
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

ch 17: Bobby B.

"fuck you too" he said outloud as he pushed the send button to his post on the forum.

sooner than he thought a response was sent to his post

"you like to talk big game? lets see if you put your money where your mouth is" he scoffed at that, what was this little girl going to do? report him to the cyber police. he has been in a heatred argument online with the author for the past hour were he complained about how the Mc of a webnovel was a moron and how he could have done much better.

he got up and walked to the kitchen to tour himself a cup of tea untill he found himself not in his kitchen but somehwere esle, it was a regal almost devine like temple, a couch was in front of a flat screen with a teenage looking shut in sitting infront of the big screen.

She looked like she has not seen a shower for weeks, her pijamas had food stains and her hair was oily and stuck to her forehead. she had long dark hair and qute the asets if you looked past her unkept looks.

"A perv that is rude, how fitting mr Ballsdeep69." she said with a scoff, using his not so origianal username.

"wait where im I and who the fuck are you?" he maanged to ask before he found himself sitting on the other side of the couch, the suden tleportation made him a bit nauseus.

"you are in my domain as for who i am, you are speaking to the great Miss.Evermore" she said as she smirked then she kept on clicking and typing on the keyboard on her lap.

"wait you are that bitch with the big mouth? the fuck do you want?" Evermore was that pretenciious cunt he has been arguing online.

"rude! also im here to make you my plaything, you are the one with the big mouth mister so i decided to snatch you from your reality and see if you, Mr perfect foresight would do better than my other playthings"

"not that im against playing with you, just get a shower first" he heard her mutter something about 'not needing a shower that much' untill her realized what she meant "

wait you are like an ROB and you have kiddnaped me to be your new champion?".

"more like an amusing idiot that got what he deserved for talking mad shit online, but yea, here" she chasked her fingers and he soon had a glass of milk and a cookie in his hands. the icing on the cookie had a red and blue text, 'Great value Gamer!'

"great value gamer for real?" he could only laugh.

"well you said that you could have used the Gamer's mind a body much better than the MC and since we had them at home i thought you would not mind." he wanted to groan at that.

"fine, at least tell me where im going?" he said as he stuffed his face with the two cockies. somehow he found himself much more accepting and willing to go with the flow than he would have expected.

Great Value Gamer:

Great Value Body and Mind LVL1: while sleeping increases in recovery rate from wounds and status ailments, when in danger or under stressful situation Dampers emotions so the Gamer can think and act calmly.

Great, its a giga-nerfed version of the Gamer


Create Instance LVL1: creates a pocket dimension in key locations with a specified difficulty.

Escape instance LVL1: skill to escape an instance.

He would have kept reading but soon his surroundings started to change. "wait, wait wait" he tried to plead. the unkept beauty in front of him smiled

"that is for calling me a bitch, enjoy your life as a newborn, bye" She said with a impish smile.

"fuck y…" he passed out before he even had the chance to finish his cursing.


Being born was a bitch of a process, it was nasty and quite stressful.

Newborn eyes are shit, everything is blurry, but the ears are fine. he heard people speaking in a language he could not understand, so it was not English, soon after he had his face pressed on something warm and soft. instincts took over and he found his mouth sucking on some woman's tit. soon after he fell asleep.

a few weeks later of sleeping crying, and sucking on blurry tits and everything started to become more clear. he gained a skill common tongue level 1, his mother or who he thought was his mother was a black-haired beautiful woman in her late 20s maybe early 30s. the maids and his wet nurse called her "Lady Cassana" or "lady Baratheon" and his mother called him "Little Robbert"

He was Bobby Fucking B. Fuck.

so far he could not access his status, because he could not speak only squeal and making blabbering sounds.

so far he has gained 1 str, 1 dex and 1 constitution. str was from him fighting against his blankets, dex was from him moving his hands and feet, and finally, constitution was from him managing to pull the blankets from his body and not being able to pull them back on, he spent the night under the chilly air and it gave him constitution but also made him catch a cold which made him gain the disease resistance lvl 1, he did not manage to level it up because he was cured the next day by sleeping.

one day that he was left alone he started to brainstorm and finally was able to focus a bit on what to do.

he knew that he was going to be sent to the Erie to foster, at what age he could not know, but it would probably be when he was around 10. so with around 10 years give or take he needed to make some plans,

he knew that if everything went according to Canon his parents would die when he was a teenager, after that he would become Lord of Storms End.

Things to avoid:

1: becoming a whore mongering drunk.

