
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 58: Raiding Enies lobby!

Enies Lobby, an island under direct jurisdiction of the World Government, houses a court that has never issued a verdict of innocence in its 800-year history. Once deemed a prisoner, one passes through the imposing Door of Justice—a cold, massive steel gateway leading to either death or imprisonment in the Undersea Prison Impel Down, symbolizing the World Government's absolute justice.

At its heart stands the Tower of Justice, prominently featuring the World Government's flag atop its highest point, symbolizing their supreme authority. Enies Lobby, one of the three major organizations under the World Government, boasts a permanent garrison of 10,000 soldiers. The front island serves as the primary entrance, guarded by soldiers and sailors in black attire.

Following their return, Lucci, Kalifa, and Kaku—faces grim but relieved—make their way back to Enies Lobby via the sea train, seeking to dispel the shadow left by Portgas D. Ace.

In the chief's room on the main island, a masked man with short purple hair eagerly welcomes their return—CP9's commander, Spandam. Despite Spandam's attempt at camaraderie, Lucci's stoic silence hints at underlying tensions.

"Hey, hey, it's been three years. How have you all been?" A tall man with painted white foundation and long hair attempts to lighten the mood with an eccentric greeting.

"Welcome back. Surviving such a mission is an achievement in itself," Fukurou, a peculiar man with a zipper across his mouth, adds cheerfully.

Jabra, a cunning member with wolf-like features, reflects on their recent encounter. "Mission failures are inevitable, especially against opponents of that caliber. Losing only Blueno was our luck."

Lucci's intense gaze fixates on Spandam, his wild killing intent palpable—a stark reminder of his Zoan-cat fruit abilities. "Do you know anything?" His question hangs heavy with implication, aimed squarely at Spandam, the one likely privy to the World Government's deepest secrets.

Spandam, visibly shaken by Lucci's piercing stare and chilling aura, sweats profusely in response to the implicit threat.

"Lucci, you can't kill the commander. Despite his power level being only 9, less than that of an ordinary Marine soldier at 10, he holds his position through connections. But he remains our CP9 commander," Fukurou interjected quickly, urging restraint.

"You're out of line," Spandam retorted tearfully, clutching his chest in exaggerated distress.

Fukurou's intervention quelled Lucci's murderous intent, and he reluctantly took a seat.

"Regarding the top levels of the World Government, they ordered our retreat to avoid provoking him—Portgas D. Ace," Kalifa added, casting a wary glance at Spandam, whose complexion paled slightly.

"Ahem, it seems you're all curious about Portgas D. Ace," Spandam coughed proudly, sensing a rare opportunity to assert his authority over his formidable subordinates.

Having climbed to the rank of CP9 commander through familial connections, Spandam relished the chance to impress his superhuman team with his knowledge.

"Let me clarify, Portgas D. Ace is a man you must not underestimate. You all returned alive thanks to luck," Jabra chimed in, ears perked for more details.

"Isn't it just repeating what the officers said?" Kaku interjected with disdain, provoking Jabra's ire.

"Do you want to fight?!" Jabra snapped back, glaring at Kaku.

"Enough, Jabra!" Lucci's sudden intervention filled the room with a chilling atmosphere, his intense gaze unsettling everyone.

"Lucci's power has grown," Fukurou remarked nervously, wiping sweat from his brow.

Realizing the danger of provoking Lucci, Jabra quickly backed down. "It was Kaku who started it. My mistake," he conceded, visibly relieved.

Jabra, transformed by the Zoan-Dog Fruit into a wolf, possessed a keen sense of danger, which warned him against challenging Lucci's escalating strength.

Reflecting on his role as a boatman for the past three years, Jabra couldn't help but feel the ever-widening gap between himself and Lucci.

Meanwhile, Jabra's mind wrestled with the knowledge that Lucci faced Portgas D. Ace in the Capital of Seven Waters without mounting any meaningful resistance. What kind of monstrous opponent was Ace?

Spandam, seizing the moment, began his account of Ace's exploits, his voice filled with pride and reverence for power.

"Portgas D. Ace was responsible for the death of Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, in Alabasta," Spandam's revelation stunned the CP9 members.

Lucci's expression darkened. Crocodile, a Shichibukai, killed by Ace? The implications were staggering.

"But that's not all. Recently, a meeting at Mariejois was disrupted when Ace used Conqueror's Haki to render even the Celestial Dragons unconscious," Spandam continued in a hushed tone, evoking a mix of awe and fear among his listeners.

"The Celestial Dragons?! Even the nobles of the world were affected?" Jabra and the others gasped in disbelief.

The revelation that Ace possessed Conqueror's Haki—said to be the mark of a king—sent shivers down Kalifa and Kaku's spines.

Lucci's eyes blazed with intensity. Conqueror's Haki—the power to dominate weaker spirits—had left an indelible mark on him.

"And that's why Ace is deemed untouchable," Spandam concluded, visibly nervous at revealing such sensitive information.

