
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

Ch 11: Ding! You are dead! (fictionverse mashup world.)

At one point I was running home in a massive storm. then I got blinded by a flash of light, and for a split second, I felt pain and then… this.

Why am I in the middle of a greek temple that's floating in a cloud? and why is my body translucent?

nothing will be explained just standing here, so. exploration time!

After a few minutes of walking around the marble floor, I reach a room, it's just the same design as everything else so far. it looks just otherworldly, beautiful, almost celestial.

After i enter the room I'm speechless. In a giant couch there is an enormous woman, almost 20 meters tall. she is laying down watching some TV. she has blonde hair and is wearing greek robes. almost transparent.

The Tv is playing some action or fantastical movie, i can see people fighting and explosions… etc.

After I enter I caught her attention

"huh?" the giant woman looked surprised to see me. "mortal. what are you doing here?"

"I… don't know" is the only thing that comes out of my mouth.

she blinks a few times and tilts her head to the side as if she is confused. before her green eyes shine with a purple hue.

"ahhh. well off you go then" she waves her hand

"wait! why am i Here!? what happened to me?" i scream but i see my already translucent body starting to fade. the woman's face is expressionless as my vision fades.


I was now floating in an endless void of darkness until a screen just popped up in front of me.


[You are dead!]

[You have been sent to Earth-4206969 by Entity: Aphrodite]

[Starting Character Creation]

[Name: ???

Age: ???

Race: ???

Title: The Once Lived.

Class: ???


Lightning struck

Blessing of Tyche

Minor Essence of Aphrodite

Eidetic Memory

Basic Re: System

Traits: ???


Character Creation Points: 5000]

[Would you like to modify your character?] [Y/N]

Ok this is fucked… Mentally I clicked the Yes option, and now I instinctively knew that I could modify My character. If I leave the question-marked parts empty they will be either filled randomly (like name, age and race.) or just left blank (Class, Trait, Skills.)

Earth-4206969. I did not know what it meant, but I could get an idea…

I was not thrilled, more annoyed than anything. I was dead, and that pissed me off.

After a few minutes of cursing in my mind, I mentally Sighed and accepted my new reality.

examining my Title and Boons this is what I knew now.

[The Once lived: Your Soul has already had a lifetime yet you somehow were able to maintain your memories during the cycle of reincarnation.


Eidetic Memory

Allows you to Create your next Playable Character

Bestows you "Basic Re: System"]

Ok, that was pretty straightforward…

As for boons

Lightning struck: You are one of the few people that have been naturally struck by lightning. (High Electric Affinity) {Value: 10.000 CCP}

Blessing of Tyche: The goddess of Chance has smiled upon you (Major increase in the chances of something improbable happening to you) {Value: 250.000 CCP}

Minor Essence of Aphrodite: After meeting the goddess of Love and Fertility your soul has absorbed a tiny spec of her divinity (Moderate improvement in your romantic endeavors) {Value: 150.000 CCP}

Eidetic Memory: Ability to recall everything that you have experienced with your senses. {Value 2000 CCP}

Basic Re: System: A basic System for Reincarnators. {Value 5000 CCP}

I did not understand the value thing until I clicked it mentally on the Eidetic Memory Boon.

[Would you like to sell Eidetic Memory Boon for 2000 Character Creation Points??] [Y/N]

I clicked No. for the time being, I still had 5000 Character Creation Points, Mentally clicking that it opened up a shop tab

The shop was divided into categories, there was anything that you could imagine. From basics like food to things that cost millions of CCPs.

After getting a basic idea of prices I understood that I had a basic advantage to the average person.

While getting things like "infinite Growth" for 2500 points or its better counterpart 'Infinite potential for 5000 would be something I would have done if I only had 5000 points and nothing to sell,

yet I did have things to sell, you might be thinking why would I? and that is because of the description of one of the boons… and that was the Blessing of Tyche.

Now, while someone would be tempted to keep it… it increased my chances of something improbable happening, be it good or bad. So to give you an example, it could grant me the best poker hand possible, but at the same time the worst.

And that is why I think I got Struck by Lightning killing me. I always had bad luck, and now I am dead. yeap, not liking my odds so far, what's more, there were some juicy things I could purchase with 250.000 points.

Strangely enough, I could not see any Blessings in the shop. so mentally clicking the Question Mark on the shop tab and trying to find out the reason for it i got an answer:

[Inquiry: Why are there no Blessings of Gods/Goddesses in the shop?]

[Blessings are naturally granted by gods that favor you, and can not be purchased by normal means during Character Creation or from the regular Shop. They can be sold to the system for the listed price or they can be auctioned in the Multiversal Auction House with a starting bid of half of its System Base Value.]

Well… that is quite informative. and it also meant that it was a scarce resource.

