
Once upon a time in my heart

Under the noise of a crowd, he gently kissed her and said before leaving, his last words. "I'll take your heart with me." Even when his rival Mafia had claimed his prize, he was still bent on loving her and under the circumstances, he claimed her mouth in a tender, but all consuming kiss and said, "I'm your first kiss, and I want you to remember the taste of my kiss until the day you die." ________________ Fahsai is heartbroken after her ex boyfriend of ten years cheated on her. Yet he still had the nerve to ask her to take him back so, to avoid him, Fahsai's friend took her to Japan. While she was there, Fahsai was held at gunpoint by a Hong Kong mafia named Daniel Wang. The man was shot and needed a place to stay that night so he ordered Fahsai to take him to the hotel room. She knew nothing about the novice young businessman, the object of desire of many women. Daniel was a handsome devil, he attracted girls like bees to honey but he was one kind of man who didn't get swayed. There was something about Fahsai that Daniel couldn't decipher. The fact that she resembled his first love Botan, the woman he shot after betraying his trust and causing him a lot of pain. Entangled in shackles of romance, reversed harem and fire arms, will their love story have an happy ending??? ---------------------------------- Love is a novel that two people created. And at the end of the story, no matter what happens, once upon a time in their hearts; They've experienced beautiful love!!! Based on a screen Telenovela filmed in Thailand #TdraMa

Pinky_Julie · Urban
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32 Chs


"Here, you can have it." Fahsai returned Daniel's coat back to him since she noticed how cold he looked.

"No, I want you to have it." Daniel insisted but the latter was quick to wrap it around his broaden shoulders.

"Even though I'm a skinny girl, I have the tendency to be hot, while you look like you have a tendency to be cold." She speculated.

Daniel's answer was to pull her "warm" body down next to him. " I have something to tell you...you have something unique unlike other people." He said and her heart was both soft and strong. "Promise me that even if we may never see each other again, you should safeguard your heart and never allow anyone to hurt it. No matter what anyone promises you."

She had been softening towards him and his words moved her as she nodded her head and made her promise. He gave her a little squeeze in appreciation.

As the night fell, they cuddled close and the fire was not the only thing keeping them warm. By morning, Fahsai peered up at the sleeping giant with a smile. And later, Daniel kept glancing at her, wondering if he was saddened to see her leave. She was like a magnet, able to attract even the heart of a stone.

"My people are making arrangements for your departure." He assured her that she'd be able to return to Thailand the very same day. However, Fahsai looked pensive, at the back of her mind, she was sure to miss his cute face and torn abs.

"I'm happy to hear that." She muttered lowly. "What about my sister?" She inquired.

"Your sister is with my people and I didn't tell you prior because I knew our time together would be short." He sighed deeply looking into her eyes, it was the last time they'll be together and he'd remiss to let it go. He covered her slender shoulders with his coat and leaned down for a goodbye kiss.

As their lips were about to touch, a truck came in sight. "Damn!" He groaned inwardly and suddenly swept her feet off the ground. He lifted her into the truck and jumped in after her.

As the truck meandered down the road, Fahsai peered at his side profile and thought back on how swoony he was with her. Soon, they reached the pier and Fahsai tensed to see a group of men with great rides waiting for them.

"Who are you!" She wondered out loud as she saw his 'people' were men bending to his will, taking their jackets off their backs and driving luxury cars. He wore a giant dragon ring on his finger too.

"It's time for you to leave, your sister is waiting for you." Daniel said merely.

At the same time, Gang Suer Khao showed up and Daniel rushed her out. "I'll be safe enough." He conceded and the sentimental Fahsai was reluctant to leave his side. The two gangs exchanged open gunfire. As she slowly turned to leave, Daniel pulled her hand, which he had been holding and swooped down to give her a searing kiss. She's taken aback as her cheeks flushed red and as she tried to contemplate the good kiss, he had already pulled away. He turned and continued shooting Chanmimg, and his men took away Fahsai.


"Whether we see the world as bright or dark, lies on how we perceive it." Fahsai narrated the ending of her presentation. It was a story called 'Once Upon a Time in My Heart.' She was presenting to the team at the LOLA Magazine firm she worked for. The story sounded to be a romantic novela featuring a Thai woman and a Hong Kong gangster. She so used her experience to write the story.

The team gave her a round of applause but not good enough for the Editor. "Take a step back and think about the theme of LOLA." The editor said.

"As we all know, the magazine was created by the Editor's ancestor to honor Thai heritage, which means, we need meaningful, realistic stories." Fahsai answered.

"She's right, we need something fresh and different in order to attract readers and compete in the market place." Fai went to bat for her little sister.

"Unless Fahsai has something real to report, the argument is moot." The editor who bent on keeping his ancestor's quality magazine based on REALITY said. He didn't even know what he was in for.

"That's absurd! C'mon guys, in fact, my little bunny is writing about a real event, right baby sister?" Fai argued as everyone took a look at Fahsai differently.

"It's all in my imagination." Fahsai ended up saying disappointing her 'biological' sister.

"Hey, don't be angry at me. Please, Fai." Fahsai pleaded with Big Sis. "You wouldn't want Dad and Mom to find out the truth, would you? How do I even begin explaining to them that I spent a few nights with a stranger? No one would believe my chastity. I don't want to upset my parents." Big Sis almost forgot about Fahsai's protective parents, but went on to say,

"I want your novel to make it out there so that the Giant could read it and learn how much you have been missing him." Fahsai squealed.

"Whoa! I don't miss him the way you think." She belatedly stated.

"Ain't no fool, otherwise you wouldn't be listening to depressing love songs. Oh girl! You've been like ''I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you...." Fai teased her.

"Cut it out, will you?" Fahsai was embarrassed.

"Is Giant as handsome as the novel hero?" The assistant to the editor questioned.

"OF COURSE!!" Big Sis emphasized. "Why else would Fahsai forget Dr. Eit so easily?"