
One and a half sided

Love is usually one sided or from both sides. The first is trouble but the latter is bliss. But what if it was one and a half sided, troubled bliss or a recipe for disaster? Will it turn into one sided, unrequited love or both sided true love? *** "I promise you Abby, I do. You shall see." he declared. As if he was pledging something. I can never guess what he is thinking. It's so random at times, the things he says. "Promise what?" I wondered what was going through his mind. "I promise you that in one month, in one month, you will smile and you will forget whatever is bothering you and be happy. More than ever." he said it so confidently that I felt as if I was a broken robot and he was the actual person who created me in the first place to now repair me. From where does he get so much confidence and that too for someone he knows only for 2 months?! Does he really think he can make me happy? *** Ride along with - Abby - on her journey of love, troubles, disasters and healing. It's going to be a wild one!

BeingAchint · Teen
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29 Chs

15.2 - Flirting Deal

After the movie finished I tried to sleep but failed. The movie was a good idea since I did not think about Ethan now. Now, all I could think about was ghosts. Or maybe both. Double trouble. I did feel a little better knowing he did not remember anything to be frank. I guess it will be a memory I take to my grave then.

Ah, what should I do, I am not able to sleep. I kept staring at my ceiling for about 30 mins. My phone buzzed and I picked it up. I had a message from Ethan.

"Slept yet?" he sent.

"Nah, thanks to you, all I can think of is ghosts." I replied.

"It was fun scaring you!" he sent.

"I hate you." I sent though I would never in the world mean it.

"But I love you dear!" he sent.

I went all rosy reading that. I guess he was drunk again. Or he was playing with me. The later for sure.

"You can only love yourself as far as I know." I sent.

"Right yo! But I love myself and you are a part of me so, I love you too." He sent.

Wow, I don't know how that should make me feel. Is he just too dumb or too smart. I wish he'd actually say he loves me genuinely for once. I'd have my romantic movie dreams come true. But then he was just joking again. Well wait. What am I thinking. I guess the pizza had some love potion mixed in it. I shouldn't be thinking like that. He's just a friend.

"I'm so angry at you!" I sent.

"Angry girls are the most beautiful girls." he sent.

He's such a stupid. If he doesn't stop saying such cheesy stuff then how will I control my thoughts! Stay strong Abby. You can do it.

" -_- " I sent.

" ;) " he sent. I wish I could drown now. Let's try to tease him back, maybe he'll stop then.

"Are you trying to flirt with me Ethan Smith?" I sent.

"Well yeah, and you're not responding properly." he sent. Wait what now? Is this so? Alright Ethan, two can play this game.

"How am I supposed to reply then, Teddy bear?" I sent. I was chuckling.

"You are supposed to flirt back Sherlock!" he sent. I could, I would but then I'd definitely be love struck with you and your flirtyness. Which cannot happen. Let's deviate.

"Well, point one is that you're not my boyfriend and two, I don't know how to flirt." I sent. This should stop him for now at least.

"I'll teach you. Might help you with your future boyfriend." he sent. Yeah, that is what I need right? Practice to flirt with my future boyfriend. If there ever will be one.

"Like seriously teddy bear! " I sent. Now I'm sad. I don't have someone who loves me.

"Well, looks like we'll have to add up this in the things you need to learn, long list." he sent.

"You have a list of things about me!? :O You know you sound like a psychopath? " I sent. Well, I was flattered frankly to say. I mean it wasn't like Ross's pros and cons list of Rachel but just things he thought for. He actually noticed stuff about me to change, to learn. Obviously I'm not dumb too accept whatever he asks but I want to know what all it has. That was actually weird yet it felt good. Someone cared that much for me.

"Oops! That was a secret. " he sent.

"Well, I know it now. You lose. :P " I sent.

"The score was 0-0" he sent.

"Now it's 1-0, I got the lead" I sent. Haha, for once I actually do.

"The game has just begun dear. ;) " he sent.

"Alright then, let's begin." I sent

"I'm here, don't fear! I shall keep all the ghosts away dear!" I rolled my eyes at this text. Alright, you are here in my mind and I will try not be afraid and sleep. Really? He wasn't here and he still had such an effect on me!!!

"Okay, stay on guard.Good night now!" I sent.

"I might enjoy watching you sleep though, my beautiful lady >.< " he sent. This guy! Can he just stop for once.

"Stop your perverted thoughts before you get kicked out!" I sent.

"Yes ma'am! Good night. Sweet dreams. :) " he sent.

He might not remember the kiss and maybe it wasn't such a big deal. Though I still find it odd that he did not question me about why I left the party soon. He made such a deal out of me coming to the party. I guess Rick told him he was too drunk when I left. God knows what time he left.

Anyways, I should seriously stop thinking about it now. It's just me obsessing and overthinking. Not healthy. What mattered was he was with me and I hope he will be always. I would never want a boyfriend if I have such a friend with me always. Someone who completes me. Not romantically but like more like a soul match. Ugh, don't know.

I stared at the ceiling in desperation. No answer. Sleep Abby. Too much of thinking isn't good. Let's just go with the flow.