
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

ch 14: Maximillian Doom

"This is fucking bullshit" Muttered a teen as he was walking along the shore of a beach in Nassau County NY.

He has taken the train from Penn station Manhattan and was now just strolling a beach in long island. trying to clear his head from the constant bickering from his family. they kept pushing him to choose colleges to apply to but he did not know what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

The young man pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it taking a few drags of it as he looked at the cloudy sky above.

as he kept on walking he started to have an ominous feeling creeping up his back, he looked around and found nobody else on the beach, not that surprising considering that it was fall and bad weather at that.

The young man felt all of his hairs on his body stand up. Ok this was way creepier than he expected. as he threw his death stick to the side he decided to walk back to the boardwalk that went along the bach, it was around 100 feet away as he was close to the water.

Static electricity coursed through his body and he saw his long hair stand up as if he was being rubbed by hundreds of ballons at the same time.

"that aint good" was all he could say before being struck by a lightning, killing him on the spot.

Only he did not fall, well his body did but he was still standing, looking at was he now saw was his dead body. his current form was half transparent, he tried to enter back inside his body in his ghost form but it was useless. as he was panicking he started to feel a force pulling him upwards, he tried to resist but after some time the force increased, all his struggle was for nothing as his phantasm form started to float up towards the cloudy sky.

His body floated up, no longer afraid a feel of calmness took over and he came to terms with his death.

soon he crossed the dark clouds and he was on top of them, illuminated by the sun These clouds made a floor of white silky soft cloud substance.

There were other people there, hundreds of them, and in front of them two golden doors in the distance. a desk with some old man writing down in a book in front of the door.

The souls of the dead or who he assumed were the dead walked up to the old man in robes and talked with him then some were cast down in the clouds to fall others walked through the golden doors.

As the young man was approaching the gates waiting for his turn something else caught his attention. to the side he saw some lights flicker and he heard the faint sounds of music. nobody else seemed to pick on this, but to the right of where the people were congregating to await judgment there was a building made out of clouds.

They say curiosity killed the cat, but he did not care, he could always come back there, but now he was curious.

As he approached the building the electronic music got louder and he finally was able to look inside one of the windows.

There was a room with people. it took him a few seconds to pick up and come to terms to what he was seeing.

An old man in some robes with long white hair and beard was sitting on a couch, a blonde woman was giving him a lap dance, the old man had a grin on his face. it was bizarre until he focusde on the blonde woman's face and saw it was a young Marilin Monroe. to the side there was another couch, on it sitting was Lemmy, who just put down a drink full of some amber liquid on the table, leaned forward and snorted something from the table. the table in question had a pole dancer who looked like princes Leia in her slave bikini dancing to the music.

The young man blinked a few times. processing what he was watching until from a back room a blonde man in his 30s came back with a few cans of some beverage and started to pass them around.

"Hey G. think fast," the man who he now recognized as Paul walker said as he tossed a beer can towards the old man who without taking his eyes from the Blonde lap dancing him caught the flying object, cracked it open and drank with still a grin on his face.

Paul then tossed the beer to his other companions before sitting on a different couch, grabbing a controller and playing some videogame on a Tv in front of it. Wait a minute, is that Half-life 3?

The Oldman pulled out something out of a pocket of his robes, as Marilyn bent forward, grabbing her breasts and pushed them together while laughing. The old man opened a small bottle and sprayed her tits with some white powder before motorboading her while snorting what ever the powder was.

"what the fuck is going on here?" The young man muttered as he saw what was going on.

The old man rose his whitely powdered face and looked at the window "Ohh, shit" as he claped his hands.

the young teen was not in front of the window of the cloud pimp mansion but somewhere else, it was a room with two leather chairs with a table in between them.

*ahem* "young man, you have died" said the old man in a solem tone. "its time to face judgment and ether go to heaven, hell or be reincarnated" the old man then waved his hand and indicated for the young soul to take a seat in front of him.

"you still have some…" the young man said as he pointed at his face.

"shit" the old man started to wipe his face only to find it clean. "ha. ha. ha. you know, fucking around with God is not very wise?" the self Proclamied God said not very amused, the Teen just shrugged.

