
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 57: Preparations

"Lucci, we've received a directive from above," Kalifa said, her voice trembling slightly.

"So soon? When did that incompetent Spandam become so efficient in reporting?" Lucci's brow furrowed in mild annoyance.

"No, it's not from Enies Lobby," Kalifa continued nervously.

"What?" Lucci took the order from her hand, his expression shifting as he read it.

"It's a direct order from the highest echelons of the World Government. We're to cease pursuing the Pluton blueprints immediately and retreat to avoid further provoking Portgas D. Ace," Kalifa explained, fear evident in her eyes.

The gravity of the order hit them hard—the World Government, the pinnacle of power and justice, was explicitly avoiding conflict with Ace. This revelation shook their understanding of their place in the hierarchy.

"What manner of man have we faced?" Kalifa trembled, her body betraying her fear.

"Something must be amiss. Why would the World Government fear him?" Kaku's frustration boiled over into a shout. He feared the consequences of failure and the disgrace it would bring upon CP9.

The notion that the World Government, a behemoth spanning over 170 nations, could be wary of one man was almost unthinkable. Yet, the order was clear.

"Calm down," Lucci's voice cut through the tension sharply.

"There must be information at the highest levels that we're not privy to. From their perspective, avoiding conflict with Ace outweighs the pursuit of Pluton's designs. That's all there is to it," he concluded, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and disbelief.

Lucci refused to accept that the World Government feared Ace outright. Instead, he saw it as a strategic retreat—a temporary measure until they could confront Ace on their terms.

"This is merely a strategic withdrawal. Justice will catch up with Portgas D. Ace in due time. Perhaps even in Enies Lobby," Kaku forced a smile, attempting to regain his composure.

"Let's return to Enies Lobby. The lethargy I felt as a shipwright here has no place in facing Ace. If my strength cannot match his, then I'll surpass it. I won't feel powerless again," Kaku declared, clenching his fists with renewed determination.

"Let's go back to Enies Lobby," Kalifa nodded in agreement.

They both knew that in Enies Lobby, under the banner of absolute justice, they would find security. Despite Ace's might, they believed Enies Lobby would shield them—just as it had done for countless others throughout history.

"It's done! It's absolutely perfect!" Franky exclaimed, his entire being glowing with a mysterious aura of mastery.

"Wow!" Nami marveled, lifting the modified weather rod which now gleamed with new capabilities. "It's incredible. It can fully harness the power of my Thunder Fruit and even amplify it."

Nami had outgrown the old weather rod after acquiring the Thunder Fruit. Its abilities paled in comparison to her Logia powers, but she cherished it as a gift from Ace. Now, with Franky's modifications, it was a perfect match.

"And this rifle is amazing! It handles my Armament Haki perfectly," Nojiko added joyously, clutching her new sniper rifle, her face beaming.

In the second half of the Grand Line, a sniper's gear had to match their Armament Haki prowess to maximize effectiveness. Nojiko's previous rifle couldn't keep up, but Franky's creation exceeded all expectations.

"Nami, you're incredible!" Nokigao exclaimed, watching Nami wield thunder and lightning effortlessly through the weather rod, striking awe and fear into the others.

"I didn't expect you, Franky, to be so capable," Nami teased, glancing at Franky who was celebrating his success with unique dance moves.

"Haha, thanks! But it's also thanks to Ace's guidance. With his insights and my shipbuilding skills, I can make anything super-perfect!" Franky proclaimed proudly.

"That's wonderful, Merry," Kaya said warmly, smiling at her beloved ship.

"Mm!" Merry nodded happily, anticipation clear in her expression.

"Wait, what? Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa?! CP9 received orders from the World Government to abandon the Pluton blueprints and return to Enies Lobby to avoid angering you further because of your clash with Aokiji," Nami reported, her pride evident.

With Thunder Fruit-enhanced Observation Haki, nothing escaped Nami's notice in the Water 7 Capital. Despite the World Government's ambitions, they couldn't afford to provoke Ace further.

"Lucci? Kaku? Kalifa? CP9? They're the ones!" Franky exclaimed, incredulous. "The World Government gave up on Pluton because of Ace?"

"Aokiji? The Admiral of Headquarters? That Aokiji?" Franky realized, a chill running down his spine.

"Yes, it's him," Nami confirmed proudly.

"Why?!" Franky's family looked at Ace with newfound awe and concern.

"Ace fought Aokiji to a draw. Despite Aokiji's strength as an Admiral, Ace held his ground," Kaya explained proudly, her admiration for Ace shining through.

"A draw in battle?" Franky gasped, realizing the magnitude of Ace's power. "No wonder Ace dared to attack Enies Lobby."

"To fight Aokiji, one of the World Government's top powers, and draw—that's Ace's strength," Kaya affirmed, her faith in Ace unshaken.

Franky and his family stared at Ace in awe, understanding now why Ace and his crew had the confidence to raid Enies Lobby.

A gentle smile spread across Ace's face as he glanced at the girls with pride.

