
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

Ch 10: OPM...

I freaking died. I thought as I was standing in the white infinity surrounding me.

guess this is the afterlife. no heaven or hell, no ceasing to exist and then nothingness. "nothing isn't good or bad, nothing is nothing" I remembered that quote from that girl that obeyed. guess I'm cursed not even to get that.

"Wot in Tarnation is this? how the heck did you manage to escape the cycle of reincarnation and conserve your consciousness intact?"

I turn around and see a massive cosmic being that seems to speak with a southern accent. just great, what will be next? an Aussie transcendental being cracking a few cold ones open and inviting me to a barbie? that would actually be nice.

"Cunt" the humanoid in front of me that is made out of what looks like galaxies says.

Well, he/she/It was kinda right, I was a bit of a cunt. not evil, a bad person, just a bit of cunt, but chronic pain for years does that to ya.

"Whatever. here" the being waved its massive hand "now fuck off" it snapped its fingers.

as my body or soul or whatever I was started to crumble to dust, I was stunned

"no you didn't" I muttered while my body started to disappear, it did not have a mouth to begin with, but I could feel that the being in front of me had the equivalent of a shit-eating grin.

everything faded to black.


Being a baby sucks major dick, everything is blurry, i can hear what people are speaking but its fricking Japanese so from my weebish past I can only discern a few words here and there.

After a few weeks, I finally can see clearly, now I can at least tell that i was reborn in a modern-day setting. we got a modern TV and radio, i could start to learn the language with visual clues now.

Cry, Eat, Shit, Cry, Sleep. while i was not doing those things i tried to meditate, it was the only way to stay sane while in a prison made out of my own flesh, i could barely move my arms in a coordinated manner.

Home was like always, dad gave me a kiss before going to work in the morning, mum stayed at home and took care of me, she is a kind woman, in her mid-20s, dad is a bit older, perhaps approaching his 30s, while he still has a youthful face he started to get grey hairs and always looks tired, probably an overworked salaryman.

For my first Birthday we went to a park for a picnic, I can now understand most of what my parents say, a few months ago i said "kassa" and a few days later "tousan" butchering the pronunciation like a champ, still mum and dad cried happy tears for calling them mom and dad, life is good, got kisses and hugs which made me feel warm and happy inside.

Seems that my parents invited someone else. my attention span is minimal and i get distracted easy. but for what i caught from Ma and Da was that my uncle, aunt and cousin will be joining us.

They came, called me cute, and pampered me. my cousin "Sai-chan" is a little kid, probably either 1 or 2 years older than me, he/she can walk and at least has that freedom, while I'm only allowed to crawl on my 4s, never far away enough so my parents can not reach me. Life is hell.

Something did not add up. So far I thought things were a bit weird. my parents said that we lived in city Y, while I thought it was 'Yo' because of the pronunciation, nope, it turns out its a letter, but my relatives live in City "Zetto" or city Z, It gave me chills to learn that the capital was City A. there has been some kind of incident with some monster. and that the military had to get involved. What really started to give me cold sweats was learning that my cousin's name is Saitama.

I'm in OPM. FUCK.


I was screwed. That night i was bearly able to sleep, the Blue screen of death that appeared when my parents put me to sleep did not help.

[Quest complete: Survive for 1 year]

[host is no longer in danger of Infant Mortality]

[Rewards: 500 Coins, Personal Talent]

[Due to the host's high mental capacities new Personal Talent acquired: Psionic Affinity]

[New main quest]

[Main Quest: Survive until your 6th Birthday]

[Rewards: 2500 Coins, Access to Status, Inventory, Shop.]

[Failure: Death]

Well duh…

[Side quest: Achieve the rank Adept with your Psionic Afinity] [0/1]

[Reward: ???????]

[Failure: none]

[Side quest: Achieve a Title] [0/1]

[Reward: ???????]

[Failure: none]

[Side quest: Compleat 30 Minor Quests] [0/30]

[Reward: ???????]

[Failure: none]

[Side quest: Rescue ?????????]

[Reward: ???????]

[Failure: none]

Ok First, fuck you system!. Second what the fuck is that last side quest? and how the hell will I be able to complete 30 minor quests? what will it be? like D-Rank missions from Naruto or some shit?

If someone was looking at me now they would see a really depressed looking toddler that sighed with a frown on his face.

Today i sleep, tomorrow i start to plan.

My last thoughts were 'At least I got a system. That Southern Galactic Entity really did me a solid.'


Psionics was a Bitch, at first I just meditated as much as I could, but without the help of coffee, I sometimes fell asleep without even noticing. but I did want to have a solid foundation of my mind, when you build a house you start from the ground, not the roof.

After i was able to Enter Meditation without issue i started to experiment while in that state, soon I learned how to sense around me without using my eyes, it was like an extra Sense, Then i went a bit further while trying to recreate that same feeling of using the extra sense i tried to move things telekinetically, starting from little motes of dust, then a stray hair that fell of my head, slowly escalating until recently I managed to lift my blanket. I only practiced while out of my parent's eyesight, because instead of the typical Green Hue like Tatsumaki's telekinesis, mine was a deep crimson red.

After my second Birthday, I was already a Headache to my Mom, Her name is Himawari, Father's name is Iroshi,

"Ken!, get down from that chair!" My mother scolded me as I was trying to climb on top of the coffee table we had in our living room to reach the box of sweets there. I looked at her and pouted as cutely as I could muster

"Don't wanna!" I said in my childish voice. this dam childish body and its hormones really piss me off sometimes.

"Ken! Uncle Akita and Aunt Chiba will be here with Saitama soon. Don't make a mess like always. please behave" My mother said in a tired tone from the kitchen.

Dad walked out of his office, picked me up, and sat me on the couch next to him. he look tired, he seemed to have aged 5 years, not one, He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.