
One Piece: Cipher Pol Spandam

no cheats, no desires, no meeting gods, no systems, no overpowers mc, only weak main characters... I wrote this a few years ago when I was in high school. Even if it's only a few chapters, maybe I'll continue. "If you like OP MC... Don't read this-" (Spandam) - *buy panda a cup of coffee ko-fi.com/spandam

Spandam · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5 - Family Lunch

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After tidying up the files on his desk, Spandam stood up and started walking out of the room holding a thick book.

Spandam continued walking past Cipher Pol agents at work and castle guards in full body armor.

After walking for a while, Spandam reached the bottom floor and walked towards the gates of the giant castle. He continued walking out of Pangea castle past the guard knights who saluted him.

Coming out of the Pangea castle, Spandam walked through the castle grounds towards the large gate that was outside the Pangaea castle. This is the Celestial Dragon Gate or Tenryūmon and is the gate that divides the Pangea castle from the Tenryubito's residence, the Domain of the Gods. The Domain of Gods or Kamigami no Chi is where the Tenryubito and their slaves reside. So seeing stupid aliens in white clothes chaining humans and riding on them was normal here.

In addition, this wide road that moves like a straight escalator is also moving with the power of the slaves. This luxurious and beautiful place that is above the Red Line is not as beautiful as its outward appearance.

'Haa~ I can never stop thinking about the excessive behavior of people with this god complex.'

Thinking of the things that kept bothering him, Spandam walked past the Celestial Dragon Gate, ignored the gatekeepers who saluted him, and continued towards his residence.

"Welcome home, Spandam-sama!"

Arriving at the house, he was greeted by a row of beautiful maids who bowed their heads to respect him. Although their fake smiles and dead eyes didn't make them as beautiful as they looked. Of course, they were slaves the Tenryubito gathered, the Spandam residence certainly had these slaves.

His mother was no different from other Celestial Dragons, having a hobby of collecting slaves like pets. At least his mother is not as active as when she was younger.

Because from Spandam's father's story, when his mother was young, she was no different from the other Tenryubito who had a hobby of torturing slaves like animals.

But after a certain incident that made his mother fall in love with his father who was then his mother's bodyguard, Valerie changed and was not as bad as before. Even though she doesn't care about other people's lives and sometimes her bad character still shows up. Maybe it's from her that the original Spandam's vices exist.

In the story, Spandam never cares about the lives of others, even his own subordinate agents. Unlike his father Spandine, although he will do everything to complete his mission, he still cares about his own subordinate agents.

In this house, slaves played no important role other than as servants and cleaners. Meanwhile, roles such as chef, personal servant, and guard are held by world government employees. Passing by a group of slaves that were no different from the decorations in this house, Spandam headed straight for the dining room.

When Spandam arrived at the door of the dining room, he saw one of the members of CP 9 who was standing beside the door as if he was guarding the room. He is a bespectacled man with white hair and beard who is one of the two best agents in CP 9. His name is-

"Laskey-san." Spandam greeted him as he passed the agent and into the dining room, while Laskey just nodded as he stared at Spandam in silence. 'Hmm? Looks like dad just got back.'

Spandam entered the dining room and saw his father with his mother already sitting at the long dining table with the waitress putting the food on the table.

"Spanda! You're on time, come here sweetie." Valerie who saw Spandam enter the dining room immediately told him to sit beside her.

"Yes mom... dad, you're back... how are things by your side?" Spandam walked towards his mother's side while asking about the situation in his father's division. Because Spandam wants to gather as much information as possible and his father is one of his sources of information for always showing off his mission since Spandam was little. Even if it's a secret mission.

"Haha~ not too bad. Although I haven't found the position of the 'Demon Child' yet, we did get information that the island might have the 'Dyna Stone' in it."

and sure enough, his father immediately spoke with a big smile and was excited to share his experiences in the CP 9 mission.

"Hoh? Is that what is said to have power rivaling an 'Ancient Weapon'?" Spandam asked while sitting next to his mother.

His mother who was used to their conversation just ignored them because she didn't understand it at all. She only helped prepare the tableware for her son, Spandam.

They continued to talk openly because this time there were no outsiders in this dining room. Only when there was a banquet or time with his grandfather would this room be full of servants, which seemed to be a tradition.

"That's right, the Dyna Stone is extremely rare and currently under research, but if we can just lay our hands on the island with this Dyna Stone. We will have a secret weapon to wipe out those filthy bastards. Haha~"

Spandine laughed thinking about the future when world governments would monopolize Dyna Stone to eradicate criminals like pirates and the newly formed revolutionary group.

"Hmm... that's right, it can be our ultimate weapon." Spandam nodded in agreement. 'It seems that currently the world government still doesn't have a large supply of these Dyna Stones, maybe just a few samples to research. Because the Dyna Stone because the Dyna Stone is a very rare item and only a myth that has been erased from history by the world government.'

