
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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151 Chs

My Family Finale- Lovers/Fiancée’s in Haven Second Half

After awhile the fight came to an end in the distance with Yamato obviously being the winner.

"Well I should go check up on Ulti, oh and will have a day just to ourselves alright Speed?" I say as I get up and head towards them before looking back at Speed.

She just smiled as she waved me off, "Go have fun Lover Boy, go be that Oujo-Sama's knight in shining armor!"

I just shake my head with a grin to go see Ulti who was out on the ground exhausted while Yamato already left in a huff.

"Princess, do you require some assistance from your Prince?" I say as I come up to her before placing her head on my lap using it as a lap pillow.

"Hmph! Who asked you to come help me…." She said all grumpily like as she turned away from me.


"I am not a Tsundere!"

"But I find that Tsundere side of you cute."

"Hmph!…. Then you should be more grateful to have a woman like me!"

"Yes, Yes I'm extremely grateful to have you by my side."

"Are you being sarcastic with me?!"

"Nope but I am having fun teasing my hard headed lover." I say as I trace my fingers down her neck.

"N-no s-stop it! T-that tickles!" She says as she squirms around.

"Then how about this?" I say before I pull her mask down and turn her to face me as I lean down and take her lips with mine.

"Mmmmpmh!!" She starts to squirm a bit as our tongues begin to fight each other but she wasn't strong enough and doesn't last long as our tongue fight got more and more intense.

And soon she falls into my pace as she clenches her legs as she begins to squirm in my grasp from her feeling so good from it all that nearly makes her cum.

But soon enough I need to pull away and let her breath as we just stare at each other rather intensely.



"Would you leave the Beast Pirates and join my crew permanently?"

"…. Why does this sound like a marriage proposal?" Ulti says slightly flustered that I would ask that.

"Do you want it to turn into a marriage proposal?"

"W-W-What are you saying you idiot?!?!" She says with an extremely heavy blush on her face after hearing that.

"Well if you don't want to…"

"Wait! I never said I didn't want to!"

"But I haven't heard you say you did though."


"Plus I even got your little brother a girlfriend, and well you don't always have to be constantly having to prove your worthy of your place in my crew compared to Kaido's."

"...… Hmph! Since you really want me to join your crew for good I-I g-guess I c-could grant you the honor of having me and my brother in your crew." She says with a rather timid look on her face as she pushes her pointer fingers into each other nervously.

I just smile before I come down and take her lips once again but this time making it more passionate as I pull her up having her sit on my lap as we wrap our arms and her legs around each other.

And we did that for quiet some time before we finally parted ways, "Want to have some fun later?"

"Hmph.... Maybe…." She said all shy like.


"I'm not a Tsundere!!!"



Wano, Kibi, HQ.

Your probably wondering why I'm here? Well for one thing Yamato went back here in a huff after her fight with Ulti and two, Hiyori wanted to talk to me about some things so that's why I'm here.

"Yamato, can you please forgive Ulti? I know she said a bunch of mean things but you did eat her favorite snack."

"Why should I?! That thick skulled girl always gets on my nerves! We're like Fire and ice! We just don't get along." Yamato says while crossing her arms while looking away from me.


"No means No!"

"…" This was getting no where so I needed to get a bit forceful with this Oni girl.

"Hey! What ar- *SPANK*" but I cut her off as I spank her ass hard.

She winces and try's to stop me but I just bend her over my knee and keep repeatedly spanking her for awhile until I've done it enough.

Though by this point she's teary eyed and is looking at me as if I wronged her, well maybe I did but she wasn't listening to me at all.

"If you just listened to me I wouldn't have had to do that…" I say as I start to massage her ass to make her feel better.

"Hmph!" She had a heavy blush on her face as she turned away from me, but as I massaged more thoroughly she had to cover her mouth to keep from moaning.

I just grinned as I kept going for awhile until I stopped and let her rest, "Now are you two gonna make up?" I say after turning her over and having her rest her head on my chest while I stroked her hair.

"Hmmmmm... fine… I'll try and make up with her…. And say sorry for eating her food…."

"Good girl." I say as we both snuggle up into one another for quite sometime until we needed to part.

After that I went off to find Hiyori who at the time was looking over the young Tama who just recently turned 6 but she was mostly having fun spending time either with her master or Alenu since she liked the old grandpa tree as she likes to call him, well she isn't exactly wrong about that.

"Eagle-sama, your here." Hiyori says with a slight smile and a hint of a blush on her face.

"Yes, I heard you needed to speak about something with me?"

"Yes, but can we talk in private, could we possibly go talk off near the nearby lake?"

"Sure follow me then." I say before I lead the way to the lake here in Kibi.

And it wasn't to far away since this is where we built the town right next to the lake, though we decided to go to the opposite side of the lake putting us at a further distance from the town.

"So Hiyori, what do you wish to talk to me about?" Though as soon as I ask that she starts to get nervous and blushing even more which I found odd.

"Eagle-sama….. umm… do you have feelings for me?" She said in a shy voice while she was fidgeting around.

"... what makes you think that?"

"Well on the day me, my mother and Yamato were enjoying ourselves, I saw you were looking at me from afar with a look of longing and I know that you were looking at me at the time….. so I thought you were enchanted by my beauty." She says as she pokes her fingers together while fighting around.

"Well I was looking in your direction like that on that day." I say as I scratch my head rather embarrassed about how I let her notice that.

"Then your interested in me perhaps?"

"Well Hiyori you are a beautiful woman, and if you are alright with it I would love to have you as my woman but…."

"If your worried about how you have many women your in a relationship with, then that isn't a problem, powerful men have always had multiple women, even my father was like that at one point.... Though he stole other mens wives and daughters rather than ask…." She said as she clearly started to get embarrassed and also slightly sad remembering her strong but goofy father.

"No, Hiyori let me finish, I was looking in your direction but I wasn't looking at you…."

"….. Then who were you looking at then?" She said sounding genuinely confused.

"I was looking at your mother…"



Sorry I haven’t been posting that much this week, I’ve been busy with a lot of things with family and work so I haven’t really had any time to post chapters, I know you guys might not be too thrilled with shorter chapters but like I said before for the time being unless we hit some major plot points in the story chapters are gonna be a bit shorter for the time being

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