
One and a half sided

Love is usually one sided or from both sides. The first is trouble but the latter is bliss. But what if it was one and a half sided, troubled bliss or a recipe for disaster? Will it turn into one sided, unrequited love or both sided true love? *** "I promise you Abby, I do. You shall see." he declared. As if he was pledging something. I can never guess what he is thinking. It's so random at times, the things he says. "Promise what?" I wondered what was going through his mind. "I promise you that in one month, in one month, you will smile and you will forget whatever is bothering you and be happy. More than ever." he said it so confidently that I felt as if I was a broken robot and he was the actual person who created me in the first place to now repair me. From where does he get so much confidence and that too for someone he knows only for 2 months?! Does he really think he can make me happy? *** Ride along with - Abby - on her journey of love, troubles, disasters and healing. It's going to be a wild one!

BeingAchint · Teen
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29 Chs

15.1 - Flirting Deal

I couldn't sleep well last night. The sunlight from my window poked my eyes. All night I could think about was why did he kiss me? I know he was drunk, I know it was a peck on the cheek but I couldn't put that thought aside.

He doesn't like me. He's just a friend. I don't even freaking know if he has a girlfriend or he likes someone. What kind of a friend am I who doesn't know anything about him when he knows almost everything about me. I shouldn't bring the kiss up, its something silly which I am making a big fuss about. He means a lot to me as a friend and I can't bare to lose him. I can't let the history repeat again like it happened with Drake. I know Ethan is not like Drake but when only one loves but the other doesn't, it always leads to a dead end.

Argh, I'm thinking too much. It was a silly thing and I am going to let it go.

That's it. I'm not going to bring it up. I'm sure he won't remember because he was too drunk. At least I hope he doesn't. Talking about Drake, I should probably check on him today. I guess he's back home. Though I don't yet have an answer for him but I'd like to know if he's getting well.

My thoughts were interrupted by my mom knocking the door.

"Abby! Are you awake? If not you'll be late for school!" she said.

"Yeah, I'm awake Mom. " I said and opened the door.

"Why was your door locked Abby?" she asked me doubtfully.

"I don't remember when I locked it and forgot to open." I said.

"Anyways. Breakfast is ready and your dad and I won't be home for dinner. So you could order up something if you like and don't wait for us, we might be late." she said and left.

I took a deep breath, letting all the stress out and got ready for school.

As I was passing through the school corridor, I suddenly felt weird thinking about how will I react when Ethan encounters me. What if he remembers? What if he says that it was a mistake? It shouldn't have but, anyways. God help my messed up, hung up on OCD, answer-obsessed brain.

"Hey there guys" I greeted Rick, Sandy and Alice who were chatting in the corner. Ethan wasn't there. I felt uneasy, don't know why.

They kept on chatting. One minute I was laughing to something Sandy said to Rachel. The next 30 seconds I tried to listen to what they were saying. The next ten seconds I started staring at the wall and the next five seconds I was all lost. Where is Ethan?

"Searching for someone?" Alice poked in her elbow and said. "He's called in sick. Maybe he had a bad hangover." she chuckled.

I felt numb. He wasn't here and I had millions of possibilities in my mind about facing him. I somehow felt upset but at the same time happy that my encounter was delayed. I did want to see that cute little teddy bear though!

The day went boring as the classes were monotonous. We were given homework and assignments to complete. I think this was the first time Ethan missed school and I was bored as hell. I am so used to him pestering me and hovering around me all the time.

On the way home I thought of calling up Drake and asking him about his health. I dialed his number. It kept on ringing and no one picked up. I tried again and no answer again. Maybe he was taking rest.

As soon as I reached home I got a text from Drake.

"You called?" he sent. Duh! Sherlock! I rolled my eyes at it but tried to stay calm. Could have called back.

"Yeah. How are you now? Recovering well?" I sent.

"Yeah." he sent. How rude. One word reply!

"So ssup?" I sent.

"Nothing" he sent. Oh damn, he's upset I still haven't answered him.

"So when will you be back to school?" I asked trying to make small talk which he clearly seemed uninterested in.

"It will take a while. I'm busy. I'll talk to you later." he sent. Asshole! What did I do to him now? Why is he being so rude? He tells me loves me and this is how he behaves like this when I clearly asked him for time. This is exactly the attitude that makes me hate him even after all that happened.

I went up to my room. I was home alone today and I needed a little fun. Need so shift my focus. I decided to watch 1408 in full theater feel. I made some popcorn and nachos with cheese dip. I ordered a cheese burst pizza from Dominos. I know I eat a lot but who cares. I was having a self indulgent evening. Just me and my food.

I had just seen about one third of the movie and it already was creeping me out. There was this scene going on where the hero gets locked in the haunted room and someone knocks the door and at the same moment someone rang the door bell. I jumped out of my seat, scared like hell.

It was the stupid pizza guy. He scared the shit out of me. Not a good idea to watch a horror movie alone I guess. And then the dramatic, haunted things started to come up in the movie and it was getting scarier with every minute. Just when the hero was about to turn away from the window but his hand was still there and suddenly the window shuts down and his hand gets hurt and I started screaming because the same moment my phone rang. This movie is making my evening horrifying, seriously. Why does everything ring when I am watching a in depth scary scene. I didn't even check who's call it was and lifted.

"Hello?" I said munching popcorn.

"Missed me today?" the voice sounded creepy. It sent chills down my spine. Now what. I started to freak out but then checked who's call it was.

"Holy shit Ethan Smith!! I was watching a horror movie!!! You stupid!!! You scared the hell out of me!!!" I started screaming at him.

"Hahaha, chill dear! I'm here. Don't be scared. Calm. Down." he said and I tried to breathe slowly. " Why watch horror movies if you get so scared?"

"Because I like the thrill of the unexpected and I don't expect people like you to call and scare me at the very climax." I said.

"Oh dear. You're so silly." he said laughing.

"Don't mock me.I swear I could kill you right now!" I said.

"Okay okay, ssup?" he asked.

"Like you don't know! Anyways how's your hangover? Is that why you missed school today?" I asked hoping he didn't remember anything.

"It's fine. I'm fine right now. Can't remember much of the party. What time did you leave?" he said calmly.

"So do you remember anything about last night?" I uttered those words without even thinking for once. He doesn't remember. Wow, did luck strike me finally?

"Nah. Did something happen? Did I end up in the pool, though my clothes were dry." he asked.

"Oh no. I was just asking. You were really drunk dude. I left after a while, I was too bored." I said in as honest tone as possible

"That does explain my hangover but I feel like something important happened but can't remember damn." he said. Nope, don't remember anything. I as hell am trying not to.

"So, you know we have a lot of homework to do?" I said trying to change the topic. I could feel my cheeks getting red and the spot where he kissed me burning. If he could see me then I'd surely look like a tomato right now.

"Well I guess you'll help me there." he said. This was the first time he didn't push me to know the truth. Something is fishy. Though I sounded legit, what is this weird feeling.

"As if. Do it yourself teddy bear!" I said.

"I like how it sounds dear. Can you say it again. " he said teasing. I was rolling my eyes at him.

"Yeah stupid! That sounded good right?" I said." Now shoo. I have to watch the climax."

"Okay dear. Nighty night! Don't dream about ghosts under your bed and outside the window." he said. He was seriously scaring me now. I hung up the call before he could scare me more.