
One Piece: Bone Demon (Hone no Akuma)

Dante, a 24-year-old college graduate, wakes up on the small island of Nirena in South Blue in the world of One Piece after a night of heavy drinking. Thrust into a reality of pirates and marines and armed with the extraordinary powers of the Bone Devil Fruit, he trains to increase his strength. And embodying the Will of D, he decides to amass a crew to roam the world as a free man. Whether he will be a force for good or bad remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Dante's arrival will change everything. _________ Release Schedule: 1 chapter per day Bonus chapter: 1 chapter every 200 Power Stones READ THE INFO CHAPTER FOR PICTURES OF THE CHARACTERS. *Constructive criticism is appreciated. *I will keep publishing if you guys like it. *Exclusive thanks to Alittlepiggy33 the author of "Re:life with karmic gacha", for recommending my fic on his.

Berserk_Asura · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Ch-20: Bone Demon

A/N- You can see the picture of Skull crusher Flint and if you open the paragraph comments where they are first completely described, enjoy.


[Pirate Goon POV]

We were chasing the guy who killed our boss. I could still vividly remember the day he asked my brother and me to join him on his journey to roam the world. He had this infectious excitement in his eyes, promising us freedom and adventure despite missing a few teeth in his mouth..

My brother and I were his first followers, and we were more than just a crew—we were family. He was more than just a captain to us; he was like an older brother, someone who believed in us when no one else did.

We traveled together on a ship we had boldly taken from a shipyard on loan, a debt we never repaid. That ship became our home, its creaking wooden planks and weathered sails bearing witness to our countless adventures and narrow escapes.

Despite being pirates, we had our own code: we never killed innocents. Our captain's bounty wasn't because of real crimes but because he pissed off some rich guy with deep connections to the Marines.

It was a trumped-up charge, and we knew it. The unfairness of it all ate at us, but we had each other, and that made it bearable.

The Marines chased us relentlessly across the whole South Blue. And to save us from getting caught, our captain submitted to the vile Skullcrusher Flint. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but it was Flint or the gallows.

I could see the pain in his eyes when he made that decision, sacrificing his pride for our lives.

Even under Flint's so-called protection, our captain eventually met his end. And it all happened because of that cowardly bastard who used his devil fruit power to assassinate him. The bastard didn't even have the guts to face our captain head-on. No, he sent a clone to do his dirty work, a move so low it still makes my blood boil.

Thinking about the captain's death made my anger surge even more, like a fire roaring to life. I chased that green-haired coward with all my might, the grief and rage fueling my every step.

My brother was right beside me, his face a mask of the same anguish and fury that churned within me. This was personal. Our captain had given everything for us, and we were going to make sure his death was avenged.

Suddenly, I saw two figures standing defiantly in the middle of the road, and the green-haired coward was running straight toward them. My heart pounded as I realized these weren't just any two people.

They were tall, nearly as imposing as Flint himself. The one on the left wore a black coat with intricate gold designs that fluttered dramatically in the wind. His long jet-black hair swayed with each gust, partially revealing a muscled body that spoke of countless battles. His face was obscured by a menacing mask with horns jutting from the forehead, and through the eye sockets, his piercing red eyes glowed with an eerie intensity. He looked like a demon from the darkest of nightmares. I couldn't help but shiver at the sight of him.

Next to him stood another man, equally formidable. He wore a hat that cast a shadow over his face, which was covered by a cloth mask. His ocean-blue eyes, however, were clearly visible—calm, calculating, and impossibly cold. His hand rested casually on the pistols strapped to his hips, his posture exuding a readiness to draw and fire in an instant. There was something unsettlingly confident about him, a quiet assurance that he could handle anything we threw at him.

Their presence alone was enough to make me hesitate. They stood smack dab in the middle of the road, exuding an aura of confidence and power, as if daring us to come closer. It was as if they were saying, "Come at us, if you dare." The sight of them made me slow down, my initial surge of anger giving way to a creeping sense of dread.

I fell back a bit, joining the rear of the mob where a few others had gathered, looking just as uneasy as I felt. One of them, his voice shaky, muttered about the two men up ahead. "Those two... they look like they mean business."

I nodded, my eyes never leaving the two figures. "Who are they?"