2: antagonizing his little brothers, if everything was correct The Mannis would be beorn in around 2 years. becoming a big bro would be nice.Renly was a sword swallower and he would never have any heirs so he was not getting Stroms End after the war. Stanis would have it and perhaps will be less of a cunt that way.

3: get as good with all the weapons he can. a warhammer is all well and good but you cant make a Valyrian Steel Warhammer, he probably will be able to find enough valyrian steel, to reforge a sword when he takes the Iron Throne.

4: try to court Lyana the proper way, before proposing an engagement visit Winterfell and get to know her. he had a suspicion that she was a Lesbo. perhaps not so much a lesbo but a tomboyish bi girl that liked effeminate men and women like the dragon prince and the proba bly Bi Elia Martel.

5: Win the Mele and maybe the jousting at Harrenhall because fuck the dragon princeling and fuck the targs, use the coin to outfit the walls of Stroms End with scorpions, trebuchets and suplies so my cunt to be brother will not starve and be forced to eat rats (perhaps making him a bit less of a cunt that way)

6: crush the rebellion, sumerhall was probably an easy win, if he remebered correctly the Loyalist stromlords made the mistake to make their camps separate easy to squish. never go towards ashford and get his shit pushed in by Randy Tarly.

7: make sure that Ned leaves with more men and a maester, and that he does it sooner. perhaps send him to the tower of joy right after we take Kings Landing.

8: try to save Brandon Stark from doing the foolish and getting hismelf killed in Kingslanding, perhaps rescue him from the black cells, possibilities. that way he will marry Cat. perhaps that way Ned will be able to marry Ashara or someone else.

This brainstorming gave him +1 int and +1 wisdom.

He kenw that he probably had mana so the next months when he was not eating, shitting, or overall being a baby he was trying ot find mana. By the time he was able to speak he managed to Squeal a cute "statush" and finally was able to see his character sheet.

Name: Robbert Baratheon.

Age: 0

Status: healthy.

Hp: 20

MP: 110

Str: 3

Dex: 2


Int: 11

Wis: 11

Inventory: empty


Great Value Body and Mind Lvl2

Create instance Lvl1

Escape Instance Lvl1

Common Tongue: Lvl 3

He could make out many conversations that he heard, the more he focused the more he was able to learn from listening and getting clues about words from context when he heard them

His first word that everyone heard was "mama" when Cassana was holding him and coying him. he was 5 months at the time.

~~~ Time skip ~~~

He was 4 years old, Stanis the Mannis has been born 2 years ago, he spent most of his free time playing with the little bugger. his lessons were meager and consisted of only 1 hour a day. learning to read and write, also the basic numbers.

he also liked to observe the men training in the courtyard. it gave him a few levels in basic Sword/ spear and blunt weapon mastery when he repeated what he saw with a stick while alone in his room.

overall life as a lordling was good. Father spent most of his time in King's landing, coming to oversee Storms End and his his Castellian and Steward managed things while he was away. rumors of how the Madking was ruling where sparse.

Soon he would ask to start training with the men, perhaps in another year or so. he was a big kid but still not big enough to hold a sword for training.

~~~ Time skip ~~~

Finally his mother and father agreed for him to start training when he was 6, his advance in his sword, spear and blut weapon mastery had stagnated from him training alone in his room. now that he could fitght with squires and pages it started to pick up

Basic Sword Mastery lvl 12

offense lvl 5

Defense Lvl 8

he was better at defense than offense because eveyone else was better than his green ass so he spent most of the time on the defensive.

Basic Spear mastery lvl14

offense lvl 8

Defense lvl6

he was better with the spear, having the advanced reach gave him opportunities to attack more than defend since most prefered to fight with sword and shield.

Basic Blut Weapon mastery lvl 18

Offense: 10

Defense: 8

He really liked to smash his way with the mace, being srong for his size and having decent Str for his age he really understood why origianl Bobby B liked his warhammer so much.

basic Shield mastery lvl 13

Ofense lvl 3

Defense Lvl 10

shield bashing and punching with the shield was hard because the damm thing was heavy and it made him lose balance most of the time, he mostly used the shield to cover himself.

he also gained a few other skills like Riding from when he was taken outsie the walls to ride a pony with his family, and basic Stewmanship from his now increasing lessons with the Maester, engenering was another skill he gained from drawing sketches of things that he wanted to introduce to Westeros.