While Getting a 250k for its base value would be the safe option I also could auction the Blessing and try to gamble on someone to bid higher than that… What to do?

Since I was not that interested in selling the Aphrodite boon, nor the LightningStruck one… the Basic Re: System left much to be desired because of the Basic part. In the shop, there were much better systems to be purchased, yet all of them were expensive, and even if I sold the system for 5k with my original 5k I could only purchase shit systems like the "NTR UglyBastard" system… and that was a nope.

[Would you like to Sell or Auction your Boon Blessing of Tyche?] [Sell Y/N] [Auction Y/N]

Fuck it. I got struck by lightning, saw Aphrodite, and got a spec of her divinity, while I normally would play it safe… let's just gamble a bit. even if only one person bid on the Blessing I would still get 125k. that was more than enough to buy a decent System.

[auction Y/N]

After clicking Yes. a new prompt appeared.

[Thanks for using the Multiversal Auction house. Please choose a nickname: ]

I was thinking. While I could choose some cringe/edgy name like "The Blackest Thorn of the Abyss" or some shit. I decided to go with one that I used Online a few times.

[Nickname: OnanMaster]

[Item: Blessing Of Tyche

Seller: OnanMaster

Starting bid: 125.000.Points

Would you like to bid?]


[Accept current bid Y/N?]

And it was counting down…

the first few minutes nothing happened until

[BoddySnacher of Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess has Bidded 125.000 points]

after a few minutes…

[I am Madara, Trust me senpai Has Bidded 150.000 points]

[I hate Portals Has Bidded 175.000 points]

and for the next 24 hours I just watched random people from fiction bidding on my blessing. Some of those nicknames were easy to guess or approximate. like the first three. a rias Gremory Transmigrator. Obito?, and Geralt? of the first one he was sure, the other two. it was questionable but more than likely.

There were other bidders he recognized like Griffith or White Hawk of Causality, Jean Grey or Cosmic Overpowered Flaming Chicken. John Snow Aka The Bastard that was Promised… etc.

[My Useless Goddess does not wear any panties Has bid 2.000,000 points]


Will Kazuma win? I mean he does have terrible luck and also really good luck. And if he is a Transmigrator… with that name, he must have tapped Aqua already, good for him.

[Item successfully sold to My Useless Goddess does not wear any panties for 2.000.000 points]

[Boon: Blessing of Tyche has been removed]

[2.000.000 points added]

[For having more than 1.000.000 character creation points New title Acquired: Filthy rich]

[For having more than 2.000.000 character creation points New title Acquired: Trust fund Brat]

[Filthy rich: Stonks! (increases all rewards earned by 25%)

[Trust fund Brat: You don't even have to work! (Passive income of 10k points each month)]

Fuck it, I did well by selling the blessing, Now after selling the Basic Re: System i had 2 million and 10k points.

The first thing was securing a system. After looking at the most expensive options I settled for one of them.

[Refined omniversal Gamer System: Refined Gamer system with the ability to travel the omniverse, access to Inventory, Chat, Shop, Gacha, Instant Dungeons, includes a pocket dimension, missions, tutorial world, and a Customizable Personal AI assistant.

Potential: Beyond Godhood]

Cost: 1.700.000 points

It was not the most expensive system but it was the best one with the ability to travel to different universes. I did not doubt that with the more expensive ones I would be able to achieve a similar feat in time, but this system had it already included. and beyond 1 million points, almost every system had a potential of Godhood or Beyond that, but never anything more than that.

Well that left me with around 300k

After a few purchases, my Status looked like this

[Name: Dante Von Hades

Age: Appearance: 18 (soul Age:26)

Level: 1 (exp:0/0)

Race: Transcendent Human

Title: The Once Lived. Filthy Rich, Trust Fund Brat. The Gamer

Class: Gamer


Lightning struck

Minor Essence of Aphrodite

Eidetic Memory

Refined Omniversal Gamer System

Transcendent Human Physiology

Enhanced unlimited Growth


Universal Mana Affinity

Physical Tempering

Skills: Refined Gamer's Mind

Refined Gamer's Body



ID create/escape

Pocket Dimension




Personal AI

Hp: 1000

Mp: 1000

STR: 100

DEX: 100

CON: 100

INT: 100

WIS: 100

CHAR: 100



3 meals a day!: Never be hungry again!: 3 times a day you will be granted a meal and drink of your choice.

Ultimate Clothing: Feeling hot? wet? no more!: a set of clothes that are resistant to damage, have self-repair, climate control, and basic customization features.

Universal Basic World Knowledge Skillbook: Where Am I?: A single-use item that grants you Basic Knowledge of the world you are in.

Safezone Stone: (chuckles) I'm in danger!: One use item that when crushed will teleport you to a random place considered safe.\

Golden World Travel Token: Thanks for Flying with Omniversal Airlines!: Round Trip token to travel to a world of your choosing.