"allright, you saw some shit you shouldnt have. and for that you cant go to heaven, my reputation would be ruined" God coughed. "cant sent you to hell ether, your karma is not that bad and Luci would get pissed if i did. so the only way is reincarnation." this made the teen rise an eyebrow "what?" god asked

"Hope its a good deal Oldman, i saw you snorting holy coke from Miss Monroe's tits" God grunted at that

"slander!" only for the teen to chuckle "that never happened"

"So, how does this work? do i get wishes or some shit? do i get to chose where i go?" He asked

"Well. you will be reincarnating in an alternative universe, so dont expect to meet your family or friends again. as for wishes, you get one."

"So the Multiverse theory is corerct? "the teen asked

"aye, there are infinite number of universes with infinite posibilities. you should see the one where the dinosaurs never went extinct, it got some hot lizard chicks" god then paused and sihed "shit, I said that out loud."

The teen took a few minutes to tink about his wish.

"come on kid, you got 5 minutes, clock is ticking, i got better things to do, if you dont chose now i will chose for you" God was getting on his nerves so he decided to play his hand and with it he chose one of the first things that came to mind.

"Allright. I want the Marvel CYOA while keeping my memories, i want to still be me." the Teen answered.

"those are two wishes." God countered.

"snorting cocaine from the tits of the soul of a dead woman, also admitting to like hot lizard chicks, cut me some slack" God was not amused by the teen's blackmailing

"Fine, but you will forget everything that happened in the heavenly realm before talking with Wade, also to help you integrate and adapt to your new life you will forget your previous name and most details about your life, like your friends and family, you will remember that you used to have them but the memories will be faded, it would help you adapt to your new reality" God said as he rose from his chair "having to call another favor from One Above All" God sihed "allright, see ya later chump" then claped his hands.

The teen then felt something messing with his mind, he knew that he was born in eastern europe, he knew that he lived in different countries through out his life, he remebered that he spoke 5 diferent languages, he knew that he was 17 before he died, he remebered that he used to have a family, friends, but who they were, their faces, names where all blured out as if the memories were behind a courtain of fog.

A man in a red and black tight suit was sitting in front of him, he looked around in surprise before ghasping in surprise, "Well, Hello There" Deadpool said

"General Kenobi" The teen could not help himself and answered with his best inpression of General Grevous.

"Ohh, so you chose the Marvel CYOA by WYRM." Deadpool had procured a tablet out of somewhere and threw it to the Teen who caught the object, there he saw the pictures with the CYOA. somehow he knew that to pick up things he would just need to click on images.

"let me see, let me see what you pick!" Wade then dragged the chair behind him, it made a lound scraching sound that made the teen cringe a bit. Wade sat next ot him while placing his elbows on his knees leaning forward he put his chin on his palms and was expectantly looking at the Screen on the tablet

"Wade, i hope you do me a solid and give me a hand, and dont fuck around, its my future after all" The teen said as he started to read the Cyoa information.

"I promise to help you get the best choises, Scout's honor" while making a military salute before leaning forward again

"allright. as always chose the drawbacks first so you know what you are working with."

There was Unmasked, Orphaned, Obligations, Loner, Vulnerability, Deep Trauma, Persecution, and Sacred Vow. Out of all of those he could discard a few from out of the bat.

"loner, and Sacred Vow are out of the question, one would make it working with other people almost imposible, and the second one is to restrictive, Celebacy vow? yea, no thanks, I like getting my Frankfurt wet." Wade said while waving his hand dismissivley.

"word my guy. word"

"Beyond your years wise you are, my little padawan" Deadpool said while making a Yoda voice and noding in a sage way.

"voulnerability also is a no go, i would need to work around my voulnerability and alawys be on guard, my enemies be villians or heroes would always know them and try to exploit them. rather not take that" He then rubbed his chin while humming, thinking

"now to Orphaned and Obligations, you can only chose one, and i would rather not have the dead weight of a new family on my shoulders, yea they might be my new family, but i would rather make a new one on my own. so Orphaned is the right choice here, but this is a maybe, in case i need the extra points, cash or companions, for now to the ones i will be taking"

"Unmasked is a given, sooner or later people are going to find out my identity, this is not the MCU, but marvel, and i bet SHIELD will be on my ass the moment i turn vigilante. so no need to beat around the bush."

