
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

Ch 08: Another SW shitpost.

My eyes snap open as the wind hits my face carrying sand with it.

"I hate sand" I just mutter as I spit to the side trying to get it out the grains that ended in my mouth.

Endless dunes as far as i can see and two suns high up in the air

"we are a long way from texas" I mutter as the Scorching heat finally hits me,

In front of me I see a chest with a paper on top of it, It looks like a letter. I open it up and read it's contents.

"Hey Cunt! its me, Evermore_Power. Yeap,

You got a big fat mouth boy! so lets see if you stand.

I'm giving you the same Boons that my previous Protege had, landed you in the same place, at the same time. since you blantly claimed that you could do so better than your predecessor… prove me wrong.

-A Benefactor by the name of Evermore_Power"

Fuck, I remember my last night, I relapsed and got drunk while reading some shitty fanfiction about a guy that gets isekaid into SW. I ran my mouth and called the Author a few names and delusional AF started to rant about how my decisions would have been better.

Opening the chest i saw three items

One was a bottle with a transparent liquid with a label that said "drink me!" the second thing was a lightsaber and the last thing was a small book.

"shit" Well hindsight is 20/20 and I knew what I had to do and what all those items do.

Drink me! is a potion that inoculated you with Medichlorians. giving you an initial boost and a progressive increase in its count with time.

The book was a skill book on Lightsaber techniques, giving you immediate mastery of the level of a padawan that is ready to undergo the Knight trials. It included all of the fighting styles including Vappard, but if you wanted to advance your fighting skills you had to practice and train.

And the Saber was just that, a saber.

While The OC in the story lights up the saber before drinking the force potion, destroying the unbonded kybercrystal and has to hunt a Kyratt Dragon to get a pearl so he is at a disadvantage at the beginning.

Not wanting the same to happen to me I sat in a lotus position and retrieved all of the items from inside the chest, The chest then broke down into motes of golden light as if Thanos has snapped it out of existence.

I placed the Lightsaber between my legs and stashed the skill book inside my shirt.

I mentally prepared for what I was about to do and tried clearing my mind.

A voice inside my head tried to scream about how much bullshitt this whole situation was, how i would miss my family and cat, And how fucked it all would be, with the Empire. Palps and those Ghouls that will invade the galaxy in a few decades.

I emptied my mind and opened the Drink me Bottle, Downing the contents. It was tasteless, like water, just like the Fanfic described it.

I took deep slow breaths and prepared for the lash of the force hitting me suddenly.

Out of nowhere a wave of pressure made me grind my teeth, but i endured, Focusing on not fighting the Force but let it pass through me, even when it sounded super gay.

the interval in which the force slammed intome from every possible angle was getting shorter and shorter, not trying tto thin about anything else i focused on making a connection with the Kybercrystal inside my saber.

After 5 or some minutes, The force was pounding me with each heartbeat, but i decided to stay in meditation.

"Im one with the force and the force is one with me. There is no light or Dark side, there is only the Force."

As a revelation, i remembered a Jedi code from when I used to do some hardcore roleplaying Starwars D&D.

"Flowing through all, there is balance

There is no peace without a passion to create

There is no passion without peace to guide

Knowledge fades without the strength to act

Power blinds without the serenity to see

There is freedom in life

There is purpose in death

The Force is all things and I am the Force"

I kept repeating that as a prayer. Over and Over. Up until therewas only the prayer, no more force smashing into me, no more scorching heat of the planet, no more anything yet everything at the same time.

"... and I am the Force"

I finished and opened my eyes, just like my instincts told me. I was bonded with the force.

"Good, Good" I muttered making a Palps impression as I look at the thousands of Grains of sand floating telekinetically around me duke to my meditation.

They slowly start to descend and reunite in the dunes and i leave a cracking laugh through my dry lips.

"Need some water" I say As i take out the Lightsaber manual and open it, It shines with blinding light, when my vision returns im empty handed. Yet new knowledge is in my mind.

Lightsaber forms and their katas.

Nice, now practice and get the muscle memory, same as for the force, while i could lift, pull or push for what felt like around 70 kg or around 150 pounds, i was positive that with practice i could more than likely improve and polish my skills. but first water.

If it was like the Fanfic, soon some slavers will approach after they see the blinding light from the skill book.

While the OC had no weapon, i do, I light up the saber and find my color, An Deep orange hue to it. i like it. I turned the LightSaber off and waited.

I Sensed them before i heard them. it only took them a few minutes, but soon I heard them.

"Ye wanya bacaka jeejee gee whoma nyowkee!" I hear some one say in an alien language.

It was the slavers that captured OC because the guy burned his weapon, in the original story they would capture him, drag his ass to Mos Espa and sell him in the same slave auction that ann 20 year old Shmi was sold to Wato.

There were two of them on top of two Wampas