
One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom

INHERITED WILL! The Destiny of the Age and the Dreams of the People These are things that will not be stoped! As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom... THESE THINGS WILL NEVER CESE TO BE! “Yea... yea... very cool, but... Have you ever died in an absurd way and reincarnated by a non-canon Dragon Ball character to the One Piece World to make a realistic Isekai movie of your second life?” … … … “OF COURSE NOT! THIS KIND OF SHIT ONLY HAPPENS TO ME!” A lazy salary-man otaku somewhat depressed with his life is isekaied as a normal human in a normal family in the dangerous world of One Piece without systems or balance breaker cheat skills like other isekai main characters… will try to fulfil in this life the dream that he didn’t even dare to dream in his previous life. A simple, almost innocent and in principle not so unattainable dream in this world "LIVING FREELY AND EXTREMLY COMFORTABLY ON MY OWN ISLAND WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY FUCKING TAXES!!!" However… "Oh man..." Neither in this life nor in another fulfilling your dreams without betraying yourself It’s not as simple as we would like --- Links: You’ll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Patreon patreon.com/user?u=83938371 --- Technical data: – English is not my native language, so I can make mistakes, especially with set phrases. If you detect an error don’t hesitate to say so, I will correct it and maybe I won’t do it again. – Long Chapters about 3300 - 5500 word count or more. I hate short chapters with barely content – One chapter per week (sometimes with split chapters) unless I have a problem (I'm human, more or less) or I perform the loved “Mass Release No Justsu” – The chapters are published between Sunday and Monday. Split chapters will be published during the week --- Legal disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of One Piece. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. The picture is not mine, I only modified it. I will try to create my own in the future. --- More about the story (not spoilers, but read at your own risk If you want to start reading knowing absolutely nothing): ... ... ... – This story begins after the end of my other novel “Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan” but it is not necessary to have read the previous book to understand this one. They have a small crossover in chapter 1 or 2 but from there they go their separate ways – The story has a slow start, starting from the protagonist's childhood in Volume 1 (have patience). After that we’ll have a little time skip where the story will move faster. – I'm trying to write a mature story (but always with humour), with plot coherence and where the Mc is not a pusydestroyer69 from the beginning without justification. If you are tired of convenient self-maturbative histories you may like this one. – The story takes place ONLY in the world of One Piece, without traveling to other worlds or anything like that. – The MC will not join the Mugiwara and they will meet very rarely. I want to write my own One Piece story, not edit the existing one about Luffy – The Mc will be neither a Marine nor a Pirate, he will take a radically different path. – The MC is officially reincarnated the 31.12.2022, therefore he only know’s the story until the chapter “1071” of the manga – NO HAREM

Meralman · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs


At midnight

A few kilometres from Port Velvet there was an uninhabited island surrounded by cliffs where 90% of its extension is forest. One of the many islands that served as a temporary hideout for pirate tribulations with no ambition to advance to the Grand Line to find the legendary One Piece.

And right now it was being used as the base of the [Iron Mask] pirates.

And right next to a cliff, inside a huge wooden house Captain Faust [Iron Mask], with a bounty of 17.5 million, was having a [quiet talk] with one of his subordinates.






YOUR STUPIDITY AND EAGERNESS FOR PROTAGONISM HAVE BEEN ABLE TO PUT OUR RETIREMENT IN DANGER!!!" Faust [Iron Mask] yelled while he was mercilessly beating an idiot whom he had hung on the wall…

An idiot with a broken mouth and jaw who couldn't answer him even if he wanted to.




Faust [Iron Mask] was a pirate who started his career in the West Blue two years ago and used to attack merchant ships, especially those carrying luxury goods.

He had plundered many ships during that time and had amassed a not inconsiderable fortune, however, since he didn't usually kill anyone in his plunders, he didn't obtain a very high reward.

Little was known about this bald and stocky ten foot pirate who always covered his face with an iron mask, not even his thirty subordinates knew of his appearance or his past.

However, they had one thing very clear, he was obsessed with getting a large sum of money as soon as possible...

"Fuck dammit...

