
One Piece: A Different Luffy

When Luffy boards Thriller Bark and gains the growth-accelerating Cheat, things start to change for the Straw Hat Pirates. In the upcoming major events, the Straw Hats won't be as weak as before. On Thriller Bark, Luffy uses Conqueror's Haki to stun his enemies, even sending a giant bear off guard with an air shot. After arriving at Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy unveils his Fifth Gear form, known as Gear Fourth: Boundman, combining it with his Nika form and mastering Conqueror's Haki. With enhanced physical strength, he effortlessly defeats a Pacifista with one strike and sends Admiral Kizaru flying with a single punch, leaving even Rayleigh astonished. During the Summit War, the Straw Hat Pirates, now reinforced, make a grand entrance. Each member displays an impressive combat prowess, adding to their formidable presence. As they face off against the Marines and Shichibukai, all eyes are on Ace, who stands at the execution platform. In a moment of intensity, Luffy activates his Conqueror's Haki, silencing the chaos of the battlefield with a whispered declaration: "I'm here to end this war." I will update one chapter daily!! MTL name is Opened Fifth Gear On The Sabaody Ground, Kizaru Is Numb

GregariousLion · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

89. Killing In One Shot, Predicting The Future.

Zoro's intimidating presence made Streusen's expression shift. It was like being gripped by a giant demon.

That intense aura seemed to seep into every inch of Streusen's being. But Streusen, being who he is, didn't falter for long.

His years of experience gave him a quick boost of confidence, breaking through Zoro's menacing vibe almost instantly. Seeing this, Zoro's determination only grew stronger.

Zoro had already sensed that the BIGMOM Pirates were lacking in true strength. Aside from Katakuri, none of the other top fighters could hold their own against an Admiral for long. This wasn't up to par with the Straw Hats' standards.

Compared to the Whitebeard Pirates in their prime, the BIGMOM Pirates were lagging far behind in terms of power.

Yet, the elder from the BIGMOM Pirates standing before him now, despite his unpleasant demeanour, possessed considerable strength. When they clashed, Zoro felt a formidable force emanating from him.

It wasn't the kind of strength expected from someone his age. Even if he wasn't on Katakuri's level, he was still a force to be reckoned with—one of the true pillars of the BIGMOM Pirates.

"It's getting interesting," Zoro muttered with a grin.

With that, Streusen and Zoro locked eyes and disappeared in a flash.

Their clash shattered the ground like crumbling blocks, sword energies swirling fiercely around them.

Streusen wielded a purple sword wave. While it didn't seem sharp, it could effortlessly turn solid objects into soft food before slicing through them. This was his Devil Fruit ability, capable of transforming anything he cuts into food, even human flesh.

But Zoro remained unfazed. His three legendary swords were enveloped in powerful Armament Haki, rendering Streusen's abilities useless against him.

The clash wasn't a testament to Streusen's weakness but rather to Zoro's overwhelming strength.

Zoro unleashed his "Three Swords Style: Tiger Trap" technique, leaping into the air. As he descended, his swords created a whirlwind of slashing attacks reminiscent of a ferocious tiger descending upon its prey.

With a thunderous boom, a massive cyclone erupted from Zoro's landing point, expanding into a raging storm.

The land shattered like building blocks, sending bright sword lights shooting out from every crack.

Coughing through the dissipating sword waves, Zoro stood calmly with his blade in hand. On the other side, Streusen wore a look of disbelief.

"How... How is this possible?" Streusen couldn't fathom how the Straw Hat Pirates, with a bounty of two billion, could be this strong. This wasn't just a two-billion-berry level; this was on par with the Admirals of the Four Emperors.

"I'm disappointed, old man. I thought you were a skilled swordsman, not just someone relying on abilities," Zoro remarked, unimpressed. He shrugged off his upper robe, revealing his muscular physique.

Streusen's temper flared at being belittled. "You insolent kid! Do you know who I am? I was a member of the Rocks Pirates, a legendary crew! With Linlin, I founded the BIGMOM Pirates! Don't dare to judge me!"

Zoro remained composed. "I don't know your past or that era. All I know is excuses won't save you from defeat."

With fierce determination, Zoro declared, "The next strike will end you."

"Stop boasting, you arrogant brat!" Streusen retorted angrily, swinging his knife.

Streusen unleashed his Devil Fruit ability, the "Baku Baku no Mi Fruit," sending purple knife waves raining down like a storm. But Zoro remained unfazed.