"Headquarters Admiral Aokiji clashed with Ace and was injured," Spandam whispered, his voice trembling.

"Admiral Aokiji injured?!" The CP9 members were shocked. Aokiji, a pinnacle of Marine strength, injured by Ace? It was unthinkable.

Spandam urged caution, emphasizing the secrecy of this information—knowledge entrusted only to the highest echelons of the World Government.

"Fifth Emperor," Spandam proclaimed with reverence. The title bestowed upon Ace by the highest levels of authority spoke volumes about his influence.

Jabra, Fukurou, Kaku, and Kalifa were visibly shaken. Facing an emperor of the sea, even their formidable skills seemed insignificant.

Despite Spandam's attempts to reassure them, the weight of Ace's power hung heavily in the room.

"As long as Ace caused our mission's termination, the World Government won't hold us accountable," Spandam assured, hoping to quell their unease.

With newfound respect for Ace's prowess, the CP9 members pondered the implications of confronting such a formidable adversary.

"Bru buru buru!" Suddenly, the phone rang, interrupting the tense atmosphere in the room.

"Wait a moment, I'll take this call," Spandam snapped irritably, picking up the receiver. "Click!"

"What's the matter?" Spandam demanded, his tone impatient.

"Sir, we need immediate backup at Enies Lobby!" A panicked voice crackled through the phone bug.

"Pirate attack? Are you certain they're not just passing through?" Spandam's disbelief was evident in his tilted expression.

"Yes, it's an attack! It's the Entei Pirates! Their leader has a bounty of 150 million beli—Flame Emperor, Portgas D. Ace!!"

Cold sweat broke out across all members of CP9.

"What?!" Spandam's horrified cry was punctuated by tears and sniffles, his face draining of color in fear.


The Smoking Tom, piloted by Cocoro, smashed through the first gate of Enies Lobby with a thunderous crash, shattering it into debris.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Amidst the gunfire, two enormous Emperor Bru, ten times larger than regular Bru, charged out from the thick smoke, unique beasts used for transport in the Capital of Seven Waters.

"Pervert in pervert, Franky! Super~ stylish entrance into Enies Lobby!"

"Brothers, clear the path to the Tower of Justice! Super!"

Franky struck bizarre poses and shouted wildly, rallying his family to attack the marines and World Government forces.

Before long, a chaotic melee ensued, though Enies Lobby, considered the least significant of the World Government's major institutions, still housed elite soldiers and naval personnel.

As the battle unfolded, Franky's group found themselves outnumbered and reliant on their two Emperor Bru allies.

"How dare you harm my brothers! Look at me..."


Before Franky could finish, he was struck down by Nami's staff, her eyes radiating a commanding aura.

"Stand aside, you're in the way."

Nami's beautiful eyes held an intimidating presence, reminiscent of Ace's Conqueror's Haki that Franky had witnessed before.

"Why does this feel so much like Brother Ace? And like Gol D. Roger and Silver Rayleigh from my childhood?"

Franky realized that Nami's power was Conqueror's Haki, a trait she had learned from Ace.

"Sixty million volts!"


Ignoring Franky, Nami's eyes narrowed as she released a powerful burst of lightning.


Accompanied by thunderous flashes, lightning struck down with ferocity.


Suddenly, a massive lightning storm erupted, guided by Nami's precise control.

"Boom! Boom!"

The thunder and lightning tore through the sky, wreaking havoc among the enemy forces without harming any of Franky's allies.

"Stay back, I won't harm you."

Vivi's lips curved slightly as she summoned a devastating sandstorm.

"Sand Storm!"

"Phew! Phew!"

The sandstorm swept through the air, overwhelming the marines and government troops.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Countless soldiers fell under the onslaught of lightning and sand, clearing a path forward.

"Yes, Sister Nami and Sister Vivi!"

Zanbai cheered, while others praised their Logia powers in action.

"Logia's big sisters are on fire!"

Many of Franky's younger brothers cheered excitedly.

"Don't call me 'big sister,' I'm still young!"

Vivi retorted, though secretly pleased with her strength.

Robin observed the chaos with mixed emotions, unexpectedly finding herself on the attack.

Ace watched silently, a faint smile crossing his lips as he witnessed Vivi's display of strength.

"She's eager to prove herself here in Enies Lobby."

Ace glanced at the collapsed first gate, guarded by elite naval and government troops.

"The first gate is well-defended by these forces. Logia types are our best bet here."

Ace noted, observing that aside from Nami and Vivi, the other girls hadn't yet joined the fray.

"Hold them off!"

"Entei Pirates!"

"Flame Emperor, Portgas D. Ace! Invading Enies Lobby!"

From a distance, reinforcements from the navy and government rallied against the invaders.

"There are even more of them?"

Nami crackled with lightning, while Vivi turned half her body into sand.


