
One Piece: Cipher Pol Spandam

no cheats, no desires, no meeting gods, no systems, no overpowers mc, only weak main characters... I wrote this a few years ago when I was in high school. Even if it's only a few chapters, maybe I'll continue. "If you like OP MC... Don't read this-" (Spandam) - *buy panda a cup of coffee ko-fi.com/spandam

Spandam · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 4 - Research

(Spandam POV)

For several days I kept doing the same thing. In my workspace, which is in Pangea's castle, in Marijoa.

Actually, most Cipher Pol members are always around the world, it is very rare for Cipher Pol members to be in Pangaea castle. Although this castle is the main headquarters of the Cipher Pol organization.

Those who were usually here were only the higher-ups, such as the Gorosei, Commander in Chief Kong, and the Tenryubito guards.

Even Cipher Pol leaders have their respective assigned territories. Such as divisions CP 1 and CP 2 who served in North Blue and Grand Line (New World), CP 3 and CP 4 which served in West Blue and Grand Line (New World), then CP 7 and CP 8 which served in South Blue and Grand Line (Paradise).

I should be at the branch office in East Blue along with CP 6 monitoring the movement in East Blue and Grand Line (Paradise), but due to my current state, I only work from Marijoa.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Excuse me, Spandam-san!"

"Come in."

I said without looking back when I heard a knock on my door. I continued to read the files on my desk when the door opened and an agent came in holding a rather thick file.

"Here are the files you need Spandam-san." the agent said as he placed the pile of files on my desk.

"I see, thank you, Roy. You can leave." I said while looking at the pile of files.

"Yes, Sir." Roy who is a CP 5 agent saluted and immediately walked out of the room. 'Has Spandam-san softened? He never thanked anyone.' Roy thought as he walked out.

Roy is one of the elite agents under me, each division always has about ten elite agents under the direct leader.

Although the power of this elite agent cannot be said to be extraordinary when compared to the monsters in the One Piece story. However, their strength is strong enough to be able to walk freely in the Blues.

In the story, the Cipher Pol agents are always shown in a state of woeful defeat as if they are a force that does not need to be reckoned with. Even many think they are not worthy of being compared to the Marine.

But in reality, Cipher Pol has a fairly strong power compared to normal pirates. Even the big pirates of the New World. It's just that the Cipher Pol agent's way of fighting is different from the way a Marine fights directly. Because capturing pirates is the duty of a marine and Cipher Pol only serves as an intelligence agency and maintains state law.

I put away the file I was working on and took the file that Roy had just brought. These files contain information about events in the world in recent years that have been collected by world governments.

Because I want to know the current state of the world and it doesn't help that 'Spandam' doesn't really think much about the state of the world. Especially when it comes to pirates. Since those are not the main focus of Cipher Pol, as long as they do not threaten the existence of the world government, Cipher Pol will not think about them.

However, I don't know the details of the events and characters of One Piece. Especially the pre-canon past, so I have to gather that important information.

Looking at the files, I kept reading and sorting out what was interesting. Especially the characters that are important in the future.

There are some things that I find interesting to write down in my personal book. or should I say it's the One Piece scripture?

The first one was about four years ago, sometime after Roger's execution, there had been a big fight between the great pirate Kaido and the Moria pirates.

left Moria with a crushing defeat.

Losing his entire crew, Moria is currently out of the New World and flees to the Grand Line (Paradise). Even though he suffered a crushing defeat, however, being able to survive against Kaido was already an achievement.

This should be the time when he planned to build an army of zombies using his Devil Fruit.

The interesting fact here is that Kaido is not currently a Yonko. That means Big Mom isn't a Yonko either. If I guessed it, they should still be gathering strength by now. Although they are both said to be the strongest pirates after Whitebeard and have the potential to be on par with Whitebeard. Maybe because they are also former Rocks pirates.

Then two years ago it was rumored that Shiki the Golden Lion had escaped from Impel Down. Being the first to do so, his fame grew even more, even at this time he was said that Shiki's threat level was on par with Whitebeard. 'Ahh~ currently there is still no Four Emperors (Yonko) title and only Whitebeard is said to be the strongest man in the world... so that's how it is huh...'

However, for the past two years, his whereabouts have been unheard of and many assume he is in hiding to recuperate.

"Hmm... If I'm not wrong Shiki has a plan to destroy East Blue because of Roger's death right... Ahh~ by the way, his devil fruit is really interesting because it can make a flying island... it would be great if I had it and set up a secret base there, at least if the world government falls, I still have a place to live..."

Roger... as a manga reader, I think he's an amazing person. But as a human, in this world, I can't agree with Roger's way. This is the age of great pirates, which is very chaotic. Just because of Roger's words, many young adults began to lift their sails and become pirates. Because of him, more and more powerless civilians are suffering.

Not everyone is as good as Luffy and his crew, they don't even fit to be called pirates, they are adventurers. Whereas 90% of these people are real pirates. They will kill, rob, or kidnap without batting an eye. So I never agree with Roger's way.

I guess it's normal why Roger is hated so much by the civilians in this world.

