
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Warrior God of Science and Defense: Saint Jaygarcia Saturn

"Solar Incarnation…Sun God Ra!!"

Solar energy, being the radiant energy emitted by the Sun, is incredibly powerful and intense. It surpasses the temperature and intensity of both blue and purple flames. While blue and purple flames can reach high temperatures and exhibit strong energy, solar energy is on a whole different level. It is the ultimate source of heat and light, capable of emitting scorching temperatures and vast amounts of energy. The sheer intensity and strength of solar energy make it unparalleled in terms of heat and power.

"You can't be allowed to exist anymore. Your life shall end in this place" Saturn declared as he drew out a flintlock pistole, aiming it at Ashen's head before he fired a bullet.

Ashen who was lunging at Saturn used his sword to deflect the bullet before Ryokugyu appeared in front of him carrying a shirasaya-like katana in his hand and tried to slash Ashen with it.

"Not that quickly! we'd lose face if we let you get past two Admirals like that!"

<Solar Beam>

Ashen knew of the fact that Ryokugyu's weakness is fire and proceeded to release a strong beam of solar energy at him, sending him crashing into the ground with massive hole in his chest. Ryokugyu's Logia body quickly returned to normal after that.

While Ashen was busy with Ryokugyu, Momousagi took the chance to strike him down while he wasn't paying attention. Little did she know that he already foresaw that with his future vision.

Ashen's Observation Haki was top tier and in the past years the only two people who can match him and see the future that far, is Mihawk and Shanks.

Ashen empowered his sword with solar energy and block her attack before he grabbed her by the neck and emitted Conqueror's Haki at her, shocking her.

"Do you want to dance too?" Ashen asked her before a few bullets were fired at him. Momousagi took the chance and kicked him away.

"Hoo…your strength is impressive without a doubt, as expected from an Emperor of the Sea" Saturn remarked, smoke was coming out from his pistole's muzzle.

"I never expected you old geezers to be fighters honestly…but don't forget about my crew right here" Immediately after saying that Ashen ordered everyone to charge, both the sides engaged.


Enel clashed with Admiral Momousagi while Calvin engaged with Ryokugyu. The rest fought against Vice Admirals and Rear Admirals while the Gifters, Zombies and the lower rankings fought the lower ranking marines.

<Solar Ball>

Ashen flapped his wings, creating and launching dozens of spheres of solar energy at Saturn. The latter dodged at an incredible speed before he shot Ashen again using his flintlock pistole.

Unlike how he appears on the outside as an old man, the Elder Saturn possesses an incredibly advanced Armament and Observation Haki.

Ashen came flying down at him and swung Shusui in a downward motion. Saturn used his walking cane to block the attack but was pushed back a little.

"Son of a bitch! you're really stronger than you look" Ashen said as he infused Shusui with Advanced Armament and Conqueror's Haki and got ready to attack again.

Saturn narrowed his eyes seeing that "…I should get serious as well!" he declared as the ground bellow him cracked and a shockwave emitted from his position.

Saturn transformed into a nightmarish creature—a towering Minotaur with a muscular frame, black fur, glowing eyes, a snarling maw filled with razor-sharp teeth and his feet were replaced with hooves.

[Ushi-Ushi no Mi, Model: Minotaur] (Image)

"ROAAAR!!" Saturn roared loudly before he disappeared from his position and suddenly appeared near Ashen, attacking him with the horns in his head.

*BOOOM* The clash generated a strong shockwave. The latter used his sword to block it.

Saturn's size was towering over Ashen, and his Mythical Zoan Form gave him enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced durability, enhanced endurance and enhanced his five senses as well on top of the power boost the Zoan fruits usually gives.

"That's a Minotaur, so you have a Mythical Zoan fruit…"

Ashen leaped back after that before he punched the ground with his fist and a beam of solar energy shot from Saturn's side and struck him.

Although Saturn's fur and skin were so thick, they were not strong enough to protect him from the extremely hot solar energy and he's left shoulder was burned. But surprisingly enough the injury was quickly healed.

"Enhanced regeneration, huh? Well, I'll have to hit you harder I guess" Ashen used <Observation Killing> while lunging at Saturn and then sent a massive Haki-Coated sword slash downwards.

Saturn used Advanced Armament Haki in order to block the attack as to not get burn by Ashen's flames. But since Ashen was using Conqueror's Haki and Ryou at the same time the attack still managed to injure him.

"Insolent brat, you've gone too far with your actions!" Saturn roared in anger and then dashed at Ashen, closing the distance in a split second before he punched him strong enough that he generated a thunderclap while sending a strong shockwave at him.

Ashen was sent flying back but he wasn't hurt at all.

<Severe Shockwave>

*CRACK*-*CRACK* Ashen retaliated by cracking the air and generating a massive shockwave that split the entire ground open while also releasing a beam of solar energy at Saturn. The latter was using Advanced Observation Haki and managed to avoid it.

Ashen took the chance and proceeded to release another fast beam of solar energy at Saturn except this time it was a little different.

