
One Piece - I Am Great Director

{ Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese fanfic and may include some Chinese elements. I've attempted to remove or replace them where possible, but some may have been retained to preserve the chapter's integrity. } In his journey through time, Li Fan unlocked the [Great Director System], allowing him to earn rewards by bringing the scripts it provided to life. Thus, beginning with the direction of the Holy Grail War, Li Fan ascended in strength step by step. Gradually, he evolved into a peerless individual, a formidable figure in both power and entertainment, within this world of pirates. But when the Celestial Dragons demanded a movie exclusively for them, Li Fan's response was clear: "Dream on!" { I don't own any character it's belong to original author. Also i am just translating fanfic and I don't ask for any benifit Original Author - Pirate Radish Source - https://wap.faloo.com/920161.html }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 68 Discussing New Script!

"Are you happy?" Suddenly, Medusa's voice came from beside Li Fan.

Li Fan turned around and saw Medusa walking over with a plate of snacks.

"Well! I encountered a little surprise." Li Fan took the snack handed over by Medusa and took a bite.

"Medusa, your cooking skills are so good."

"It is indeed my luck to summon you here."

With that said, Li Fan quickly enjoyed the snacks on the plate.

Although Li Fan knew that Medusa, as a Rider, was good at cooking, he never expected it to be so delicious.

Li Fan felt that Medusa's cooking skills should be as good as his, who inherited the template of the heroic spirit Shirou Emiya.

"Cough, cough!"

"Here, juice!" Seeing Li Fan beating his chest and looking like he was choking, Medusa quickly handed the juice to Li Fan.

"Phew... I'm saved." Li Fan drank all the juice in one go and said with a look of enjoyment.

"Li Fan, you don't have to eat in such a hurry. If you want to eat, I can make something for you." After saying that, Medusa wanted to make more snacks.

"Wait a minute, Medusa." Li Fan stood up and took Medusa's hand. "Don't worry, we are leaving this town soon."

"Before that, let's go shopping in the town and buy some books you like."

"You've almost finished reading the book I bought for you last time, right?"

Hearing this, Medusa smiled and nodded.


After a day of rest and tending to various matters, Li Fan led his team to the port.

"Li Fan, next, you're heading to the Grand Line," Smoker observed Li Fan on the boat.

"Well, it's about time to explore that area. Staying in the East Blue Sea won't significantly contribute to my film career," Li Fan acknowledged.

"By the way, I have a favor to ask. I own a movie theater in Loguetown, and as a naval colonel, I hope you can assist in looking after it."

"As a navy officer, safeguarding others' property and lives falls under my responsibility," Smoker exhaled a puff of smoke, adding, "However, Li Fan, the Grand Line poses different challenges than the East Blue Sea."

"I know you're strong, but those around you might not be as resilient."

"Be cautious in everything. Additionally, I hope you can watch out for Tashigi."

In response, Li Fan glanced at Tashigi, adorned with a butterfly hairpin.

"Don't worry about Tashigi, She has grown significantly stronger."

"She has completely mastered the swordsmanship I taught her."

"With her abilities, she'll undoubtedly continue to grow stronger, so there's no need to fret."

"Moreover, with me around, nothing will happen to her."

"And concerning my actors, I won't tolerate anyone harming them."

Tashigi's swordsmanship talent was truly impressive. After the system allowed her to master it flawlessly, Tashigi swiftly applied this mastery to other sword styles.

In terms of sheer physical prowess, Li Fan believed that Tashigi had surpassed Smoker.

Moreover, drawing on the swordsmanship of heroic spirits Emiya Shirou and Sasaki Kojiro, Li Fan re-mastered these two styles using the training manuals he had left behind.

In essence, Li Fan realized this himself!

"If you say that, I feel relieved." Smoker nodded, "Besides, since the projection equipment has been left in loguetown, if there are new movies, remember to show them here in time."

"Don't worry, I will release the new movie as soon as possible after filming is finished." Li Fan raised the corner of his mouth.

"I believe that the next movie will definitely leave a deep impression on you."

"The style of this movie is very different from the previous two."

The same goes for my character.

"Hey!" Hearing this, Smoker couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "Then before I see your new work, can you let me know the name of it first?"

"Of course! Its name is, of course, it can also be called!"

It was cloudless, and the sky was clear.

There was a gentle breeze, and seagulls flew beside the ship.

"Come on, come on, this is the script for the next movie."

"Everyone has it. Read the script first."

"After that, I will let everyone audition and finally decide on their respective roles."

On the deck, Li Fan distributed the compiled scripts to the actors one by one.

"Is it a new script again? Director Li Fan is really making one movie after another."

"Yes, if it were someone else, maybe after filming a movie, they would want to take a good rest."

"That's right, with Director Li Fan, not only is the filming progress very fast, but the quality is also very high. He is such a powerful director."

The actors who took over the script had a smile on their faces. Although they told Li Fan to rest, everyone was eager to continue filming the next movie.

As professional actors, they are very happy that their faces can appear on the big screen and be part of good works.

It can be said that Li Fan is their ideal producer.

What's more, Li Fan's salary is quite ideal. Contributing to why Nami and others willingly participate in Li Fan's movie projects.

"By the way, Mihawk, why are you on my ship?" Li Fan inquired, observing Mihawk leaning on the boat's edge, looking at him calmly.

"Didn't you mention you wanted me to be part of your cast?"

"It just so happens that I have some free time lately, so please share a copy of your script," Mihawk stated.

"I'm pleased to see your enthusiasm for taking on a role."

"However, regrettably, I can't find a character that matches your temperament in this script."

"As the world's greatest swordsman, it would be a real shame to assign you a minor role."

"It might be better to wait until a suitable character emerges, and then I'll approach you," Li Fan explained with regret.

"Well, you're the director, so let's go with your decision." Mihawk resumed leaning on the boat, "But how about letting me enjoy a ride on your ship for the time being?"

"I have some free time, and I'd like to see how you handle filming."

"That should be possible."

"No problem." Li Fan nodded, "It's just that having one more person on the ship won't have a significant impact on me."

"Besides, that guy will be happy if you're here," Li Fan added, turning his head and looking at Zoro, who was staring at Mihawk.

"You say so, Zoro!"
