of all,..., You have to be talented!! But then again, Mihawk, why have I never seen you fight like this when we were sparring?"

Dracule Mihawk: "Because I don't think it necessary"

Although Shanks' swordsmanship is strong, but still his Conqueror's Haki is even stronger!!!

His swordsmanship is used to cooperate with Conqueror's Haki, therefore, his swordsmanship is doomed from the very beginning

In the sword fight with Shanks, Mihawk can certainly use his sword intent with all his strength, but as Mihawk said just now, it is not necessary!!

Shanks doesn't have the matching sword intent, and because Mihawk doesn't have the collision of sword intent, he can't gain any insights on the way of the sword

Shanks: "Okay, okay... I will train hard to train my swordmanship"

Gol D Roger: "HAHAHA!!!"

Facing the sword intent, Zoro can clearly feel that Mihawk's sword intent is strong

There is a strong wind of sword intent, raging!

"He really is the strongest...!!!"

Zoro's blood is bursting at this moment!!

No Armament Haki, just sword Intent!!

This is the battle of swordsmen!!!

"Three Swords Style ·Lone Traveler!!——"

Zoro was tacit and didn't use Armament Haki, and he plunged into Mihawk's sword without any hesitation!!

Zoro swings his sword one after another, his movements are not very fast, and they are a little strange, but the eyes of Mihawk are shining brighter and brighter!!

Only the eagle eye who is close at hand can fully understand what Zoro is doing!!

Jewelry Bonney: "Hey! Is that idiot dancing?"

Capone Bege: "Pfft! It's really look like it!!"

Doberman: "Speaking of which, are they fighting? Why isn't there any contact between the sword at all?"

Kong: "Their sword intents are already doing it."

Dracule Mihawk: "This kid...."

Shanks: "What's wrong?"

Dracule Mihawk: "He felt my sword intent"

X Drake: "I don't understand..."

Zoro himself can't understand.

He looked at the dancing self on the screen, the him over there..., can he feel the sword intent??

Keng Keng Keng Keng Keng!!!

The blade slashed across the rolling sword, and immediately made an ear-piercing sound!!!

Countless sparks splashed in the air

Mihawk walked across the top, and suddenly there was a ripple of sword intent!!

Zoro turned around and danced, and the Wado in his mouth rolled up a sword force, which was smashed together with Mihawk sword intent that rolled over from the front

He is like a sharp dancer, in this torrent of sword intent, sometimes left and right, sometimes stop, and sometimes move forward...

This short distance of more than ten meters, between him and Mihawk

The entire Marinford seems to have come to a standstill at this time, and everyone's eyes are all fixed on this battlefield

They have never seen such a weird battle between swordsmen, but no one will underestimate this battle

Among the tumbling sword intent, Zoro blazed a path. When he was approaching Mihawk, Shusui and Yubashiri crossed in front of him at the same time, blocking a blow

Three Swords Style· Onigiri!!——

The majestic sword intent ignited from Zoro's body, like countless flames of sword intent dancing!!

His body, the sword momentum spread out!

A sea of ​​flames built with sword intent is formed!!

In the vagueness, Zoro's figure is like a dancing flame of sword intent, which ignites into a monstrous fire in an instant!!

The flames of the sword intent surged, and instantly overwhelmed the waves of sword intent in front of them

Rush towards Mihawk's body with inexhaustible force!

"Good job!!" Mihawk overjoyed

He finally felt Zoro's sword intent!!

He felt the "violent" momentum and the determination of "going forward" from Zoro's suggestion!!

With a reversal in his hand, Mihawk looked up at Zoro's figure with a matchless force and directly slashed down

The monstrous flaming sword intent suddenly agitated violently

Dense cracks appeared in an instant

Then, Boom!!――

The flame-like sword intent instantly collapsed!!!

However, Zoro did not retreat because of this, but used the disintegrated sword intent as a cover to directly rush out!!

Three Swords Style · Final Slash!!——

Yubashiri and Shusui at this moment seem to be the two ghost horns on Zoro's head, and the Wado have become his fangs!!

Among the indomitable momentum, Zoro's figure was wrapped in a raging sword intent, and slammed into Mihawk's body

Mihawk didn't say anything else, he directly made a change, using the sword as the origin, wrapping all the surrounding sword intent in it, and then stabbing out with a force of breaking through everything!!


The sword intent of the two, exploded with a bang!!

Contains no Haki, just pure sword intent!!!

The sword intent collided, instantly turned into a sky-filled sword force, and violently swept towards the surroundings at a speed that could not be discerned by the naked eye

Bang bang bang bang bang!!!!——

Clear cut marks, like hideous wounds, keep coming out from everywhere!!!

Those Marine Rear Admirals, Vice Admirals, Whitebeard Commander and the pirate captains are also pushing Armament Haki with all their strength at this time to protect themselves

They can clearly judge that any of the swords that are constantly leaking and flying out have a terrifying lethality!!!

They don't know what magnitude the sword power was finally too late to release, thus forming a large-scale sword power explosion!!!

Countless sword stances erupted violently at this moment, forming a mushroom cloud formed by the sword stances, rising up with a bang

Zoro and Mihawk realized at the same time that if this sword intent is not released, it will evolve into an effect similar to "explosion"....

The two people are almost in tacit agreement to challenge at the same time!!


A sword intent suddenly shot upwards, rushed up to the sky


The cloud layer that was already tumbling, at this moment, is like a curtain, being rolled up crazily!!!

The sky suddenly became extremely clear, and they can clearly see above the sky

But this is not over

The endless sword intent is now as sharp as a blade, and it rushed to the sky above the clouds in the blink of an eye!


High in the sky, an incomparably shocking bang exploded

The loud noise fell from the sky, causing the entire Marineford to vibrate violently.

When everyone looked up at the sky, they couldn't help but open their mouths!!!

Because of the sky...

It..... split open