Actually, the World Government is not much different, many people are corrupt, use arbitrary power, and other vices. Well, it's no different with rulers anywhere and anytime. There will always be people like this. But that can't justify pirates being any better.

Pirates only bring chaos and destruction. They will not hesitate to rob, steal, destroy or kill civilians.

But from another point of view, Pirates might be better than the World Government. As Eustass Kid said, pirates are not very good people, but at least they are honest with it, unlike the World Government which often twists the facts.

World governments can change as long as their rulers change. However, pirates will not change, because they are the majority of criminal individuals who run into the ocean.

The world's governments are at least trying to keep the world in balance and there are pirates who help civilians in their own way.

I quite agree with both opinions. But well... both the World Government and the pirates, there will be some good people in it. No one can deny this.

'You can't see the world in just black and white huh...'

This is the beginning of the formation of the great pirates of the future. Even the Yonko are still not formed at this time. So I guess I still have a chance to increase my strength and survive right.

'Next- Hm??'

Two years ago, a group of Mad Scientists was also found who were researching dangerous weapons. The group is found by the world government and its members are hunted down, the captured researcher is given the choice to work under a world government or be imprisoned. Of course, all the researchers who were arrested chose to work under the world government. That includes Vegapunk and Caesar.


It seems that Vegapunk is currently the head of science of the world government and is doing research on a secret island.

'Hmm, so this island is kept a secret even among the official Cipher Pol leaders?' That meant that only the agents in contact had detailed information about the island.

Thinking I'm asking for this information using my position as leader of CP 5, but it looks like there are some things that remain under wraps. 'But this island should be Punk Hazard. Hmm? punk? Come to think of it is the name of this island based on the name Vegapunk? Well, it doesn't matter.' I thought while writing down this important information in my One Piece Book.

'It's just that I don't know what they're researching.'

This island location should be on the Grand Line (New World) and that's not my working area. That's why I don't have full access to this information huh. I can get it if I ask directly or just wait for me to get a position as a leader in CP9.

'Hmm... I don't think it's too important and urgent for now, so I'll give it to myself in the future.'

In addition, there are several other pirates who are quite famous in New World.

Although currently they are said to be Rookie pirates. But, in the future, they are a force to be reckoned with.

They are pirates who are on the rise now.

Like Crocodile and Dracule Mihawk. They were all War Lord candidates.

It is said that Mihawk is a rival of Shanks. But there is no information about Shanks here. From what I know, their fight even shocked the entire Grand Line. 'Maybe he's still in the Blues or Paradise? Hmm? That's maybe true, this is only four years after Roger's execution.'

'His age shouldn't be that much different from mine, meaning he's already entered Paradise or at least just entered it. I guess I'll have to find out about it... Huu~ another new task.' I jotted down a few things and continued reading the file.

On the other hand, information regarding pirates in this era may not be very important and this is not part of my job as Cipher Pol. But knowledge is power too. it never hurts to find out and gather information about pirates.

This knowledge might be useful in the future. You never know.

'Crocodile huh?'

From the photos in this file, it looks like Crocodile hasn't gotten the scars on his face and hands yet. Meaning he hasn't fought Whitebeard yet. I don't know if he got that wound against Whitebeard. But that should be the most likely to happen.

Looks like Crocodile is quite famous in the New World. Maybe because Logia users are quite rare.

'Maybe it's because currently, logia users are more troublesome? that's because the use of Sea Stone is still not generally known. oh? that's right.' Thinking that I realized what the scientists at Punk Hazard were researching. It was a sea stone, the function of a sea stone that could weaken logia users should have been discovered by Dr. Vegapunk and currently, they are making a ship to get through the Calm Belt easily. '...That's right. Note, note-'

In addition, there are some pirates who are not well known but quite dangerous. Such as the Bohemian Knight- Doma, Maelstrom Spider- Squard, Little Pirates, DeCavan Brothers, and Takotopus- Karma.

Even Ice Witch- White Bay who was a former apprentice of the Whitebeard pirates.

'Seems like a lot of pirates are quite dangerous... this information isn't very complete." Besides, there's also someone more dangerous than Crocodile or Moria and right now I don't even have the slightest information about him.

'It was Doflamingo. I have a lot of work to do... Fuu~'

I sighed thinking about the much work I have to do, but I have to do it for a better future. Because those people are very important key characters for the development of this world and important characters like them always have paths that meet each other.

That's why I will go down the same path as them and become one of them. I will become an important character and survive the sad fate of Spandam. I refuse to be a character that exists only for the development of the main character and his crew.

I don't want to be a comedy villain, just buggy does it.

Even though Buggy even has an amazing background and has several important roles in the future. In other words, Spandam was even worse than Buggy.


Looking at the sun high from the window, it seemed like quite a lot of time had passed. It's lunchtime, ahh... I have to go back or my mom's going to be nagging a lot.

I stood up after slightly tidying the files on my desk. Holding my beloved One Piece book I walked out of the room.

'Maybe I should give my book a name?'

- - -

Spandam doesn't know everything about the ins and outs of One Piece.


Don't take it seriously

Spandamcreators' thoughts