"My crew is my greatest source of confidence," Ace chuckled.

Following the battle with Aokiji, the Combat battle Turtle Breath Technique had brought about unprecedented improvements. His physical prowess, Haki mastery, and the abilities of the Mera-mera Fruit had all undergone a qualitative leap. Ace believed that in another encounter with Aokiji, relying on his Haki and the Great Flame Ring-Hai Hai ability born of his unparalleled understanding, he could triumph without needing Conqueror's Haki. Even without it, Aokiji's maximum combat potential couldn't match that of the peak Four Emperors.

Standing at the pinnacle of the sea, Ace knew he couldn't confront the entire Four Emperors alone. It was the Nami girls who truly empowered him to set his sights on hunting Four Emperors like Kaido. Through their exceptional understanding and newfound strengths:

Conis, though new, used her Vocal Fruit to enhance allies' combat abilities and weaken foes' resolve, a potent support skill.

Tashigi, without a powerful Devil Fruit, honed her swordsmanship and Armament Haki in the understanding field, rivaling a Rear Admiral.

Kaya, cherished by Ace despite her healing fruit's limited combat use, combined her medical expertise with intense training, achieving physical prowess on par with an ordinary Vice Admiral.

Robin, with nearly two decades of experience, augmented her combat skills through understanding, matching an ordinary Vice Admiral.

Vivi, leveraging her Sand-Sand Fruit's potential and understanding, could challenge even Senior Vice Admirals participating in Buster Calls.

Nojiko, with the Gate Fruit, wielded formidable sniping skills, second only to Kaya in Armament Haki, capable of facing Vice Admirals and even Senior Vice Admirals.

Laki, still early in her understanding enhancements, held her own with the Bird Bird Fruit's Suzaku form against Senior Vice Admirals.

Among them, Nami shone brightest. Her unique talent for weather perception, coupled with understanding, elevated her control over thunder and lightning to unprecedented levels, surpassing even Senior Vice Admirals and approaching Admiral candidacy.

Together with Ace's guidance in the understanding field, the girls' strengths grew formidable. Yet, to reach Admiral or Four Emperors levels, they knew they must further develop their Haki abilities.

With Ace leading them, they stood on the brink of Four Emperors-level prowess—the latest combat power of the Entei Pirates.

Ace gazed at the girls with unwavering confidence.

"Today, the foundation of the Entei Pirates is fully established. Even against the entire Four Emperors pirate group, we are prepared to fight!"

On the seas, the most dominant forces are unquestionably the Four Emperors, Naval Headquarters, and the Shichibukai, each contributing to a delicate balance of power. Among them, the Four Emperors at their peak, wielding Conqueror's Haki, stand supreme, nearly equals in might. Even Marine Admirals, like Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru, possess formidable Logia abilities enhanced by Armament Haki, capable of rivaling the Four Emperors in combat strength.

However, even the peak Four Emperors would struggle against two Admirals simultaneously, underscoring the pinnacle of power they represent. Below them, but still formidable, are the Vice Admirals and deputy positions within the Four Emperors' crews, including individuals like Silvers Rayleigh, whose mastery of Conqueror's Haki places them on par with the strongest.

Nami currently stands at this tier. Her Thunder Fruit, poised for awakening, promises to elevate her to the second echelon of the Entei Pirates, akin to a Vice Admiral's combat prowess once fully realized. This potential highlights why the Thunder Fruit is hailed as an invincible Logia ability, capable of overwhelming opponents lacking sufficient Haki to counteract its elemental power.

Further down the hierarchy lie individuals like Vivi, Laki, and Nokigao. Vivi's Sand-Sand Fruit and Laki's Bird Fruit in its Phantom Beast-Suzaku form possess potent combat potential, especially with awakening. Nokigao, with her Gate Fruit, commands spatial manipulation abilities that confound even Vice Admirals' Observation Haki, making her a formidable sniper.

Robin and Kaya, with their respective Flower-Flower and Healing Fruits, possess considerable experience and potential. With Ace's guidance in the understanding field, their abilities are destined for even greater heights, potentially reaching Admiral candidacy.

Below them are core members of the Four Emperors crews and Rear Admirals of Naval Headquarters, where Tashigi, reliant solely on her swordsmanship and Haki without a powerful Devil Fruit, steadily improves under Ace's tutelage. Conis, with her Vocal Fruit, presents a unique supportive role, potentially rivaling Bello Betty's inspirational abilities in the revolutionary army's Eastern Army.

Together, they form the diverse and potent force of the Entei Pirates, each member contributing uniquely to their collective strength and potential.

Regarding the Seven Warlords of the Sea, their strengths vary significantly:

Dracule Mihawk, renowned as the world's greatest swordsman even surpassing some Four Emperors, stands at the pinnacle, capable of matching Admirals and even some Emperors in combat.

Boa Hancock, possessing Conqueror's Haki, and Doflamingo with his formidable abilities also rank among the top echelon, akin to Imperial Deputies and Admiral Alternates.

