
One Night Mistake In The Another World

My name is Leyla and I'm drunk for a week straight now. I'm just your average college girl. I like reading novels, manhwa, manga, webtoon and things that shouldn't be mentioned. You know, things you read when you're alone. I love books and there are times I read some novels even when I was drunk and the letters are dancing. There are one side/supporting character that I sympathize the most in the recent novel I read. Her name is Lady Saphira Elionor, the flower of the high society, the most beautiful girl and yet she meet her tragic end just because she feel in love. Heartbreaking and sad. I drank the beer in can in one go and made a wish before I went to sleep. But I was awaken when I felt that someone is squeezing my boobs- . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHAT?! I found myself in the strange room, naked with the blond hair that is so hot...ahem naked guy beside me. I escape and run in to the hallways and discover that I become the most beautiful girl.. SAPHIRA ELIONOR! She's beautiful but she'll die and I'm gonna suffer from it! NO! Let's run.. and forget about it. It's only a one night stand anyways. right? Little did I know, when I run, we're already three people.

AikishiaOmano · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Five: Sleepless Nights

Lindoln POV

"Hiya!" This horse is indeed fast and seems brave to go where I want. Most of the normal horse sometimes hesitant and don't want to obey the rider if they feel they're in danger but this one is not. It even went running when were in the cliff, shortcut route. I though I'm gonna die at that time. Thinking about it, I look like a kid holding unto the horse mane so much, afraid of falling down and when we're in the safe road I think the horse glared at me or not? Hmmm.

Right now, I have a sword with me. Claude gave it to me when I was about to go.

"You should have this. You'll need it." Because of my panic, my mind and senses becomes narrow and limited. I should think what I'll do when I arrived at the House. How should I stop my sister getting sold to the royal family? I grunt when I thought what will happened to her in the palace. She'll become a threat to the other royal who sought power and authority. That's the reason why the Elders did this in the first place.

'They're ripping her wings so she can't fly high.' I thought to myself. "Thanks." I don't have time to refuse nor have to say something more. He just nod. I mounted the horse and ride out, never looking back.

Well, There is a possibility that the Academy will follow me and drag me back. I left without any legal and proper documents after all. I also didn't inform the headmaster but I guess Ian and the others will do something about it. On the other hand, another possibility is that I might get expelled. But nothing will stop me from coming back! I need to go to my sister!

'Saphira' I sigh, 'What have they done to you?'


It's been a week since I left the Academy and I felt a bit tired. I stop to the other towns that I passed when I'm about to run out of food, clean my eyeglasses, repair my things and taking care of the horse. I feed and made sure this horse drinks a plenty of water and have good rest. "Thanks for the hard work, horsey." The horse move his ear and snorted. Is he..? Guess not.

I mostly camp outside so I don't have to waste any more time and start again running with my horse again when the sun is enough to light my way. I don't have anytime to rest and idle around, If I keep delaying, I might lost her.

Right now, I'm almost there. If I keep this pace up, I can arrive 2 to 3 days earlier that the schedule. Next stop is the neighborhood country and our mother's homeland, Greiville. My mother's relative is also a hungry power bastards. My sister is the only one family I left. Our grandparents and parents, they we're taken from us. I frown.

I should just brought her with me or I never should let the Elders do what they want. I will not make any excuses, I did left her there without anyone she can rely on. It's my fault. I close my eyes while the wind crushing my face because of how fast the horse run. Ugh, For now, let's focus on going home.


Leyla POV

"Don't worry...My lady...will awake..." I can hear low voices speaking.. Who's there? I feel so heavy, can't open my eyes and move my body. What happened? I felt dizzy. I moan and tried to move my finger but went black again.


Lindoln arrived at his home country, Mulanch after a week and 2 days. He's 4 days earlier that expected. After he passed the gate, he dismounted and went to the inn's stable to give the horse to stay. He gave the owner a gold coin, "Take care of him till I get back."

The Elionor Family House is near which made him to decide to walk and not ride a carriage. He believe that if the Elders knew he left at the Academy, they may gave her a present surprise so decided to keep his guard up. Before he reach the house, a maid rush in to his side and grab his arm. In an instant, Lindoln shoved his arms, released by the maid's hold and drew his sword. She flinched and steps back a few steps.

"Uh-uhmm-mm.." The maid stutter. She's wearing a cloak, hiding her face so he can't see his face well.

