
One Piece: All For Revenge?

The World Government had been experimenting on him for a long time. Then he began to think of plans for how to escape from here. But will he be able to escape? Will he be able to take revenge on them? ----------------- English is not my native language. If you find a mistake in what I wrote, please write the correct one in the comments so that I can improve myself. ----------------- If you want to support me, or if you want early access to chapters. patreon.com/derebeyi

DereBeyi · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 23

I rewrote chapter 21. What has changed briefly for those who do not want to return:

Ragna showed his face to her. But Hancock still can't remember who he is, even if his face looks familiar. Also, she's sure now that she's seen him before.


A few days passed, and it was finally time for Ragna and Law to leave Sabaody.

After saying goodbye to Rayleigh and Shakky, they started heading towards Fishman Island.

Law and Ragna were enjoying the view as they descended into the depths of the sea. But the deeper they went, the darker it was, so it was as if they had suddenly entered a horror movie.

"Ragna, it looks like something is coming towards us." Law said uneasily, pointing to a place in the darkness.

Indeed, they could only slightly see the silhouette of something huge coming towards them.

Ragna looked at where Law was pointing and said, "Okay, once it gets close to us, I'll scare it away."

Law nodded. This dreary atmosphere had severely strained him.

After Ragna waited for that huge monster to approach them, suddenly a strange pressure started to radiate from him.

When sensed Ragna's pressure, the sea beast froze with fear. It was as if it felt that if he moved a little more, it would die in an instant.

"Fuck off." Ragna said commandingly.

As if the sea beast understood what he was saying, it suddenly turned around and started to run away quickly.

Law said with a sigh, "Sigh* I'm surprised every time I see this. I wonder if one day I will be able to use it too?"

The skill Ragna used was Haoshoku Haki, aka Conqueror's Haki. Ragna had awakened this ability in fights with Rayleigh.

Ragna said with a laugh, "Hahaha. Who knows, maybe someday you'll wake up it."

After a few more minutes, it was pitch black. But they were beginning to see a light ahead.

"Captain, there is light there." Law said. Frankly, this light in the darkness looked like the New World that appeared after death.

"Yeah, I see it too." Ragna said and then as he looked at the many sea beasts that had come to them he thought, 'We can get close by using them.'

He then released his Conqueror's Haki again, impressing that sea beasts and making them listen to his orders.

Soon they came close to the light and began to see Fishman Island. It was as if there was a sun under the sea.

With the help of the sea beasts, the ship passed through the bubble that covered Fishman Island, and thus they entered the island.

They encountered the water directly after passing the first bubble to the island. Ragna immediately moved through the water, catching Law, then quickly catching the ship with his other hand.

After they passed through the water and entered another layer of the bubble, they began to fall towards the sea below.

Ragna quickly tied Law to a mast and then tried to slow the ship so it wouldn't take too much damage. It can be considered successful, as a result, the ship was able to land without being destroyed.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, Ragna went to Law and said, "Oi, Law!"

At that time, Law had passed out from the pressure of the water. So Ragna started slapping his cheek several times to wake up him. Before long, Law had finally awakened.

Grasping his cheeks that were red from the slaps, Law said, "What happened to me? I feel like I've been beaten."

Ragna said with a chuckle, "Hahaha. You probably feel that way because of the pressure of the water. Let's go, we've arrived at the island."

While looking around, Law said in surprise, "We're on an island under the sea?"

Ragna looked in one direction for a moment, then tugged Law, saying, "Come on, hurry up, they noticed we've illegal into the island. A few people are coming this way."

Law quickly stood up and started walking away with Ragna. After a while, a group of armed people came and began to search the ship.

"We are intruders here because we entered illegally. But they don't know our identities because we don't have a specific symbol. After finding my friends on the island, we can wander freely." Ragna said.

"So how do we find them?" Law asked.

"Well, I feel very lucky today." Ragna said.

When Law heard his answer, he nearly tripped on something and fell to the ground. But since Law was already used to this habit of Ragna, he continued to follow without saying anything.

Ragna looked back briefly, then said, "They're following us."

"Are we going to keep running?" Law asked.

Ragna thought for a moment, then stopped and said, "No, we can use them to find my friends. Maybe that way it will be easier."

Law nodded, and yet he stood ready, just in case.

After a short while, those who followed them finally came into appearance. The Fishmen quickly surrounded the two of them, and the one who appeared to be their leader said, "You have been found to have illegally entered Fishman Island. State your identities."

Ragna said, "I am a former member of the Sun Pirates. I came here to see my friends. My name is Ragna, and the one next to me is my friend Law."

After they looked at each other for a while, the leader said, "We are not entirely sure of your identity, so you will remain in detention until your identity is confirmed."

Ragna obviously knew he could easily defeat them if he wanted to, but he didn't want to make a fuss. He also thought that he would soon be released.

Ragna nodded while looking at Law. He said to Law not to go against them.

Please, give me ur stones. I need them.

If you wanna read the next chapters, it's here ==>


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