
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

Ch 09: Hentaiverse (possible chat group)

I Woke up confused and jumpy, breathing heavy, arms spaghetti, my Heart unsteady.

Enough with the rhymes, I ain't Electro.

I look around and see an unknown room. Fuck, Blacking out and waking up somewhere magically is nothing new for an alcoholic, but I have been sober for a long time. Did I relapse?

Shit, if it's the case, what a waste, of all that time in Rehab and all the AA meetings I attended.

"Sam. Wake up, You are going to be Late!" I heard the voice of a woman from downstairs

"Im up!" My body answered automatically as if it was used to this… Who the fuck is Sam?

"agh!" I grunted as I got dizzy, Memories poured into my consciousness.

"I'm Sam" I muttered.

This was not a dream, way too nitid and detailed, also any time im dreaming and I consider if it's a dream I always wake up, making Lucid dreams almost impossible to have.

So, the only reasonable explanation is Isekai? I got Transmigrated into A Half Japanese half American guy in his late teens, Mother is Japanese, and father is a western man.

But I was not going to kink shame my parents… if they are into each other, not my problem.

Mom was the daughter of some Japanese "head businessman" Aka Yakuza boss (but we don't talk about that at home. Also Grandpa is scary AF.). Dad was a Texan cowboy that used to be an American football player, he is basically a 3 story brick house on two legs. and now that I think about it I cannot not picture the Meme of the Little hamster trying to eat a banana every time I think about my parents.

Guess this existence is cursed that way.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. Thank god that I inherited both of the strong genetics of my parents.

Dark Straight hair, Black eyes, Tall as fuck and pale as a vampire, My face is delicate but not girlish in any way, kinda like one of those giga handsome tall men in Anime/manga.

And considering that I'm quite fit thanks to Dad just making sure I was an athlete all my life… well let's say that I could probably strike pro after graduating on almost any sport.

Now my current situation is a bit tricky. Yesterday we landed in Tokyo, Grandpa wanted our family to be together now that he and Grandma were getting old, and since he let mum and Dad live in the States for close to 18 years, he guilt-tripped Mum into moving to Japan.

Well, that and the fact that he is the head of a Yakuza gang… not like me, or Father could have said no.

"SAMUEL KAITO SMITH!" I heard my full name from downstairs, Mother was pissed. I quickly took my PJs off and threw them on the floor before jumping into the shower.

I knew that Japanese people did not have Middle names, but I was born in the States, and my mother wanted me to have a name that was Japanese… guess I would be using it for more than just my Gamertag…

After a quick shower, I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out looking for a fresh change of clothes, then I saw her. My older cousin was walking in the hallway… She stopped and looked at me with wide eyes before her eyes roamed down scanning me as if I was a piece of meat in the butcher shop.

I rose an eyebrow as if I was the rock and cleared my throat.

She blushed and stammered something akin to an apology before rushing down the stairs.

Guess my neet/gamer step-cousin is still as socially inept as I remember.

I was not sure what to call her, in the sense that my uncle was not her biological father but he did marry her mother before they got killed in a dispute between yakuza.

That was almost 3 years ago.

My cousin has always been a recluse, having daddy issues since her bio-dad abandoned her and her mom. but after getting a stepdad that was a scary gangster… well she gave up on getting out of the house, after her parents were murdered she became agoraphobic. My mum decided to become her Ward because while my uncle was not her biological father he still loved her mother and by extension her.

Either way. does not matter.

I grabbed my HS uniform and sighed. Guess I would be graduating in Japan… Being transferred in my senior year would be a pain in the ass if this has not happened in my past life too.

Either way, after putting on some of my expensive cologne and styling my hair I grabbed my leather briefcase and walked down the stairs.

Today would be a fricking long day, good thing that the owner of this body used to be a prime weeb, and thanks to his mom he learned enough Japanese to defend himself…


I was walking to my HS, Mother left me the breakfast and the Bento for school before she left for work, my cousin avoided me like the plague, probably because of what happened this morning, and dad was gone from early on to buy supplies for the new Karaoke/bar/cafe whatever he decided to open. I would probably have to work there after school if I want to have extra cash for my own stuff, my allowance was not much, but fair work paid a fair wage if I did work for my father, and my hobbies were not cheap (Manga collecting and drawing, Gaming, guitar, and cosplaying… Idk if I would keep doing that last one… fuck it, why the hell not?)

"Why have you forsaken me lord of heavens?" I muttered as I walked into the HS.

I asked the receptionist who was a middle-aged man and he sent me to the principal's office.

I got there and knocked.

"Come in" I heard from the inside. I opened the door and walked inside. "Samuel Kaido Smith-kun huh? Welcome to my school, my name is Headmistress Fiora Laurent Or principal Laurent to you…"

with sunlight streaming through a window to her left, which diffuses it to a golden glow. She has a cruel smirk on her face, undoubtedly about to punish someone. Fiora looks appropriately severe, with her hair done up in a tight bun, kept in place with a pencil.

She wears a black pencil skirt with a white shirt peeking out beneath her business suit jacket. and her glasses give her quite the dangerous sexy secretary look.

My brain almost implodes as I recognized the Name and Skin of Headmistress Fiora from LOL. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

"...You will not be causing any trouble for me? right?" Fiora said with a dangerous tone, my eyes drifted towards her giant wooden ruler next to her desk…

"Nope, you can think of me as the invisible man, never seen nor heard. Principal Laurent," I said, trying not to antagonize the person in charge of the school on my first day.

"Good. now, taking into account that you are new not only to this school but also this country, here are the fliers with the information about the school clubs" she said as she passed me a folder "with how lots of free time, and nothing better to do, I'm expecting you to join, just to socialize and make some friends, Dismissed" She said as she waved me off

"thank you, Principal Laurent," I said as I left her office.

