
One Piece: Bone Demon (Hone no Akuma)

Dante, a 24-year-old college graduate, wakes up on the small island of Nirena in South Blue in the world of One Piece after a night of heavy drinking. Thrust into a reality of pirates and marines and armed with the extraordinary powers of the Bone Devil Fruit, he trains to increase his strength. And embodying the Will of D, he decides to amass a crew to roam the world as a free man. Whether he will be a force for good or bad remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Dante's arrival will change everything. _________ Release Schedule: 1 chapter per day Bonus chapter: 1 chapter every 200 Power Stones READ THE INFO CHAPTER FOR PICTURES OF THE CHARACTERS. *Constructive criticism is appreciated. *I will keep publishing if you guys like it. *Exclusive thanks to Alittlepiggy33 the author of "Re:life with karmic gacha", for recommending my fic on his.

Berserk_Asura · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


A/N- You can see the picture of Dante's and Kosuke's Bounty hunter attire if you open the paragraph comments where they are first completely described, enjoy.


I took the Den Den Mushi in my hand. "Yes, yes, I am here."

The voice emerged, dripping with impatience. "Good. I thought you were dead for a second. Anyways! Where are you right now?"

In my panic and relief, I almost blurted out my location before I caught myself. What if this was a trap? What if the guild had sold me out after not finding anyone to rescue me?

No, I couldn't just walk into a trap. I had to be careful. Assuring myself, I said, "I'm hiding somewhere on the island. You won't be able to find me. Tell me your location, and I'll make my way over there."

The snail was silent for a few seconds, and I waited, my heart pounding. Then the voice emerged again. "I see, I understand. We are at the harbor. Our ship is a caravel, black with gold designs. We'll be waiting for you."


The communication cut off before I could even respond.

I tucked the Den Den Mushi back into my jacket and opened the lid of the barrel. I took a deep breath, my hands trembling, and concentrated on the task at hand. My upcoming double's goal was clear: to deliberately appear in front of the pirates searching for me and lead them toward the harbor. This way, I could see if the rescuers were truly on my side.

If they fought the pirates, I could trust them. If not, I'd find another way out. Maybe I could sneak atop their Caravel and make away with it. Either way, I needed to buy myself some time and a chance to observe.

Focusing, I felt the power surge through my arm. With a final push, my double materialized outside the barrel. Its goal already set, it nodded at me before dashing out.

I closed the barrel lid again, my heart still pounding. I waited for my double to vanish and relay back the crucial information.

It was unfortunate that my doubles couldn't relay every single detail they experienced, only the last memory of what they saw or heard before vanishing. But it had saved my life countless times.



As I came to, the goal assigned to me by my master was already clear in my mind.

I nodded to him and then ran out of the alley, scanning the area to ensure no one was watching. I moved stealthily towards the pirates searching for my master.

It didn't take long to find a group of them wandering around, knocking on doors, and intimidating civilians in their search.

I made a deliberate noise, stumbling slightly. Their heads snapped towards me, and they quickly recognized me. Without hesitation, they began moving in my direction.

I didn't wait for them to close the gap. Instead, I started speed walking towards the docks, glancing back to make sure they were following. Once I saw them pick up their pace, I broke into a run.

They shouted and gave chase, some of them sending messages to their teammates.

I kept running, the goal clear in my mind: lead them to the harbor, and test the rescuers. The sound of their footsteps and shouts filled the air behind me, but I focused solely on the task at hand, hoping it would be enough to save my master.


[Dante's POV]

After Kosuke put down the Den Den Mushi, he turned towards us. "You heard what he said. He doesn't trust us."

I patted his shoulder with a grin, "Hey, if I was in his place, I wouldn't trust you either."

Kosuke snorted. "His loss. It's not like I'm the one waiting to be rescued."

Lucy stepped forward, cutting through our banter. "Boys, what's the next part of the plan?"

I turned towards her, one eyebrow raised, smirking. "A plan? There isn't one. Kosuke and I will wait at the harbor. I'm pretty sure that guy will be leading a mob of pirates toward us to see if he can trust us. But he might also be using a double, so you and Hiro will wait on the Fury in case of any unforeseen circumstances."

Lucy shot me a glance. "If that's what you call not having a plan, I don't know what you think having a plan means. And no, I'm not asking." She interjected before I could even speak up. "Anyways, I'm okay with that. Hiro and I will stay on the Fury."

I nodded at Kosuke and headed inside the cabin to gear up. My Bounty Hunter attire awaited—a black coat with gold designs that mirrored the Midnight's Fury aesthetics.

I pulled it on, feeling the weight and familiarity of it settle around me.

The coat cascaded down my shoulders, its long collars highlighted with intricate gold patterns that gleamed in the sunlight. Draped over my frame, the coat exposed my bare chest underneath, the fabric billowing slightly in the breeze.

