
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

Ch3: Conduit template.

[Template System (Ft. Chat Group) Initialized]

[Title: ADMIN]

[Automatic Name Designated: WorldWalker]

[Omniversal GPS: Synchronizing…]

[Omniversal GPS: Synchronizing.]

[Omniversal GPS: Synchronizing..]

[Omniversal GPS: Synchronizing…]


[Omniversal GPS: Marvelverse(Earth-42069)]

Yea, no shit!



Full article Page 4 "

I just groaned. this universe's Triple J is gender bent. but J. Joanne Jameson still has her hots for shit-talking whoever Spider-man-woman-child is in any universe.

guess some things stay the same regardless of the universe. but Triple J's arachnophobia must be something TransUniversal.

[World Threat LEVEL: C]

[Recived: C Tier Starter Pack.]

[Good luck! WorldWalker]

I looked at the C Tier Starter Pack box on my cellphone. it was depicted as something similar to a loot box, located inside the Preinstalled App called Inventory.

[Inventory: x1 C tier Loot Box] [Open: Y/N]

I clicked Y and the animation shook until it opened, showing 3 items.

[Inventory: x1 Elemental, FireFox

Template: Cole MacGrath

Skill: Accelerated Development. ]

[Elemental Firefox {Summon Familiar/Spiritual Fuse?}]

[Template: Cole MacGrath {Equip?}]

[Skill: Accelerated Development {Equip?}]

Trying to find a description of the items was useless since the inventory did not offer that option. Great. the system does not provide any kind of explanation.

Elemental Firefox is some kind of Summoned Elemental Monster Or something like a Spirit. at least that is what I can Speculate. Considering what options I have in terms of Summoning The Firefox or fusing with it.

I don't know who the hell is Cole MacGrath i guess i don't have a choice, but first let's equip Accelerated Development {Equip? Y/N} Yes. [Skill proficiency 0%] Just my luck…

Huh? Well, that little sting all over my body was quite not as much as I was expecting.

After equipping Cole MacGrath's template I looked at it… [0%]

Great. Guess experimentation it is. hope that Accelerated Development helps with finding out the skills I get with this Template. [Unequip Y/N]... so I can unequip things? perhaps I can desummon the Familiar, or even Unfuse it.

Now to consider the best option, I have to consider…


The entire Street got engulfed in fire as the bank across the street had blown open by an explosion sending me to the ground groaning in pain. pieces of fallen debris lay around decorating the sidewalk. My leg is trapped under some rebar that is attached to a big piece of what looks like what used to be a support beam… a few tons of weight is keeping my legs pinned.

Cars are on fire around me. Shit shit shit. This is a superhero Verse. Which means high probability of explosions.

[Elemental Firefox: Summon familiar Y/N? Spiritual Fuse Y/N] [Spiritual Fuse Yes] I click in the mids of my panicked thinking coming to the conclusion that it's the one with greater chances of providing me with something akin to Fire Resistance or perhaps even Immunity.

[Elemental Firefox Fusion 3%...]

[Elemental Firefox Fusion 5%..]

[Elemental Firefox Fusion 9%...]

[Elemental Firefox Fusion 14%..]

*Cough* *Cough*

The smoke from the burning cars around me makes it difficult to breathe at first, but as The Fusion Increases the less I feel the Fire. and the less that the smoke bothers me.

Elemental Firefox Fusion 69%... 70%...

I finally feel it. A good. honest to god power up. A bit of Pyrokinesis Helps me redirect the flames away from me. with a bit of instinct and probably with the help of Accelerated development, it becomes easier by leaps. I manage to suffocate the fires especially the big minivan that had a raging inferno just a few seconds ago. So close the the Gass tank it sent shivers down my spine.

Elemental Firefox Fusion 99%... !00%. Fusion Compleat.

Gods it feels good. this internal power is Great. it makes me feel invincible.

HA! Like I would fall for that! Probably the adrenaline mixed with the power surge mixed with Euphoria, I must be high as a kite on my own endorphins right now.

Focusing on my legs I realize that The Spiritual fusion allows me to make my legs intangible for a few moments turning them into the fire, I also see arcs of electricity among the fire.

guess laws of matter do not need to make sense in this world.

Crawling from under the support beam I get up after reforming my legs, I check the Phone screen and See that my Cole MacGrath Template is at 7%... why? don't know don't care.

I decide to retreat. Seeing That the police have made a blocking of the street with their cars making a cordon I start to walk away from the aftermath of the explosion.

"Great" I mutter as I rise my hands slowly as they point their guns at me. "Just a civilian " I scream as I approach slowly. A rookie cop grabs me and drags me away towards the Ambulances that are parked a block away

"Are you hurt anywhere sir?" Asks me the young man

"Should be ok. Just banged up a bit" I say as we continue walking and reach an ambulance

I answer a few questions and I'm being attended to before another explosion shakes me and everyone present.

"We should evacuate. It is not safe" says the cop as I see a figure that gets launched from inside the burning-up bank as they impact against one of the cars that I helped put out.

It's not Spider-Gwen. So is it Jessica Drew or some other variation?

Spider woman gets up and does some acrobatic dodging as a reptilian tail impacts crushing the rest of the car.