You really can't be trusted!" Faust yelled as he continued to beat up the idiot who had jeopardized his biggest chance of amass a great fortune

A week ago on this same island Faust discovered an Akuma No Mi and obviously his intention was to sell it from the start. However, he had a big problem, the problem that almost all people have when they find one of these fruits

He didn't know what kind of power could bestow! And that's why Faust didn't want to sell it until finding out

This pirate knew perfectly well that not all Akuma No Mi had the same value. The most useless and cheap ones could be worth about 50 or 100 million, a not inconsiderable sum, but some of the most useful ones like Ope Ope No Mi could sell for 5.000

Therefore, during this week he was moving heaven and earth to get a copy of the book where many of the Akuma No Mi were registered to find out its value and thus sell it at a fair price,

Not an easy task.

Berep Berep...

Berep Berep...

"Captain, your Den Den Mushi is ringing" Said one of his subordinates who weren't hanging on the wall, who handed him the Den Den Mushi at lightning speed.

Fortunately for Faust, he found a buyer... and not just any buyer!

He found a buyer who had the book he had been looking for, that would buy the Akuma No Mi for a fair price and that it would also help him to [invest] that valuable money in the project for which he had worked so hard in recent years

A deal he couldn't let go of...

"Hello [Father], what's the reason for this call?

Has there been any unforeseen event for our meeting in two days?" Faust asked the person behind the Den Den Mushi after taking a deep breath and calming down a bit.

And obviously the person behind the Den Den Mushi replied "Hi Faust...

Yes, that's a good definition... there has been some unforeseen event"


"It has come to my notice that some pirates have discovered the existence of our [little secret] and that right now they have formed a coalition to visit you.

And they won't be long in coming from what I've heard" Said the person behind the Den Den Mushi with a more than pronounced sarcasm

A message that startled Faust, who was already very nervous from before "WHAAAAAT!?"

"Didn't you know? Then I'm glad I warned you in time so you can do something about it...

I shouldn't have done it for free, but I'm very interested in avoiding unwanted undesirable situations in our transaction" Said the person behind the Den Den Mushi, with a slightly more severe tone than before.

A more severe tone that worried Fausto even more, who felt that everything was getting out of control "And can't you come here in person right now to make sure everything goes smoothly?"

"Right now my ship is speeding towards the meeting point, but I can't make miracles.

Although for your sake I hope that you are capable of creating them, after all this problem is your fault" The person behind the Den Den Mushi answered, this time not hiding his anger in the slightest


n anger that the person behind Den Den Mushi later appeased but that didn't change the tense atmosphere he had created at all "I've already contacted some of the captains who are after our prize and they seem willing to sell it to me if they manage to obtain it

But I would prefer that our deal not change in the slightest...

You know... when you have an Akuma No Mi nearby it's extremely tempting to take a bite to gain superhuman power to rule the seas

And I don't want to take that risk

Have I explained myself properly?"

"Yes... perfectly..." Faust answered, trying to contain as much as he could his frustration and anger...

An answer that the person behind the Den Den Mushi expected, after all his buyer didn't have many other alternatives "Great, see you tomorrow…. if you still have my Akuma No Mi, of course"


And just when the person behind the Den Den Mushi ended the call was when Fausto unleashed all his anger by shouting





Busting the big idiot's head off with a single punch

Faust was extremely angry, frustrated and wanted to destroy everything and look for more culprits for this great setback...


However, he knew that time wasn't on his side and that he should try to think constructively "GUYS! PICK UP EVERYTHING AND LET'S GO TO THE SHIP!


"This captain...

I'm sorry to give you bad news, but seven ships are approaching the island and I'm afraid they don't come with good intentions" Said a subordinate extremely scared that his captain would pay that anger with him


AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Shouted Faust, about to explode violently again… if it wasn't because he knew he couldn't afford that luxury right now "OK...


Prepare to fight on the island!

There's no time to flee... let's use this natural fortress in our favour and...


"Yeeeeesssssssssssssss !!!" Shouted his subordinates, all united under the same cause

"You will regret having come..." Faust said to himself as he looked through his spyglass at the ships that were approaching the coast and that were already shooting at his ship


Minutes later...




All the "Iron Mask" pirates took up their positions in the small bunkers around the small and narrow corridor that connected the only beach of the island









It wasn't being an easy or pleasant task for the invading pirates who, despite having an overwhelming numerical advantage couldn't advance, only accumulate material and human losses.

