
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

ch 17: twilight

at one point im laying down in bed dying of cancer and the next one im in a room with an older looking man?

"i dont feel any pain, i can breathe without a machine hoocked up to me, im i dead?" i ask the man, im certainly calmer than i would have expected, but with the torture of the ineding pain from cancer im actually glad that it is over

"yes" the older man says in a very calming and soothing voice. he makes me feel calm serene almost

the man has a 3 pice suit and is sitting on a high leather chair matrix style, he has a glass with some kind of brownish liquor liquid in it.

I aproach the chair in front of him the empty one and sit down

"who are you, why im i here and what will happen now?" the man snaps his fingers and a glass apears in front of me. i take the offered drink raise it up in the air while nodding at the old man and take a sip. heh it tastes just like Jim-Bean.

"I am just death, a concept, older than the universe itself, for why are you here, I do not know what you wish for me to say, im here to send you on your next life, the multivarse is so vast, and i would like to see the stories you make for yourself. as for what will happen, i will give you a decent meal, some drinks and send you on your way, unless you do not wish for a new life, if that is the case i will erase your existance, it would be a shame, dying a dogs death like that and never experienceing life again just after your first trial." the man has no malice or any kind of precence except calmness, he seems very knowlegable like an old man that will impart his wisdom on a more youthful person before his time is up.

"but, i dont understand, is not death like an evil entity, coming to claim the lives of everything untill the universe ends?" this made the old man have a chucle.

"life never ends, same as death, the universe will experience death like countless other times only to be reborn, what do you think the Big Bang is if not the cicle of life and deat?" the man paused and took a slow drink then continued "how can i be Evil, i understand being seen as evil by those who die for im their end on their world, im the end of who they were and im there to send them to a new beginning with its own trials and tribulations, but im not evil, im just am. i am an entity that can not be nether evil nor good" Death paused and looked down at his glass. "perhaps is this current form that i have adopted that you think should be evil" then his body morphed that to a 13 year old cute looking girl, she now had a pink smoothie in her hands and she smiled warmly at him "how about now" she said in a chirp manner.

"i would you rather stick with the old man, thinking that a teenage girl is older than my current universe kinda conflicts with the concept" he just chuculed, death pulled on her eye and stuck out her tongue before going back to the old man form.

"i would like peperoni pizza, thick crust and as for drinks, some beer would be nice, a chrisp guinness." the food apeared in front of him and he reached to the sicilian peperoni pie, lightly charred just how he liked it, after taking a bite he noticed himself crying "its been so long since i last been able to taste food, the moment they intubated me the also put a feeding line, its been so long, thank you for this" he washed the pizza down with some of his beer, it was just like he remembered, no, it was better. It was like a cold lemonade glass on a hot summer day, quenching a thirst he did not even remember he had.

They kept on eating and drinking in silence, he had tackled more than half of the pizza pie and had almost 4 mugs of beer before he felt satisfied.

"thank you, it was a great meal. so… where to now?" Death smiles

"would you like to keep your memories or be a clean slate?" I had to tink about it, getting my memory of spending years in a hospital would be nice, but i would stop existing how i know it, and i have still things i would like to do.

"keep my memories" I finally answer.

Death nods and waves his hand.

"you heard of those stories you liked to read, i think the japanese term is Isekai, but we will put a little twist to it, finish the story and we will meet again, from there you will be sent to a different world, a multiverse story kind of thing. since i cant gift you any powers getting dropped in an universe like DC would be quite the death sentence. so i would recomend something more mild." recommend? he has not done anything for me to distrust him and he seems like a genuinely nice person… entity.

"why dont you chose, i feel like i can trust you, surprise me with something nice, i would like to have a nice loving partner and have a live with excitement but also a mild one where i can relax and not be on my toes every day." Death nodded, snapped his fingers and he started to feel weak, slowly getting weaker and sleepy.

"you will be going to a nice place, i have made a good backstory for you, and you will have a possible mate, if you chose so. have a good one and may i see you in your next life, also so you know you will be able to come here with your mate if you have someone you trully love and they do so to, fare well" my consciusness faded, my last thought were 'what a nice guy'


Hearing an abrupt sound and getting rocked in my seat startled me. looking around i see people sitting in a plane. the seatbelt sign is still on and im straped in, looking outside my window i see we have landed somewhere cloudy, i remove my blindfold and place it on my pocket. i feel a wallet and something else like a phone in it, no i know its a phone, my phone.

