
One Piece: As Portgas D. Ace

After Blackbeard captured Portgas D. Ace and turned him over to the Marines in exchange for the title of Shichibukai, Ace was imprisoned in the sixth level of Impel Down, famously known as Eternal Hell. Facing an imminent execution, Ace had already accepted his fate. However, as memories from his past life resurfaced, he began to realize that his death would only inflict grief and pain upon his loved ones. The Story unfolds as Ace endeavors to refine his Devil Fruit abilities, strengthen his Haki, and enhance the power of his allies through the newfound otherworldly powers gained during his Rebirth. Can Ace alter the tragic destiny that awaits him? If so, how will his survival reshape the events that follow in the future? =+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A/N: Please note that this story does contain Spoilers. I do not own the original One Piece story or its characters. One Piece belongs to one and only GODA. Also, although it's an AU, the changes are relatively small. The main changes in the story will occur due to the MC changing things as it suits him. I will try not to bring any significant changes to the World Lore. Lastly, Shameless Patreon & Coffee Plug. I've got an account on both platform; patreon.com/ChaosWriter; https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chaoswriter You can read read advanced chapters there. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keeping it behind a paywall forever.

ChaosWriter · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

3. Jinbe's Promise. Beginning of the Biggest Prison Riot ever.

│3rd Person POV│

[30 Hours until Ace's Public Execution, Impel Down, Eternal Hell]

"Hah Hahaha~!"

As Boa Hancock, The Pirate Empress, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was being escorted out of Eternal Hall by Chief Warden Magellan and his fellow jailors, they heard Ace's uproarious laughter from behind.

Head Jailer Domino glanced behind and asked out loud, "Did he have a nervous-breakdown just now? Just what did you say to him, Pirate Empress?"

Hancock assumed her signature haughty pose as she declared, "Hmph~! Men! They are all the same. Just a few words from me is enough to cause a breakdown."

However, in the confines of her mind, Hancock was thinking the complete opposite of what she was saying, 'The prison staff and Vice-Admiral Momonga are really the most incompetent users of Observation Haki that I have ever seen.

'Momonga couldn't detect Luffy~'s presence the whole time on his ship from Amazon Lily to here. Now, all of them couldn't pick out the overwhelming happiness that Luffy~'s brother is radiating now.

'Even novice Haki users, who have just learned to use the Color of Observation for a mere three months, would be better than these incompetent fools, hmph!

'On the other hand, Luffy~'s brother Ace certainty doesn't seem to be worried about his upcoming execution. Not in the slightest. Indeed, as expected from the man fortunate enough to be the brother of MY Luffy~! Ah~! I want to see Luffy~ again.'

"Ah~ Lady Hancock, you really are the most beautiful person when you look down on someone." As usual, Magellan was simping on the Empress of the Kuja Warrior Race.

Immediately after the departure of the elevator containing the visitors, Jinbe questioned, "Ace… What did that woman say!?"

Ace's laughter subsided as he answered with a jubilant tone, "My little brother is here, Jinbe."

Jinbe was understandably shocked to hear that as he responded, "You mean… The one you are always talking about!? The Strawhat Kid!!? That's Reckless!!!"

"Yeah, that's the kind of brother Luffy is! That's the kind of reckless crap he pulls!! Ever since we were kids, he's always been making us worry. Hahaha…!!"

His laughter vanished a few seconds later and his jubilant expression also got replaced by a solemn one. Ace remarked, "I am happy that Luffy took such a step in order to rescue me. However, he is not strong enough to get out of here."

"Magellan and the others didn't seem like they had discovered your brother. Can't he sneak out just like he sneaked in?" inquired Jinbe.

Ace answered with a small smile, "Heh~ I know my brother very well. By some miracle, he may have sneaked in without causing any ruckus. Nonetheless, he's been here for at least an hour.

"By now, at least 4 floors of the Impel Down are in complete chaos. He may even be fighting against Magellan right now. He would lose, of course. However, he can't be stopped. He will come down here. By that time, I will possibly be escorted to the Marineford. So, I am entrusting my little brother to you, Jinbe. Please help him get out here."