Lindoln look around in the surroundings, thinking if the maid has allies or companion that might attacked him. He took one more look at the maid who's unguarded and unarmed, pointing his sword to the maid.

"Is this a surprise gift from my family?" He asked. But the maid was only silent and instead of talking, he threw something in front of him.

A single bell lying on the ground with a red ribbon tied to it. Lindoln is sharp-sighted and has keen eyes. He flinched and tremble when he see a faint of blood inside it. Lindoln went silent, kneeled down and picked up the bell. He stares at the bell and confirm that there is really a blood in it, his heart is trembling in fear and beating so hard, his mind went blank.

Before the maid can take a further step away, Lindoln's face distorted in rage and only a few long step brought him close enough to grab the maid's shoulder. Immediately the sword find it's way to the maid's neck.

"What have you done to my sister?" A cold demeanor and demanding voice filled with warning. Lindoln can feel that the maid is shaking in fear but he ignore it and instead, "Answer me." He pushed the sword, making a small wound in her neck. He threaten her.

The maid is shaking and cried in fear. "Lo-Lord.... Lin-Lindoln, it's...it's me... Ma-Maine...." She manage to answer him in trembling voice. She bow down as a greet to Lindoln and apologies, "I'm... sorry if I had cau-cause you a mis-misunderstanding, My Lord." She pushed back the hood on her cloak.

"Maine?" When Lindoln is still a child, he remember that there's also a maid always following her sister. "Why are you here?" A bell sound was heard in Lindoln's left hand. "My Lady.." Maine's voice is filled with anxiety and worry, realizing this, Lindoln eyes wide open as he imagine something might happened to his dear sister.

Before he could ask something to her, a voice called them. "Hurry!" Two groups of soldiers from the Elionor Family is walking near them, searching for someone. "Lord Lindoln" Maine called him and run, he followed her.

In a dark alley, the three of them meet. "Layla?" Layla bow down to greet Lindoln. "Layla Kamal greets Lord Lindoln Elionor." He just nod and wait for her to say more. "Lady Ph- Saphira...You need to see her." As soon Layla spoke, Maine took out a paper from her purse, "We need to get out of here first." Maine close her eyes and state a strange words for Lindoln to understand.

"■■□○■ □●○■ □●○○□" a light circle formed below their feet and they disappear.








Lindoln open his eyes and he looked around. A small house in the center of the woods. There's a gate to keep them safe. A mercenary who's guarding at the door run towards them and drew his sword. "It's us, Gaswain." Layla spoke and called out the mercenary's name.

He put back his sword and smiled. "Took you long enough, Layla." He is Layla's husband, Maine's father. "Lord Lindoln." He bow down to greet the young Lord. He is at the age to succeed the tittle of the Duke, that's why they already called him Lord Lindoln.

Lindoln nod and enter the house, looking at the second floor he ask, "Is she there?" The three of them looked at each other and then nod.

"But you need to brace yourself, Lord Lindoln." Gaswain look at him in a firm expression. Lindoln grind his teeth as he trying to calm himself down, "Let's go." Maine guide him to Saphira's room while the two stayed.

Maine opened the door and Lindoln is greeted by a young lady. She was unconscious and lay down in her bed like a corpse. Lindoln hurried to Saphira's side and hold her hand that is wrapped by bandages. "Saphir..." That's the nickname he gave and use to call to her when they were still a child. Lindoln looked at her sister's face, it has many scratches, a gauge bandage in her head, and her both hands and ankles are covered in bandages. Also her neck.

"Mom and I used our magic to heal her. Lady Phir's life is not in danger anymore but we still made precautions and bandage the small wounds and expect that there might wound that reopen." Maine explained with troubled voice. She looked at her with worry and anxiousness.

"How many days she's unconscious?" Lindoln clench his fist and tried to calm himself.

'I need to know everything what happened first before I went back to the House.' thought to himself. "My Lady is unconscious for two days, My Lord." He closed his eyes, "Tell me everything." His voice is low and filled with sadness. He closed the entire time when Maine is telling her everything what happened.

Maine can see the facial expression of Lindoln who's holding Saphira's hand the whole time and she was about to cry. Everyone is heartbroken for what happened and only wish for Saphira to wake up and smiled again. "Where afraid for her baby's safety."

"WHAT?" Lindoln went silent as he heard the word 'BABY' coming out from Maine's word. He immediately looked at her with confuse and scared expression.

"What baby?" Maine gave him a confuse look.

'Lady Phir didn't told him?!' and panicked.