I focus on my memories. I'm Michael Swan, elder twin to Isabella Swan, we just landed in washington state from arizona, i see im in Twilight as the older twin brother (by minutes) of Bella. looking around i can see her sleeping next to me, we have landed and she is still sleeping like a log, ill have to wake her up when we stop to disembark.

quickly taking my wallet out of my pocket i look at my driver's licence, damm i look good, i got ashen blonde hair shoulder length, piercing light blue eyes, high cheekbones and im a football player (american football at that) as the quarterback so i got decent muscles. im taller than Bella by a head a half.

"Bells, wake up" i nudge her with my elbow as i put my wallet away, she takes her headphones from her Ipod (the old an clunky thing from back in the day) and im reminded that this is in the mid to late 2000s, how time flies, i got a freaking flipphone for fuck sake. i feel Old School with it in my pocket.

she wakes up with a groan and looks around mumbling about something i quite not catch.

the plane stops and we exit, picking up your language is always a chore at any airport, we exit and there he is, the man of the hour, our father Charlie. he is half a head shorter than me rocks a 80s stash and is in uniform from his police station.

"hey there Bella, Mich, how you both have been this past few years." he says as he awkwardly hugs Bella, "god you have grown, what have they been feeding you down in arizona?" i just smile

"i have been eating mostly blondes, some times brunnetes, but you know how it is, when a man's gotta eat, a man's gotta eat" this gets a gasp from Bella who just swats my shoulder

"Michael!" she protests while she swats me a few more times in a playful manner.

"Abuse of this caliber in front of an officer of the law. Ouch, i call base" as i grab Charlie by the shoulders and use him as a human shield while bella tries to catch me without managing to get me.

"so you are a ladies man now huh?" Charlie asks as bella stops and i just shake my head to deny it

"nah, just a harmless joke" using my memory i find that Mich is actually fairly popular with the ladies but he likes to keep to himself and so far he has only had one girlfriend "only had one and we are long done, so dont worry about me trying to get in to girls pants"

"ether way, its great to see you two getting along, lets drive home" we load the car and i let Bella get shotgun while i ride in the back and put on some music on my Ipod. i got some classic rock and some metal so the ride is not horrible, if i had just country music i would have thrown that thing out of the window.

When we get to town i remember that the next day we start School and the cafeteria food is prob going to be awful, like in every school.

"hey pops, you stocked up on groceries? tomorrow Bells and I will be going to a new school and i dont want to try my luck with Cafeteria food." i was trully a good cook, something that this body seem to be oblivious about since it does not have any memories of spending in the kitchen except for making protein shakes.

"we could stop by the grocery shop on the way home" he says as he uses the blinker to take a right to make it to the parking space.

"thanks" I say as i lean back and enjoy the ride until we find an empty spot to park the cruiser

The grocery store was not far away and there was an empty spot nearby so we make it out and i manage to drag Bells with us, "why me? Charlie is already going with you" she protests

"because he is the Chieef of police and he will probably be talking with the locals more than shoping, and i will need you to get me some stuff, the faster we are the faster we get home" she groans and finally surrenders when i look at her with puppy eyes and whine a "please?".

The inside is not big nor small, for a city it would be a regular mid size store, for this town of 3000 people its probably the main point were everyone gets their groceries.

I send bella with the cart to get some Cereal or oatmeals what ever she prefers, im not a picky eater in the morning, i meanwhile go get what i will prepare for our lunches, Charlie already confirmed that he had containers we could use. he was planing on making lunch for 3 people, vampires have a high sense of smell so nothing with garlic, no pun intended. after some deliberation i settled to making some ham and cheese sandwiches, a homlet with onion and bell pepers and finally some lime cilantro buttered jasmine rice, a fast and easy recipie that could be done in around 30 minutes. that would be lunch, for breakfast he would go with cereal or oats with some wild berries and maybe a banana, sprinkled with grated chocolate.

