
One Piece - Blackbeard is my MC (DROP)

Lin Feng embarks on a pirate world of pirates-filled adventure equipped with a unique character selection system. His goal is to perfect his chosen character. Opting for the notorious Blackbeard, Marshall D. Teach, Lin Feng embraces the role of Luffy's antagonist , aspiring to outdo Teach in sheer audacity. In this pirate world, he aims to redefine the perception of Marshall D. Teach, proving that he's not the antagonist but rather the protagonist. Lin Feng is determined to show that a thief can still embody honor and distinction. "I'm petty, ruthless, and a bit of a troublemaker." "Causing chaos is my forte. I like when my enemies gets angry” "I love being labeled as a pirate, especially when it sends shivers down people's spines." "Meet Marshall D. Teach, a fresh face in the world of pirates." . . _______________ This my second project, I hope will get better with the more work done. The updates will now follow a fixed schedule, from Tuesday to Saturday (5 chapters per week), releasing at 00:00 GMT+7 on those days. . _______________ The MTL is from : My Blackbeard is the protagonist. You guys can check it at : n@velknights@com ______________ And for sure, also always need some support from you guys, if you want please drop here, I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read more chapters ahead of everyone. patre@n.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

033 Dual Devil Fruit User!

The destructive power of the Thunder Fruit is remarkably powerful among Logia fruits.

Looking from a distance, Marineford has been shrouded in thunderstorm.

At that moment, Momousagi stared at Blackbeard in the Marines Headquarters Building, unable to believe her eyes. She was the only one who knew who's power Blackbeard had just unleashed.

Just a few days back, she saw with her own eyes that Blackbeard had killed Enel, the previous user of thunder fruit!

How did he get Enel's fruit powers?!

Now, Blackbeard appears as a mysterious figure in her eyes, and it seems like he might be the key to helping her seek revenge.

Momousagi's eyes stared at the spectacle, seeming to be thinking about something.


"This power can wipe out the whole island!"

Exclamations echoed on the battlefield, and the faces of many Marine officers and pirates showed despair in their faces.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, isn't it amazing?" 

Blackbeard said with a smile as he looked at Sengoku, whose eyes widened in disbelief

Suddenly, one of his hands transformed into lightning, while the other became black smoke. Sengoku's wide eyes shifted from surprise to sheer horror.

Everyone present wore the same shocked expression.

Could it be... a crazy idea sparked in everyone's mind.

"Zeehahahaha, you must've figured something out, huh? That's right, I've got more than just the thunder fruit ability now—I also possess the dark fruit ability. I'm the only dual-fruit user around!" 

Blackbeard laughed without a care.

Now he possesses the power to make a statement. On this battlefield that attracts everyone's attention, he'll proudly declare in the most arrogant manner that the next era belongs to him!

"How is that possible? How can one person have two Devil Fruit abilities?"

"This is truly astonishing."

"Aren't you supposed to be able to eat only one Devil Fruit?!"

"Blackbeard is unlike anyone else; there's something strange about his body!" 

Marco said through clenched teeth, his forehead already damp with sweat.

The news hit everyone like a thunderbolt! 

Sengoku's face shifted from fear to solemn, and the Marines, always on guard, faced the intervention of the other four emperors in the war.

Surprisingly, the other four emperors didn't show up. Instead, Blackbeard, a Shichibukai, brought his crew into the battlefield.


Garp glared at Blackbeard with a furious expression. Even if he had no opponent, he wouldn't dare to charge forward.

Because the enemy was not only Blackbeard, there were also powerful people such as Shiryu and Avalo Pizarro by his side.

"Blackbeard, what are you going to do?"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku asked with a cold tone.

The Marines are currently in a weakened state, and he doesn't want to create a formidable enemy out of them at this moment.

"Of course, it's to kill Whitebeard. "

Blackbeard grinned, then leaped off the tall structure of the Marines Headquarters, with all the Blackbeard Pirates following suit.

They walked toward Whitebeard at a slow pace.


Whitebeard's eyes narrowed, his body leaning forward slightly, his fist tightly clenched with white vibration halo around it.


His anger towards Blackbeard had reached its limit, so he punched out directly!

A shockwave, pulsing with powerful vibrations, swept away many Marines in its path and charged straight at the Blackbeard Pirates!

With a faint smile on the corner of Blackbeard's mouth, he had anticipated Whitebeard's move. So, he quickly utilized the Thunder Fruit ability to transform his body into pulsating thunder and lightning.

In the end, the shock wave penetrated through his lightning body, leaving his body unharmed.

That's the advantage of Logia fruits – they make it easy to dodge attacks automatically and can only be countered effectively with Armament Haki.

"It's a narrow escape, a real close call" 

Vasco Shot laughed, and then the entire Blackbeard Pirates crew appeared one by one behind Blackbeard.

"Whitebeard, you truly show no mercy at all," 

Blackbeard grinned.

"Teach, you're the only one not worthy of being my son. You broke the one iron rule on my ship—you killed your comrade, Thatch, the fourth division commander, and betrayed his dying wish. I'll end your wretched life and grant him the peace he deserves!" 

Whitebeard pointed at Blackbeard with a naginata and declared.

As soon as he finished speaking, a surge of pain shot through his body, and his face twisted in agony.


Marco transformed into a phoenix, attempting to flew across the massive crack in the ground to help Whitebeard.


Whitebeard called out to Marco.

Just as Marco was about to fly over to assist Whitebeard, he transformed back into human form and returned to his original position.

Whitebeard turned his back to everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates and continued: "No one is allowed to intervene. Move out! understand?"



The expressions of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates became incredibly complex.

They had to bear the pain like a knife stabbing their heart and choose to follow Whitebeard's orders!


Whitebeard's naginata spun in the air and then struck the ground with a heavy impact. A wave of overwhelming conqueror haki radiated from his body.

He was prepared to face death in Marineford, and what lay ahead would be his final battle.

"There's one thing you don't know and will never find out – the old Blackbeard is gone, and now there's a new Teach"

Blackbeard said, putting away his smile as his face became remarkably calm.

He slowly stepped out of the crowd, turned his back to the Blackbeard Pirates, and said something that left them all in disbelief.

"No matter what, none of you are allowed to act" 

Blackbeard declared. After saying that, his expression turned solemn.

He wanted to face the might of the strongest man in the pirate world alone. While it wasn't a fair duel, at least he could give Whitebeard the final respect.





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+ chapters ahead of everyone. Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18