Jinbe nodded without hesitation, "Of course, I will help him if I get the chance to. But Ace, are you not even slightly anxious about the War!?

"Although you have grown a lot stronger in the last two weeks, strong enough to maybe even fight Marco to a draw, I don't think you are capable of taking down the strongest among the Marines yet."

"Don't worry about me, Jinbe. No matter what happens, I WILL get out of this alive and I will not let Pops die either."

The conviction in Ace's voice as he proclaimed this was so strong that it convinced Jinbe that things would happen just like he said.

"I am more concerned about Luffy's wellbeing than mine, you know."

Jinbe didn't delay in responding, "Because of your training method, I am now a lot stronger than my previous self that had just been locked in here. I can't ever repay you enough for sharing such a priceless technique with me.

"I vow to secure your brother's escape even at the cost of my own life."

[A few hours later]

"Hmm… Luffy's condition is worse than anything I could have ever imagined."

Ace whispered, wearing a frown, while focusing his Observation Haki on the familiar presence of his brother, who had just entered the edge of his senses.

"Your brother has already reached New Kama Land!?" Jinbe exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, just a few moments ago, the Okama King, Emporio Ivankov, and the South-Blue revolutionary, Inazuma, brought Luffy and his companion to Level 5.5.

"Luffy's friend has already been treated for his injuries. However, Luffy's badly poisoned by Magellan. Ivankov said that he would be able to treat him, but it will cost Luffy 10 years of his life." Ace informed Jinbe, his face and voice completely devoid of any emotion.

Jinbe could sense the grief and anger that Ace was trying to hide behind his expressionless facade.

He attempted to divert his attention through small talk, "I still can't quite grasp the extent to which you have developed your Color of Observation. Being able to sense the whole of Level 6 and Level 5.5, that's beyond impressive. At this rate, you may be able to use Future Sight within 5 to 6 weeks."

Ace didn't reply. Most of his focus was on Luffy as he was injected with Emporio Healing Hormones by Inavkov.

Over the following twenty hours, Ace listened to every one of Luffy's cries. He also heard Bon Clay continuously motivating Luffy to endure and live for ten hours straight.

It wasn't until he perceived that Luffy's life was no longer at risk that he finally heaved a sigh of relief, tension leaving his shoulders as he slumped back.

"He's alright now, Jinbe. Luffy's alright now."

Jinbe also breathed a sigh of relief, "I am glad that your brother's alright. However, you should take some rest, Ace. You have been using Observation Haki for the past twenty hours without any rest. You will need to be at your best to have any significant impact on the upcoming War."

Just after he finished speaking, Jinbe heard the approaching sounds of multiple foot-steps.

A few seconds later, Magellan and Domino along with some other marine soldiers came into view.

"Now then, Portgas D. Ace, you will be transferred to the execution site, Marineford!!" declared Magellan.

"Hey, listen. I couldn't sleep last night due to anxiety. So I am going to sleep for some time. If you wish to transfer me to the execution site, you have to carry me there, alright?"

Ace informed the marines with a smile on his face and then, he propmtly fell asleep with even snot bubbles coming out of his nose.


All the marines were astonished upon witnessing the scene. Even Domino's ever-present stoic demeanor crumbled for a moment.

The marine grunts started banging the bars of the cell while shouting at Ace to wake up. Jinbe was laughing at the situation unfolding before his eyes.

Magellan let out a sigh and stopped the marines, "Stop it! It's better if he's asleep. This way, he won't create any commotion while being transported. You lot, pick him and follow me."

Jinbe watched as the marines carried out Ace and heard them board the elevator.

[A few minutes later]

"Ace, we came to save you! ACE…!!"

Accompanying the sudden shout, three figures suddenly appeared on Level 6.

They were Straw-Hat Luffy, Okama Emporio Ivankov, and the revolutionary Inazuma.

Ivankov was holding onto a marine guard in his hands, who directed them to the Ace's former prison cell.