"As i say, Pull the band aid while the would is still bleeding" Deadpool said as if he was spewing wisdom.

"that does not make any sense, but whatever. Now Deep Trauma i already have" he remebered the abuse he sufered whne a kid, he did not remeber all the deatails since his memory was fuzzy, but he did remembered what happened to him, he had nightmares, and was on medication just so he could sleep normally. that with the antidepresants helped him day to day.

"finally, Persecution, this one is necesary with Unmasked, sooner or later even when saving people some will call for my hide, and with people wile J.J. Jameson out there they would get against the new Meanace. besides, people are always afraid of the unknown, and having powers will make me a traget of their fears and hatetred no matter what" he was happy with his logic.

"so basically, Unmasked, Deep Trauma, and Persecution for sure, and maybe Orphaned if you need the points/cash" Deadpool rubbed his chin as if considering my options. "I think its a good choice"

That leaves him with 9 to 12 extra possible points, or with 90 to 120 million for the gear.

as for a mentor, he had a few possibilities. he knew he wanted the nanomachines tier 2 and the exo suit tier 2. that would put him on 110 million cost, it would also mean he needed at least 5 points to get Alien Tech tier 2, that left him with only a few options, after reading all of the mentors he came to a conclusion. the only viable option was Victor Von Doom.

"Doom would give me five Science Power Points or PP, six Magic PP and finally 45 miilion in cash. that with two drawbacks would leave himat 105 miillion. but if he used one of his general Power poitns he could get Construction rank 1, it would lower his gear's cost by 15%, lowering the total to 93.5 million while also making all of his gear more efective., it was the sanest option.

he had so far the next resources.


Science:5 (alien tech tier 1 and 2 cost 5PP)

Magic:6 (Elemental magic tier 1 and 2 cost 3PP, Utility Magic Tier 1 and 2 cost 3PP)

General:3-6 (depending on if he chooses orphan or not) (Construction tier 1 cost 1 point)

money: 105million.


Exo suit tier1&2: 42.5m (50m - 15%)

Exo suit tier 2:

Strength and Durability tier 2 tier 1 speed.

Nanomachines tier 1&2 (boosted with Alien tech tier 2) : 51m (60m - 15%)

10 Extra Physical PP (5PP x 2 with boost)

of the 10 he spent them as follows:

5 for Regeneration tier 1 and 2. tier 1 for Strength and Durability (1PP each), finally tier 1 and 2 for speed focusing on Agility (3 PP)

4 Extra Magic or Psychic PP (2PP x 2 with boost)

Telekinesis tier 1 and 2 (3 pp) and Telepathy tier 1 (1 PP)

With 105m that left him with 11.5m for anything else he would need.

for now he wanted to focus on how to spend his extra PP, he decided finally to get the Orphaned Drawback leaving him with 5 PP to spend.

He decided to get the Genius tier 1 and 2, and Tehcnopath tier 1, with one general PP left.

He decided to use it for Precognition tier 1 (1pp).

It left him with the only thing left to spend, 11.5million for his gear.

5m for a Lair. it let him choose a penthouse or a basement. he decided to go with a basement, it would be far easier to hide his activities, also it would be safer to be underground.

6m for a teleporter, not only it would allow him to make an escape on a difficult situation, with his Genius he could probably find a way to replicate and enhance it down the line.

finally that left him with 0.5million, there was nothing he could buy with it, so he would either have that money with him when he transitions or it would be lost, he did not care ether way.

"now for companions"

The options gave him up to 4 companions to choose from, that or 5 if he chose 3 in the same bracket since it gave him an extra one, but that was not an option.

Tbh he already has decided on who to choose:

friends that are possible romantic interest:

-X-23. (Pros: she is close to his age, hot, wild. strong. Cons: wolverine would try to shishkebab him if he finds out)

-She-Hulk (Pros: Unmasked and Persecuted Drawback and she is a Lawyer, Hot, Strong, Kinky green, MILF energy. Cons: Squashes you like a bug if angry.

-Domino: (Pros: Fun to be around, Hot, Lucky, Cons:)

Taco Buddies:

Duchepool: (Pros: Unpredictable, Fun, Badass twin swords on his back, Cons: Unpredictable, Literally insane, looks like a testicle with teeth.)