A burst of ominous laughter comes from inside. The figure of The Lizard walks out with a huge toothy grin from inside the wreck

"You can't defeat me Bug. Not with all this heat. It makes me unstoppable!" That makes me raise an eyebrow. Did The Lizard just expose how her powers work by doing some 3rd rate villain talk?

Guess it's just comic book logic.

"Yea. These guys are worst than those fuckers that break the 4th wall. Right readers?" Asked a blonde woman that was standing next to me. Watching the whole thing while eating some popcorn. "Want some?" Asked the woman while offering the bucket to me.

"No thanks," I answer as I look around. Waiting to see how this whole thing plays out.

"Why don't you join them? Would be quite the debut. WorldWalker. You already have firepowers. So going for the good karma ice powers would be complimentary to your power set. Conduit" I look at her perplexed. "I'm Gwenpool by the way," she says as she wipes her hand on her white hoodie and offers a handshake

Fuck. I should run. Don't want a 4th wall breaking character to expose me

" yeah, do t worry about that? People normally don't believe me. Think I'm crazy and whatnot." She says In a nonchalant way. Looks down at her hand which I have not shaken, shrugs, and keeps on munching on popcorn.

Ice powers. I guess If an all-knowing 4th wall breaker says I got them. Then it must be true.

I sighed Gwenpool is annoying. The fact that she is asexual makes it even more annoying. Can't even romance her.

"Thanks for the compliment" she just stated

"Go break the 4th wall somewhere else" I just shoo her away as if she stinks.

"Alright. Just go get them, tiger. I'll leave you be in this nasty-ass wish-fulfillment power fantasy. Loser" she remarks as she pulls out some kind of bracelet and gets sucked into a portal.

Yea get lost.

Now for ice powers. She called me a conduit. Why does it sound so familiar? Damn. Fuck it.

I just reach inside where I can feel my firepower and look for the opposite. Ice powers.

There is also a different kind of energy, electrifying. Is that why I saw the electric arcs of lightning when making my feet fire ethereal?

Conduit. Electrical. Ice powers? Shit. The template it's from the Infamous franchise.

I only played the game while high as a kite in my buddy's place.

As far as I remember it had to do with electrokinesis and electromagnetism.

I look around the half destroyed street and see an electric box wrecked blasting sparks due to the mixed cables. Guess let's try it.

"Sir, where are you going?" Asks the EMT nurse.

"Solving this whole clusterfuck," I say confidently. Or at least pretend. Fake it till you make it right?

The electric box reacts as I approach it, sending even more sparks around.

Let's see. I picture myself draining the electric current. It immediately reacts and sends arcs of electricity traveling toward me

I try not to make any embarrassing sounds as the tingling sensation invades all over my body.

Once I reach a point where I feel full of energy I finally get ready to fight The Lizard.

The Ice powers are easy to tap into once I have isolated the three energy wells. Electrical conduit energy is the main one. The fire spirit energy is the second one, and the ice powers are the opposite.

While the fire powers were spiritual in nature and felt like a raging inferno. The ice energy felt physical and cold as ice, immobile in a figurative sort of way.

Condensing the ice power in a blast I aim it at The Lizard and throw it as a Granade.

It lands near The Lizard, but then bounces and an electrical arc ends up latching the ice nade at the back of the Lizard woman.

"Who dares?" Hisses The Lizard while snapping her head around before the IceNade blows up "Reeeee!" The lizard drops on the floor while screeching and rolling around trying to dislodge the ice buildup from the subzero blast that crystallized the moisture of her skin.

"I'll kill you!" She keeps on screeching while SpideWoman uses the distraction and the fact that she is prone and rolling around to web her up using a ton of web fluid

Is it weird that I find this Lizard lady hot? I mean she lacks the boobsters. But she does have quite the dump truck for an ass. The tight webbing does not help, clinging to her voluptuous rear leaving little to the imagination.

"Lizard wom..Person. You are under arrest for arson. Aggravated assault. Attempted murder, indecent exposure… and 15 other felonies. Please do resist so I can ice age your ass" some people chucked. The Lizard didn't. She just kept on struggling until I placed an icenade in front of her face, holding it just a few inches from met delicate face scales. "Enough, surrender. Please?"

"Bake her away, toys!" I quipped as the cops dragged The Lizard away to an armored van. Spider woman threw her webs up and left swinging. Clearly banged up.

"Sir, can you come with us and answer a few questions?" Yea, already expected that to happen.

"Am I under arrest?" I asked in a defensive way

"No sir." The police woman said with a conflicted expression

"Fine, lead the way" so followed her, and I saw the news. Perhaps a bit of PR would be nice.

"Who are you?" "Who did you fight?" "Why expose yourself to danger?" "Are you going to become a vigilante?" "Any relation to Spiderwoman?"

Everything while the cameras flashed. I gave my best "Goodboy" smile.

"You can call me Infamous." Then let's just throw a bone to Spiderwoman "I fought that Lizard person because it was the right thing to do. I have the power, and I do nothing and people get hurt, then it's on me. With great power comes great responsibility." Then a wink at the camera, and a sly smile. "As for the arachnid Lady. No, no relation, although would be not against it. She rocks the spandex quite well if you catch my drift," the eyebrow wiggles earned a few chuckles from the press.

"Ether way, I'm off. Contact my manager if you want to have a full interview"


"And so. That is all" I finished answering their questions.

"I see. The

yea kindoff never finished writing that chapter... LOL

OnanMastercreators' thoughts