
One night stand triplets

Anna who was betrayed by her fiancee decided to do something crazy by having a one night stand with the famous CEO of Ju Lee Empire things started getting messy as the Ceo wouldn't let her be. Anna discovered she was pregnant and decided to run far away to start life afresh living everything behind.Three years later Ceo Michael knocked on the door seeing Anna's shocked face he smirked.

Gift_Maigida · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 2:Entangled.

Anna met Lima downstairs it turns out after Lima saw Anna in Micheal's embrace she later herself for a job well done she and Michael were distant cousins so she took it upon herself to link the two up after all they both knew each other in the past its just that Anna was drunk thats why she didn't recall anyways she just did her cousin a favor. The two went to their various homes,Anna took a hot shower massaging her body well after that she had breakfast took some pain killers and went to bed to sleep. Anna woke up 2:30pm she saw some missed calls from Jess and Henry she better he was calling to tell her a long story to bad she didn't want to here it she already moved on last night it was time for a fresh start.

Anna got up feeling hungry she went into the kitchen to make lunch while returning Jess call.

"Hi bitch where did you drop your phone?"

"Am sorry baby I was sleeping"

"By this time are you pregnant "

"Off cause not come I can't handle kids right now by the way am no longer with Henry he cheated on me with Jane"

"What no way I can't believe it bea switch over to video call quick I need the live tea fresh and undiluted"Jess said while squealing. Jess was gay and international model and an actor always dramatic and fun to be with Him and Anna just clicked the moment the saw each other at the art gallery back the in school they became friends instantly. Jess was currently on a tour in UK this past moths have been very busy for him.

Anna switched to video call and saw Jess sitting down with popcorn and a bottle of coke.

"Your so dramatic you weirdo"Anna said while laughing.

"Thats why you love me girl now spill"

"Well yesterday was our graduation so Henry said he wouldn't be able to come because he was sick so I went to his place to keep up on him it turns out he was fucking with Jane I just left went straight to Lima who cheers me up we went to the club together we chilled and I did the craziest thing"

"Really what's that?

"I had a one night stand"Anna squealed in excitement.

"No way my baby is all grown up finally so how was it who was the lucky man to taste your sweet pot?"

"Honestly i dont know and I don't want to"

"Cheers to that energy baby girl well its they loss just keep up the energy your going to be just fine"

"Yes baby so what are you up to and when are you coming back I miss you"

"Don't worry I will be back soon I also miss you so much I have to go now duty calls chat later"

"Bye take care*Anna said while hanging up she sat down and ate her fried rice with spicy

chicken and eggs. Anna's phone rang checking it she saw it was Henry calling.

"What do you want?"

"Please Anna we need to talk"

"About what exactly?,the fact you cheated on me with my best friend?"

"It was a mistake she seduced me"

"I don't care just marry her and leave me alone please" Anna said feeling anger and pain she blocked Lucas everywhere so he wouldn't be able to contact her.

Anna laid down on bed surfing through the internet as her mind kept thinking of the stranger she slept with. Who was he? And why did he agree to her request all this was strange but Anna pushed it aside.She decided to go out and enjoy herself it would be nice to clear her head, Anna wore her pink gown which hugged her body nicely showing her curves she paired it with black high heels up on a little make up on her white pale skin adding some color to it she let her hair down framing her baby face looking at her self in the mirror she was pleased with her looks. Anna picked her car keys and phone heading out of her house she locked the door and walked to her car she got in and drove off in full speed ready to have the best time of her life no more holding back.

Anna drove to her grandmas place to visit her when it was 7:39pm she left to attend the art exhibition which holds annually at the city center so many A list celebrities where there business men and women paparazzi and reporters the place was packed Anna got inside swiftly since she was a member of the committee. She walked around admiring so many talented work until she saw one which captured her attention it was a picture of her face who drew this and how did it get here ? She must have a secret admirer Anna thought as she smiled.

"That smile is alluring" Anna heard someone said with a deep masculine voice. She turned around and saw the most handsome man in front of her he was a walking greek god so fine Anna bit her lower lips as she blushed at her silly thoughts.

"Do i know you from somewhere?"

"Am hurt you don't recognize me after the passionate night we shared two days ago"Michael said as he took Anna's small soft hand into his big hand kissed it.

It all came back to Anna slapping her in the face this was the stranger she had a one night stand with she blushed in embarrassment biting her lower lips again she tucked the loss strands of her soft hair behind her ears.

"What do you want?"

"I love smart girls like you straight to the point I want you to be my woman"

"Your joking right?"

"No jokes sweetie"

"Why do you want me to be your woman?"

"Because we belong together"Michael replied as he smiled at Anna who was looking at him like he was crazy.

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