"Ohh you have chosen me!" Deadpool said with both his hands on the sides of his mask with a surprised voice.

"yea we are Taco Buddies" The teen then raised his fist, Wade fist-bumped him

"hell yeah we are! cant wait to introduce you to Weasel and Dorothy" Wade said while jumping on his seat.

"who the hell is Dorothy?" The teen asked.

"that is my Unicorn plushie," Wade said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"All right, Time to choose a background story and we are good to go" there were a few premade ones.

all of them shared the same principles:

1: he was an orphan with no close relatives alive.

2: he had inherited quite the fortune when his relatives died.

3: he just moved and his current residence was in NYC.

4: he was 17 at the moment getting transferred to Midtown High to finish his Schooling.

5: Victor Von Doom has taken him as his Protege teaching him science and magic.

He had some options to spice things up. one of those caught his attention:

Maximilian Doom

Nationality: Latverian

Mutant with high psychic powers.

6th cousin of Victor Von Doom. After his parents died at a young age in a house fire he lived with his closest living relative Victor his 6th cousin, being such a distant family Victor did not engage with the upbringing of Maximillian much except for tutoring him in Science and Training him in his magic.

After the Events of the NYC Chitauri invasion, Maximilian acquired some Chitauri Tech that helped him study and develop his own tech to unprecedented levels.

With taking inspiration from Tony Stark he developed his own Exo suit.

Buying some Vibranium from the Black market thanks to Victor's connections to Klue he developed his nanotech integrating it with his body to enhance himself.

A genius with intelligence that few can match only held back by his inexperience.

Started his career as a vigilante in Latveria his secret identity has been exposed to the public as the vigilante known as Svarog in honor of the Smith god of the Slavic folk.

Due to his crimes committed in Latveria and facing the courts, not even his cousin could protect him from the public and the courts without losing the support of many people in Latveria.

He fled to USA and just moved to a newly bought basement in the lower level of a skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan.

Due to his status as a Mutant and being the Cousin of a dictator hi's public image is less than positive.

"I love it, let's go get some burritos when you land on manhattan," Deadpool said in an excited manner.

"Deal" He finished his new life and finally was ready. he hit "finish" in his profile and everything started to fade.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Maximilian or Max for short woke up in a strange bed with a strange ceiling on top of him.

After turning off the alarm he rubbed his eyes to wake up for the first time in his new life.

Soon he was hit with a very strong headache, memories and knowledge flooded his brain as he groaned in pain.

Soon he was Maximilian Doom, he remembered his childhood, he remembered the pain when his parents died. His family butler Arnold pulling his small frame out of a burning mansion as the flames consumed it.

He remembered meeting his distant cousin Victor Von Doom. how the man was busy, only there to teach him ether science or their family magic.

He remembered starting as a vigilante in Latveria when he was 15.

He remembered killing people, most of them were human traffickers, others were drug dealers, he also targeted other scum like scientist experimenting on humans (who he now suspected were hydra)

He sihed, all those crimes exposed when he had to use his powers to save a woman that was crossing the street with her baby from being Truck-kuned.

His magic makes some very distinctive red magic circles, once people knew his face they also knew that he was a relative to Victor. and victor is theri supreme leader, he cant do no worng so being asociated with an alleged murderer was a no go. Victor was Family in a way, but he was also a politician and the leader for his people so he denounced him and condemed his crimes forcing him to flee to the US.

It also played that he was a mutant, only his cousin and butler knew of this, but that whole irational haterad for mutants because of the sentient bacteria. what was he called Supreme? or something along the lines.

Ether way. now he was in NYC, a knock on the door broke him from his stupor.

"come in"

"Master Maxilimian, breakfast is ready" Arnold his faithful butler who was now in his 70s, he had grey mid lenght hair comed back, and a neatly groomed beard. he looked like Sebas tian from overlord. a former soldier that used to be Special Forces in the Latverian military the man was still in shape even in his late age.

"Allright. just give me a minute" Max got up from bed, he was only sleeping in his boxers, after opening a few boxes he found a casual black shirt and some jeans. he put them on and exited his room.