And with that Have spent all of my points.

I bought the Transcendent Human Race, it was expensive but it would give me a head start, being 10 times stronger, faster etc. than a regular human at level 1 would be quite easy, it also made me immortal to age.

Enhanced Unlimited Growth will accelerate the speed at which I grow by between 1 and 5 times depending on my exertion, be it Exp, Skills, stats etc without any kind of limit, I would still have to work for it, but with my Beyond Godhood potential, and combined with the fact that i can't die of old age I still have time.

Universal Mana Affinity and Physical Tempering Help me in everything related to Universal Mana and Physical.

As for the three miscellaneous things I bought with my remaining points, it's because I don't know where I will land. If it's in the middle of the ocean or a volcano I would have no other choice than to use the Stone. The World skill book will help me with knowledge about the world I will land in, like the basics so I don't embarrass myself. and the meal thing… well sometimes I have cravings… and with it, I can request any food and drink I want and the omniversal golden token is just that, a round trip to any universe i want in case Earth-4206969 is just a shitty place to be, the name itself is sus as fuck so not taking any chances.

So far so good.

A final recap before clicking on [Finish] on my character.

I'm going to a world that was named Earth-4206969 (whatever that means I will know when I use the skill book). Even if I go to a world where there are no cute girls to use my Aphrodite's Essence I can still travel the multiverse and get laid there (not that it's my main goal, but it's still a perk), and finally, I have a way to land safely even if I'm jinxed and end up in immediate danger after spawning.

[Are you sure you have finished Creating your Character?] [Y/N]


A kaleidoscope of colors invaded my vision and I was in the void no more


A fresh breeze creased my skin.

Looking around I was in some random Grass Land, naked.

"Hello Host, Items purchased In the Character creation have been added to your inventory, to use your inventory wish to place or retrieve something from your subspace" I heard an androgynous voice in my head and immediately wished for the SafeZone Stone to appear in my hand.

After a few seconds of checking my surroundings, I find no immediate danger. with the stone still in my hand, without taking any chances I wish for the Universal Clothes and put them on. so far they were nondescript spandex like shirts and pants and sneakers, but after putting them on I changed them into a Black T-shirt with a brown leather jacket, black jeans, and military-style boots.

While I put on the clothes I admire my new body. it did not allow me to change how I looked so far. but being a Transcendent Human I was built like a statue, except for my not-so-little friend down there.

So far I know I have pale white skin, and my hair down there is dark, so I guess its the same on the top of my head. facial features I know not, but I guess 100 charisma means I'm handsome?

Well, fuck it.

I wish for the skill book to appear in my other hand.

"Would you like to use Universal Basic World Knowledge Skillbook?"

"yes," I say and hear my voice for the first time. it's deep, a bit deeper than in my previous life, but its also much more smother.

the book breaks into motes of light and dissipates in the air.

"hum" I just say as i rub my chin.

So this world is like a mix of a few works of fiction. so far I know that there are portals that appear in random places that lead to pocket dimensions filled with monsters, if these so-called rifts are not cleared in around 28 days they break and the monsters rush out.

not all of the beings inside the rifts are hostile, some of them are sentient and can be reasoned with. hence why this world has Elves, Demihumans, Angels and Demons, etc.

People who clear the Rifts are called Divers.

Since this world has supernatural forces like Mana and Chi, and many other kinds some people develop superpowers.

And the world I'm in currently is a planet almost 3 times the size of earth with a single supercontinent called Pangea *snort* (how original)

Well, there are a few more things but its time to find civilization, their current tech level should be around modern Earth or (Terra?) if just slightly more advanced.

I close my eyes and while straining my senses to the maximum i try to hear anything, with my enhanced vision, so far I have yet to see anything on the horizon, and I question whether to use the stone or not.

Hearing nothing and seeing nothing…

Well I'm not in immediate danger, and I still have the 3 times a day food perk, so while I might be far away from civilization, I just need to choose a direction and follow, and sooner or later I will find something.


3 days later. After finding out that the weather was nice where I was I decided to choose either the east or west after a "coin toss" of sorts West it was, I have been running nonstop, only taking a few breaks to eat and drink, so far I have yet to get tired physically, but mentally I'm starting to get exhausted.


After a power nap, I am sprinting at superhuman speeds again, wild animals avoid me.


7 days of running. 7 days until I saw something, it was a Rift in the middle of the grasslands.

using Identify.

"Rank C RiftGate:

Time until rapture 21 days. 5 hours 17 minutes 23seconds"


"Alice, if rifts appear randomly in this world why have we never found one before? and why arent the grasslands not full of monsters?" I asked out loud although I knew that Alice my Personal AI could read my mind if I wished for it.

