
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

Ch 12: Osborn

Perhaps i should have started to write this diary sooner. but so far my only explanation so far about my situation was that i have finally lost it. Either that or i was i some kind of coma and this was my brain's delusion while i wasted away in some hospital bed waiting to die.

memories are biased. but this is my story.

~~~ August 2005 ~~~

I woke up in a hospital bed to the sound of hospital machines. something normal considering I was dying of multiple organ failure.

what felt less of normal was the fact that i was in a private room, everything seemed luxurious and overall it was strange since I felt like i was not in my original body. no longer did i feel weak nor did i need a respirator.

The first week was kinda a blur. it was surreal to merge with a fictional character. Harry Osborn. during my chats with the doctors, i found that Harry was mugged, and received a heavy beating with a severe head injury.

It helped with the Partial amnesia that I was pretending to have. but in reality it was a suicide attempt. after Norman died. and his Gf broke up with him Harry went around bad parts of town while wasted, normally NYC thugs just stole from him but he started provoking them exponentially, leading to some goons leaving him at death's door.

In my mindscape when i slept i chatted with Harry. he was a bit deranged, still suicidal, he even agreed to let me get "driver" seat in the body, while he would just be a passager to ride, not like he had any power in the first place, but him allowing me to access his memories and me sharing mine was really an eye opener.

"So Parker, Puny Parker is Spider-man? and he was the one that killed Norman?" Original Harry said

"Norman was a lunatic because of the unstable OZ serum, he was a murderer, and im glad that he was stopped before he did something even worst… I already showed you what he was capable of" I shuttered as I recalled some of the darker Green Goblin's antics like killing spiderman's wife while she was preggo…

"so what now?" OGHarry asked me

"I… Don't know. but so far after lurking on the world wide web, I found that there is a Jewish neo-nazi mutant supremacist. the Baxter foundation is a thing. Stark industries exist yet Tony has yet to go full IronMan. as far as Im concerned somewhere in the universe there is a purple testicle with teeth that either wants to fuck Lady Death or is just a genocidal maniac that does not understand how wiping out half of the universe's population is only a temporary solution, and that in 2 to 3 generations everything will be back to normal. and let me not get started with the Fenix Force."

Being discharged from the hospital was quick, the 2 weeks of physical therapy felt like a chore but it needed for me to be fully cleared. Norman had murdered most of all the board directors leaving me as the majority shareholder after his untimely death, but the fewer excuses people would have to question my decisions the better.

After arriving at Oscorp i checked on all of the current major projects. Dr.Connors and his Lizard serum. and Olivia Octavius with her miniature sun project. there was also the genetics division with all the spiders, and the synthetic symbiote we had, only that project was currently frozen.

"Roberta, request for Dr.Connors and his assistant Mis Stacy to bring me a full report by lunch, also order some pizza we might take a while. after that book an appointment with Mis Olivia Octavius." it was 10 am so i still had some time.

"Of course, Mr. Osborn," My secretary said from the other side of the line

While waiting for the Lizard team I had some time to kill, so I started to revise the OZserum. The one good thing and what i considered a "cheat" was that me and Harry merged. it was not me just body snatching, but our IQ seemed to have doubled when we joined. i still had some "echoes" as i liked to call it, when the original Harry or OGHarry like i called him would speak to me. but that was just like having multiple personality disorder… well either that or just stright schizophrenia.

The OZserum was promising. to say the least, the only problem was finetuning. i bet that in a few month's time it could be perfected, too bad the idiots at the board of directors had to corner Norman. but with samples from an already enhanced individual we could probably speed up not only OZserum, also the lizard and spider projects. and for that, i would need to hire some competent and loyal people to go to Greenland and dig up a Capsicle, perhaps even get some blood samples from Spider-man. its not like it would be difficult, Peter seemed a bit to keen in getting injured.

at 12:30 it was Pizza time, soon after a doctor with only one Arm and a stunning blonde entered the meeting room adjacent to my office. I entered right after they took a seat.

"Dr. Connors, Mis Stacy. a pleasure as always" I said as I shook both their hands. "please serve yourselves, this might take a while"

At the beginning, our chat was more informal, more small thank than business, that was until we were stuffed. asking my Secretary to get us 3 coffees I pulled out both their contracts and passed them along making them look at me with concern.

