
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

Ch2: Flash the Arachnid.

I woke up with a groan, I threw the covers to the side, still with blurry vision due to sleeplessness, and tried to stand up only to feel some kind of sting on my neck, Immediately my hand went to where I felt the burning sensation,

I heard a light crunch, I examine my hand and see a weird spider, Its was big, and had a kaleidoscope of colors, they seem to be changing with the light. weird.

I look around the room and see it's not my room. hell, It's like…

My train of thought gets interrupted as I start to get dizzy, I take a step forward only for my unsteady feet to fail me as I see the ground approaching at a fast face.


I'm floating in the water, an ocean, as far as my eyes can see, only water. the calm surface only disrupted by my own form moving and creating ripples on the inert and peaceful liquid.

"Where are we and who the fuck are you?" I hear an angry voice, I look around and see a blonde kid floating nearby.

"You Shitface, what have you done to me? and why can't I control my body?!" The blonde, muscular tall kid was probably 17 or 18.

"eh? What the hell are you talking about and who are you?" I asked as I floated closer to the naked guy. I look down and I see that I'm naked too, this is super gay. "no homo" I just add.

"I'm Flash! And you are not answering me!" he looks angry, he pulls his hand back and swings to punch me.

I dodge by unconsciously floating away.

"Flash? don't give me the nickname your Girl Friend gave you, quick shot, What name did your parents give you and if you say "flash" you have my condolences, bro" I was being a dick to him, yes but it's not like this kid was being all reasonable there.

"Eugine Thompson! My name is Eugine" he Screamed in rage.

I felt A hit of nausea, pain, and overall uneasiness, I groaned due to the sudden wave of memories and rage as Flash's entire self imprinted into my own consciousness. Flash overall was screaming as if he was being boiled alive. until after a dozen seconds he stopped.

"ugh! Man!, You sure are fucked man." I tried to tell the teen but he was not there, floating, I was left alone in this empty world. Was this my mindscape?

It does not matter.


After a few minutes, I found out I could compartmentalize and separate my original Memories and The memories of the Teenager known as Eugine "Flash" Thompson. In my mindscape I was able to build a place for those memories, my original memories took naturally the aspect of my apartment, The memories perse where all divided into books, and written texts, and as files stored inside my personal computer behind my original password,

While the ones from Flash took the form of a Basketball court filled with humanoid cyborg dummies with a screen instead of a face. each spectator was a memory, to access those memories you had to score certain points into the basketball hoop and update the team score.

Both parts of the mindscape had defenses, Mine had traps and puzzles that would send you to my nightmares and night terrors. and the ones from Eugine had an entire force of Tourrets and a squad of terminators and robocops to protect them.

Jesus that was quite the experience.

Examining Eugine's memories was quite interesting. His father was a quite successful businessman who was also a functioning alcoholic, His mother was a sweet woman that worked as a doctor at a hospital.

Father would get shitfaced after work and on his days off and just vent on Flahs' mother or on Flash. Flash would provoke him so he would leave his mother alone.

The beating where once a week if he was lucky, if his father was pissed at something then that number increased.

"Flash! Get your ass over here. Your mother has not prepared breakfast for it to get cold! Don't make me go up there!" His… my father screamed

"I'll be there in a minute" I packed my school bag and slung it over my shoulders. Quickly brushing my teeth and brushing my bed hair.

I ran down the stairs. Mum has already left and Father was adjusting his tie in the entrance mirror.

"I better not hear anything about you being late or cutting class Flash," he says in an ominous way before walking out the door and closing it with a slam.

"Cunt" is the only thing that leaves my mouth as I start to shove the scrambled eggs down my throat. Chasing everything with some orange juice before rinsing the plate and loading it in the dishwasher.

I leave through the garage door. There I see it. A red Dodge Viper. My ride.

"Ohh baby," I say as I touch the impeccable glossy paint. Say what you want. At least this car was cool for this being 2008.

I jump into the driver's seat. This Viper is a convertible or also known as a cabriolet. I turn it on and hear the engine purring. Ohh, mama! Here we go.

Driving to midtown High from home I see a few people I recognize from school.

I see Puny Parker running to catch the bus only for the driver to wait for him to reach just the back before closing the door and leaving. I chuckle at that.

And realize that Flash's instincts are still taking over.

Time to tipo this bandaid before it festers. I pull over next to Parker while honking

"Get in Samurai! We got a city to burn" I make my best Jonny Silverhand impression

Parker does not seem to buy it. And looks at me weirdly…

"Penis Parker. Get in. For fuck sake! I'm not going to bite you. Besides as much as it would make me happy to see you get late. You can't not today. We got the SATs today." I drive over the curb and reach over opening the passagers side door while I wave at him to get in.