"I can only speculate, but… if my assumptions are correct, with their level of technology, they should be able to detect this kind of rift, either by using sensors or just basic satellite images. with that in mind. they might have a system implemented where they travel to this vast grassland and close these rifts before they break." Alice says in a female voice, she sounds very alluring and mature, kind of like a sexy serious secretary vibe.

"you might be right Alice. so why not just wait here for them? It's either that or wait for the rift to break, even if the monsters that come out of this rank C gate come out and are too strong, I can still use the escape stone" I say as I lay down and bathe in the sun.

"Dante, You are only saying this because you are bored and got a bit fed up of running for a week straight, you just want to laze around…" she sounded reprimanding, and it was kind of hot. can not wait to get a skill to make her corporeal… not to do perverted things, but for science of course…

"Honey… its almost like you can read my mind," I say in an amused tone while relaxing

"i actually can when you allow me… you perverted scumbag" Gods I love to have chosen that personality for her, a perverted tsundere in denial that deep down is loyal to the core. breaking her down when she gets a body will be fun.


after 5 days of lazing around the rift, taking a few naps, and just doing cardio exercises and calisthenics to improve my stats I finally heard the faint sound of an engine approaching from the south.

I sat down in a lotus position and checked my status before the locals arrive.

[Name: Dante Von Hades

Age: Appearance: 21 (soul Age:26)

Level: 1 (exp:0/0)

Race: Transcendent Human

Title: The Once Lived. Filthy Rich, Trust Fund Brat. The Gamer

Class: Gamer


Lightning struck

Minor Essence of Aphrodite

Eidetic Memory

Refined Multiversal Gamer System

Transcendent Human Physiology

Enhanced Growth


Universal Mana Affinity

Physical Tempering

Skills: Gamer's Mind

Gamer's Body



ID create/escape




Personal AI: Alice

Athletics Lvl: 27

Shadow Sparring: Lvl 13

Hp: 1120

Mp: 1000

STR: 108

DEX: 106

CON: 112

INT: 100

WIS: 100

CHAR: 100


Athletics Lvl 27: Increase the gain of Stats by doing athletic Exercise by 27%

Shadow Sparring Lvl 13: Increase in the learning of fighting by yourself by 13%

Good enough I guess.

Wishing for a cheeseburger, some fries, and a bottle of lemon/lime soda I eat the delectable meal while waiting for the approaching vehicle.

As they approach they slow down. they must have seen me sitting on my lotus position next to the rift.

The passager side door opens and a man exits it.

using identify on him I get some basic info.

[Name: Marcus Stormfront

Age: 27

Race: Human

Level: 14

Stats: ???]

"Identify has leveled up" I hear Alice in my voice.

I try to use it again but get the same result. hmm.

guess it needs to be a higher level to get more info even though I bet my stats are higher.

"Hello!, who are you?" I hear the man Scream while standing at a safe distance from me. not to far away from the car and not to close to me.

"Hey!, My name is Dante and I'm just lost." I just say and he looks at me like I'm a weirdo. keeping the stone in my hand just in case this guys are some group of psychos.

"ehh… ok" he just shrugs and waves for the car to approach the gate while walking towards me.

"how the hell did you end up here?" he asks in a normal tone. "Name's Marcus" he says as he offers his hand for a shake.

"Dante" I repeat as I shake his hand.

From the humvee-lookalike car three more people exit. One male and two females.

After using identify on them quickly I level up identify again. still no new info. most of them are close to level 10.

"this is Lee, Miranda, and Sara" He says pointing at the other three.

While Marcus is caucasian, ruff looking, with short brown hair and a clean-shaven face. Lee has long silky hair tied in a ponytail. Miranda has curly blond hair reaching her shoulders, she smiles and waves with a slight blush. while Sara has a buzzcut, dark eyebrows and her leaner physique is showing even though her shirt has a loose fit, she is cleaning her nails with a frown on her face. All of them are wearing casual clothes.

"Hi?" I say in an awkward way while waving.

"Well we would offer you a ride, we are 2 days walking from Providence, and have a contract to clear this rift… so if you want, you can stick around. we will enter the rift tomorrow, it's a C rank. so we should be done by mid-day and be back there by nightfall if you want to stick around, which guessing from your lack of any supplies would be a yes." Marcus says.

"thanks. yea, ill stick around and take the ride" although it would be faster if I followed your tracks and just ran… a bit of social interaction would benefit me. I have been almost 2 weeks without human contact.

So far I know that they are from Providence. due to my skill book, I know that it's the 3rd largest city in the supercontinent, Located in the middle, just a bit southwest of the geographical center of the continent.

"so be it. Guys, Gals. Let's set up camp and get a good night's rest before tomorrow" Marcus says… while the rest had already started to take out stuff from the trunk of the humvee.