
One Piece - I Am Great Director

{ Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese fanfic and may include some Chinese elements. I've attempted to remove or replace them where possible, but some may have been retained to preserve the chapter's integrity. } In his journey through time, Li Fan unlocked the [Great Director System], allowing him to earn rewards by bringing the scripts it provided to life. Thus, beginning with the direction of the Holy Grail War, Li Fan ascended in strength step by step. Gradually, he evolved into a peerless individual, a formidable figure in both power and entertainment, within this world of pirates. But when the Celestial Dragons demanded a movie exclusively for them, Li Fan's response was clear: "Dream on!" { I don't own any character it's belong to original author. Also i am just translating fanfic and I don't ask for any benifit Original Author - Pirate Radish Source - https://wap.faloo.com/920161.html }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Ch-73 Super-Tier Magic - Creation!

Arabasta, in a luxurious office.

A man with a cigar in his mouth and a fierce expression was looking at the newspaper in his hand.

The newspapers described the civil strife in Arabasta.

"Haha, has it finally started? Those rebels finally couldn't help but want to attack the royal city."

The man's name was Crocodile, and he was not surprised at all by what the newspapers described about Arabasta.

After all, Alabasta has reached this point, all within his plan.

Using the principle that banned dancing powder can absorb moisture in the air, only the Royal City in the entire country of Alabasta can receive rain. 🌧️

This led the people to mistakenly believe that the king had used dancing powder, and a rebellion broke out.

Everything is Crocodile's conspiracy.

"Poluporu, Poruporu!"

The phone on Crocodile's desk suddenly rang.

Crocodile answered the phone, and soon Nico Robin's voice reached his ears.

"Hey, Crocodile."

"Miss, all Sunday, didn't I tell you to call me Mr. 0?"

"Okay, Mr. 0." On the other end of the phone, Nico Robin raised the corners of her mouth.

"The mission you gave Mr.5 and Miss Valentine has failed."

"They were not able to assassinate Princess Vivi and Igaram."

"Mr.5 died in battle and Miss Valentine has been captured."

Crocodile frowned slightly after hearing Nico Robin's words.

"Princess Vivi and Igaram should not be able to defeat Mr.5 and Miss Valentine."

"Did they find other helpers?"

"Yes, it's a film director named Li Fan," Nico Robin replied.

"Film director?"

"Mr. 0, you'd better not underestimate this director. His ship is carrying Mihawk, the world's greatest swordsman."

"That guy!" Even Crocodile was a little surprised by the news in front of him.

"By the way, I'm telling you that Li Fan is heading towards Arabasta now, Mr.0 you have to be prepared."

Crocodile frowned.

As a member of the Shichibukai, he naturally knew how formidable Hawk-eye Mihawk was.

If Mihawk insists on opposing him, his plan will be greatly hindered.

"I understand, Miss All Sunday. Please return to Arabasta as soon as possible."

"There is going to be civil strife in Arabasta anytime. Many things need to be dealt with. Regarding Hawk-eye, I also need to make a good plan."

Crocodile said gloomily.

"As you wish, Mr. 0!" After saying that, Nico Robin hung up the phone.

"You need to go back faster, otherwise, i may not be able to catch the good show, haha~." Nico Robin patted the huge pet turtle.

Immediately, the turtles accelerated their procession.

"Where am I?" The comatose Miss Valentine slowly woke up and looked at the unfamiliar environment, feeling a little confused for a moment.

"Hey, you're awake." A voice that sounded familiar to Miss Valentine came into her ears.

Miss Valentine turned her head and looked to her side.

"You... you are the one who defeated Mr.5!" Seeing Li Fan, Miss Valentine instantly woke up and moved to the end of the bed with her hands and feet, looking at Li Fan in horror.

"What do you want to do to me?"

A man and a woman alone, living together in the same room, many terrifying scenes flashed through Miss Valentine's mind.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to do anything to you for the time being," Li Fan waved his hand.

"For now? In other words, are you planning to do something to me in the future?"

"Well... it's true that you look so beautiful," Li Fan nodded, "As you can see, you are now my prisoner."

"I give you two choices now. One is to hand you over to the navy and let them put you in prison."

"Second, this is it." With that, Li Fan handed a blank piece of paper to Miss Valentine.

"What is this?"

"A contract." The corners of Li Fan's lips raised, "If you are willing to work for me, I don't have to send you to the navy."