"Our original contract was supposed to end in 3 months." Dr. Connors tried to speak but i silenced him by rasing my hand "I would like to review those terms and renegotiate the contract, for at least 2 more years with a significant increase in your funding" this made Gwen spit the coffee she was nervously drinking.

After assuring that this was not some kind of elaborate prank a happy and trully relieved Dr.Connors and Gwen Stacy left the meeting room after i made sure that the human trials for his serum would wait until he was able to perfect his serum. and now that he had time he even jokingly admitted that he was starting to get desperate due to the lack of progress and his funding being cut with the possibility of him even getting fired.

[Guess we avoided the Lizard fiasco]

Guess so Harry, Guess so. now lets prevent Olivia from going insane and trying to destroy NY by creating a miniature star in the middle of manhattan.

Olivia was hot. not like supermodel hot, but excentric hot. she was in her early 30s, was quirky, funny, and just the right amount of drops of insane.

After reviewing her plans for the miniature sun she was planning on testing I made sure that her failsafes were doubled and that there will not be any backlash from the electromagnetic surge we both agreed was a true potential threat not only to the project but also to her own safety. she even invited me for a few drinks after work while touching the jacket of my suit.

her flirting game was not bad, but perhaps a tad bit too straightforward.

After finishing my meeting with Olivia I asked Roberta to request a video call with the Hiring department. 20 minutes later I specified that we were looking for people highly skilled in coding, web development, and overall knowledge of programming.

[Are we starting the Entertainment and Social Network divisions of Oscorp so soon?]

Yes OGHarry, currently we have the resources, and it's a Gold mine waiting to be tapped. once we have the millions rolling in all the expenses on research will be comical compared to our revenues

As my final stop for the day I visited the Weapons research division of OScorp and meet with the experts there, most of them were military veterans that OScorp had hired for testing, and many of them owed everything they had to OScorp since the job market for disabled military vets that lacked a leg or an arm was not booming.

After meeting with a stoic middle-aged man that OGHarry knew was loyal to the bone I made sure that he made a team of our most trusted assets for an expedition to the arctic to retrieve someone in dire need of assistance.


January 2006

The new year's party for most of the OScorp employees not currently on assignment was a dull affair.

Dr.Connors got wasted, Olivia was also deep in to her drinks and tried to flirt a bit more bluntly.

Overall the Entertainment and Social divisions of OScorp were progressing in leaps and bounds and we now had two working alpha versions of the base programs. one was OSflix, an online streaming service, and OSpix which was basically a social network, a mix of the best parts of Instagram and Twitter. both have launched on their online browser versions a month ago and were growing in popularity. Thank god that Norman had so much dirt on Hollywood that i could strike some pretty good deals for the streaming website with some persuasion

[*cough* blackmail *cough*]

Yes OGHarry. blackmail.

2 months after we sent the team to the arctic they came back with a frozen man and a shield with it.

he was still kept in stasis in a OScorp black site specifically off the books, designed for capsicle. we extracted all of the materials needed to perfect almost all the serums, from blood samples to bone marrow, spinal fluid etc.

With these new materials and due to a stroke of luck from some blood sample from Spider-man after he fought Rhino our research has launched in to the stratosphere.

Olivia was getting ready for her big reveal, and once we had the miniature sun powering manhattan no longer stark will be the leader in clean energy in the world. he still sold more weapons than OScorp and HAMMER industries combined, but that was that.

Mutants still have their little Civil War going on, and i did not want anything to do with it. Magneto was insane and Xavier could just destroy my mind if he wanted to just by sneezing the wrong way.

Ether way OZserum was almost stable, the spider project got just what it needed thanks to Parker's blood, and Dr.Connors started animal trials under my strict supervision. so far almost all of the Lizard Serums were a dud and made the animals aggressive, and gave lizard-like features to the injected animals, but they did regrow their limbs. that and a pat on the back with a few encouraging words were all that Connor's needed not to do anything rash.

I have invited Dr. Maya Hasen who had yet to start working for AIM. and so far Killian was still a cripple, so Extremis might be on the table next, but for that I would need to wait for our meeting in February.

So far i left the experts doing their thing while I personally investigated and researched the synthetic symbiote that Norman seemed to forget.