Recently, it is also often heard that there are groups that disturb the peace of the kingdoms in several countries. They call themselves the 'Revolutionary Army' and raise the banner of freedom.

Although their current leader is unknown and also they are only a small group. They were simply labeled a criminal group by the world government and were currently no different from pirates.

The world government does not know in the future this group will become very large and threaten the position of the world government.

However, the location of the group's main headquarters is unknown, due to the lack of information available.

'Should I tell them that the leader of the revolutionary group is Monkey D Dragon and this group is very dangerous? I guess... no. That group is like cockroaches. Troublesome and not worth it.'

Spandam didn't care about this group built by Dragon and Spandam also knew that the World Government would not care too much about it in the future either.

"Well, although it still had to be confirmed beforehand and its location in the chaotic ocean- New World -didn't help at all." Spandine said "How about on your side kiddo?"

"Well, as usual. Not much work is important right now. East Blue is the weakest ocean after all. Just a small job to help some stupid kings." (Spandam)

"Haha~ You're not wrong... well, don't forget to kill the 'Devil Child' if you meet her. She's a big threat to 'world peace'" Spandine reminded him as usual.

"Yes... for 'world peace'" Spandam said casually. Because he was used to his father's words. "Although it's almost impossible for her to cross over to East Blue, but she might enter the Grand Line (Paradise)."

From the memories of 'Spandam', one year ago his father succeeded in destroying the 'devil island' that threatened 'world peace'. However, there was one 'demon' who escaped the extermination. Since it was his father's responsibility, those small failures kept bothering him.

So he always reminded Spandam to finish this 'devil child', if he was found in his territory.

Since childhood 'Spandam' has always been in the doctrine that the world government is always right, the world government is absolute justice, and what hinders the world government is the 'devil'. As the blood bearer of the Celestial Dragon, he was also told the legend about the enemy of the gods, the 'D' Family. Although Spandam didn't pay much attention to it.

So Spandam was used to the doctrine of his father and grandfather.

"Alright you guys, stop talking and start eating." Valerie said when all the food had been served on the dining table.

Spandam and his dad nodded. The three of them started having lunch together.

Looking down what Spandam saw was his favorite food, Steak, although with the addition of some vegetables and potatoes to complete its nutritional value. It must be admitted that the meat in this world is so delicious that it even exceeds the best meat in its old world.

"Spanda~ you're not busy are you? Let's go with mom to Celestial Amphitheatre. Look at your dad, he's too busy with his work now and rarely accompany mom."

When they finished their lunch, Valerie said softly to Spandam, she seemed lonely.

"Ha ha~ come on, don't be like that, Valerie. You know if I leave this job, your father will be angry." (Spandine)

"Hmph." Hearing that Valerie just snorted and puffed her cheeks cutely. "You used to always be with me, wasn't it your job to take care of me?" she muttered.

Seeing his mother clinging to him and looking lonely, Spandam had no reason to refuse.

Spandam who used to never like spending time with his mother and his father who was very busy with his duties also couldn't spend much time with his mother. It made Valerie very lonely and could only spend time watching entertainment at Mariejoa and occasionally partying with other nobles.

But ever since he transmigrated into Spandam's body, he tried to treat his mother better. It also made his mother happier.

Although some people will find a mother who is too meddling with his personal affairs too annoying. But, he knows, his mother does it because she loves him and he won't deny that he is happy with it.

You won't realize it until you lose it.

'Even though this family mentality is a little twisted, it's still my family, huu~ this memory really affects me isn't it?' With new memories entering Spandam's brain and old memories fading all the time. There was no denying that he had become more and more attached to his family in this world.

"Sure, let's go there." (Spandam)

"Really?! Then let's go now." Listening to Spandam's approval brought a pleasant surprise to Valerie. Not wanting her son to change his mind, she immediately stood up and planned to leave soon.

"Hehe~ I'm so happy~ just ignore that guy who's too busy with his work." Valerie immediately stood up while holding Spandam's arm.

Spandine who saw his wife and son, felt left out. "H-Hey! Wait for me! I'll come with you two." Without thinking, he immediately stood up and chased after the two of them.

"Eh, really? How about your job?" Although Valerie was quite happy, she knew that Spandine really loved his job. So she didn't want to bother him just because of her jokes.

"Ha ha~ don't worry about it, Laskey will take care of it somehow!" After saying that, Spandine walked by his wife's side, with Valeri immediately embracing his arm with a happy smile.

The three of them walked out of the dining room cheerfully. If no one knew who they really were, people would consider them a normal family.

With that, the four people, the laughing Spandine, the happily smiling Valerie, Spandam who was dragged away by his mother, Laskey who somehow followed them like a bodyguard, rushed to one of the Tenryubito's entertainment venues, the Celestial Amphitheater.

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Don't take it seriously

Spandamcreators' thoughts