"The contract period is 20 years, which is a transformation for you."

"After 20 years, if you want to leave, I won't stop you."

"Of course, you don't have to worry about me not paying you."

"It's just that if you try to escape during this period, you will be punished."

Seeing Li Fan's dangerous smile, Miss Valentine nodded quickly.

"I'll sign, I'll sign, that's enough, you must never give me to the navy." With that said, Miss Valentine took the pen handed over by Li Fan and quickly wrote her name on the contract.

"Then, happy cooperation, Miss Valentine." After hearing Miss Valentine's answer, Li Fan took over the contract and signed his name.

"This room is reserved for you. Besides, my room is next door to yours."

"If you do something bad, I can detect it immediately." { T/N - 😕 He is kinda pervert.}

Looking at Li Fan's back as he walked out the door, Miss Valentine sighed deeply.

"Really, why am I going through this!"


After several days of sailing, Li Fan and his party finally arrived in Arabasta.

As for the news about the arrival of Li Fan and others, Crocodile quickly received the information through Baroque Works' informants.

"The desert country is actually a pretty good place." Li Fan jumped off the boat and opened his arms, "I finally came to a larger country. Now, I can develop my film career."

"Director Li Fan really likes movies." Vivi jumped from the boat to Li Fan, "If possible, I also hope that Alabasta can meet your expectations."


"It's just that there is civil unrest here, right?" Li Fan patted Vivi on the shoulder, "Don't worry, since I promised you to help stop the civil unrest here, then I will definitely do it."

"Is it just because there is no rain? It's just a small problem."

Li Fan raised the corner of his mouth and contacted the system in his mind.

'System, I want to use Ainz Ooal Gown's template.'

A burst of electricity flowed through Li Fan's body, and the next moment, Li Fan felt an inexplicable huge power in his body.

At the same time, Li Fan's whole person also changed greatly, from a human being of flesh and blood to a skeleton wearing clothes.

"Ah! Li Fan, you... you?!" Vivi, who was standing next to Li Fan, opened her eyes wide and couldn't help but retreat.

The changes in Li Fan's body also attracted the attention of others.

"Are you... are you Li Fan? With this look... are you the Ainz Ooal Gown who appeared in the script?" Nami asked in a panic.

"Don't worry, I am Li Fan." Li Fan turned around and waved to everyone, "It's just because of some special reasons that it became like this."

"Of course, I will be in this state when filming in the future, so everyone should get used to it."

"Huh... really, it scared me to death. I thought you died all of a sudden." Nami covered her heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, what do you want to do when you suddenly become like this?"

"You'll find out later, Nami." After saying that, Li Fan turned to face the Kingdom of Arabasta, "Then, let's get started."

Li Fan opened his hands, and a huge magic circle suddenly appeared around him.

The light of the magic circle reached high into the sky, creating a blue-white illumination that caught the attention of everyone in Alabasta.

Mihawk, who had a casual look on his face, suddenly perked up and looked at Li Fan in surprise. Under his domineering power, he could clearly feel the terrifying energy around Li Fan at this moment.

"Li Fan, what are you going to do?!" Looking at this scene, Vivi felt a little scared for some reason.

Of course, Vivi was not the only one who was afraid. All the citizens of Arabasta who did not know Li Fan were inexplicably panicking at this moment.

"That... what is it?!" Crocodile walked out of his room, frowning and looking at the blue-white light beam in the sky in the distance.

"What does Li Fan want to do to this country?!"

Just now, Crocodile got the news from Nico Robin that this was the energy released by Li Fan.

At this moment, Nico Robin, who had just arrived in Arabasta, was also very surprised and looked at Li Fan through the telescope.

'This Li Fan is indeed not simple. Crocodile, it seems that your plan will not go so smoothly.'

"It's nothing, I just want to bring some rain to this country." Li Fan's calm voice reached the ears of everyone around him. "Start in super position to show respect!"

"Super-Tier magic, Creation!"


The magic circle around Li Fan suddenly shattered, followed by a gust of cold wind.

The originally clear sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and the area of the dark clouds even reached the entire country of Alabasta.


Thunder kept ringing in the dark clouds, and blue lightning flashed wildly.

Didi didi—

Drops of rain began to fall, landing on the arid land of Arabasta.

Soon, the drops of rain turned into heavy rain, nourishing the parched ground.