"We were one step too late!" Inazuma exclaimed upon seeing only a Fishman in the cell.

'A Straw-Hat wearing boy! I see, this man is Ace's brother then. He really came!! He infiltrated the impregnable Impel Down and actually made it to Level 6.

'This isn't the kind of place just anyone can get into, not even in one or two lifetimes… I can't believe he survived traversing the five hells!!!' Such thoughts raced through Jinbe's head.

"Are you Straw-Hat Luffy!?" Jinbe asked aloud.

Luffy confusedly replied, "!? Yeah…"

"They came just a few minutes earlier. They took Ace up the lift! If you hurry, you can still make it and save your brother. GO!!"

Even though Jinbe promised Ace to lend his aid to help Luffy escape, he hoped that if Luffy and his companions hurried, they could save Ace and stop the war before it even started.

"Got it, thanks! I don't really know who you are, though." Luffy responded.

Jinbe then watched their attempt to use the elevator and the stairs failed one after another.

Just as the three of them were at their wits end on how to get out of Level 6, Crocodile, who was imprisoned there after facing defeat at the hands of Straw-Hat Luffy in Arabasta.

Crocodile convinced Luffy and the others to release him in exchange for helping them create a way out of Level 6.

Jinbe couldn't sit still any longer as he shouted, "I'm begging you! Take me as well. I will definitely be of use! Ace… I have known him since before he joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

"He's told me plenty about his little brother, about you!! I'm locked in here because I refused to participate in this war against Whitebeard. I want to save Ace too! And I also promised Ace that I will help his brother escape from here. So please, take me with you."

"Ooh~ Here's another big name." Ivankov exclaimed as he realized the identity of the Fishman in front of him, "Wait! Ace knew that Luffy would come here and be trapped?"

Jinbe answered calmly, "Boa Hancock, another one of the Seven Warlords came to visit Ace.

"She told him about how she helped Luffy sneak in. Also, for the past twenty hours, Ace had been monitoring Luffy's condition as he went through the terrible ordeal to expel the poisons in his system. So yes, Ace knew that Luffy was about to arrive here."

Ivankov became even more shocked as Jinbe's statement indicated the absurd capability of Ace's Observation Haki.

He cried out, "You mean to tell me that Ace's Haki could reach past Level 6 into the New-Kama Land!!?? He's just a 20 years old boy, right!?"

"What's Haki, Iva-chan? Was Ace really watching me all along?" asked Luffy, he was hella confused right now as everything went right over his head.

"He did witness your struggle, Luffy. I can assure you with my life that everything I told you is true." Jinbe answered.

Ivankov also recovered from his shock and told Luffy, "I will tell you about Haki later. Right now, you should decide whether to free Crocodile and Jinbe or not."

After a few seconds of tense silence, Luffy nodded and declared, "Very well. Let's free them, Iva-chan."

Inazuma quickly used his powers to cut through the cell bars and bounds of Crocodile and Jinbe.

The five of them stood together, ignoring the cries of other prisoners.

Ivankov announced, "Well then, we're short on time! We'll force our way out of this prison! HIIHA~!!"

"I won't let you lay a hand on Whitebeard, Crocodile!" warned Jinbe.

Crocodile challenged with a crooked laugh, "Then why don't we settle this now?"

"We've got two former Warlords here. They will certainly be of huge help in our escape." Inazuma muttered to himself.

Luffy heard Inazuma's words and wondered out loud, "Two!? Who's the other one?"

With that, the biggest riot in the history of Impel Down began.

...To Be Continued!


A/N: Hehehe~!! I honestly didn't expect to get such an explosive repsonse from you guys. I am even tempted to stop posting the other Fic and just focus on this.

However, that would be cruel of me to treat the readers who are invested in that Fic in such a way.

I will just have to try harder to put one chapter per day for both of them. Thank you for your support guys!!

If you like this Fic, Shower it with Power Stones, Save it in your Library, and Post a Review if you feel like doing it.


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