"Penis Parker?" Peter asks with a raised eyebrow and a snort "I guess you can be disappointed even when you have zero expectations "

"Yea, Parker. Not everyone knows how to quip like you do, except maybe that spider guy " I say as we drive away. Still having 25 minutes before class starts.

"Parker. We need to talk." Peter sighs expecting me to start berating or aggravating him.

"Don't tell anyone but I have been going to therapy." Peter raises his eyebrows but before he interrupts I continue "See I came to the realization. I'm bisexual" Peter chokes and starts to cough " now. I was fairly confused when we started high school. Started bullying you cuz I had a crush on you. Now I realize it, that I started bothering you to get your attention, but after you ignored me it evolved into viciousness when I realized what was happening to me. Good thing that I finally came to terms with this." Parker was looking at me as if I just grew a second head and ate it.

"Now. Parker, I no longer like you. At least not like that. But my therapist said that I should try to make amends and explain the situation to you. Hope you understand"

"You are joking right?" Parker seemed to not believe me.

I mean it's what my memories told me. Flash was a self-hating bisexual that never could come to terms with the fact that he found Peter cute. Being that awkward smart little fella. (I Guess Flash liked smart-ass twinks)

"But you… you are BI? No way! What about MJ? " he asked still in disbelief

"Sweet MJ. I guess she's one of the reasons why I bullied you even more. Not only I get a second crush, a girl this time. But she likes my first crush… seriously Parker. She calls you tiger and flirts with you openly. Grow a pair and ask her out" I say as I pull in a Starbucks drive-through next to the school.

"Welcome to Starbucks what can I get you?" Asks the woman at the booth.

"One large mocha, with caramel. Two extra large frappuccinos with chocolate and caramel" I order and we drive over to get the drinks

I pay with Daddy's money. Guess I'll be milking the abusive fuck for all that he is worth.

I grab the drinks with the paper tray and pass them to Peter while I get the mocha.

"The Frappuccinos are a peace offering. Now get the fuck out of my car" I say as I pull over next to a texting MJ. Petter stutters something and starts to get out. I just honk and the redhead looks up from her phone and sees a blushing Parker holding two coffees in his hands "See ya at the test! Peace!" and rev the car driving away with my tires screeching from the acceleration.

I pull over to the parking lot and get out with a hop. Shit is way easier than it should have been. Weird.

Weird. Spider bite. Me merging with Flash… fuck. I'm I a spider totem now?

I contemplate that possibility as I look at my hand.

I place it against the wall and will for it to stick. Try to walk away but no luck. My hand is stuck.

Fuck. Guess there will be two spiders from now on…


I have been going over my life as Flash would have. Except for failing the tests and for being an Ahole.

See Flash was not wise. He was intelligent. Had Eidetic memory. Could do complex math in his head but his wisdom stat mixed with ADD made him fail a few subjects at school. Hard to keep on track if you get distracted easily. And even harder to pass tests if you only fill up ⅓ of the test only to get distracted and start to daydream, or just fume about Parker, etc.

Why not ask for help? Why not admit to having a learning disorder? Ohh boy was Flash insecure. Mixed with daddy issues, a great mix for him never having the balls to even mention it to his mom.

Now with my mindscape, I had no issues. I could compártamentalize my attention and badabim badaboom I guess I aced the tests.

I was sitting in the cafeteria. Just read some chemistry and engendering books. I would need to get myself some raw materials. Graphene lining. Kevlar cloth. Carbon fiber threading and some reinforced titanium threading. Some water-resistant paint and a few ceramic bulletproof plates. That is for the suit.

The web shooters would be a bit more difficult to design. But I got that covered. The design will be using basic CO2 airsoft canisters for propelling force. And a second chamber for the fluid. This way the webbing will be far greater in terms of quantity per recharge. Not like those small almost individual sizes that Spider-Man has.

At least that is the basic design of the Mark1.0 web shooters.

As for the web fluid formula. I'm sorry Peter. But the next time you are going on patrol I'm sneaking in and searching your room. If I'm not mistaken he must have it written down somewhere.

"Hey, Flash. What are these rumors about you being a fag?" Asked who I identified as Harry Osborn. I turned around to see him and his GF Liz.