Bracing himself, Zoro adopted a focused stance. "I'll cut through it all," he murmured.

With lightning speed, Zoro appeared behind Streusen, his blades poised for a decisive strike. "Three-Sword Style: Charming Demon Sleepless Night Oni Giri!" he announced.

The purple sword waves dissipated as Streusen fell to the ground, defeated. Zoro cleaned his blades and calmly stated, "We're creating our own era."

Meanwhile, Jinbei easily dispatched Smoothie and Cracker, and Brook swiftly dealt with Charlotte Owen and Daifuku.

As the battles concluded, the sound of blood echoed, marking the Straw Hat Pirates' triumph.

The two high-ranking cadres fell swiftly just below the Four Generals. This was the evolved Brook, whose Devil Fruit abilities, swordsmanship, and Conqueror's Haki mastery placed him on a level higher than the average Shichibukai, though not quite at Admiral status.

"Now, it's just Bigmom's side versus Luffy's side," Zoro observed. Nearly a hundred BIGMOM Pirates' lay defeated, most by Chopper's hand. These pirates were formidable, stronger than the supernovas encountered at Sabaody Archipelago, but they were no match for the fully evolved Straw Hat Pirates.

Chopper, who once battled the former Admiral Zephyr, was now handling these Four Emperors' pirates with relative ease. But the focus shifted to Sanji and Luffy's battles.

"I'm not sure about Luffy, but Sanji seems to be holding his own," Zoro remarked, watching Sanji dodge Katakuri's attacks. Sanji's evasion had improved significantly, and he seemed adept at using Observation Haki to foresee Katakuri's moves.

Meanwhile, in the midst of their intense battle, Katakuri unleashed a barrage of attacks with his Mochi Thrust, while Sanji saw every move as if he glimpsed into the future. With lightning speed, Sanji launched his attack, aiming for Katakuri's neck.

But just before landing the blow, Sanji stopped, chastising Katakuri for being distracted. He refused to defeat his opponent through sneak attacks, showcasing his respect for honourable combat.

This act of restraint spoke volumes about Sanji's character and his belief in fair duels between men. It was a principle he wouldn't compromise, even in the heat of battle.

In a moment of understanding, Katakuri gazed at Sanji with a newfound respect. He had been unable to use Observation Haki to foresee the future during their previous exchange, but now, he was determined to engage in a true battle.

"I won't let anything distract me this time," Katakuri declared, regaining his focus. "Let's see who can peer farther into the future."

"That's exactly what I want," Sanji chuckled, relishing the thrill of battling a formidable opponent. "I'll give it my all to determine the outcome."

Unleashing his Diable Jambe technique, Sanji enveloped himself in swirling black flames. With a burst of speed, he vanished from sight, leaving only the flickering ripples of his fiery aura in the air.

Meanwhile, Katakuri gathered his Mogura and morphed it into a massive mace-like weapon. His eyes remained calm as he awaited Sanji's approach.

"I've seen it far into the future," Katakuri announced confidently, his red eyes gleaming. In response, Sanji materialized in the air, his entire being ablaze with black flames.

"I've seen it too," Sanji affirmed, his eyes flashing with determination. With a cry, he launched his Party Table Kick Course, raining down a barrage of fiery kicks upon Katakuri.

Their attacks clashed in a violent explosion of power. Each strike was perfectly mirrored by the other, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the air.

Though Katakuri fought with all his might, Sanji's onslaught proved overwhelming. With each blow, he pushed Katakuri further back, dominating the battle.

Fueled by their foresight, they exchanged blow after blow, their movements fluid and precise. As the battle reached its climax, Sanji's resolve strengthened.

"This is the end, Katakuri!" Sanji proclaimed, his voice echoing through the tumultuous clash.

With one final surge of power, they collided once more. Sanji's foot connected with Katakuri's head, while Katakuri's rice mace struck Sanji's waist with equal force.

The impact sent shockwaves rippling outward, and both combatants were sent hurtling through the air.

In that fleeting moment, as their paths diverged, they glimpsed countless images passing before their eyes.

Then, in an instant, it was over.

"Bien Cuit Grill Shoot!" Sanji's voice rang out as his foot connected with Katakuri's head.

"Unparalleled Power!" Katakuri bellowed, his mace crashing into Sanji's waist.

A massive shockwave erupted as their attacks collided, sending them both spiralling through the air.


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