The breakfast was a french omelet with some toasts, he had a glass of orange juice to go with it.

The basement was fillied with boxes, they have just moved to this new base after they had to escape persecution, they arrived yesterday evening on a saturday, now it was sunday morning, he was suposed to start at his School the next day in the morning.

"I sstll think that its stupid for me to go to High School, Arnold, you know i can graduate when ever i want right?" The butler was drinking an espresso coffe whitout saying anything

"Master Maximilian, we already talked about this and made a deal, you will finish your schooling like a regualr person, you will try to have a normal life when ever you are not doing being a vigilante, that was the deal we made when you asked me to be your eyes and ears." Arnold finished his cup of coffe and proceded to clean up after himself.

"allright, well, I guess I shat the bed exposing my self, we will have to be way more careful now, also my armor will need a paint job." his current armor looked like Vicotr's, but insted of going with a chrome and green color patern he chose the pale golden of the sun and crimson red the colors of Svarog, "i was thinking about going dark red and black"

"i will order the paint." Arnold noded.

"Also, we will need some lawyers, it will be days before people realize that its me with thenew paint job, contact two lawyers, one's name is Matt Murdok, the second one is Jenifer Waleters, make an apointment with them for tomorrow after I finish with school. if they can make it here its better, but if we have to we will go to their ofices for the interview" MAx finished his glas of jucie and left the table.


"I will be going out, set up the servers and unpack while im out" Arnold noded and started to clean up the kitchen island were Max ate.

he picked up a black hodie and grabed his phone, wallet and keys to the basement. passing up his armor he used a spell to store it in his pocket dimension. then he casted an invisible arcane armor on himself and exited the residence/lair.


Manhattan was just how he remembered it, in a way it was similar to how it used to be in his past life, but at the same time it has other locations unique to his current universe. and one of those places is where he was headed right now.

After punching Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children in his GPS he saw were the bar known as "hellhouse" was. it was in a sidestreet in East Village manhattan.

He cast an invisibility spell and used his telekinessis to fly there. in less than 2 minutes he was in front of the bar known as Hellhouse.

Droping the invisibility spell he placed a minor ilusion to alter his face making him look older, in his mid 20s.

The inside was how it looked in the movies. so far it was empty, not even Weasel was at the bar.

He sat at one of the stools in the bar, using his telekinesis he procured a glass, two cubes of ice and some Jack daniels. he poured a drink and waited, nursing the drink while serching for some information on google to try to find what kind of universe he was in.

So far he knew that it was a mix of the movies, the X-men verse and the comics, his meta Knowlege was fucked.

He found that the events of X-men first class with the cuban misile crysis was a thing, he also found that there was a school for gifted youngsters in Westchester NY. he also knew that Iron man 1, 2 and 3 had happened, also thor and hulk. but ther was also a Baxter building, the fantastic 4 and Dr.Doom has been a thing for the last 5 years.

after some 20 minutes Weasel entered the bar while carrying a plasic tray full of glassware, he looked like his movie counterpart. he was currently wearing a grey jersey on top of a shirt and some jeans, he had a towel draped over his right shoulder, seeing Max sitting at the bar.

"aint a bit early for that buddy? i think you got lost on your way to the library. also you are going to have to pay for that" Weasel said making Max scoff at his antics.

"Im looking for Mr.Pool, by the name Dead" Max said as he finished his drink

"i dont know where Wade is, but he should be here tonight, who the hell goes to a bar to drink on a sunday at 8 in the morning?" Weasel said while he restocked the bar with the clean glasses

"Who the hell opens up a bar at 8 on a sunday morning?" countered Max

"well, we do other services that are not serving drinks" weasel was now leaning back against the back wall while he crossed his arms.

"aye, i know. im looking for information, and maybe to join your back street boyband" Max pouredn himself another drink, not that he would get drunk ether way, hi's regenration mixed with the nanomachines in his body filtered everything.

"information comes at a price" after hearing Weasel Max took out his wallet and sowed him a stack of 100$ bills. "allright, what do you want to know?"

"Im looking for a place were people fight, enhanced if posible" he needed to fight some people, he knew hi's body had, but he needed to test himself and fighting regular chumps and thugs would not do, he needed to fight someone enhanced.