Jinbei, former senior Marine Vice Admiral and a leader within the Four Emperors' ranks, holds a strong position in the third echelon.

Conversely, the disgraced former Warlord Moria, relying solely on his Devil Fruit powers and shadow army, now ranks in the fourth echelon, alongside ordinary Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals and lower-tier Four Emperors' captains.

Turning to the combat prowess of the Entei Pirates:

Led by Ace, whose strength rivals that of the Four Emperors, the crew's foundation is solidified.

Nami follows closely behind Ace, possessing the combat prowess of an Emperor's deputy.

Nokigao, Vivi, and Laki wield strength akin to senior Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, capable of challenging top-ranked Four Emperors' captains.

Kaya and Robin hold the power of ordinary Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, capable of competing with lower-ranked captains of the Four Emperors.

Tashigi's strength continues to grow under Ace's guidance, currently comparable to a Rear Admiral.

Conis's unique abilities contribute significantly to the crew's combat effectiveness.

Overall, the Entei Pirates' current strength places them just below complete Four Emperors crews, lacking only in some backbone combat power. However, Ace's Conqueror's Haki bridges this gap, positioning them competitively.

Looking ahead, with Ace's guidance and the awakening of their Devil Fruits, the future potential of the Entei Pirates is immense:

Nami and Laki, with their awakened abilities and strengthened Haki under Ace's tutelage, are poised to reach Admiral-level combat prowess, capable of challenging even today's Three Elemental Admirals together.

Kaya and Vivi, with their progressing abilities, are expected to achieve ordinary Admiral-level strength, rivaling the likes of the former peak Admiral Black Arm Zephyr.

Robin, guided by Ace, aims to reach Admiral candidate level, with further advancement dependent on her Haki development.

Tashigi's future in swordsmanship, under Ace's mentorship, promises to rival even Dracule Mihawk, albeit requiring more time than her peers.

Ultimately, the Entei Pirates are destined to surpass any current Four Emperors crew:

Nami and Laki alone will stand as two top-tier Admiral-level combatants, capable of matching a Four Emperors individually.

Kaya, Vivi, and Tashigi together will form a trio comparable to ordinary Admirals, with combat strength akin to the formidable Black Arm Zephyr.

Robin and Conis contribute unique skills that bolster the crew's overall effectiveness.

With Ace's continued guidance and the crew's growing Haki abilities, the Entei Pirates are poised to become the strongest pirate group on the seas, ultimately challenging the throne of the World Government.

Ace's determination burns brightly, envisioning the day when he leads his crew to claim the title of King of the World, surpassing even legendary figures like Gol D. Roger and Rocks D. Xebec.


The girls gazed into Ace's eyes, their red lips pursed, lucky charms he had given them flashing around their necks. Influenced by Ace's unwavering trust and their own determination under the diminished field of understanding, a powerful resolve surged within them. In their beautiful eyes, the dark hue of Armament Haki grew thicker, their fighting spirit soaring.

The intensity of their Haki sent a shockwave through Franky, causing even his younger brothers and the Square Head sisters to tremble.

"As expected of Brother Ace's crew, truly a formidable force!" Franky exclaimed with a mix of awe and excitement, rallying his family and comrades. "Let's go! Follow Brother Ace and the others to storm Enies Lobby!"

Ace's lips curled slightly as the purple-black tint in his eyes deepened. The women raised their arms in unison, echoing their readiness with resounding determination.

"Brother Ace, why have you brought us here?" Franky questioned, eyeing the Carrera Company's door ahead with unease.

"Kaya," Ace addressed beside him.

"Bulu Bulu!"

Kaya swiftly produced a den-den mushi, which rang a few times before a familiar, slightly inebriated voice answered, "Ace? I'm ready."

"Grandma Cocoluo?" Franky's eyes widened in recognition at the voice.

Crack! The door of Carrera Company swung open abruptly.

Cocoro emerged, leaning on Ace's shoulder with a bottle of wine, Bingshan by her side wearing a complex expression.

"You were right, Portgas D. Ace," Iceburg began with a bitter tone. "Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa—all of them are CP9. If not for you, they would have surely killed me to complete their mission."

"Ace, the Smoking Tom is ready to depart at your command!" Cocoro's granddaughter, exclaimed joyfully.

Under Ace's instructions conveyed through the den-den mushi, Kaya had informed them of their mission—to head to Enies Lobby and burn the plans of Pluton, paying homage to Tom in the process.

"Hahaha, how could I miss such a momentous occasion as paying tribute to Tom? Allow me to pilot the Smoking Tom for you straight to Enies Lobby!" Cocoro declared after a sip of wine, her once tipsy demeanor now replaced with determination.

"From this day forth, Enies Lobby, which has never acquitted a defendant in its 800-year history, shall be wiped off the map!" Ace declared, his eyes flashing with resolve as the very earth trembled around him.

"Only by erasing Enies Lobby out of Existence can we truly quell the wrath of the king!" Ace royally Declared.