
One Above All (BNHA fanfic)

This work is written using Grammarly, cause I suck at English. Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy founds himself having the greatest power ever but before that, he must learn for what he lives for and what he wants. Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero, without losing his hope he continues to follow his dreams, during his journey he meets many people ready to teach him and help him to fulfill his dreams. Will Izuku ever know the truth of his existence Join me and the bois at https://discord.gg/f6pPAP *I don't own the cover, nor the BNHA universe*

Crazy_Beast · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Chapter 4.1

It's another long chapter cut into a shorter chapter. If you like this, please vote for it and also read my other originals, especially Prince of Heaven and Hell.

Anyway, feel free to comment and join me and the bois at discord. The link is in the synopsis. thanks for reading

Here we go


Izuku was in deep shit. There was an online meeting of The Recorders Of Quirk and he did not miss it but all of the heads knew that Izuku was in the hospital a few days ago.

Izuku opened them, most of them were basically trying to convince him to let the organization take care of Bakugo's matter and a few asked him for the reason he was unable to attend the meeting though they all knew that Izuku hated those meetings in which they discussed their strategy and policies, nothing interested him except quirks but he knew the responsibility he was signing up for when he joined the organization. Although he joined the organization for getting more information on quirks of underground heroes, especially EraserHead, which piqued his interest, he still was one of the admins and couldn't deny his responsibilities.

He was ready to accept the outcome, he turned his webcam on and started a joint conference with few of the heads, they all were old enough to be his grandparents and the smallest in the whole organization was Izuku himself, he was considered to be a prodigy. After a two-hour-long explanation, he managed to calm them and convince them that was fine. He apologized and asked them if they could rearrange the meeting tomorrow but they said they have already taken care of those matters, so they don't need to. Izuku told them that he won't be able to be active much as he will be training with Aizawa. They didn't want to lose Izuku as a member but they also knew about his dream of becoming a hero despite being quirkless. They all agreed but on a condition that he will be active whenever required and he must inform them if anything goes wrong. Izuku knew he didn't have any choice so he accepted their conditions and he turned off the webcam and shut down his computer.

"Why is everybody giving me conditions? It will be very hard for me to keep up with them, I think I might be dead sooner than expected.", the green-haired boy thought, rubbing his hairs. He was already tired and said to Inko that he would skip the dinner but Inko reminded him of his diet and forced him to eat the dinner. He finished dinner and went to his room, he laid on his bed and quickly fell asleep.

The Next Day

Izuku was excited about his new training, his mind was already trying its best to distract Izuku from studies but he somehow managed to focus on his studies, remembering the condition laid by the Pro-Hero.

The bell rang, the school was over. He rang as fast as he could, he could have possibly beaten a speed quirk. He came home panting, he opened the door throwing his backpack on the sofa, but picked it again and placed it on the table. He enters his room and changes his clothes. Inko notices him and asks how it is so early, to which the green-haired boy replies that he just ran all the way from the school. Her mother wasn't at all surprised she already knew his excitement but gave him a short talk about taking his care. Izuku closes the door, he boots up the computer and opens up an old email.

It was from Hatiro Sakura. Sakura was the one who found Izuku's analytical skills useful in the first place. It was about 4 years ago, Izuku had just started analyzing quirks, and had already completed three full volumes.

Analyzing and finding new quirks made Izuku happy but that was all, he couldn't do anything about his dream. He thought that if he wants to be a hero even without a quirk he must be prepared for anything, he thought maybe he should focus more on how to fight villains than analyzing their quirks.

One day while returning back from the school he saw a villain fight, it was unlike everything Izuku has seen earlier, both of them were not using any quirks. He thought to himself maybe he can be a quirkless hero too like the one from the fight. He left analyzing quirks and sneaking in villain fights and tried to train himself.

He couldn't have asked Inko to let him join any dojo as he knew she would not allow him to get injured if not for his whole life than for a few years. Once he mistakenly asked Inko to let him join a nearby dojo and she bombarded the green-haired boy with questions; if he was getting bullied by his classmates or he wants to prove everybody that he is strong too.

He didn't know whom to approach so he took the help of the internet. He found a training routine to shape his body, he wasn't fat but he wasn't a healthy boy. He came from school and told Inko that he is going to play outside, so he went to a nearby park and decided to start his workout. Gladly Bakugo and his friends didn't come to the park, they were playing hero trading cards at Bakugo's house.

He started with push-ups.




Four................................ He grinned his teeth and fell on the ground from exhaustion. He knew it was too hard for his body.

A man was watching Izuku while he was trying to continue his workout. He saw the boy laying on the ground. He went towards the boy, near him was his backpack and quirk analysis notebook was out of it. The man picked it, he couldn't help himself to be impressed by the little boy. He took the green boy's hand and gave him water.

"You are doing it all wrong, you may want to be stronger but your body isn't ready for that. You have a good eye for analyzing quirks, may I know the reason why are you pushing your body?", The man asked Izuku but could see him groaning from sore muscles.

Izuku replied, "I am a quirkless but I want to be a hero. I thought that if I analyze different quirks I may be able to become one but then I saw two men fighting, both were not using any quirks. So I decided to train myself if I want to become a hero."

"Looks you got it all wrong kiddo, you know I analyze quirks too and I can be sure that no quirkless fights took place in this area. By any chance did one of the men wore scarfs and golden goggles?", The man laughed.

Izuku looked up at his eyes with curiosity, "How do you know that? Do you know him? If yes then please introduce him to me."

The man explained Izuku that the man wearing goggles and scarfs was none other than EraserHead, the Pro-Hero who could erase any quirk other than a mutant