Of the 600 pirates who reached the island, after ten minutes only 381 were still alive, but more than 116 had suffered serious injuries that would prevent them from fighting, perhaps for life... if they didn't bleed to death, from infection, failure of the organism or gangrene in the next few hours.




A true one-way massacre!



All seemed lost for the pirate coalition!



Almost all of these crews had one or more superhumans that were practically immune or that could circumvent these means of containment and extermination with relative ease


When the captains, vice captains and some other elite fighters began to take this threat seriously the tables turned little by little.

Damian [The Backstabber], with a bounty of 54 million, along with his four elite assassins, each with a bounty of 12 million, ran vertically up the cliffs until they managed to infiltrate in the bunkers and kill the shooters

Ronald [The Flamethrower], with a bounty of 56 million and his best marksmen Rolondo [The Sniper], with a bounty of 26 million, and Ronaldo [The Submachine Gun] with a bounty of 19 million, were eliminating from a safe distance the opposing shooters

Even the captains of the other three lesser pirate gangs, with a bounty of 41, 33.8, 24.5 and millions respectively, managed to make things easier for the troops to get out of that fucking hell.

Until finally, after much sweat, blood and tears, the pirate coalition managed to eliminate 30% of the enemy troops and reach the base where Faust "Iron Mask" was waiting for them.

"Hi guys...

What's the reason for this pleasant visit?

Did you have any problems going up?" Faust said, openly mocking that his small group, where only he had a reward, had managed to reduce by more than half the troops of five pirate gangs with a greater renown than his. 'I had to use a lot of ammunition, but it doesn't matter...

They were stolen'

A somewhat high-handed attitude... though quite justified given the humiliating circumstances... which wasn't very popular with the pirates who had come here expressly to rob and perhaps kill him.


GIVE US THE AKUMA NO MI IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!" Ronald [The Flamethrower] yelled in an extremely threatening manner as he pointed his signature flamethrower at Faust with which he earned his nickname.

And without changing the message much, Damian [The Backstabber] also proposed the same thing, but more subtly

"Your luck has run out!

We outnumber you and we are stronger than you!

You just have to add the rewards of everyone here and compare it with yours to know that you don't have a chance

Give us the Akuma No Mi and we'll let you go.

Although I can give you part of the profits if you join my tripulation…"

"Yes Yes Yes...

You are extremely convincing and credible...

If I were mentally retarded, maybe I would believe you..." Faust [Iron Mask] answered, as or more sarcastic than before

A sarcasm that no one in the pirate coalition liked, who obviously shouted again "DON'T TEST YOUR LUCK FAUST!

Cooperate with us now while we are still asking for things nicely."

The coalition of five pirate crews, possibly the largest in the history of the West Blue, finally made contact with Faust [Iron Mask] and began to [negotiate]

A negotiation that would surely not satisfy all parties or that would be impossible to carry out from the beginning...

Especially since the negotiation was being monitored by a third party from the roof of the [Iron Mask] pirate base.


Delicious... tremendously delicious...

A total of 319.8 million berries in rewards, many healthy organs, ships not yet destroyed, items ready to sell, and an Akuma No Mi to catalog...

This really is a treasure island…

Buggy, somehow I'm making your dream come true' Fred thought, looking at his precious prize with a terrifyingly face that even scared Captain Mcnuggte... as he licked his lips over and over again

When the five crews left Port Velvet Fred followed them underwater with his submarine to this location... since unfortunately he couldn't come alone because none of the minions he [interrogated] didn't know the exact location of the [Iron Mask] pirates hideout

However, unlike the coalition Fred didn't go for the beach route, instead he circled the island at full speed and anchored on a rock just in the opposite direction of where the [Normandy Landing] was taking place.

Thereupon, displaying his monstrous strength, speed and agility he easily scaled the sharp and high cliff and reached the main camp of the pirates [Iron Mask], where with extreme stealth jumped onto the roof to see the situation from a privileged place

"We have to see how the situation develops Captain Mcnuggte...

For now just wait... and don't worry, I won't make you load Pussydestroyer69 this time "Fred whispered to his faithful pet while he stroked its head, a head that he also rubbed against his hand as if it were a cat, a head that he also rubbed against his hand as if he were a cat


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


Second part in few days

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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