
One Piece: A Different Luffy

When Luffy boards Thriller Bark and gains the growth-accelerating Cheat, things start to change for the Straw Hat Pirates. In the upcoming major events, the Straw Hats won't be as weak as before. On Thriller Bark, Luffy uses Conqueror's Haki to stun his enemies, even sending a giant bear off guard with an air shot. After arriving at Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy unveils his Fifth Gear form, known as Gear Fourth: Boundman, combining it with his Nika form and mastering Conqueror's Haki. With enhanced physical strength, he effortlessly defeats a Pacifista with one strike and sends Admiral Kizaru flying with a single punch, leaving even Rayleigh astonished. During the Summit War, the Straw Hat Pirates, now reinforced, make a grand entrance. Each member displays an impressive combat prowess, adding to their formidable presence. As they face off against the Marines and Shichibukai, all eyes are on Ace, who stands at the execution platform. In a moment of intensity, Luffy activates his Conqueror's Haki, silencing the chaos of the battlefield with a whispered declaration: "I'm here to end this war." I will update one chapter daily!! MTL name is Opened Fifth Gear On The Sabaody Ground, Kizaru Is Numb

GregariousLion · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

113. The New Fleet Admiral Fights, Yamato Boards?

Sengoku's grumbles filled the Fleet Admiral's office, but with Zephyr on pirate hunts and Garp likely enjoying an unsanctioned vacation in East Blue, he felt his complaints fell on deaf ears.

As the battle between Sakazuki and Kuzan raged on, Sengoku couldn't help but wonder about its outcome. Originally set for Punk Hazard in the New World, the duel was relocated to a desolate island in the Calm Belt, devoid of Marine spectators.

The rules were simple: the winner would become the Marine Fleet Admiral, the loser... speechless.

As the battle unfolded on Karakuri Island, the extremes clashed: crimson magma against bone-chilling blizzards.

Akainu's lava meteors clashed with Aokiji's ice barriers, transforming the island into a surreal landscape of fire and ice.

This duel of titans, now in its fourth day, showcased the raw power of Logia users at their peak. Yet, despite the ferocity of their battle, both Admirals showed no signs of fatigue.

Meanwhile, on Wano Island, formerly under Kaido's reign, the Cross Union celebrated their victory.

Luffy indulged in his favourite pastime: devouring meat with gusto, much to Crocodile's bemusement. Beside him, Bullet, though still bearing the scars of his defeat by Luffy, remained resolute in his pursuit of strength.

"I'll keep seeking out the strongest," Bullet declared between mouthfuls of meat, his resolve unwavering despite setbacks.

Luffy, ever the optimist, suggested, "You should visit Rayleigh. He'd be thrilled to see you."

As Luffy savoured his meal, the camaraderie between former foes hinted at new beginnings and, perhaps, unexpected alliances in the turbulent seas.

Luffy understood that Bullet also longed to reconnect with their old friends. Rayleigh had expressed similar sentiments about Dr. Crocus in Twin Gorges.

"Rayleigh got it," Bullet nodded, then grinned maniacally. "But chances are, he won't side with me."

"Why's that?" Luffy asked, watching Bullet with a mixture of disbelief and understanding.

"Because this time, I plan to challenge the entire Marine, reveal my location, and face them head-on in a full-scale siege," Bullet laughed, the madness evident in his eyes.

It was a reckless plan, typical of Bullet's audacity. Yet, given his prowess and resources, success seemed within reach.

In the current seas, Marine dominance was unquestionable, but evading their pursuit was straightforward: control either the skies or the depths. Shiki controlled the air; Bullet, the depths, with his advanced submarines.

"You're insane," Luffy remarked, his disbelief clear. He knew Bullet wasn't joking; this was his reality.

True to his nature, Luffy preferred adventure over conflict. While tensions between the Straw Hats and the Cross Guild lingered, they hadn't escalated to irreconcilable animosity.

Meanwhile, Yamato's gaze remained fixed on Luffy, her mind preoccupied with thoughts she couldn't voice.

In a nearby room, Zoro and Hawkeye, bandaged and immobile, awoke from their comas. Despite their injuries, they reflected on their fierce duel, each acknowledging the other's skill and determination.

Zoro, ever resolute, vowed to challenge Hawkeye again. But for Hawkeye, Zoro's unwavering determination struck a chord, reminding him of the joys of having a worthy opponent.

However, as time passed, an awkward silence descended upon them. They felt forgotten, confined to the back room while festivities unfolded outside.

Unable to move, they could only endure the embarrassment of their situation, silently longing for the freedom of battle.

"Oh, you two are awake, Horohorohoro."

Perona's illusory form phased through the wall and appeared in the room, addressing Zoro and Hawkeye, who were silent with their eyes open, with a surprised smile.

"Hey, Ghost Girl, call Chopper for me," Zoro barked.

"What? Roronoa, how dare you yell at the esteemed Master Perona? Please, humble me a little more," Perona replied with a mischievous grin as an apparition passed through Zoro's body.

Though he couldn't kneel due to his injuries, Zoro's face showed clear frustration. "I'm a bug, Master Perona, trample me to death. I'm just wasting air being alive."

"Horohorohoro," Perona chuckled, watching Zoro's antics.

"Damn it, ghost girl, when I recover, I will kill you," Zoro threatened.

"Looks like you haven't learned enough, Roronoa," Perona teased, sending more ghostly figures to swirl around Zoro.

"I'm an Asshole."

"I'm a bug."

"I'm going to hack you to death."

"I'm plankton."

"Ghost girl."

"Master Perona, please trample me to death."


"You two are quite the pair," Hawkeye remarked with a sigh, watching the exchange.

The banquet on Ghost Island lasted for two days. As Luffy and the others prepared to set sail again, Zoro's and Hawkeye's injuries slowly healed thanks to their monstrous physical fitness.

"Everyone, the feast is over," Luffy announced from the waters off Wano aboard the Sunny.

Marco and Ace were present, along with the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates planning to return to Whitebeard's homeland with the Moby Dick.

"Straw Hat, boy, until we meet again. I'll defeat you next time," Bullet declared with a laugh.

"Roronoa, I'll be waiting for your challenge here in Wano," Hawkeye said, wearing a rare smile and his signature black top hat, with Yoru resting on his back.

Zoro nodded in response. "Oh, I'll take down the position of the world's number one swordsman sooner or later."

Their camaraderie was evident as they stood as the world's top swordsmen.

But when Zoro caught sight of Perona making faces behind Hawkeye, his expression darkened instantly.

"Then, let's set sail," Luffy declared, ready to leave.

But just as they were about to depart, a determined voice rang out from the shore.

"Please let me join you, Luffy. I want to go to sea, like Kozuki Oden, to travel the world and witness everything," Yamato declared, kneeling on the shore with a serious expression.


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