
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

The Egghead War Ends!

"Hey, don't play with me now! If that old man is dead, we'll be in real trouble!" Ryokugyu exclaimed while looking at the Elder Saturn's dead body.

"How many times are you going to get distracted in the middle of a fight?" Calvin said as he charged at Ryokugyu, his fist covered in flames and then punched him down with a Conqueror's Infused attack while emitting a shockwave from his knuckles, taking him by surprise and smashing him into the ground.


*BAAM* Ryokugyu threw a mouthful of blood as he took that attack, since Calvin was using Internal Destruction as well. Both Ryokugyu and Calvin were covered in injuries in this fight, but the former looked in a worse state.

Throughout the fight, Ryokugyu had the advantage of Devil Fruit, his awakened Logia was versatile and created trouble for Calvin. But the latter's attacks were far more devastating, since he uses Conqueror's Coating, Advanced Armament Haki and generate strong shockwaves using Hasshoken.

"Give me a break, I'm not getting defeated by a Vice-Captain who doesn't even have an ability!" Ryokugyu exclaimed in anger before he used his awakened ability to transform the whole area into a forest, but instead of growing trees he grew giant wooden fist coated with Haki and proceeded to pummel Calvin with them.

*BAM*-*BAM* Calvin used his blazing fists to punch them back and Rankyaku to cut them down. He was also using future vision to see around 1-2 seconds in the future, which helped him further.

Calvin quickly used Soru to dash at Ryokugyu and tried to attack him. The latter reacted by turning his fingers into veins and increased their length while coating them with Haki, and then thrusted them at Calvin at the same time.

Calvin was able to avoid most of them, but he still got hit by one and Ryokugyu took that chance to wrap the veins around him and absorb the moisture out of his body in an attempt to drain his strength until he becomes too weak to fight back.

Of course, Calvin already saw him use that move before and knew how dangerous it is, so he used all his strength to break free, emitting strong shockwaves before used Rankyaku to cut the veins and then charged at him with Soru.

"This bastard--!!" Ryokugyu quickly generated wood from his arms and manipulated it to shape a giant wooden golem rising to the surface that covered his original body "Forbidden Hate Forests!"

Calvin ignited his entire arm with fire while Infusing with Advanced Armament and Conqueror's Haki and then punched Ryokugyu. The latter tried to dodge but Calvin already anticipated that using his future vision and he quickly moved to where he was going to dodge.

Calvin's fist then punched through Ryokugyu's body from behind, making a donut out of him. The latter collapsed on the ground, drowning in his own blood, before he died after that.

At the same time Enel was fighting Momousagi, the battle was heated and both fighters suffered some injuries.

"Petal Dance!" Momousagi gracefully twirls and leaps, leaving trails of Haki-Coated, razor-sharp petals in her wake, which slice through Enel as she moved. Momousagi is a devil fruit user like every other Admiral, she ate the Rose-Rose Logia fruit that allows her to generate, manipulate, and transform her body into floral elements, such as petals, vines, or even blooming flower constructs.

As the razor-sharp petals flew at Enel, Momousagi took the chance to strike him using her sword.

"…Huff…*CLANG*-*CLANG*…just give up, the Elder is already dead and you're just wasting your breath" Enel said while using staff to parry Momousagi attack, before he leaped back and prompted a large, serpentine dragon made of electricity and launched it at her.

"60,000,000 Volts Thunder Dragon!!"

*Lightning* The thunder dragon proceeded to fly towards at a very high speed before it attacked her, shocking her with electricity and leaving burns around her body. Momousagi proceeded to create dozens of rose veins and thrusted them at Enel.

Enel used his index finger to launch a massive beam of lightning incinerating them before he imbued his golden staff with Advanced Armament Haki and channeled his lightning around it, and then thrusted it at Momousagi.

"Floral Explosion!!" The latter concentrated her power into a single rose, which she then hurled at Enel. Upon impact, the rose detonated in a powerful explosion of petals and energy.

"What an annoying bitch!..." Enel shot lightning from every part of his body while using future vision to let petals pass right through his Logia body before he gathered all of his strength and sent lightning to gather above Momousagi in a clusted, then made it crash down as a massive column via downward swipe of his arm.

Momousagi surrounded herself with an impenetrable barrier of thorny Haki-Coated roses, protecting herself.

After that attack, Enel who was calmly standing in his place started feeling an immense pain in his all of his body, it was unbearable.

"ARGHHH!!" Enel screamed in agony as strong lightning bolts surged from his body before the ground and the buildings around him and Momousagi started turning into pure electricity. The whole area's weather that they were fighting on now was permanently changed, and strong lightning bolts kept striking down from every direction and angle even without Enel doing anything.

"What the hell?" Momousagi was shocked at seeing that.

Ashen who was watching from a distance looked surprised as well.

"That's!!...Did he just awaken his fruit?!" Ashen questioned as environment manipulation is something only possible after an awakening. Ashen smiled proudly at that "As expected from him, it's only logical that he achieves this after all the years of hard work and fighting"

Enel realizing his new acquired power, he immediately started transforming his body. As he taped into his true potential, his l hair crackles with an otherworldly energy, transforming into strands of pure lightning that cascade around him like a cascading waterfall of electric power. His majestic presence is further heightened by the vibrant, billowing cape that trails behind him, composed entirely of swirling thunderclouds and flashing arcs of lightning.

His eyes, glowing with electric blue brilliance. In his hands, Enel wields his golden staff…or now thunder staff, imbued with the fury of storms. The staff crackles with raw energy, pulsating with each beat of his godly heart. With a mere swing, he summons thunderous storms, casting bolts of lightning that streak across the sky, illuminating the battlefield with their dazzling display.

Enel now was flying mid-air, a sinister smile stretched across his face.