I stuffed the folder into my briefcase and pulled out my schedule, only to scoff.

"Advanced English huh?" My first class was something I was positive I would Ace.

I arrived at my class and introduced myself to the other students. the Teacher pointed at an empty seat, the second seat from the back next to the windows. (fucking protagonist seat…)

the rest of my periods were uneventful. Some of my classmates tried to do small talk, but it was all so fake and quite annoying, to be honest.

On lunch break, I pulled out the club's fliers. While I knew that many people ate either in the class or the park that the school had I wanted to check the clubs since I knew that most clubs would eat in their rooms, between friends.

There were a few that caught my eye, but the closest one and the one that called me the most was the Manga Club. not because of me being a weeb or anything, definitely not…

I arrived at the room and knocked. no answer. I opened it and walked inside.

Empty as a MOFO. well better than a crowded room. at least I could have silence and some peace.

I sat down and pondered. Since I woke up here, I have yet to have some time for myself, to be alone and to think about my current situation.

I have been Transmigrated to Japan, Boddy snatched an 18yo and now I was finishing HS where a League of Legends character is my principal…

Damm. This whole situation screamed "cheap isekai premise", and what was worse was that as far as I knew, some of my new memories were concerning. the fact that everyone seemed to be a pervert (man and women) and the fact that anime/manga cliches and archetypes were the norm, plus the fact that some of the news I remember were basically cheap Doujinshis… Like the fact that there was some urban legend about Mind control apps appearing in people's phones or stories about stunning-looking women kidnapping men and forcing them to fuck as something of a normal occurrence. and let me not dive into the whole Loli shit, not a can of putrid worms I want to open, and I would rather keep my appetite.

I sighed loudly, took out my bento, and opened it.

I took my chopsticks "lord, I thank thee for the meal I'm about to consume" I gave a little prayer and was about to take my first bite only for someone to open the door.

I recognized my classmate, she sat next to me. Quite a beauty, the only problem is that she had a resting bitch face, so I never engaged in conversation with her.

"The hell you looking at?" she stated "Dammit, What's up with a transfer student just up and joining this empty-ass manga club? being alone was way more chill" She made a pause and sassily bent her wide hips to the side "Seriously, don't even talk to me"

Then it struck me. That hair, the cute face that looks angry, the outrageous body… I recognized her. "Tsundere-chan?" I asked out loud and almost facepalmed at how cringeworthy it sounded.

"Huh? Tsundere-C…chan?" She asked annoyed but I could see her blushing slightly… "Whatever, I'm just in this club because no one else is in it, not like I like manga or anything," Tsundere-chan said while sitting in front of me and taking out her lunch.

"yea, Totally, not like you draw cute manga character's in your notebook or anything," I said sagely while nodding.

It's something I noticed her doing while bored in class.

"I... I, Just shut up!" she said blushing heavily from embarrassment.

The rest of the school day was uneventful, Trundere-chan who I learned was named Tachibana gave me the cold shoulder, and tried to hide her notebook with the manga drawings while blushing heavily.


I was walking home at a slow pace looking at the clouds when I heard someone talking in a cute ass voice

"HYAAAH! You are just the cutest thing! huh? Do you wanna hold hands?! you are such a good kitty! so cute!" Tachibana was squatting while playing with a kitty (dangerous move with that skirt if you as me)

"Cuteness intensifies," I said while looking at her.

She froze when she heard me. then looked at me with a spooked face.

"if you tell anyone about this you are dead meat" She tried to sound menacing but the rose tint of her face was slowly building up.

I just gave her the best impression of the Rock's eyebrow rise. and then sighed.

"See ya later Tsundere-chan," while waving at her goodbye.

i had to consider a few things at home.


I sat down in my office chair, pulled up to my desk, putting both my elbows on the table I intercrossed my fingers under my nose while I pondered on what to do…

I got Yeeted into the body of Samuel. Check.

I got Yeeted into the TsunTsunTsundere cute girl manga. check

This world is quite the perverted one if my memories are to be trusted.

My school principal is a Kinkily dressed Fiora from LOL…

A fucing crossover or multicross universe…

"status"... No luck huh?

Guess being the gamer was too much to ask for.

alright, let's assume I don't get any cheats… Except for being handsome, tall… etc. The best-case scenario is that this is a romantic manga, and I just took over the Protag's place.

Being this manga/anime logic it also means all the tropes and cliches will be in play.

For example, that encounter with my step-cousin this morning. it was the plot, trying to get us to do the nasty down the line. I mean if she is not blood related, she is free to be dated… thanks gigguk-sempai.

Now, considering the fact that Tsundere-chan or Tachibana as I should start calling her from now on. Is fairly much WIFEu material. yet with this being an anime/manga World… do I even risk it with a monogamous relationship? NTR and UglyBastards are a thing… and when a manga goes from vanilla/romance to Hentai/Echi bad shit happens. (let me not get into the tentacle/futa abominations that could be out there roaming)

I shivered. Let's not think about it.

Tachibana is my kinda ticket to having a happy life. she would make a happy and dutiful wife down the line, also her feeling for Mc were quite pure in the manga.

Now. I might be a perv, but I'm not a bad person, and if I trust my gut, this world is a bit more complicated than just a regular romance, and I would hate to break Tachibana's Kokoro.

Still, I can just show her that Im attracted to her…

although if I fuck her silly down the line she might agree to the idea of another woman to share the burden of keeping my lust in check… (god knows I used to be insatiable in my last life)

I heard the doorbell ringing. knowing my Cousin she would not answer it, not even if it was the police or fire department.

i walk downstairs. "coming!" I say as I open the door. "Tachibana-Chan?" I mutter. while I hate to use the -chan -san -kun etc. If I don't people will think of me as rude.