The printing press was a bust. Maester Cressen said that the invention was great and all but that the citadel and the guld of Scribes would never allow such an invention to flurish things to change when he became king, the guild of scribes will become the guild of Printers by royal decree. destilleries on the other hand were quite profitable and Stromland Spirits while still rare had become quite popular with some northern houses, he has sent a few kegs as gifts to the northern lords and the Wall, god knows that those poor fuckers could use it while freezing their balls up in the north.

it was due for Steffon to come to visit from the capital and He wanted to talk with his father about visiting court, perhaps increase his riding skills and maybe get the king's guard to train him. he had learned that the better the teacher the faster his skills with the weapons increased, if he could get someone like Ser barristan or Arthur Daybe to train him he would probably increase his levels in leaps and bounds.

A raven came and informed his home about his father traveling south to Storm's end. a week later Lord Steffon came marching through the gates and he and his siblings and mother where there to welcome him.

"Lord Father" He greeted and went for a hug. the giant of a father he had laughed and embraced him

"look at you! how much you have grown, soon you will be bigger than me!" Steffon said with a smile.

"father, what about me!?" The mannis said as he also wanted hug from his father.

"and who might you be?" Steffon joked "I dont remember a little lord like you in my household" this made Stanis Pout before he was embraced by his father with a laugh.

"Father, i would like to speak to you in private when possible" He said to his father reciving a nod from him

"come to my solar in the morrow after we break our fast" He noded in return.

they went to eat supper and after that he took Stanis to bed.

"So where did we ended last night?" he asked as he tucked the little bugger in while sitting next to him in bed.

"Boromir tried to take the ring away from Frodo" Stanis said as he looked expectantly for him to continue the story of the Felowship of the Ring.

"Right, well Frodo put on the ring and picked up a branch from the floor hitting bormir in the head." he continued to tell his younger brother the story of the Lord of the rings.

After finishing with the story he retreated to his chambers. taking out a sparing sword he started to swing it while doing some calisthenics in between 100 swings.


Name: Robert "Bobby" Baratheon

Level: 1

Age: 6

Status: healty

Hp 230

Mp: 160

Str: 12

Dex: 13

Con: 23

Int: 16

Wis: 15


Good value body and mind lvl 7

Create instance Lvl1

Escape Instance Lvl1

Common Tongue: Lvl 9

Basic Sword Mastery lvl 13 (+1)

offense lvl 6 (+1)

Defense Lvl 8

Basic Spear mastery lvl14

offense lvl 8

Defense lvl6

Basic Blut Weapon mastery lvl 18

Offense: 10

Defense: 8

Basic Shield mastery lvl 13

Offense lvl 3

Defense Lvl 10

Basic Bow mastery Lvl 4

Horse Riding lvl 3

Aritmetics: lvl 6

Engineering LVL 5

Stewarding Lvl 3

Having yet to find an instance that he can create he has not yet been able to see how that would play out.

magic was also a no go, he has yet to find a way to use magic, and since he has yet to kill anything he has not progressed at any rate with his levels. he had considered killing animals, but that would be to much of a Joffrey move to start to kill anything that moved when still being a child.

The next day came and after breaking their fast he asked Master Cressen to join him, as he approached his father's solar he was a bit nervous, he had a plan about what he wanted to say and what he wanted to accomplish with this meeting. depending on how receptive his father would be it would make this meeting a success or a failure. Knocking on the door he heard "enter" and he and the maester made their way to his fahter's solar where he was reading some parchment.

"Father" He said as he took a seat and waved for the master to sit next to him.

"Robert, so what is it that you wanted to speak about? i heard that your martial training is going remarcably well, Ser Lyonel said that you would make a remarcable knight, even calling you the second coming of Barristan the Bold '' he laughed at that, Barristan was a legend, and he actually quite liked the compliment.

"i would like to expand my distilleries, so far we have only had one incident when one of them caught fire, I would like to increase it from two to at least 8 working ones. so far we are working on them almost the entire day and night, and merchants keep asking for the Sormland Spirits. Right now we have one of them making Vodka and one making Cognac. but we could employ some small folk and also increase our revenues, so far im using my own stipend to finance it but if you grant me more coin i will be able to reinvest it and expand the operation" His father nodded at that "right now our operation costs one stag and 6 moons per day, while the amount of liquor we are able to distill would sell for 6 stags, the return is almost 5 times our investment, with better trained smallfolk and more distilleries we would be able to capitalize, increase the trade and perhaps in a year or two when the Spirits become more in demand increase our profits."

"i agree, and since you have proven successful with your little endeavor i will grant you 200 silver stags to expand your operation" Robert froze, 200 silver stags will provide him with enough coin to make 14 new distilleries if the cost for making the copper boilers was the same as the first time he ordered them, with what he has managed to save up to now he could expand to close to 20 distilleries in total. After that the revenue would be tenfold.