"I might know a place, but memory is a bit fuzzy." Max just smiled, he took out the stack of cash and started to place 100$ bills on the table, after he placed 10 he pushed them forward towards Weasel "memory is coming back to me, it's here on the mutant district. It's a place called Wannabee's, a mutant-themed nightclub, it's run by the mob and they do have caged fights in its basement every weekend, tonight it should be no different" Weasel said as he pocketed the money.

"thank you, and for becoming a merc?" Max asked

"I still don't know if you have the skills, also usually people only join by recommendation of another merc, so without someone vouching for you I cant." Weasel said while he started to organize the bar.

"call Wade, he will vouch for me" Max knew that Deadpool would, even if just because he is literally insane.

"Wade is a pain in the ass, fine, ill give you a job, but I will have someone babysitting you to make sure you got the skills" Weasel took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a phone number, after a few rings on the other side he heard a voice "hey Domino, need a favor, a greenhorn wants to join, and I'm not sure if he is capable, so ill give him a job, ill need you to make sure he does not shit the bed, if he cant do the job you will finish it for him, yea, yea, i owe you one, all right, see ya in a bit lady luck" Weasel put his phone away and took out a thick book from under the bar

"I have a few dinner reservations, but that is too much responsibility to be your test. so here, its a simple job" he took out a golden card and placed it on the table "you just have to take this asshole out for lunch" Max raised an eyebrow at that, on it there was a name written, it was Mark Hammon. Weasel then took an envelope and folded a piece of paper before placing it inside it. "the details are listed inside, make sure to destroy it after you read it"

Max just poured himself another drink, dropped 100$ on the bar counter "for the drinks" he said and went to sit at a table on the back end, he opened the envelope. inside there were a few lines of text giving the information on the target. it was a cop that patrolled the lower east side, now that Max knew that East Village was also known as Mutant town he knew that he was in the area. the cop was a racist(speciest?) prick that used excessive force on mutants and was part of the Purifiers and while he has yet to kill a mutant he has sent a few to the hospital. due to his overall distaste for mutants and his friends in the force covering his ass, so he has yet to feel the consequences of his actions.

While he waited for Domino he finally had some time to research on a few individuals, Seems like Norman Osborne was still the CEO of Oscorp and has yet to become Green Goblin, Justin Hammer is in jail after the whole Iron Man 2 fiasko. Stark Industries had Peper Pots as its acting CEO. and spiderman man just made headlines a few months ago. J.J Jameson was shitting all over the Spider-menace as he made the mistake of praising the vigilante at first, now his MO was to blame Spiderman for everything to save face.

Soon Max saw the front door of the Hellhouse open and someone who Max was not expecting entered. a teenager wearing a blue hoodie with some jeans walked in, the teen in question looked like he was 15, he also looked like Tom fucking Holland. he had dark bags under his eyes and was looking down at the floor.

"Hey there Weasel, I came to help you out with the inventory," The young man said. Max decided to use his telepathic abilities and read the teen's mind, usually he always kept his powers in check not to invade other people's privacy but also to not be bothered by the constant noise generated by people's thoughts.

"Ferret" said Weasel, "pulled another all-nighter I see, told you that you don't need to come in if you spend all night studying, I can manage on my own" Weasel said while waving the teen to the back.

"I know, but if I'm not here you will make a mess of the logs again and I will have to remake them either way" Max was able to pick up on a few things when Weasel talked about pulling an allnighter, and it was glimpses of memories of the teen stopping a bank robbery while being spiderman.

what the fuck was Peter Parker doing working for weasel at the Hellhouse? he did not know.

"so you are the Grenhorn?" while he was distracted with Peter "ferret" Parker aka spiderling someone else had entered the bar. he turned and saw one of the most stuningly beutiful woman he has seen in his life. its one thing to see them in comic books, but in person those writers and artist really knew their stuff.

She was around 5'8 and around 120 pounds, her chalk white skin was greatly contrasteed by her black hair and the tatto on her left eye, her sholder lenght black hair was smoth and silky, it shone under the lights of the bar. she was well proportioned and her skin tight leather full body black suit left little to the imagination. he scaned her from head to toe. she had a beautiful face and her full lips hada black lipstick and pale complexion gave her the "goth Gf" kind of vibe. she had a decent size bust, definetly a C or a D cup. her narrow waist mixed with her wide hips helped to increse her sex apeal even more, he could see that she trained regularly as he saw clear abs and her leg muscles from how tightly her suit clinged to her body.

