
One Piece - Blackbeard is my MC (DROP)

Lin Feng embarks on a pirate world of pirates-filled adventure equipped with a unique character selection system. His goal is to perfect his chosen character. Opting for the notorious Blackbeard, Marshall D. Teach, Lin Feng embraces the role of Luffy's antagonist , aspiring to outdo Teach in sheer audacity. In this pirate world, he aims to redefine the perception of Marshall D. Teach, proving that he's not the antagonist but rather the protagonist. Lin Feng is determined to show that a thief can still embody honor and distinction. "I'm petty, ruthless, and a bit of a troublemaker." "Causing chaos is my forte. I like when my enemies gets angry” "I love being labeled as a pirate, especially when it sends shivers down people's spines." "Meet Marshall D. Teach, a fresh face in the world of pirates." . . _______________ This my second project, I hope will get better with the more work done. The updates will now follow a fixed schedule, from Tuesday to Saturday (5 chapters per week), releasing at 00:00 GMT+7 on those days. . _______________ The MTL is from : My Blackbeard is the protagonist. You guys can check it at : n@velknights@com ______________ And for sure, also always need some support from you guys, if you want please drop here, I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read more chapters ahead of everyone. patre@n.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

034 Final Respect

After hearing this, Burgess looked as if he had seen a ghost. He stared at Blackbeard and whispered: "Captain Blackbeard..."

"Is he still our captain?" 

Even Van Augur couldn't help but sigh.

"Captain Blackbeard seems to have grown even more powerful" 

Laffitte said, a faint smile on his face.

"The more I watch the Captain, the more I like him" 

Shiryu said, taking a puff of his cigarette and smiling lightly. Of course, what he liked was the captain's character.

After hearing this, Avalo Pizarro sneered and scoffed, "Why don't we just charge in together and finish off Whitebeard? What's with all the unnecessary complications?"

Laffitte glanced at Avalo Pizarro and replied: "Captain Blackbeard is on his way to becoming a hero of this era. Don't judge things with your superficial eyes."

"Hahaha, a hero? Isn't it just that he's ruthless, betrays his own people, and uses any means to reach his goals?" 

Avalo Pizarro laughed immediately after hearing this.

"It might sound contradictory, but a truly successful hero must have a kind heart" 

Laffitte said, as if he were trying to change Pizarro's perspective.

His words made Avalo Pizarro burst into wild laughter.

Catarina Devon and Vasco Shot remained somewhat indifferent. They were only interested in seeing if Blackbeard could bring them the benefits they sought.

Shiryu looked at Laffitte and smiled: "Even though I don't have a kind heart, I agree with your perspective."

"How can someone as despicable as Blackbeard engage in a duel with Pops?"

"Isn't this another one of Blackbeard's schemes?" 

The Whitebeard Pirates couldn't believe what Blackbeard had just stated.


Whitebeard's eyes shifted slightly as he stared at Blackbeard for a moment before saying: "Teach, you have changed."

"I want to witness the strength of the strongest man from the past era" 

Blackbeard calmly stated.

"Alright, let's give it a shot."

Whitebeard laughed loudly upon hearing this, then unleashed the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, covering his fist in white light once again.

However, unlike him, black smoke materialized on Blackbeard's palm.

In everyone's sight, Blackbeard went straight to confront him!

"Doesn't he realize the destructive power of Pops's Tremor-Tremor Fruit?" 

Diamond Jozy exclaimed.

"Teach is hiding very deep. He must have something to rely on..." 

Marco said with a serious expression.

As soon as they finished speaking, Blackbeard's palm directly covered Whitebeard's fist.

Darkness engulfed the vibration. As gravity appeared itself, the white light enveloping Whitebeard's fist vanished completely. The anticipated tremor did not occur.

"Sorry, the Darkness Fruit can nullify the abilities of other Devil Fruit users" 

A smile appeared at the corner of Blackbeard's mouth, and then he punched Whitebeard in front of him.

Whitebeard stepped back repeatedly, blood constantly seeping from the wounds on his body.

"Pops's fruit power has been nullified!"

"Pops took a direct hit from Blackbeard!"


The expressions of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates changed to horrified.

"Is this the power of the Dark Fruit?" 

Sengoku's expression turned serious.

Not only him, but all the elite Marines officials present could sense the threat posed by Blackbeard.

"Black Hole!"

Blackbeard's smoky palms hovered near the ground, and darkness expanded around him on the floor.

As the darkness enveloped Whitebeard, he sensed a suction force emanating from the darkened ground, as if it sought to pull him away. He swallowed nervously.

Whitebeard frowned, his eyes serious, and he refrained from swinging his arm again.

He gripped the naginata tightly, and the flowing Armament Haki enveloped the weapon. Then, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.


The sword cut through the darkness on the ground.

Blackbeard's expression turned serious because the Armament Haki used by Whitebeard was an advanced version.

The flowing Armament Haki can create an indestructible force around the naginata, significantly enhancing its power.



However, the sword slashes still vanished silently into the darkness.

"It's useless; both bullets and slashes will be swallowed by the darkness."

Blackbeard smiled as he observed this. It appeared that the swallowing ability of the Dark Fruit surpassed his expectations.

At that moment, Whitebeard also realized that ordinary methods couldn't handle Teach. The only way to counter the Black Hole was to directly strike Teach.

Whitebeard endured the pain, anchoring himself with the naginata. His body lunged towards Blackbeard, delivering a powerful punch.

This punch didn't rely on the Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability but showcased pure physical prowess and advanced armament haki!

"Let me see just how powerful the strongest man's physical skills can be!"

Blackbeard's eyes turned wild; he dispelled his fruit power and engaged Whitebeard using sheer physical prowess!

He clenched his fists, and Armament Haki already enveloped them, forming an invisible armor-like appearance.

Even though he understood that his physical skills and armament weren't likely as powerful as Whitebeard's, he wanted to know how big the gap was.

Finally, Blackbeard shouted loudly and intercepted the incoming slash with a punch!


The clash of fists created a resounding boom!

With a single punch, the ground around them instantly shattered into a spider web, and the surrounding air was torn apart!

However, this state only lasted for a moment…





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+ chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18