Nami and Vivi glanced at Ace, surprised by his calm demeanor amidst the chaos.

"These small fries aren't worth your effort."

Ace smiled faintly, his eyes flashing with a deep purple-black hue.


The ominous aura solidified, erupting from Ace's body with terrifying force.

In an instant, every soldier within range of Ace's Conqueror's Haki collapsed, unconscious.

The battlefield fell silent as thousands of troops dropped in an instant.

"Wow, that's incredible. Is this Conqueror's Haki?"

Franky stared in awe at the aftermath of Ace's power.

"Brother Ace!"

"The man with a 150 million beli bounty!"

Franky's younger brothers cheered, holding their weapons high in excitement.

Emperor Bru roared with vigor as they followed Ace towards the second gate.

The girls trailed closely behind, ready for the next phase of the assault on Enies Lobby.

"The intruder is Flame Emperor, Portgas D. Ace! Uh!"


After uttering these words, the phone bug seemed to roll its eyes in simulated annoyance and fell silent.

"Hey! Hey!"

Spandam stared at the motionless phone bug, his panic mounting.

"Damn it!"

With a horrified expression, Spandam hastily dialed a number.

"Bru buru buru!"

"Hey! Hey!!"

"Bru buru buru!"

"Hey! It's Spandam! CP9's highest officer, the defender! Respond!"

Repeated calls to the Enies Lobby garrison captain via the phone bugs yielded no response.

Spandam's face darkened, his entire demeanor growing somber.

"No... Have they all been wiped out?"

Fukurou lamented sadly.

Spandam trembled, clutching his head as he let out a desperate cry.

"Why?! Why would the Emperor attack Enies Lobby?!"

Fear gripped Spandam's eyes, tears streaming down his face.

"Hey, it seems letting Lucci and the others go wasn't out of mercy, but because he aimed to destroy our CP9 headquarters. Has Enies Lobby been raided? Is this the Emperor's wrath?"

Nero shook his head, his long white hair tossing as he spoke with a strange urgency, sweat beading on his forehead.

"Hey! He's the man who can match the highest combat power of the World Government's Admirals at Headquarters. Which one of us can face him?!"

Jabra's face was filled with horror.

Kaku and Kalifa were speechless, their eyes wide with fear.

In the Capital of Seven Waters, they felt like helpless prey being slaughtered.

Why?! They had returned to Enies Lobby, one of the World Government's three major strongholds.

Why can't they escape this fate?!

They recalled the Four Emperors, rulers of the seas like gods.

One does not provoke an Emperor. Those who do will perish. Any force that defies an Emperor will be obliterated.

And they had offended the Fifth Emperor of the Sea.

Panic engulfed them, leaving them gasping in terror.


Lucci's eyes blazed as he roared.

"Are you trembling in fear before even fighting? Do you still deserve to be called CP9?!"

Lucci glared around, his eyes wild with determination.


Suddenly, Lucci's body expanded, transforming into a fierce, leopard-like creature with razor-sharp claws and fangs, standing upright.

Zoan Cat-Cat Fruit, Leopard Model - Human-Beast Form!

"Portgas D. Ace!"

Lucci roared with primal ferocity.

Driven to desperation, the Zoan transformation heightened Lucci's feral instincts.

The murderous intent in the room froze everyone in its icy grip.

"Now that it's come to this, we have no choice but to move forward."

Fukurou's expression darkened.

"Hey, if I die in battle, I'll meet my mother in the afterlife. It's a filial duty," Natsu said, holding up five fingers.

In reality, Natsu's mother was alive but still working as an assassin in her old age.

"Damn it, is he alone?"

Jabra's body swelled, transforming into a wolf-like figure with cunning eyes and menacing claws, standing upright.

Zoan Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Wolf - Human-Beast Form!

Jabra had consumed the Zoan Dog-Dog Fruit, enhancing his cunning akin to a wolf.

He knew he had provoked an Emperor who had even compelled concessions from the World Government.

Fleeing was out of the question. Instead of waiting for death, they would fight together with CP9.

Perhaps there was still a glimmer of hope!

And Ace, for all his might, was still human.

Jabra, who had never seen Ace in action, exuded determination.

"Exactly! What about Portgas D. Ace?! I still have this!"

Spandam carefully retrieved a golden phone bug from his coat.

"With this, I can summon ten of the most powerful warships and five Vice Admirals from Headquarters!"

"Buster Call's power can destroy everything!"

"Portgas D. Ace must fear this power. What can he do to me? Hahaha!"

Spandam nervously chuckled.

In Spandam's view, Marine Admirals were indeed formidable, but Buster Call with its ten mighty warships and Vice Admirals was no less potent!

Wouldn't even an Emperor have to retreat with such destructive force?

Spandam, who had never witnessed the world's mightiest power firsthand, indulged in his own delusions of grandeur and paranoia.

"Move out! Under the banner of the World Government!"

Spandam shouted as he ascended towards the top.