
One Death is merely the beginning

Alex was a typical university student, who dreamt of striding across space and being strong enough to lift mountains but that was for novels and he knew that. He had to get his grades and then a job and resign himself to his life in the real world. Until a sudden event gave him the opportunity some part of him craved, the chance for an adventure Hi, everyone I hope you will enjoy this book, I am writing just for fun, but would love some constructive criticism and if you spot any grammar mistakes feel free to point them out and I will fix them.

AlexWardley · Eastern
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16 Chs

Born Again

" The world I want to be reincarnated in is Desolate Era, in the same world as Ji Ning's reincarnation as his twin brother with my memories intact."

" Second Wish: I want a system that allows me to reincarnate to any world I wish, understand their language and is perfectly designed to facilitate my growth in each world and can adapt to better serve my needs and development. Furthermore, I will be able to change and add things to the system if I can logically explain with strong reason how it would be beneficial to my growth.

Third Wish: I would like the ability to have one unique perk for the specific world I am in and one universal perk. The specific perk for Desolate Era is the same level of talent in the spear as Ji Ning has in the sword, my universal perk I want to have protagonist fate/luck or whatever you call it."

" Okay fine, you're pushing the limit with the endless reincarnation system, but I will allow it, goodbye may we never met again."

The GOD snapped his fingers and Alex disappears.

"What an interesting mortal, I hope one day I have another sparring partner, I mean friend, his journey across the realms with be entertaining."

Snap, a screen appears and popcorn appears floating in front of him. " Entertaining indeed."

Alex felt a serious amount of head pain, his head and neck hurt, his body felt like it was under an enormous amount of pressure. Suddenly he felt as ease and then a bone piercing cold, Alex then took his first breath in his new life, the fresh air had never tasted so good.

After taking that first heavenly breath, Alex did what all healthy babies do, he let out a loud cry.

" It's a boy, I have a son "

" Lady push, push only one more. "

Another cry filled the chamber. " Two sons, I have two sons, the heavens have truly blessed us, my dear. "

Alex instantly understood his first wish had been fulfilled, he had been reborn.

Ding System installed, ' Hello Host. '