"like what you see?" she said in a mocking tone while she licked her lips.

"you took your time" Max commented while Domino scoffed and waved at him

"come on, lets go i wanna be done with this as sooner as posible, also you are paying for lunch" as she turned he could see her shapy butt begging to escape its tight leather prison.

Max finished his drink and followed after Domino through the back exit, they passed the kitchen of the bar where Ferret was writing on a clip board as he checked the shelves.

"Hello Ferret!" Domino said in a cherful manner.

"Miss Domino. its nice seeing you around, what are you doing here this early?" Ferret said with a wave.

"Showing the greenhorn the ropes" She pointed at Max with her thumb who was behind her

"ohh; new guy, what should i call you? im Ferret" Peter said with a nod of his head

"You can call me Rook like the chess pice" Max answered "its getting late, se you around Ferret" He said as he dragged domino by her arm to the back exit.

"How would you like me to carry you?" He asked the pale beauty, he could actually just make her fly next to him with a bit of concentration or even using a utility spell, but she did not need to know that.

"carry me? im not a cripple" She said while releasing herself from his hand holding her arm

"can you fly?" She looks at him puzzled, "no? well I can, so choose"

"Wait you are saying you can?" Max sighed as she said that

"enough talk, we wasted to much time. i got places to be" he picked her up in a princess carry, cast an invisibility spell on both of them and got a cute yelp in response as they took off to the skies. "hold tight" she nodded and placed her arms around his neck. if it wasn't for his illusion around his face she would see him blushing.

They landed on top of a tall building, he placed her on the roof as he then took out a bag with salt from his spatial storage to make a basic locator spell for the fool thaat he was going to "take out to lunch". he needed to ask Domino what that meant so as he started to draw the magic circle with the salt he spoke

"what does the whole Merc lingo means? I'm supposed to take a racist mutant hating fuck out for lunch" He was done with the circle and was now driting the runes for the locator spell to be finished

"ohh my, you are popping your cherry? with me? I'm flattered," Domino said with a slurry voice receiving a glare from Max. "fine, spoilsport, Buying some snacks means to give a warning, basically scaring the shit out of the person with the name on the gold card, Taking out for lunch means a good beating, going out for drinks means crippling, a dinner reservation means the person needs to die, and a private dinner means it has to look like an accident, there are a few other ones but you get the memo."

"Thanks," he then placed the golden card on the middle of the circle and started the incantation "gimb amirz izg bolkum. ash poshak ishi the dot zaug be gimbuga" the golden card started to float and travel in a direction north from where they currently were standing "lets get that fucker" he said as he picked up Domino and flew following the card.

They flew for a few minutes untill the card stoped near the edge of a building's rooftop, after placing Domino on the roof, picking the card up and pocketing it he looked over the ledge.

It was a street on the south side of the Mutant District, it had a police curiser parked in front of a Deli. the cruiser looked empty so Max asumed that his objective was inside the store.

"Watch" he said as he just steped and descended in a controled flight. he casted a minor ilusion to alter his face, he now looked like an old man in his 60s with graying hair and a beard, as his legs touched the floor he turned and walked inside the store.

the door of the store had a sign of "no mutants" with an image of a reptilian humanoid with a big red X, now he was not even going to be sorry for trashing the place.

Inside he saw a police officer buying a drink and chatting with the clerk who was a middle-aged man of Latino descent. you would think that a man that is a minority would be against working for an establishment that discriminates against other kinds of people but a quick telepathic scan indicated that he was the owner.

he grabbed a bag of chips and proceeded to stand behind the cop who was chatting with the owner of the store about how things are going with his business.

"move it pig, i got places to be" He said and the cop turned around with a scrawl on his face.

"shut up grampa before I kick your wrinkly ass and send you back to your nursing home in a wheel chair"


events of their past, and how it will shape them. (Villain or hero) Dr.doom (related?)


who does he see as a villain, who is a gullible idiot, or who is a hero?

Villian (?) (mojo)