
One night stand triplets

Anna who was betrayed by her fiancee decided to do something crazy by having a one night stand with the famous CEO of Ju Lee Empire things started getting messy as the Ceo wouldn't let her be. Anna discovered she was pregnant and decided to run far away to start life afresh living everything behind.Three years later Ceo Michael knocked on the door seeing Anna's shocked face he smirked.

Gift_Maigida · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Ceo of Ju Lee.

Michael and Anna walked into the five star restaurant which screamed class the walked upstairs to the private table Michael had reserved earlier both sitting down Anna's phone rang checking who it was she dismissed the call right away it was Henry he still had the nerves to call her.

"Someone bothering you?"

"Its none of your business the reason why I agreed to follow you here was because of lunch and to hear whatever nonsense you had to say"

"You sure have a sharp mouth wouldn't mind kissing that mouth again"Michael replied while smirking at Anna who was checking the menu for what to eat. For a five star restaurant this place sure lived up to its reputation as Anna munch on her spicy fried rice and lobster bowl it Was so good the flavors hitting the right spots.

"So back to what I was saying I want you to be my woman "

"Why ?"

"Because i find you attractive and your really sweet in bed I must say"

"What the fuck you am done"Anna replied as she stood up picked her phone and bag about to walk out on Michael who said

"I can help you get revenge on your fiancee who cheated on you, have you working with the biggest hospital in this country and make all your dreams come through only if you agree to be my woman"

"Just like I said fuck you" Anna said as she walked away just because he was a big shot didn't mean he would get her so easily.

Michael picked his glass of wine smiling her sipped it his Jellyfish has grown up to be very feisty and spicy very interesting he would get her either the easy way or the hard way.

Anna walked into her room feeling very fresh and clean after having a nice bath she wore her long black gown letting her hair fall loose and free she walked to her kitchen to grab some snacks. Its been 1hour since she left Michael at the restaurant Henry had been calling her nonstop, her mother called her saying their had to meet up to talk about her and Henry but Anna who didn't have that in mind decided to switch off her phone that way no one would call her by 12pm then she would switch on the phone perfect idea Anna thought to herself smile so in the main time she would watch her favorite horror movies all she needed was some snacks and a hot cup of chocolate milk tea.

It was 11:34pm when Anna heard a loud knock on her door who was it at this time and what do they want? Anna picked up her baseball heading straight to the door she asked

"Who is it?"

"Its me Michael I need your help really quick"

What the hell how did she know where she lived opening the door Michael pounced on her his body hot kissing her neck gosh his whole body was on fire and Anna was the only person who could quench that fire.

"What do you think your doing get off me right now you asshole"Anna cursed at Michael kicking him in his balls she stood up looking down at Michael who was in pain.

"What happened to you and why are you in my house at this time of the night?"

"I need you right now no time for explaining"Michael said as he grabbed Anna bring her closer he passionately his hand exploring her body the only thing Anna remembered before closing her eyes was the feeling of estacy and Michael thrusting harder feeling her with his big manhood.

Anna woke up feeling very sore her body hurt really bad she was laying down naked in her sitting room with a naked Michael who was sleeping soundly close to her.

"Wake up right now"Anna said while shaking Michael who opened his eyes.

"Get dressed and get out of my house right now"

"Relax will you "

"Don't tell me to relax after coming into my house yesterday and forcing your self on me quick get out" Anna ordered Michael who grabbed her hand dragging her into his embrace.

"Let go of me right now"

"I didn't have a choice and I would never force myself on you except you beg me I was drugged last night so the sex was urgent"

"Why didn't you have it with the person who drugged you?

because of you silly am glad your my woman so what's for breakfast?"

"Once you eat your leaving deal?"

"Where are you so eagar to chase me out of your house?"

"Deal or no deal?"

"Fine deal"Michael said spanking Anna's ass when she got up Anna glared at him before walking to the kitchen to fix breakfast.

Michael had a shower using Anna's products which was nice and soft just like her even tho she appeared to be tough she was nothing but a fragile angel with a kind heart.

"Come and eat so you can get going" Anna said while setting the table she prepared oatmeal, fried eggs, potatocheese and roasted bread.

"You really are a good cook" Michael complimented Anna's good cooking.

"Thanks for the compliment" Anna replied while eating her food.

"Aren't you going to pick that?"Anna asked Michael who pretended not to hear his phone ringing.

"Would you like to pick it up? Can't have anyone distracting me from enjoying my delicious breakfast"Michael replied while munching his food.

Remembering she didn't turn on her cell phone Anna went to grab it from her room when the door bell rang.

"Expecting someone?"

"No are you?"

"Its your house not mine"

Anna opened the door only to be greeted by Lucas's cheating face.

"What are you doing her?" Anna asked as she tried to slam the door shot but Lucas pushed it open.

"Anna come on I was worried about you I couldn't reach you all night I had to come check up on you"

"Why when she has a boyfriend to take care of her"Michael answered while holding Anna's shoulders. Lucas co believe his eyes wasn't this the famous CEO of Ju Lee Empire? When did him and Anna start dating?.

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