"They're the pirate hunters," he whispered, fear evident in his voice. "Bone Demon, Deadeye, and Doctor Death. Heard of them?"

My eyes widened in recognition. Of course, I had heard of them. Anyone who sailed the South Blue had heard of them. They had become infamous a few months back after taking down a group of pirates worth 100 million Berries in a single night.

Rumor had it, they left behind a trail of destruction, including a massive bone spike jutting out from the ground, tearing apart a castle where those pirates had holed up. It was carnage, pure and simple, and it sent shockwaves through the underworld.

Apparently, the pirates that had gathered on the island were involved in slave trading, a vile practice that made my blood boil.

The marines, in their usual fashion, tried to hush the matter to save their own reputation, as it was some no-name pirate hunters who had actually taken down the operation, not the marines themselves.

But the truth couldn't be buried. The papers got hold of the real story and splashed it across the front pages. They released the names—or rather, the nicknames—of the people responsible according to the accounts from the island's survivors: Bone Demon, Deadeye, and Doctor Death. That day's news shook the entire South Blue to its core.

"You're telling me that's them?" I asked in a hushed tone, my heart pounding in my chest. The mere thought of facing these notorious hunters filled me with a dread I couldn't shake.

The man next to me nodded, his face pale and eyes wide with fear. "Who else do you think matches those nicknames? Look at them, standing there in the middle of the road, like they own the place. Either they're dumb idiots or they're the real deal. Let's just hope it's the former because if it's the latter, I don't think we have a chance to get out of here alive."

I glanced back at the two men blocking our path.

My anger at the green-haired coward who killed our captain mixed with the icy fear gripping my heart. These men weren't just obstacles; they were legends, and we were about to confront them.

"What do we do?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. The fear was evident in my tone, and I hated how weak I sounded.

"Pray," the man next to me muttered. "Pray they're idiots. Otherwise, we're dead men walking."

I swallowed hard, my throat dry. My anger, my desire for revenge, clashed with the paralyzing fear of facing these notorious figures.

As the green-haired coward drew closer to the two men, I could feel the tension in the air. Every step I took felt like walking towards my doom.

Around me, other pirates were falling behind too, their bravado evaporating in the face of the impending confrontation. The fear was contagious, spreading through our ranks like wildfire.

"Keep your wits about you," I whispered to my brother, who was beside me. His eyes were wide with fear, mirroring my own. "We might have to fight our way out of this."

He nodded, swallowing hard. "We stick together, no matter what."

The green-haired man was past the two figures now. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing the fear that gripped me.


[Dante's POV]

Seeing the mob of incoming pirates, I let my Observation Haki wash over them. Among the chaotic auras, one presence stood out—towering, menacing, and unmistakably powerful. The man at the front, who looked just like Flint from his wanted poster, was the only one who seemed like a real challenge. I felt a thrill of anticipation.

I put a hand on Kosuke's shoulder. "Let me have this one," I said, grinning.

Kosuke nodded, his calm demeanor betraying the same eagerness I felt. He must have used his Haki to gauge their strength too.

With a casual grace, he removed his hands from his pistols, moving to the side and settling on a stray barrel. He watched the approaching mob with a nonchalance that betrayed his readiness for action.

I took a deep breath, feeling the excitement build up, and my grin widened as I cracked my fingers, the sound sharp in the tense air.

I sprinted forward, my heart pounding with adrenaline. The distance between me and the mob vanished in an instant. As I reached them, I jumped, pushing off with Geppo to gain height. Though I wasn't yet a master of Geppo, my devil fruit powers more than made up for it.

With a mere thought, bones from my scapula and spine erupted, twisting and interlocking. Simultaneously, I manipulated all the bones in my body, making them less dense and lightening my weight. The bones on my back formed into massive wings, each spanning nearly 20 feet. They burst out from under my coat, spreading wide as I took flight.

The exhilaration of soaring through the air never got old. The wind whipped past me, and for a brief moment, I felt invincible. But I couldn't afford to lose focus. Below, the pirates looked up, their faces masks of shock and fear.

I dived, my wings folding in as I plummeted toward the ground. As I descended, I increased the density of my bones, making myself heavier and turning my body into a living missile.