With a thought, I used my devil fruit powers to conjure a menacing mask, its horns jutting out from the forehead like a demon from a sailor's nightmare.

When I stepped back outside, Kosuke was already prepared. His attire gave him the air of a Desperado, a wide-brimmed hat casting a shadow over his cloth-masked face. His pistols gleamed at his hips, and a dagger was strapped to his thigh, completing the look of someone you wouldn't want to cross in a dark alley—or anywhere else for that matter.

"Let's give this guy a show then. Think he'll appreciate our sense of style?" I said, adjusting my coat.

Lucy shook her head, a slight smile tugging at her lips. "Just try not to scare him to death before we get any answers."

"Always the voice of reason," I teased, giving her a mock bow.

Hiro, emerging from the cabin with a mop and bucket, looked us over, bemused. "And what about me? I just get to clean?"

I chuckled. "Think of it as preparing for the big showdown. Once the pirates are taken care of, we'll need a clean deck to celebrate on."

Hiro sighed but smiled, starting his task with renewed vigor.

Kosuke and I made our way to the harbor, our footsteps echoing on the wooden planks.

As we reached the harbor, we stood in the middle of the main road, our attire fluttering in the wind.

Kosuke adjusted his hat, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "So, how do you think this will play out?"

I shrugged, my grin hidden behind the mask. "With us kicking some pirate butt and earning another loyal ally. Or at the very least, a good story to tell."

Kosuke chuckled, his fingers twitching near his pistols. "I'm ready for either."

Back on the Fury, Lucy and Hiro watched from the deck, their forms silhouetted against the ship's sails.

The minutes ticked by, and soon enough, we heard the distant shouts and the heavy footsteps of pirates approaching.

Kosuke was the first to spot them clearly. A man sprinted at the front of the mob, his orange attire standing out vividly against the darkening backdrop of the island.

His dark green hair flapped wildly in the wind as he ran, panic evident in every frantic glance he threw over his shoulder. He was middle-aged and no taller than 5'11", just as described in the guild's briefing. This was our rescue target.

Despite his evident distrust and the horde of pirates he was leading straight to us, I remained unfazed. After dealing with both small-time crooks and infamous pirates for over a year, my confidence in my abilities had solidified into an unshakable certainty.

I watched the scene unfold with a mixture of boredom and anticipation, the thrill of the impending confrontation simmering beneath my calm exterior.

The mob was a noisy, chaotic mass. Pirates brandished weapons and shouted threats, their eagerness for bloodshed palpable.

The leader of the mob, presumably Skullcrusher Flint, towered above the rest, a hulking figure with a grim expression. His eyes were locked onto the fleeing man, his face twisted with fury and determination.

I stretched my arms overhead, feeling the familiar pop of my joints loosening up. A yawn escaped my lips, and I covered my mouth out of habit. The pirates were closing the distance quickly, their footsteps pounding against the cobblestones like a war drum.

Kosuke stood beside me, his stance relaxed but alert, his eyes sharp and calculating. "Looks like you were right, our guest brought some friends," he remarked dryly, adjusting his desperado hat.

"Yeah, quite the welcoming committee," I replied, my voice laced with sarcasm. The adrenaline started to flow, sharpening my senses and heightening my awareness.

I took a moment to assess the situation. The harbor was a confined space, but that could work to our advantage. The pirates wouldn't have much room to maneuver, making it easier to corral and control them. Plus, with Lucy and Hiro on the Fury, we had backup if things got out of hand.

As the fleeing man drew nearer, I could see the desperation etched into his features. His eyes darted around wildly, searching for any sign that we might be his salvation rather than another threat. He stumbled slightly, his breath coming in ragged gasps, but he kept pushing forward.

I cracked my knuckles and rolled my shoulders, feeling the power of my Bone Devil Fruit simmering beneath my skin.

"Here we go," I muttered, my voice low and steady. Kosuke nodded, his grip on his pistols tightening.

The man in orange reached us first, his eyes wide with a mix of hope and fear. He stumbled to a stop, gasping for breath. "Are you... here to help?" he panted, his voice barely audible over the din of the approaching pirates.

I gave him a curt nod. "Stay behind us. We'll take care of this."

He nodded, relief flooding his features as he staggered to the side, collapsing against a nearby crate. The mob was almost upon us now, their leader's eyes blazing with fury as he locked onto me and Kosuke.

"Time to earn our keep," Kosuke said, a grim smile playing on his lips.

I smiled back, feeling the adrenaline spike as the pirates charged. And I readied myself to take them head on.


A/N: Vote, Vote, Vote and also comment. I like talking to you guys, it makes me motivated to write more.