"Hmph…is that all you've got?" Saturn mocked him as he tilted his head avoiding the attack, but to his surprise the attack hit a large boulder behind him and bounced off of it into his direction once again, hitting him in the back and burning him.

Ashen didn't stop there and proceeded to jump at him while he was disoriented and sent a Conqueror's Infused sword slash, cutting his chest open.

"Celestial Cleave!!"

*SPLASH* Saturn coughed some blood while taking that attack and proceeded to immediately turn into his Hybrid form with his pistole in his left hand.

*GUN-SHOT*-*GUN-SHOT* Saturn didn't waste time and kept firing at Ashen with his Haki-Coated bullets.

"You little punk, you don't realize the weight of the crime you're committing right now!" Saturn stated in anger "The World Government will be using all its resources to chase you down after this!"

Ashen didn't respond and simply gathered solar energy as a small dense sphere on his palm before he let his Haki flow around and then he hurled it at Saturn, at a blinding speed. The latter used his Haki coated fist to punch it away, but the moment he made contact with it, it exploded while expanding rapidly in all direction.

*KA-BOOOM* A blinding light surge from Saturn's position before it ended with a big explosion followed by a shockwave. Once the dust settled, Saturn was still standing but his body was covered in burns.

Ashen took the chance to strike him again and swung his sword at him in a downward motion, leaving a trail of black lightning behind him.

Saturn roared loudly, sending several compressed wind blades from his mouths but Ashen easily dodged them before his sword made contact with him.

Ashen's attack inflicted an injury, and Saturn was pushed back. But he quickly retaliated by using his enhanced speed to attack Ashen from multiple angles, fast enough that it left an after image.

Saturn attacked with his Haki-Coated horns, generating shockwaves. He also did not simply use normal hardening or emission but Internal Destruction, so each attack inflicted internal and external injuries.

Ashen was taken back by the sudden increase of speed, and he was hit a few times and received some injuries. But he quickly activated his future vision and using Inferno Jet Steps to managed to dodge the attacks with ease.

Ashen also made sure to use Observation Killing at all times to prevent Saturn from seeing the future.

The fight continued for a while and Ashen quickly got the upper hand, and although Saturn's Mythical Zoan fruit gave him insane durability, strength, speed, agility and even enhanced senses like sight, hearing…etc. Ashen still had the advantage, his Haki was stronger and he's able to use Conqueror's Haki at a higher level unlike Saturn who doesn't have it at all.

It seems that the Elder didn't expect Ashen's crew to be strong enough to hold back all the Navy forces including the Admirals.

They most likely have planned to destroy either Ashen or Straw Hat right after finishing their fight when they are exhausted and injured by using their overwhelming numbers. But they didn't expect Ashen to actually win against Straw Hat with minimum injuries.

As the battle went on, Saturn started realizing the bad situation he was in. Their plan to swiftly deal with the Emperor and Vegapunk wasn't going as planned, and even Ryokugyu and Momousagi were struggling against their opponents.

A crew with Three Conqueror's Haki users, Two Logia users and an Awakened Mythical Zoan user is a force to reckon with without mentioning other prominent members like Gecko Moria, who used to be a super rookie and a rival of Kaido.

"Huff…Huff…I can't believe I got pushed back this much…" Saturn was panting heavily from exhaustion and injuries he suffered, he glanced at the battlefield around him to see that the battle was still raging on before he turned his attention to Ashen again while looking at him in hostility.

"I can't believe you held out this much, I'll give you that old man" Ashen said, his sword was infused with solar energy and Haki. Ashen transformed his arm into pure fire, but not his hand, enabling him to launch it at Saturn from a great distance while he was still standing in his place.

Ashen's hand was launched at a high speed and managed to stab Saturn in the chest, before Ashen's Haki flow into his body destroying his organs.


Ashen took the chance after that and jumped in the air using every martial art and ability at his disposal to punch towards Saturn while mid-air, delivering a massively powerful punch with shockwaves that encompassed an enormous radius.

"Cosmic Annihilation!!"


Ryokugyu and Momousagi who were fighting Enel and Calvin in the same battlefield were shocked at that scene.

"Hoi, hoi, if that old man die on us, we'll be in big trouble!" Ryokugyu exclaimed, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Shit! Our hands are full…" Momousagi said in panic while clashing with Enel.

All the marines stopped for a second looking at Ashen and Saturn's battlefield.

Saturn was on his knees after taking that attack, but he was still conscious.

"Do you think you'll get away with this?...Do you think you can face the World Government alone? it stood for 800 years and it will stays so, a cocky brat like you won't bring it down" Saturn said to Ashen "You already killed the only person capable of doing so"

"We'll see about that"

"I have no idea how you know about the existence of that person. But if you dare to kill me, know that you won't be able to escape his rage"

"I don't care...shut up and die!"

Saturn got on his feet again and tried to attack Ashen, but the latter already launched himself towards him with his sword swinging horizontally.

He was using Observation Killing so Saturn didn't see him coming and with one clean sword slash, Saturn was decapitated, and his head rolled on the ground.