In less than a second, I hit the ground with a resounding impact. My fist and knee touched down in a classic superhero landing. The force of my arrival sent a shockwave through the ground, causing the pirates nearest to me to stumble backward in terror.

At the same moment, I sent the bones from my arm and knee deep into the earth. With precise control, I manipulated them to expand and grow, twisting and intertwining beneath the surface. A heartbeat later, they erupted from the ground, forming a massive wall of bone that shot up behind me.

The 30-foot-wide street was now blocked by an imposing, ivory-white bone barrier, standing over 40 feet tall. There was no escape for the pirates. They were trapped with me.

I stood up slowly, dusting off my coat as I turned to face the mob. Their expressions shifted from confusion to sheer terror as they realized what they were up against. I allowed myself a brief, dark smile beneath my mask.

"Hey," I called out, my voice echoing eerily through the mask. "I don't think two arms are enough to deal with all of you at the same time. How about I make this interesting?"

With that, the wings on my back transformed again. They split and reshaped, changing from two wings into four thick, arm-like appendages.

A few seconds ticked by, and the pirates' initial shock wore off, giving way to instinctual panic. Their first reaction was to run. Maybe it was my overall vibe, or maybe they recognized me. Either way, it didn't matter. Today, we were going to become 60 million Berries richer.

I launched myself into the fray. My six arms worked in perfect harmony, each one a blur of bone and muscle. Each arm struck with precision, knocking out pirates who tried to flee. Bones cracked and bodies crumpled under the force of my blows. I used my Haki to dodge their clumsy attacks while delivering knockout blows to their jaws and livers.

"Hey you bastards! Are you pissing your pants at the sight of him!?" Flint roared, enraged by the sight of his men falling like dominoes. Chaos erupted as Flint's men tried to flee back but their retreat was cut short.

Flint's wrath was immediate and brutal. He roared in fury, grabbing fleeing pirates and crushing their skulls with his bare hands. The sickening crunch of bone and the terrified screams of his men filled the air, driving home the hopelessness of their situation. Those who weren't crushed by Flint turned to face me, desperation in their eyes.

"Anyone who dares to run, will meet the same fate!" Flint shouted madly.

But even those who chose to fight back posed no real threat. I danced through their attacks, my Observation Haki guiding me effortlessly. Blades and bullets whizzed past harmlessly as I moved with inhuman speed and precision. Each counterattack was a lesson in pain, my punches targeting jaws and livers with surgical accuracy. I needed them alive but incapacitated.

The street was a chaotic whirlwind of violence and panic. Pirates shouted and cursed, weapons clashing against bone with futile force. I moved through them like a force of nature, my red eyes gleaming through the mask, unyielding and relentless.

Looking at the situation, Flint decided to take matters into his own hand. His massive form bulldozed through the crowd, his eyes burning with rage.

He was a towering figure of muscle and fury, his fists leaving a trail of broken bodies in his wake. Our eyes met, and a savage grin spread across his face, revealing a row of yellowed teeth.

"You will die here today, pirate hunter!"

This was the real challenge I had been waiting for.

"Haha~ It's ironic that most of your crew mates died in your hand instead of me. Who is the pirate hunter here, huh?"

I flexed my six arms, the bone creaking and shifting as I prepared for the confrontation. Flint's presence was a hurricane of violence and power, but I felt no fear. Instead, a thrill of anticipation coursed through me.

Flint's voice boomed over the chaos, filled with raw menace. "You think you can take me, Bone Demon?" He cracked his knuckles, the sound like gunshots in the tense air.

I tilted my head, my mask hiding the smirk beneath. "I don't think. I know."

With a roar, Flint charged, his massive fists swinging like wrecking balls. The ground trembled under his weight, and the air seemed to crackle with his fury. I braced myself, feeling the adrenaline spike as I prepared to meet him head-on.

He stomped his leg powerfully, leaving cracks on the ground as he dashed forward into my direction.

I waited for him to come with a maniac grin spread across my lip.

The clash was inevitable, and as Flint closed the distance, the world seemed to narrow to just the two of us. The mob of pirates faded into the background, their struggles inconsequential compared to the storm about to be unleashed between us.


A/N: Vote, Vote, Vote and also comment. I like talking to you guys, it makes me motivated to write more.