Bella had the cart and he had a basket, so he grabbed a dozen eggs, the ham and cheese from the cold cut section, a loaf of wonder bread and then he went to the fruit and veggie section, grabbing all that he needed for lunch whitch ended up being a sweet onion, a green and red bell pepper, cilantro, a lime, as for the berries he grabed a plastic box with some blue berries a few bananas and three green apples.

but while in the fruit section someone caught his eye, a woman in her mid to late 30s, she had gorgeous brown hair, she had shining golden eyes and a subtle red lipstick, her very natural make up on her eyes really did her justice, if he had to call her something it would be 'the ultimate MILF' her refined features and the air of sophistication gave him that 'forbidden fruit' kind of feeling.

He noticed her just approach the box with asian melons and just grab one without cheching it even one second and place it her cart, ohh that can not do, her eyes and age gave her identiy kinda away as a 'vegan' vampire and as the mother of the Cullens, time to make a good impresion. so i aproach

"Maam, i could not fail top notice that you did not check if the fruit was ripe" he said as he pointed at the melon with a slight smirk on his lips, his deep and sharp eyes must have given him a quite young coky kid vibe trying to hit or flirt on an older woman which he actually kinda was but just for fun.

"ohh my, What an observant young man you are" she said with a giggle, God all mighty he understood the whole 'you are naturally inclined to be atracted to a vampire' his body actually started to feel hot and his hearth beating faster.

"Let me, im quite experienced in this field like many others" i finished with a wink and cringed right after, 'what the hell are you doing mann???!!!!!!' i screamed in my head. i picked the melon and placed against my ear while tilting my head showing my neck seductively, i gave a few taps and shook my head with a sad smile. "its quite not ripe, if you will allow me i can chose one better for such a refined lady as yourself" Ohh CRINGE! make this stop!

She nodded and smiled while covering her mouth. i returned the one she had picked and started to tap the others untill i found one that was just fine.

"here you go…" before i could finish my sentence someone else came and spoke

"mum lets go!" i turned around and was thankful for the save from whoever this might be, turns out it was a stunning blonde with a scrowl on her face. Rosalie.

"well Maam, i must go, you will find this one much sweeter and flavorful than the one you picked prior" i left passy Rosalie by and gave her a wink only to piss her off to which she rolled her eyes.

Finding my sister slumped over the cart watching a fish tank i surprised her by pocking her ribs making her jump and let a cute yelp.

"where have you been?" she asked in an anoyed manner

"securing breakfast and lunch for tomorrow Bells" as i placed the items in the cart "you will thank me later, i bet Charlie only has beer and take out at his home and eats every day at the diner" she just chuckled and we left towards the cashiers to pay. on the way out i saw Mrs.cullen and Rosalina (that is what i will be calling her from now on just to piss her off) heading out aswell, i waved at them with a smile and Esmeralda (yeap new nick name for Essme) waved back Rosalina just glared daggers at me.

we make it to the car and load it up before going to our new or should i say old house. he felt good, not going to lie, he also felt a bit strange, his new memories of Bella and Charlie were vague yes like faded photos or a low quality video. but they were there, like if micheal had lived a life with him in the background watching his life fast forward. yet the memories still made him feel, he felt protective of Bella, he also felt afection for Charlie, did he loved them? he could not say, not yet.

unloading the car and leaving the groceries on the kitchen table i went back and picked my luggage then went to my room which was across from Bella, there i found the walls covered in band posters and bikini girls on cars and bikes, i groaned at the cringe of it, but time for cleanup will be later, if he remembered the movies and knew his father he will invite Jacob and Billy Black to come watch the game later today, so unpacking is for now.

"i did not touch anything, its just how you left it" Charlie said as he leaned against the door frame.

"i can see that, thanks Pops. ill be doing some redecorating later on for now i want to settle in" I say as i lay down a suitcase and begin to unzip it.

"i will let you be then" and he left. after i was done i took my laptop out and connected to the internet, browsing through news articles around the area, it seemed like Victoria and her two companions were not yet in town, I wanted to confirm that I was still kinda in the cannonverse, but that was out of the window already with me just existing. I sighed.

i heard a car horn and looked out my window down, there was an old red pickup truck and it had a dirt bike strapped in the trunk, that was new.

he went down with Bella and outside he saw a teenager