"Lightning Incarnation…Thunder God Raijin!!"

"Thunder God? Aren't you a little full of yourself?" Momousagi mocked him, Enel didn't respond to that, and he immediately struck his thunder staff into the ground before several large, serpentine dragons made of electricity were shot from the ground around and struck her.

The lightning dragons managed to burn her and left her disoriented. Enel proceeded to change the weather condition of the entire area by tapping into his awakened power, and lightning bolts kept striking Momousagi down and forcing her to constantly dodge.

The entire ground was also turned to lightning so now she has to use Geppo and fight mid-air


*Thunder* Enel proceeded to use his lightning fast speed with Soru to close the distance in a split second, crossing the sound barrier and generating a terrifying sound of a thunderclap in his wake.

"Yahahaha! Don't think you can stop me with that pathetic power of yours!" Enel said as he appeared up in front of Momousagi and swung his staff unleashing series of powerful lightning bolts at her.

Momousagi used her sword and devil fruit ability to protect herself, but Enel quickly surprised her with another attack. This time a massive lightning beam was shot from the ground below them.

Momousagi was taken by surprise and tried to protect herself, but it was late. Enel used his future vision to predict her moves and as the lightning beam struck her, he immediately stabbed her in the heart with his Haki-Coated staff.

Momousagi's lifeless body collapsed on the ground.

"This can't be true…" All the marine soldier looked horrified, first was Ryokugyu and now Momousagi. Two Admirals, the strongest weapons of the World Government were defeated and killed today, everyone was reminded by what happened at the Summit War two years ago when Ashen and Shiki showed up and killed Kizaru and Aokiji.

"Straw Hat is dead, and now two Admirals. I can't believe these guys!" Vice-Admiral Smoker said in shock, he was smoking to large cigars while fighting Moria.

The Marines moral dropped instantly as orders were given to retreat.

At the same time Ashen called York who was with the Seraphim S-Shark guarding the prisoners in the 'Sword of Xebec'. She quickly joined in giving S-Shark an order to annihilate all the retreating Marines.

*KA-BOOOM* S-Shark fired strong laser beams at the retreating soldiers taking out dozens of soldiers at a time.

Ashen and the rest were targeting the officers and the higher rankings, as the others aren't really much of a threat.

Normally a buster call has five Vice-Admirals, but in this war, there was 8 Vice-Admirals present on top of the 2 Admirals. Among them is Yamakaji, Momonga, Stainless, Smoker, Cancer, Doberman, Dalmatian and Mozambia…everyone was defeated, the two Admirals were killed among a few Vice-Admirals, but the rest were taken as prisoners. Ashen was interested to use their shadows to make new Zombies.

A few hours later,

The war finally ended, the marines were annihilated, unlike the Ashen Pirates the marines lost all their higher-ranking officers and most of the lower rankings were killed as well.

The surviving marines immediately retreated leaving behind them half of the ships they initially brought.

"It's a total victory, we fucked them real hard this time captain! Hahaha!" Ian said while wiping the blood from his mouth. Urouge was standing beside him and praying for the dead people from both sides.

"This is hard blow to the Marine's military power and reputation. I don't think they will recover from this any time sooner. If there is any time to strike the World Government, then it's now" Calvin calmly stated while standing near Ashen.

"Yeah, that's the plan, it's gonna be a total war" Ashen said.

"By the way, what are we doing about the man marked by flames?" Enel asked Ashen.

"We'll beat his ass, take the Poneglyph and go to Laugh Tale after that"

"Can't believe it's time to go already, I'm so excited. I wonder what Oden and Roger saw to make them Laugh?!" Yamato exclaimed in excitement.

"We might not have the same reaction, it's more than 20 years later and different circumstances…but whatever the One Piece is I hope it's worth it" Ashen responded.

"It's a good thing we have two people who can read the Poneglyph" Moria mentioned, he was talking about Pudding who awakened her third eye recently. Since she kept it opened and using it all the time, it helped her awaken it sooner than she would have normally do.

"Robin won't read the Poneglyphs for us, specially us, I'm very sure of that…we killed her captain and her crewmembers whom she cared a lot about, on top of that she has trust issues. We'll just keep her in case something happens" Ashen stated before York showed up with around 50 Mark III units aka Pacifista.

"There you are!...a little surprise for you" York said while pointing at the units behind her.

"Hoi, Hoi! Don't tell they are ours now?! That would be sick!" Urouge said in shock.

"The only ones who have a higher authority than me is the Five Elders so we should be fine" Speaking of Vegapunk, all the rest of the Satellites were found and imprisoned as well, so the only one Vegapunk left is York.

"If we repair the Seraphim and preferably find a way to reverse engineer them and remove the Five Elders control over them, no force in the world can stop us. I will have to rally the Giants as well, I've been saving them for too long, it's time we get their help" Ashen said.

"You're serious about taking down the World Government aren't you?" York asked Ashen.

"Of course, now the marines only have 2 Admirals left if we exclude Sakazuki himself, we can take them down without a problem. The real problem now is the Holy Knights" Ashen didn't know their exact power, but he remembered that Dragon was more warry of them than the marines themselves.

"Holy Knights?" Everyone except York were confused at Ashen's word, hearing that there is something to be worried about other than the marines surprised them.

"The Holy Knights are a group of royal guards within the World Government's employ, operating in Mary Geoise. they are the law enforcers of the Holy Land, above the Marines" Ashen stated.

"Above the marines?"

"Yeah, they can even carry death sentence on their fellow nobles if they deem them worthy of it"

"You know a lot" York remarked.

"That's the least someone who's declaring a war against the world should know. Anyway, at the moment we should focus on getting the last Poneglyph and going to Laugh Tale, we'll worry about these things later on…"

"…I wonder how Shiki did against Blackbeard?"