
One Piece: All For Revenge?

The World Government had been experimenting on him for a long time. Then he began to think of plans for how to escape from here. But will he be able to escape? Will he be able to take revenge on them? ----------------- English is not my native language. If you find a mistake in what I wrote, please write the correct one in the comments so that I can improve myself. ----------------- If you want to support me, or if you want early access to chapters. patreon.com/derebeyi

DereBeyi · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 24

Ragna and Law began to be led to the prison in handcuffs, accompanied by the guards.

Ragna wasn't against it at first, but when he was handcuffed, he immediately recalled memories of living with Mary Geoise. Frankly, that's why his mood wasn't very good.

"Oi! How will you determine our identity?" Ragna said angrily. Right now, he was holding back so he wouldn't attack them.

But the captain of the guard said to him without paying much attention, "We'll contact one of them after we get you to the dungeon."

It was clear from his demeanor that he had no such intention. His goal was to put them in prison easily.

Ragna got even angrier when he saw his demeanor and then stopped because he couldn't take it anymore.

"Keep walking!" Seeing that Ragna wasn't moving, the guard behind him said while pushing him away.

At that moment, Ragna had no more patience, and as he broke the handcuffs with his strength, most of the surrounding guards' eyes turned white and began to fall to the ground.

The surviving guards had moved directly to their weapons.

Ragna looked at the leader of the guards while he broke the handcuffs of Law and said commandingly, "I don't want to go to your damn prison. If you want to verify my identity, bring that person here. We will not leave here."

Ragna was still pressing them with his Conqueror's Haki as he said this. In this way, he made it clear to them that he was not someone to be swayed by.

The leader of the guards was obviously not strong enough to face Ragna, and he swallowed hard under the pressure he felt.

However, he immediately gave orders to the two people next to him, "You guys call Jimbei here immediately."

The guards, who received the order, quickly started to move away from there, as the pressure they're felt at the time had lessened. Then the leader of the guards said while looking at Ragna, "I hope Jimbei-san knows you. Of course, if you are one of the Sun Pirates."

Ragna's pressure was gone, so he could speak with such ease. Also, he should not lose his reputation next to his subordinates.

Ragna sat on the ground and waited, ignoring what he said. After all, not many people knew Ragnar, since he had long since left the Sun pirates.

As for Law, sitting next to Ragna, he tried to understand why he was acting like this.

The few remaining guards looked at the two of them uneasily.

A few moments later several people were coming towards them. Among them was Ragna's friend Jimbei, who was a former Sun pirate.

"You can release them, they are my friends." Jimbei said directly.

After the leader signaled the guards to raise their weapons, he looked at Jimbei and said, "Jimbei-san, since they are your friends, you should be responsible for them." Then they took the unconscious guards there and left.

After they had left, Jimbei approached Ragna and said with a smile, "Why did you have to cause so much trouble? Why didn't you come through the gate?"

Ragna said with a laugh, "Since it's my first time on the island, how do I know where the door is? Anyway, at least there wasn't much of a problem." Then continued, pointing at Law, "This is my friend Law. He's a member of my crew."

As Jimbei held out his hand in greeting, he said, "I'm Jimbe, nice to meet you Law-san."

Then he looked at Ragna and said, "So you have a crew. So where are the other people? Or were you separated while falling on the island?"

"No, we're just two people at the moment." Ragna said and then added, "Don't underestimate us just because we're just two people. We're both pretty strong."

Jimbei put his hand on Ragna's shoulder with a laugh and said, "Hahaha! Of course, I don't take you to underestimate. Let's go, I'll show you the island."

Jimbei and Ragna were pretty much the same height, both about three meters (9'10).

Then the three of them started to head towards the crowded parts of the island together.

Ragna said while he walked, "What happened after I left the crew? According to the information I have received, the Sun pirates have disbanded."

"Unfortunately, a year ago, the crew disbanded due to an incident. We are now divided into three. Some of the crew joined my crew even though I was a Shichibukai. Others have joined Arlong's or Macro's crew." Jinbei said, there was a slight sadness in his voice.

Although knew the answer, Ragna asked, "What is a Shichibukai?"

"It is a system that has only just begun to be implemented by the World Government. Right now, there are only five people including me. Crocodile, Gecko Moria, Boa Hancock, and recently joined Donquixote Doflamingo." Jimbei said.

When hearing Doflamingo's name, Law immediately remembered Corazon and clenched his fists. Also, his eyes were filled with vengeance.

Ragna had noticed his situation too, so he lightly touched his shoulder. Then Ragna said, "And what happened to Tiger?

"Ti-aniki... Anyway, you better see him for yourself. We'll stop by him after we've toured the island." Jimbei said.

When Ragna heard what he said, he thought sadly, 'Is he dead? Was it just like in the canon?'

After wandering around the island for a while, they finally came to the front of a house.

A few moments after Jimbei knocked on the door, an old-looking mermaid opened the door.

"Oh? Jimbei-san, welcome." She said with a smile.

"Mera-san, we came to meet with Ti-aniki. Is he at home?" Jimbei asked.

"Yes, come in. He'll be glad to see you." Mera said and then stepped aside, inviting them in.

As they entered they saw Fisher Tiger sitting at the table.

Please, give me ur stones. I need them.

If you wanna read the next chapters, it's here ==>


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