"Well. I'm not gay" I said and Harry laughed

"That is what I said. Don't know who started to spew the lie" Harry said as he sat next to me and Liz sat in front of Harry

"Well that is because I'm bisexual… also I don't think that gay people like to be called Fags anymore… I think now they prefer Homos" I made a reference nobody would understand but me. Laughing in my own head.

"What?" Harry asked stupefied.

"Ether way that is old news. What have you been up to? Anything spicy from that trip to the Bahamas you two? Hope you used protection. Getting knocked up at this poit would be quite the pickle" I said as I wiggled my eyebrows at Liz who blushed

"Hold up. Don't change the subject. Are we going to ignore that you just admitted to being Bisexual?" Reiterated Harry.

"Ohh enough Harry. Hon, I do think that it's very brave that he has admitted to it. I already suspected. Him doing all that skincare routine and all" Liz said with a wink while trying to get the topic away from her sex life.

I chuckled and we kept on bantering for the rest of lunch.


The Tinkerer provided. Hell, the man was a genius of his own kind. And getting a few raw materials ordered from the dark web was far easier than I would like to admit.

No wonder that anyone with a bunch of functioning brain cells is able to become an enhanced or get advanced tech in the Marvel verse. Hell, The tinkerer did not even ask for any kind of ID and delivered the raw materials to a secluded location with a drone. His prices are way too reasonable.

Next day delivery. Great business if you ask me. Bezos. You better watch out pal.

Sitting inside my rented warehouse under a fake identity I was tinkering inside my lab. Finishing the suit design and loading up the canisters with the webfluid formula that I copied from Peter's home the same night that I got into this world.

The web shooters ended up being three canisters, almost 4 times the capacity that Peter has. So harder to run out of web fluid. The first two are the main and secondary web fluid storage. The third one in each hand is the emergency backup canister. That also can be detached and thrown as a gigantic web fluid grenade. Today I got delivered the Carbonidium Fusion Gunblade. Which was a mixture of the fusion sword and the gunblade from the final fantasy franchise. And the forearm blades resemble batman's three blades.

Also, The tinkerer added two carbonidium Granade shrapnel + dust cloud. It would fuck anyone with a helping factor up.

I checked my bank balance. 78k from my initial 120k… Jesus. The fact that his father thought that it was ok to leave Flash with that much money without supervision was mind-boggling. But after snooping around I found out that with his investments, that was pocket change for him.

Hammer industries before going bankrupt. Oscorp. Stark industries. Frost Enterprises AIM… you name it.

I finished setting up the design together and admired my work. Nice. The next design is going to be capacitors to charge up with my venom blast so I can deliver an extra roided-up venom blast. Currently, I'm probably able to knock out a regular enhanced perhaps inconvenience them with the electric discharges. With the capacitors, I'll be able to mess up even the heavy hitters. But that is a project for another day.

I got dressed up in the suit and adjusted my web shooters. Tonight is my debut. Nothing fancy. Not going to fight the Dark Phoenix or anything. Slow and steady wins the race.

I crawled into the sewers and emerged somewhere in an alley in Brooklyn. Climbing the side of the 4 story building was easy as pie. First time swinging.

I put in my headphones and turned on my music. Time to hype myself up for this.

(Roy Jones - Can't Be Touched)

I let the music start to play, hyping up for the drop and the lyrics to start. doing a few small jumps on the ledge before walking back and forth getting my psyche up.

The moment that the lyrics start I jumped doing a backflip and started to swing gaining momentum.

I release the webbing just as I reach the zenith of the swing, going a bit conservative in the first few swings.

"YOU DON'T BELIVE ME!?" I keep on singing the lyrics as I keep on swinging.

"Can't be touched, can't be stopped

Can't be moved, can't be rocked

Can't be shook, we hot!"

I keep on swinging this time adding a few pirouettes and flips in between swings all while singing the song.

I reach Manhattan and by that time the Mix tape that I have prepared already reached my metal Section and was blasting some Motörhead.

"here comes the bass

thunder in the guts

rockin' till you can't stand

now the guitar speaks

gonna drive you nuts

power under your hand!"

I land with a thud on top of the Empire State building and scream

"You are the people, now you shine

You and you and you

Stay together, let me speak the line

What you gonna do?

Rock out, rock out, rock out

Let it crush your fear

Rock out, rock out, rock out

You can get it here

Rock out, rock out, with your cock out

Impress your lady friends

Rock out, rock out, rock out

'Til your life is at an end"

The explosion that I saw in the corner of my eye. I took out my headphones and heard all the sirens and sighed.

"time to work I guess"

I jumped doing a quadruple backflip and launched the web initiating the swing toward the fire and gunshots in the distance.